168 research outputs found
Fluiddynamik, Stofftransport und chemische Reaktion der Suspensionskatalyse bei der FlĂŒssig/flĂŒssig-Pfropfenströmung in MikrokanĂ€len
Die Trends in der chemischen Industrie hin zu flexiblen Prozessen und kĂŒrzeren Prozessentwicklungszeiten haben in den zurĂŒckliegenden 20 Jahren zur intensiven Erforschung der Mikroreaktionstechnik gefĂŒhrt. Allerdings wurden feststoffbasierte Prozesse mit Blick auf die mögliche Mikrokanalblockierung und die hĂ€ufig immer noch heuristische Auslegung kaum erforscht. Das betrifft auch die Suspensionskatalyse in Mikroreaktoren, obwohl sie speziell in der FlĂŒssig/flĂŒssig-Pfropfenströmung aussichtsreich erscheint. Durch Zugabe einer zweiten, nicht mischbaren KatalysatortrĂ€gerflĂŒssigkeit könnte die KatalysatorpartikelgröĂe gegenĂŒber der konventionellen Suspensionskatalyse auf beispielsweise 1 ÎŒm reduziert werden, da sich die PartikelrĂŒckgewinnung dann auf eine FlĂŒssig/flĂŒssig-Phasentrennung reduzieren lĂ€sst. Damit könnten die sonst ĂŒblichen Filmtransportlimitierungen aufgehoben werden.
Die weitverbreiteten Vorbehalte wurden ausgerĂ€umt, indem ein Prototyp zur Partikeldosierung, Heuristiken zum ablagerungsfreien Design und die Katalysator-rĂŒckgewinnung experimentell sowie mit CFD-Simulationen entwickelt wurden. Mit sicher handhabbaren PartikelgröĂen von 1 - 160 ÎŒm und Beladungen von bis zu 36 Gew.-% ist der Aufbau hochflexibel einsetzbar.
Die experimentelle, fluoreszenzmikroskopische Strömungsanalyse lieferte neue Einblicke in die komplexen Wirbelmuster und Partikelbewegung. Neben der schwerkraftbedingten Partikelakkumulation im hinteren Subwirbel bei geringen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten, wurde ein neuer Segregationseffekt durch Zentrifugal- und Saffman-Kraft bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten nachgewiesen und aufgeklÀrt.
Die Auswirkung der Segregation auf den FlĂŒssig/fest-Stofftransport, quantifiziert durch Ionenaustauschexperimente und numerische Simulation, waren nicht in Kauf zu nehmen. Nur bei exakter Kontrolle der Partikelbewegung, Anwendung von Resuspendierungs-maĂnahmen wie dem periodischen Benetzungswechsel oder reduziertem Partikel-durchmesser war die Stofftransportleistung konkurrenzfĂ€hig.
Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Gesamtstofftransport und Reaktion wurde aber abschlieĂend experimentell und modellbasiert am Beispiel zweiphasiger Esterhydrolysen analysiert. Da selbst schnelle Reaktionen auf 10 - 100 s Skala in der Suspensionspfropfenströmung rein mikrokinetisch kontrolliert sind, erschlieĂt dieses Mikroreaktorkonzept Bereiche intensivierter ReaktionsfĂŒhrung, die mit konventionellen Laborapparaten oder konventioneller Suspensionskatalyse nicht möglich sind.Appreciable advances in microtechnology have been made over the last 20 years, driven by trends towards flexible production and shorter times-to-market. However, microfluidic technologies with solid particles have been neglected, due to the risk of clogging, empirical design of solid processing and the stochastic phenomena involved. This has largely excluded suspension catalysis from microfluidic applications, despite the unique features offered by liquid/liquid slug flow. Addition of a second liquid as catalyst carrier permits facile recovery of particles by liquid/liquid phase separation and use of smaller particles providing reduced film transport limitations.
The widespread reservations have been proven unfounded, with employing a dosing unit prototype, adopting heuristics for safe particle handling in microchannels and with the help of CFD simulations. Particles of 1 - 160 Όm at concentrations of up to 36 wt.-% were suspended successfully in Ό-channels, indicating a wide operating window.
