311 research outputs found

    Messungen von Wasserverschiebungen im Menschen unter physiologischen und einigen pathologischen Zuständen

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    Die Bedeutung der Berufsausbildung für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Facharbeiter: Parlamentsstudie 1980 ; Arbeiterjugend ; Abschnitt 5

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    In der Studie wird nach der Bedeutung der Berufsausbildung für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Facharbeiter gefragt. Dazu wird ein Überblick gegeben über Umfang und Effektivität der Arbeit der FDJ in einigen Bereichen des Prozesses der klassenmäßigen Erziehung während der Zeit der Berufsausbildung, um dann am Ende auf dieser Basis Hinweise und Empfehlungen zu geben, wie und wo diese Arbeit künftig akzentuiert und dadurch effektiviert werden kann. Ausgehend davon, daß die Berufswahl eine der wichtigsten Lebensentscheidungen der Jugendlichen ist, wird nach der Ausprägung der Berufsverbundenheit gefragt. Die Voraussetzungen für die Erreichung der Facharbeiterleistung werden skizziert. Es wird auf die erzieherische Wirksamkeit des sozialistischen Berufswettbewerbs hingewiesen. Die speziellen Bereiche und Aktivitäten der FDJ während der Berufsausbildung werden aufgezeigt. (ICA

    Vitamin A controls the allergic response through T follicular helper cell as well as plasmablast differentiation

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    Background Vitamin A regulates the adaptive immune response and a modulatory impact on type I allergy is discussed. The cellular mechanisms are largely unknown. Objective To determine the vitamin A-responding specific lymphocyte reaction in vivo. Methods Antigen-specific B and T lymphocytes were analyzed in an adoptive transfer airway inflammation mouse model in response to 9-cis retinoic acid (9cRA) and after lymphocyte-specific genetic targeting of the receptor RAR alpha. Flow cytometry, quantitative PCR, next-generation sequencing, and specific Ig-ELISA were used to characterize the cells functionally. Results Systemic 9cRA profoundly enhanced the specific IgA-secreting B-cell frequencies in the lung tissue and serum IgA while reducing serum IgE concentrations. RAR alpha overexpression in antigen-specific B cells promoted differentiation into plasmablasts at the expense of germinal center B cells. In antigen-specific T cells, RAR alpha strongly promoted the differentiation of T follicular helper cells followed by an enhanced germinal center response. Conclusions 9cRA signaling via RAR alpha impacts the allergen-specific immunoglobulin response directly by the differentiation of B cells and indirectly by promoting T follicular helper cells

    The Trade-Off between Phosphorus Recycling and Health Protection during the BSE Crisis in Switzerland. A “Disposal Dilemma”

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    Phosphorus (P) is an essential, finite resource whose geological, economic, and geopolitical accessibility may become critical in the future. Because P losses from agriculture, sewage and waste have serious environmental impacts such as eutrophication, it would be desirable to close P cycles. However, there may arise dilemmas due to trade-offs with other issues. For instance, recycling of animal bones – containing relatively high amounts of P – was prohibited in Switzerland after the BSE crisis (1989 to 2000) due to perceived health risks. Our analysis indicates that the great- est potentials for closing the P cycle in Switzerland are to reduce P losses in agriculture and to increase P recovery from sewage and waste. Whereas in agriculture significant improvements have been made, the disposal dilemma of animal bones led to diminishing amounts of P being recycled from waste. Based on their risk perception, the involved stakeholders prioritized preventing potential harm to (human) health over maximizing P recycling

