77 research outputs found

    Image Analysis for Facility Siting: a Comparison of Lowand High-altitude Image Interpretability for Land Use/land Cover Mapping

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    For two test sites in Pennsylvania the interpretability of commercially acquired low-altitude and existing high-altitude aerial photography are documented in terms of time, costs, and accuracy for Anderson Level II land use/land cover mapping. Information extracted from the imagery is to be used in the evaluation process for siting energy facilities. Land use/land cover maps were drawn at 1:24,000 scale using commercially flown color infrared photography obtained from the United States Geological Surveys' EROS Data Center. Detailed accuracy assessment of the maps generated by manual image analysis was accomplished employing a stratified unaligned adequate class representation. Both 'area-weighted' and 'by-class' accuracies were documented and field-verified. A discrepancy map was also drawn to illustrate differences in classifications between the two map scales. Results show that the 1:24,000 scale map set was more accurate (99% to 94% area-weighted) than the 1:62,500 scale set, especially when sampled by class (96% to 66%). The 1:24,000 scale maps were also more time-consuming and costly to produce, due mainly to higher image acquisition costs

    Craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: In addition to well-established physical characteristics, Turner syndrome patients have distinct craniofacial morphology. Since short stature is the most typical characteristic, Turner syndrome patients are commonly treated with growth hormone in order to increase final height. At the same time, growth hormone treatment was found to influence craniofacial growth and morphology in various groups of treated patients. Whereas craniofacial characteristics of Turner syndrome patients are well documented, comparatively little is known of craniofacial morphology of those who are treated with growth hormone. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone in comparison to healthy females. Materials and methods: The cephalometric evaluation was conducted on twenty lateral cephalograms of Turner syndrome patients (13.53 ± 4.04 years) treated with growth hormone for at least one year (4.94 ± 1.92 years in average). As a control group, forty lateral cephalograms of healthy female controls, who matched Turner syndrome patients by chronological (11.80 ± 2.37 years) and skeletal age, were used. Eleven angular, seven linear measurements and six dimensional ratios were measured to describe craniofacial morphology. Results: The results obtained for angular measurements, in cephalometric analyses for Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone, revealed bimaxillary retrognathism. The linear measurements indicated longer mandibular ramus, anterior cranial base and both anterior and posterior facial heights. However, posterior cranial base and maxilla were in proportion to the anterior cranial base, when comparing dimensional ratios. Anterior cranial base, maxilla and mandibular ramus were larger in proportion to mandibular body; as well as posterior facial height was when compared to anterior facial height. Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone expressed distinct craniofacial morphology compared to controls. Apart from retrognathic maxilla and mandible, they exhibited overdeveloped mandibular ramus height and elongated facial heights. Conclusions: The results from this study have shown that Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone expressed distinct craniofacial morphology compared to controls. These differences include retrognathic maxilla and mandible, overdeveloped mandibular ramus height and elongated facial heights. This specific craniofacial morphology was formed under combined influence of X chromosome deficiency and growth hormone therapy

    Linking remote-sensing estimates of land cover and census statistics on land use to produce maps of land use of the conterminous United States

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    Human use of the land has a large effect on the structure of terrestrial ecosystems and the dynamics of biogeochemical cycles. For this reason, terrestrial ecosystem and biogeochemistry models require moderate resolution (e.g., ≤0.5°) information on land use in order to make realistic predictions. Few such data sets currently exist. To create a land use data set of sufficient resolution, we developed models relating land cover data derived from optical remote sensing and a census database on land use for the conterminous United States. The land cover product used was from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme DISCover global product, derived from 1 km advanced very high resolution radiometer imagery, with 16 land cover classes. Land use data at state-level resolution came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture\u27s Major Land Uses database, aggregated into four general land use categories: Cropland, Pasture/Range, Forest, and Other. We developed and applied models relating these data sets to generate maps of land use in 1992 for the conterminous United States at 0.5° spatial resolution