Experimental, fluorescence-microscopic studies on fluid- and particle dynamics verified the complexity of internal circulation and particle segregation. Surprisingly, particles were found to segregate in the rear cap not only at low flow rates due to gravity, but also at elevated velocities, as a consequence of centrifugal and Saffman force.
The impact of segregation on liquid/solid mass transfer has been quantified by means of ion exchange and numerical modelling. According to these findings, segregation results in unacceptable slow mass transfer. But higher mass transfer rates are accessible either by control of particle motion, resuspension measures like periodic wettability inversion or reduced particle diameter.
The interaction of overall mass transfer and reaction has finally been elucidated with experimental and numerical analysis of a biphasic ester hydrolysis. Even fast reactions over 10 - 100 s were proven purely microkinetically controlled.
Hence suspension slug flow catalysis is a capable concept with intensified mass transfer and useful as laboratory tool following the âbatch-to-contiâ paradigm
Etude expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de chaleur de l'ébullition transitoire
LâĂ©tude de lâĂ©bullition transitoire est un enjeu important pour la suretĂ© nuclĂ©aire. Un tel phĂ©nomĂšne peut se produire lors dâun accident de type RIA (Reactivity Initiated Accident)dans un rĂ©acteur nuclĂ©aire oĂč le pic de puissance au niveau dâun crayon de combustible peut dĂ©clencher une Ă©bullition transitoire conduisant Ă une forte augmentation de la tempĂ©rature de la gaine et Ă un risque de rupture. Plusieurs Ă©tudes en conditions rĂ©acteurs ont permis dâobtenir des courbes dâĂ©bullition transitoires mais la modĂ©lisation qui en dĂ©coule manque encore de fiabilitĂ©. Dans le cadre dâune collaboration avec lâInstitut de Radioprotection et de SĂ»retĂ© NuclĂ©aire (IRSN), une expĂ©rience modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© construite Ă lâInstitut de MĂ©canique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT). Elle gĂ©nĂšre un Ă©coulement de rĂ©frigĂ©rant HFE7000 dans un canal de section semi-annulaire, simulant lâĂ©coulement autour dâun crayon de combustible, dont la partie intĂ©rieure, composĂ©e dâune feuille de mĂ©tal, est chauffĂ©e rapidement par effet Joule, simulant lâĂ©chauffement de la gaine du crayon. La thermographie infra-rouge permet de mesurer la tempĂ©rature de la paroi externe du mĂ©tal. Lâapplication dâune peinture noire sur le mĂ©tal augmente son Ă©missivitĂ© mais aussi la rĂ©sistance thermique de la paroi. La prĂ©cision de la mesure de la tempĂ©rature dâintĂ©rĂȘt a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©e en fonction de lâĂ©paisseur de peinture et une correction sur le bilan dâĂ©nergie prend en compte ce paramĂštre. Ces mesures sont couplĂ©es avec une camĂ©ra rapide qui permet de visualiser les rĂ©gimes dâĂ©bullition et dâobtenir des tailles de bulles Ă lâaide de la mise en place dâalgorithmes de traitement dâimage. On reprĂ©sente sur un diagramme flux-tempĂ©rature les transferts thermiques lors des diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes en stationnaire et en transitoire. Chaque rĂ©gime dâĂ©bullition, en conditions stationnaire ou transitoire, est alors passĂ© en revue : la convection, le dĂ©clenchement de lâĂ©bullition, lâĂ©bullition nuclĂ©Ă©e, la crise dâĂ©bullition, lâĂ©bullition en film et le remouillage. Les rĂ©gimes stationnaires sont correctement modĂ©lisĂ©s par des corrĂ©lations usuelles. La convection transitoire est caractĂ©risĂ©e sur toute la paroi et son Ă©volution se rapproche de la solution quasistationnaire. Il est montrĂ© que les transferts thermiques lors du passage vers lâĂ©bullition nuclĂ©Ă©e sont dĂ©pendants de la formation dâune importante poche de vapeur qui se propage sur la paroi. Une Ă©tude locale de cette propagation est alors nĂ©cessaire. Afin de simuler des