42 research outputs found

    Exploring the Use of Fruit Callus Culture as a Model System to Study Color Development and Cell Wall Remodeling during Strawberry Fruit Ripening

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    Cell cultures derived from strawberry fruit at different developmental stages have been obtained to evaluate their potential use to study different aspects of strawberry ripening. Callus from leaf and cortical tissue of unripe-green, white, and mature-red strawberry fruits were induced in a medium supplemented with 11.3 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) under darkness. The transfer of the established callus from darkness to light induced the production of anthocyanin. The replacement of 2,4-D by abscisic acid (ABA) noticeably increased anthocyanin accumulation in green-fruit callus. Cell walls were isolated from the different fruit cell lines and from fruit receptacles at equivalent developmental stages and sequentially fractionated to obtain fractions enriched in soluble pectins, ester bound pectins, xyloglucans (XG), and matrix glycans tightly associated with cellulose microfibrils. These fractions were analyzed by cell wall carbohydrate microarrays. In fruit receptacle samples, pectins were abundant in all fractions, including those enriched in matrix glycans. The amount of pectin increased from green to white stage, and later these carbohydrates were solubilized in red fruit. Apparently, XG content was similar in white and red fruit, but the proportion of galactosylated XG increased in red fruit. Cell wall fractions from callus cultures were enriched in extensin and displayed a minor amount of pectins. Stronger signals of extensin Abs were detected in sodium carbonate fraction, suggesting that these proteins could be linked to pectins. Overall, the results obtained suggest that fruit cell lines could be used to analyze hormonal regulation of color development in strawberry but that the cell wall remodeling process associated with fruit softening might be masked by the high presence of extensin in callus cultures

    Cell wall disassembly is delayed by rhamnogalacturonate lyase gene silencing: potential role in fruit firmness

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    Strawberry fruits greatly reduce their quality due to softening during ripening with economically important losses. Texture changes of fleshy fruits during ripening are mainly due to middle lamellae dissolution, cell-to-cell adhesion losses and wall weakening of parenchyma cells by the coordinated action of several cell wall enzymes. Pectin degradation has been proven a key factor in strawberry softening by functional analysis of several pectinase genes (polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and -galactosidase). The complexity and highly dynamic nature of pectins remains a challenge to fully elucidate structure-function relationships of pectins. In this work, we present the functional analysis of two independent strawberry transgenic lines with more than 95% silencing of a rhamnogalacturonate lyase gene (FaRGLyase1). Firmness of ripe fruit was significantly higher in both transgenic lines than in the control. Cell walls from these fruits were extracted and analyzed by glycan microarray profiling. This high‐throughput technique allows a wide screening of cell-wall glycan occurrence based on the detection of specific cell wall oligosaccharide epitopes by monoclonal antibodies and reveals profiles which can be used as potential fingerprints specific for a singular organ and/or developmental stage. Our microarray results showed that the silencing of FaRGLyase1 reduced degradation of several rhamnogalacturonan-I related epitopes, as expected. Additionally, comparison of transgenic cell walls from ripe fruits with those extracted from control fruits at different developmental stages (green, white and red) by hierarchical clustering, demonstrated a higher similarity of transgenic fruit cell walls with the control cell walls from fruits at the white stage. Glycan microarray profiles revealed less degraded fruit cell walls as result of FaRGLyase1 down-regulation which could contribute to the increased firmness of transgenic fruitsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Assessing the state of marine biodiversity in the Northeast Atlantic

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    The Northeast Atlantic, a highly productive maritime area, has been exposed to a wide range of direct human pressures, such as fishing, shipping, coastal development, pollution, and non-indigenous species (NIS) introductions, in addition to anthropogenically-driven global climate change. Nonetheless, this regional sea supports a high diversity of species and habitats, whose functioning provides a variety of ecosystem services, essential for human welfare. In 2017, OSPAR, the Northeast Atlantic Regional Seas Commission, delivered an assessment of marine biodiversity for the Northeast Atlantic. This assessment examined biodiversity indicators separately to identify changes in Northeast Atlantic biodiversity, but stopped short of determining the status of biodiversity for many species and habitats. Here, we expand on this work and for the first time, a semi-quantitative approach is applied to evaluate holistically the state of Northeast Atlantic marine biodiversity across marine food webs, from plankton to top predators, via fish, pelagic and benthic habitats, including xeno-biodiversity (i.e. NIS). Our analysis reveals widespread degradation in marine ecosystems and biodiversity, particularly for marine birds and coastal bottlenose dolphins, as well as for benthic habitats and fish in some regions. The poor biodiversity status of these ecosystem components is likely the result of cumulative effects of human activities, such as habitat destruction or disturbance, overexploitation, eutrophication, the introduction of NIS, and climate change. Bright spots are also revealed, such as recent signs of recovery in some fish and marine bird communities and recovery in harbour and grey seal populations and the condition of coastal benthic communities in some regions. The status of many indicators across all ecosystem components, but particularly for the novel pelagic habitats, food webs and NIS indicators, however, remains uncertain due to gaps in data, unclear pressure-state relationships, and the non-linear influence of some pressures on biodiversity indicators. Improving monitoring and data access and increasing understanding of pressure-state relationships, including those that are non-linear, is therefore a priority for enabling future assessments, as is consistent and stable resourcing for expert involvement

    The impact of biological invasions on the Wadden Sea food web (INFOWEB)

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    Invasive species are a general issue common of every seas in the world. Impacts of biological invasion on the food web of the Wadden Sea will be figure out through 3 related positions (Sarina Jung, PhD student ; Camille de la Vega, PhD student ; Ulrike Schueckel, Post doctoral student) included in the INFOWEB project. To investigate the impact of invasive species on the food web, a good comprehension of the trophic relation and energy fluxes between the different compartments of the food web is essential. Food webs will be portrayed for three different parts of the Wadden Sea (Jade Bay, Sylt-Römö Bight, Balgzand) using Ecological Network Analysis and the influence of invasive species on trophodynamics will be estimated. Different habitats homing different species communities have been already described, for examples, “Arenicola flat”, “sea grass bed” or “mussel bed”. According to these habitats, several models will be built. The first steps of these three studies will be to collect the missing data needed to build the model: biomass, respiration, egestion, production and diet composition for each species or compartments of the food web. The diet composition will be estimated with the method of stable isotopes coupled for the high trophic level with stomach content analysis