    Research support of the WETNET Program

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    This study examines various aspects of the Microwave Vegetation Index (MVI). MVI is a derived signal created by differencing the spectral response of the 37 GHz horizontally and vertically polarized passive microwave signals. The microwave signal employed to derive this index is thought to be primarily influenced by vegetation structure, vegetation growth, standing water, and precipitation. The state of California is the study site for this research. Imagery from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) is used for the creation of MVI datasets analyzed in this research. The object of this research is to determine whether MVI corresponds with some quantifiable vegetation parameter (such as vegetation density) or whether the index is more affected by known biogeophysical parameters such antecedent precipitation. A secondary question associated with the above is whether the vegetation attributes that MVI is employed to determine can be more easily and accurately evaluated by other remote sensing means. An important associated question to be addressed in the study is the effect of different multi-temporal composting techniques on the derived MVI dataset. This work advances our understanding of the fundamental nature of MVI by studying vegetation as a mixture of structural types, such as forest and grassland. The study further advances our understanding by creating multitemporal precipitation datasets to compare the affects of precipitation upon MVI. This work will help to lay the groundwork for the use of passive microwave spectral information either as an adjunct to visible and near infrared imagery in areas where that is feasible or for the use of passive microwave alone in areas of moderate cloud coverage. In this research, an MVI dataset, spanning the period February 15, 1989 through April 25, 1990, has been created using National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) supplied brightness temperature data. Information from the DMSP satellite 37 GHz wavelength SSM/I sensor in both horizontal and vertical polarization has been processed using the MVI algorithm. In conjunction with the MVI algorithm a multitemporal compositing technique was used to create datasets that correspond to 14 day periods. In this technical report, Section Two contains background information on the State of California and the three MVI study sites. Section Three describes the methods used to create the MVI and independent variables datasets. Section Four presents the results of the experiment. Section Five summarizes and concludes the work

    Rehabilitation of Motor Impairments Following a Traumatic Head Injury

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    Traumatic head injury belongs to the group of neurological conditions, following the occurrence of which we may detect difficulties in motor behaviour and cognitive functioning of the persons. The impact of a traumatic head injury on majority of patients is substantial. Rehabilitation of motor impairments encompasses a series of interventions performed on persons after a traumatic head injury and is of crucial significance for such persons to return to their customary activities of everyday life. This study gives a brief display of the rehabilitation approach and its importance to recovery of motor functioning in persons who suffered a traumatic head injury. It is considered that motor impairment rehabilitation programme following a traumatic head injury should focus on specific approaches, leading to improvement of certain motoric tasks and outcome measures.Черепно-мозговая травма относится к группе неврологических со- стояний, при возникновении которых могут определяться проблемы двигательного поведения и когнитивной деятельности. Влияние череп- но-мозговой травмы на большинство пациентов велико. Реабилитация 101 двигательных нарушений включает в себя ряд вмешательств, которые предоставляются людям после черепно-мозговой травмы и необходимы для того, чтобы люди могли вернуться к нормальной повседневной дея- тельности. В статье дано краткое описание реабилитационного подхода и его значения для восстановления двигательных функций у лиц, пере- несших черепно-мозговую травму. Считается, что основное внимание в программах реабилитации при двигательных нарушениях после череп- но-мозговой травмы должно быть сосредоточено на конкретных подхо- дах, которые приводят к улучшению определенных двигательных задач и показателей результатов