transitoires de tempĂ©rature durant lâĂ©bullition nuclĂ©Ă©e, un systĂšme dâasservissement de type P.I.D. permet dâimposer des crĂ©neaux ou des rampes de tempĂ©ratures (de 5 Ă 500 K.s 1 ). Les rĂ©sultats en Ă©bullition nuclĂ©Ă©e sont conformes avec ceux de la littĂ©rature, tant en conditions stationnaire que transitoire. LâexpĂ©rience permet dâĂ©tudier le transfert de chaleur lorsquâun film de vapeur se forme et isole la paroi. Ce rĂ©gime dâĂ©bullition en film, pendant la chauffe ou le refroidissement de la paroi peut ainsi ĂȘtre stabilisĂ©e pendant plusieurs secondes avec ce systĂšme. On caractĂ©rise ainsi les conditions de dĂ©clenchement de lâĂ©bullition en film, la dynamique de sa propagation et les transferts une fois Ă©tabli. Enfin, lâimplĂ©mentation des caractĂ©ristiques physiques de notre expĂ©rience dans le code SCANAIR de lâIRSN, permet de commencer Ă calculer et comparer nos rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux avec les simulations numĂ©riques. Des calculs de conduction instationnaire sont notamment considĂ©rĂ©s en imposant la tempĂ©rature mesurĂ©e pour analyser nos rĂ©sultats lors du rĂ©gime de convection et aprĂšs le dĂ©clenchement de lâĂ©bullition
Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von einfachen Carbonylverbindungen mit EisoberflÀchen
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde eine Laborstudie ĂŒber die Adsorption von ausgewĂ€hlten einfachen sauerstoffhaltigen Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (OVOCs) einschlieĂlich Ethanol, Acetaldehyd, AmeisensĂ€ure und EssigsĂ€ure auf EisoberflĂ€chen bei Temperaturen zwischen 190 K und 220 K in einem beschichteten Strömungsreaktor (CWFT) mit QMS-Nachweis durchgefĂŒhrt. Die bei einer bestimmten Temperatur und Konzentration adsorbierten Mengen wurden durch Integration der Adsorptionspeaks gewonnen und daraus Adsorptionsisothermen bestimmt. Durch die Auswertung dieser Isothermen im linearen Bereich geringerer Konzentrationen gelang die Herleitung von Verteilungskoeffizienten KLinC {cm} bzw. von Langmuir-Konstanten KL {cm3}. Mittels vanât Hoff-Analyse der TemperaturabhĂ€ngigkeit der Langmuir-Konstanten wurden die Adsorptionsenthalpien âHads der unterschiedlichen atmosphĂ€rischen Spurenstoffe auf EisoberflĂ€chen ermittelt.In the first part of this work a laboratory study of the adsorption/desorption behavior of different oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds (OVOCs) including ethanol, acetaldehyde, formic acid and acetic acid on ice surfaces was carried out at temperatures between 190 K and 220 K using a coated wall flow tube reactor (CWFT) coupled with QMS detection. The amounts adsorbed at a given temperature and concentration were determined from an integration of the adsorption peaks and hence adsorption isotherms were obtained. From a detailed analysis of these isotherms the partition coefficients for the initial slope KLinc {cm} and the Langmuir constants KL {cm3}, respectively, were determined. Using a van't Hoff analysis of temperature dependent KL values the adsorption enthalpies ÎHads of the different atmospheric trace gas compounds on ice surfaces are obtained
Pharmakologie und Medizinische Chemie Uracil- und Uracilnucleotid-bindender Membranproteine
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Teilprojekte bearbeitet, die sich mit Uracil- bzw. Uracilnucleotid-bindenden Membranproteinen befassen. Im ersten Teilprojekt wurde ein fĂŒr die Nucleobase Uracil hochaffines und selektives Bindeprotein in der Zellwand des gram-negativen Bakteriums Achromobacter xylosoxidans identifiziert und charakterisiert. Mittels Radioligand-Bindungsstudien wurde das Bindungsverhalten von [3H]Uracil durch SĂ€ttigungs-, Kompetitionsexperimente und kinetische Experimente untersucht. Es wurde eine Methode etabliert, das Uracil-Bindeprotein unter Erhalt seiner BindungsfĂ€higkeit fĂŒr Uracil aus der Membran zu solubilisieren. Im Rahmen einer Kooperation