    Population-genetic comparison of the Sorbian isolate population in Germany with the German KORA population using genome-wide SNP arrays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Sorbs are an ethnic minority in Germany with putative genetic isolation, making the population interesting for disease mapping. A sample of N = 977 Sorbs is currently analysed in several genome-wide meta-analyses. Since genetic differences between populations are a major confounding factor in genetic meta-analyses, we compare the Sorbs with the German outbred population of the KORA F3 study (N = 1644) and other publically available European HapMap populations by population genetic means. We also aim to separate effects of over-sampling of families in the Sorbs sample from effects of genetic isolation and compare the power of genetic association studies between the samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The degree of relatedness was significantly higher in the Sorbs. Principal components analysis revealed a west to east clustering of KORA individuals born in Germany, KORA individuals born in Poland or Czech Republic, Half-Sorbs (less than four Sorbian grandparents) and Full-Sorbs. The Sorbs cluster is nearest to the cluster of KORA individuals born in Poland. The number of rare SNPs is significantly higher in the Sorbs sample. FST between KORA and Sorbs is an order of magnitude higher than between different regions in Germany. Compared to the other populations, Sorbs show a higher proportion of individuals with runs of homozygosity between 2.5 Mb and 5 Mb. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) at longer range is also slightly increased but this has no effect on the power of association studies.</p> <p>Oversampling of families in the Sorbs sample causes detectable bias regarding higher FST values and higher LD but the effect is an order of magnitude smaller than the observed differences between KORA and Sorbs. Relatedness in the Sorbs also influenced the power of uncorrected association analyses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sorbs show signs of genetic isolation which cannot be explained by over-sampling of relatives, but the effects are moderate in size. The Slavonic origin of the Sorbs is still genetically detectable.</p> <p>Regarding LD structure, a clear advantage for genome-wide association studies cannot be deduced. The significant amount of cryptic relatedness in the Sorbs sample results in inflated variances of Beta-estimators which should be considered in genetic association analyses.</p

    Dolls and puppet figures in narratives – themes and motifs in literature, art, theater, film, media, folklore and popular cultures

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    Die Onlineversion unterscheidet sich geringfügig gegenüber der Printausgabe. Auf Seite 88 wurde in der Printversion die falsche Übersetzung des Abstracts (Englisch) eingefügt. Dieser Fehler ist hier korrigiert. The online version differs slightly from the print edition. On page 88, the wrong translation of the abstract (English) was inserted in the print version. This error is corrected here.Dieses Themenheft behandelt die Vielfalt und das Potenzial von Puppennarrativen im weitesten Sinn und ihre universellen und/oder kulturspezifischen Formen, Spuren, Traditionen und Folkloren sowie das Spiel der jeweiligen Rezeptionsbezüge. Nachgespürt wird diesen Narrativen in einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen literarischen, künstlerischen, filmischen, (pop-)kulturellen und folkloristischen Bereichen sowie in pädagogisch relevanten Feldern. Eine eigens gestaltete kurze Graphic Novel hinterfragt darüber hinaus die Verknüpfung klassischer Puppentheater-Narrative mit zukunftsträchtigen KI-basierten Automatisierungsfantasien.This thematic issue deals with the diversity and potential of doll/puppet narratives in the broadest sense and with their universal and/or culture-specific forms, traces, traditions and folklore as well as with the interplay of the respective reception references. These narratives are traced in a variety of different literary, artistic, cinematic, (pop-)cultural and folkloristic genres as well as in pedagogically relevant fields. In addition, s specially designed short graphic novel questions the linking of classic puppet theater narratives with seminal AI-based automation fantasies

    MicroRNA-223 Dampens Pulmonary Inflammation during Pneumococcal Pneumonia

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    Community-acquired pneumonia remains a major contributor to global communicable disease-mediated mortality. Neutrophils play a leading role in trying to contain bacterial lung infection, but they also drive detrimental pulmonary inflammation, when dysregulated. Here we aimed at understanding the role of microRNA-223 in orchestrating pulmonary inflammation during pneumococcal pneumonia. Serum microRNA-223 was measured in patients with pneumococcal pneumonia and in healthy subjects. Pulmonary inflammation in wild-type and microRNA-223-knockout mice was assessed in terms of disease course, histopathology, cellular recruitment and evaluation of inflammatory protein and gene signatures following pneumococcal infection. Low levels of serum microRNA-223 correlated with increased disease severity in pneumococcal pneumonia patients. Prolonged neutrophilic influx into the lungs and alveolar spaces was detected in pneumococci-infected microRNA-223-knockout mice, possibly accounting for aggravated histopathology and acute lung injury. Expression of microRNA-223 in wild-type mice was induced by pneumococcal infection in a time-dependent manner in whole lungs and lung neutrophils. Single-cell transcriptome analyses of murine lungs revealed a unique profile of antimicrobial and cellular maturation genes that are dysregulated in neutrophils lacking microRNA-223. Taken together, low levels of microRNA-223 in human pneumonia patient serum were associated with increased disease severity, whilst its absence provoked dysregulation of the neutrophil transcriptome in murine pneumococcal pneumonia