    Rehabilitation of Motor Impairments Following a Traumatic Head Injury

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    Traumatic head injury belongs to the group of neurological conditions, following the occurrence of which we may detect difficulties in motor behaviour and cognitive functioning of the persons. The impact of a traumatic head injury on majority of patients is substantial. Rehabilitation of motor impairments encompasses a series of interventions performed on persons after a traumatic head injury and is of crucial significance for such persons to return to their customary activities of everyday life. This study gives a brief display of the rehabilitation approach and its importance to recovery of motor functioning in persons who suffered a traumatic head injury. It is considered that motor impairment rehabilitation programme following a traumatic head injury should focus on specific approaches, leading to improvement of certain motoric tasks and outcome measures.Черепно-мозговая травма относится к группе неврологических со- стояний, при возникновении которых могут определяться проблемы двигательного поведения и когнитивной деятельности. Влияние череп- но-мозговой травмы на большинство пациентов велико. Реабилитация 101 двигательных нарушений включает в себя ряд вмешательств, которые предоставляются людям после черепно-мозговой травмы и необходимы для того, чтобы люди могли вернуться к нормальной повседневной дея- тельности. В статье дано краткое описание реабилитационного подхода и его значения для восстановления двигательных функций у лиц, пере- несших черепно-мозговую травму. Считается, что основное внимание в программах реабилитации при двигательных нарушениях после череп- но-мозговой травмы должно быть сосредоточено на конкретных подхо- дах, которые приводят к улучшению определенных двигательных задач и показателей результатов

    Radioactivity of sand from several renowned public beaches and assessment of the corresponding environmental risks

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    The radiological risk due to the presence of natural and man-made radionuclides in beach sands from several renowned seaside and riverbank public beaches was estimated in this study. The exposure levels to terrestrial radiation of the beaches were determined, as well as hazards due to human use of the analyzed sands in industry and in building constructions. Specific radionuclides concentrations in the sand samples were determined by standard gamma-spectrometry. The corresponding radiation hazards arising due to the use of sand as a building material were estimated by three different radiological hazard indices. The total absorbed gamma dose rate in the air was determined and the corresponding annual effective dose outdoors was estimated. The obtained data are relevant both from human health and environmental monitoring aspects

    Electroanalytical Sensing of Bromides Using Radiolytically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts

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    Monitoring bromides (Br-) is of crucial importance since bromates, potential human carcinogens, are formed during ozonation of water containing bromides in concentrations GT 100 mu gL(-1). Within this study, silver (Ag) and four carbon-supported Ag catalysts were synthesized by the gamma-radiation method and their morphology and structure examined using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and UV-Vis analysis. The nanocatalysts were tested for Br- sensing in aqueous media using cyclic voltammetry. All five Ag materials exhibited electroactivity for sensing of Br- ions, with pure Ag catalyst giving the best response to Br- ions presence in terms of the lowest limit of detection. Sensing of bromides was also explored in tap water after addition of bromides suggesting that herein prepared catalysts could be used for bromides detection in real samples. Furthermore, sensing of other halogen ions, namely, chlorides and iodides, was examined, and response due to chloride presence was recorded

    Valuing map validation: the need for rigorous land cover map accuracy assessment in economic valuations of ecosystem services

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    Valuations of ecosystem services often use data on land cover class areal extent. Area estimates from land cover maps may be biased by misclassification error resulting in flawed assessments and inaccurate valuations. Adjustment for misclassification error is possible for maps subjected to a rigorous validation program including an accuracy assessment. Unfortunately, validation is rare and/or poorly undertaken as often not regarded as a high priority. The benefit of map validation and hence its value is indicated with two maps. The International Geosphere Biosphere Programme’s DISCover map was used to estimate wetland value globally. The latter changed from US1.92trillionyr1toUS1.92 trillion yr-1 to US2.79 trillion yr-1 when adjusted for misclassification bias. For the conterminous USA, ecosystem services value based on six land cover classes from the National Land Cover Database (2006) changed from US1118billionyr1toUS1118 billion yr-1 to US600 billion yr-1 after adjustment for misclassification bias. The effect of error-adjustment on the valuations indicates the value of map validation to rigorous evidence-based science and policy work in relation to aspects of natural capital. The benefit arising from validation was orders of magnitude larger than mapping costs and it is argued that validation should be a high priority in mapping programs and inform valuations