mit Dr. Sonja Hess (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA) wurden Proteomik-Studien durchgefĂŒhrt, in welchen das Solubilisat nach proteolytischem Verdau massenspektrometrisch analysiert wurde und eine EntschlĂŒsselung der AminosĂ€uresequenzen der erhaltenen Peptide erfolgte. Ein Vergleich mit einer Protein-Datenbank fĂŒr Proteobakterien fĂŒhrte zu dem Ergebnis, dass es sich bei dem identifizierten Uracil-Bindeprotein möglicherweise um ein hochaffines ABC-Transporter assoziiertes periplasmatisches Bindeprotein handeln könnte. Achromobacter xylosoxidans besiedelt natĂŒrlicherweise das Erdreich und GewĂ€sser, wird aber auch in Wasserleitungen, DialyseflĂŒssigkeiten und Chlorhexidinlösungen gefunden. Vor allem bei immunsupprimierten Patienten kann dieses vielfach antibiotikaresistente Bakterium komplizierte Nosokomialinfektionen verursachen. Im zweiten Teilprojekt wurden Serien von Anthrachinon-, Adenosin-, Uridin- und Tetrazol-Derivaten an den G-Protein-gekoppelten P2Y-Rezeptor-Subtypen 2, 4 und 6 in funktionellen Assays zur Messung der intrazellulĂ€ren Calcium-Freisetzung pharmakologisch charakterisiert. Diese Rezeptoren spielen eine wichtige pathophysiologische Rolle im menschlichen Organismus, und es besteht ein dringender Bedarf an hochaffinen und selektiven Agonisten und Antagonisten. In dieser Arbeit konnten fĂŒr jeden der drei Rezeptor-Subtypen affine und moderat selektive Antagonisten mit AktivitĂ€ten im einstelligen mikromolaren Konzentrationsbereich gefunden, fĂŒr die Wirkung wichtige Strukturmerkmale identifiziert und Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen herausgearbeitet werden
Transient flow boiling in a semi-annular duct: From the Onset of Nucleate Boiling to the Fully Developed Nucleate Boiling
This paper presents an investigation of the transient Onset of Nucleate Boiling (ONB) on a vertical heated surface cooled by an upward flow. The duct geometry used (semi-annulus with a heated inner wall) make this study very similar to a fuel rod in a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR). This test section is then heated with different power steps to show the ONB and observe its propagation along the wall. The fluid used is the refrigerant HFE7000 flowing with flow rates corresponding to Reynolds numbers from 0 to 60,000 and subcoolings Jakob numbers from 8 to 33. Synchronised infra-red (IR) thermal measurements and high-speed camera visualizations provided new data which helped to develop models to characterise the Onset of Nucleate Boiling and the transition to the Fully Developed Nucleate Boiling regime (FDNB). This very finely characterized local behaviour provides an original insight for the onset of nucleate boiling in such sub-cooled convective configuration. It is shown that boiling is initiated by nucleation at a few specific sites and then propagates in the wake of a large vapor pocket flowing along the wall. Analysis of wall to fluid heat transfer evidences a short heat transfer degradation phase below the first vapor pocket, followed by a very effective cooling in its wake. The wall to fluid heat transfer during this transition toward fully developed nucleate boiling appears uncorrelated to the power dissipated within the heating element or to flow conditions
Geometrical Nonlinearity on Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Piers
The objective of this study is to investigate the possible collapse mechanisms of reinforced concrete
columns. Analyses are performed to study the effect of both material and geometrical nonlinearities in the
post peak response of flexural columns. Discussion is mainly focussed on the restoring force
characteristics, especially in large deformation range, of RC columns having high shear capacity so that
the ultimate failure is governed by bending
Preliminary data on the potential for unintentional antidoping rule violations by permitted cannabidiol (CBD) use.
According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regulations, cannabinoids use is prohibited in competition except for cannabidiol (CBD) use. For an adverse analytical finding (AAF) in doping control, cannabinoid misuse is based on identification of the pharmacologically inactive metabolite 11-nor-delta-9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (carboxy-THC) in urine at a concentration greater than 180 ng/ml. All other (minor) cannabinoids are reported as AAF when identified, except for CBD that has been explicitly excluded from the class of cannabinoids on WADA\u27s Prohibited List since 2018. However, due to the fact that CBD isolated from cannabis plants may contain additional minor cannabinoids, the permissible use of CBD can lead to unintentional violations of antidoping regulations. An assay for the detection of 16 cannabinoids in human urine was established. The sample preparation consisted of enzymatic hydrolysis of glucuronide conjugates, liquid-liquid extraction, trimethylsilylation, and analysis by gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Spot urine samples from CBD users, as well as specimens obtained from CBD administration studies conducted with 15 commercially available CBD products, were analyzed, and assay characteristics such as selectivity, reproducibility of detection at the minimum required performance level, limit of detection, and limit of identification were determined. An ethical committee approved controlled single dose commercially available CBD products administration study was conducted to identify 16 cannabinoids in urine samples collected after ingestion or application of the CBD products as well as their presence in spot urine samples of habitual CBD users. Variable patterns of cannabinoids or their metabolites were observed in the urine samples, especially when full spectrum CBD products were consumed. The presence of minor cannabinoids or their metabolites in an athlete\u27s in-competition urine sample represents a substantial risk of an antidoping rule violation
Pilot study on the effects of intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride instillations on the validity of doping control urine samples
According to class M2.1 of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, the manipulation of doping control urine samples to alter their integrity and validity is prohibited both in- and out-of-competition. However, some paraplegic athletes with an overactive bladder need to be regularly treated with anti-cholinergic and anti-spasmodic drugs such as oxybutynin, which are often administered intravesically to reduce the substantial side effects observed after oral application. So far, it remains unclear whether such bladder instillations have a negative impact on analytical procedures and thus represent an anti-doping rule violation. Within this pilot study, urine samples were collected from five paraplegic athletes before and after an intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride instillation. The samples were routinely tested for the presence of performance-enhancing drugs and afterwards fortified with 25 model compounds representing different classes of doping agents (anabolic agents, cannabinoids, diuretics, glucocorticoids, hormone and metabolic modulators, and stimulants) at low and medium concentrations. Additionally, the pH value and specific gravity were measured and the presence of oxybutynin was qualitatively determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In initial testing procedures, all samples were tested negative. Oxybutynin was present in most of the samples but found to have no significant effect on the detectability of the 25 model compounds subsequently added to each urine specimen. Therefore, it can be concluded that intravesical instillations with oxybutynin hydrochloride do not alter the integrity and validity of doping control urine samples
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Lab on a stick: multi-analyte cellular assays in a microfluidic dipstick
A new microfluidic concept for multi-analyte testing in a dipstick format is presented, termed âLab-on-a-Stickâ, that combines the simplicity of dipstick tests with the high performance of microfluidic devices. Lab-on-a-Stick tests are ideally suited to analysis of particulate samples such as mammalian or bacterial cells, and capable of performing multiple different parallel microfluidic assays when dipped into a single sample with results recorded optically. The utility of this new diagnostics format was demonstrated by performing three types of multiplex cellular assays that are challenging to perform in conventional dipsticks: 1) instantaneous ABO blood typing; 2) microbial identification; and 3) antibiotic minimum inhibitory (MIC) concentration measurement. A pressure balance model closely predicted the superficial flow velocities in individual capillaries, that were overestimated by up to one order of magnitude by the Lucas-Washburn equation conventionally used for wicking in cylindrical pores. Lab-on-a-stick provides a cost-effective, simple, portable and flexible multiplex platform for a range of assays, and will deliver a new generation of advanced yet affordable point-of-care tests for global diagnostics
Contactless conductivity detection for analytical techniques Developments from 2014 to 2016
The development of capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection for the two-year period from mid-2014 to mid-2016 is covered in this review. This includes a survey of fundamental studies and further developments of the measuring technique reported as well as a discussion of new applications. These mostly concern capillary electrophoresis carried out in conventional capillaries as well as on microchip electrophoresis devices. The main focus is on the determination of small non-UV-absorbing organic ions and inorganic ions in different types of samples of clinical, nutritional or environmental interest. Outside of electrophoresis contactless conductivity detection is finding uses in detection in column chromatography, flow-injection analysis and industrial applications
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