181 research outputs found

    Two-component jet simulations: II. Combining analytical disk and stellar MHD outflow solutions

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    Theoretical arguments along with observational data of YSO jets suggest the presence of two steady components: a disk wind type outflow needed to explain the observed high mass loss rates and a stellar wind type outflow probably accounting for the observed stellar spin down. Each component's contribution depends on the intrinsic physical properties of the YSO-disk system and its evolutionary stage. The main goal of this paper is to understand some of the basic features of the evolution, interaction and co-existence of the two jet components over a parameter space and when time variability is enforced. Having studied separately the numerical evolution of each type of the complementary disk and stellar analytical wind solutions in Paper I of this series, we proceed here to mix together the two models inside the computational box. The evolution in time is performed with the PLUTO code, investigating the dynamics of the two-component jets, the modifications each solution undergoes and the potential steady state reached.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Velocity asymmetries in YSO jets: Intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms

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    It is a well established fact that some YSO jets (e.g. RW Aur) display different propagation speeds between their blue and red shifted parts, a feature possibly associated with the central engine or the environment in which the jet propagates. In order to understand the origin of asymmetric YSO jet velocities, we investigate the efficiency of two candidate mechanisms, one based on the intrinsic properties of the system and one based on the role of the external medium. In particular, a parallel or anti-parallel configuration between the protostellar magnetosphere and the disk magnetic field is considered and the resulting dynamics are examined both in an ideal and a resistive magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) regime. Moreover, we explore the effects of a potential difference in the pressure of the environment, as a consequence of the non-uniform density distribution of molecular clouds. Ideal and resistive axisymmetric numerical simulations are carried out for a variety of models, all of which are based on a combination of two analytical solutions, a disk wind and a stellar outflow. We find that jet velocity asymmetries can indeed occur both when multipolar magnetic moments are present in the star-disk system as well as when non-uniform environments are considered. The latter case is an external mechanism that can easily explain the large time scale of the phenomenon, whereas the former one naturally relates it to the YSO intrinsic properties. [abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    MHD simulations of jet acceleration from Keplerian accretion disks: the effects of disk resistivity

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    Accretion disks and astrophysical jets are used to model many active astrophysical objects, viz., young stars, relativistic stars, and active galactic nuclei. In this paper we present self-consistent time-dependent simulations of supersonic jets launched from magnetized accretion disks, using high resolution numerical techniques. In particular we study the effects of the disk magnetic resistivity, parametrized through an alpha-prescription, in determining the properties of the inflow-outflow system. Moreover we analyze under which conditions steady state solutions of the type proposed in the self similar models of Blandford and Payne can be reached and maintained in a self consistent nonlinear stage. We use the resistive MHD FLASH code with adaptive mesh refinement, allowing us to follow the evolution of the structure for a time scale long enough to reach steady state. A detailed analysis of the initial configuration state is given. We obtain the expected solutions in the axisymmetric (2.5D) limit. Assuming a magnetic field around equipartition with the thermal pressure of the disk, we show how the characteristics of the disk jet system, as the ejection efficiency and the energetics, are affected by the anomalous resistivity acting inside the disk.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Young stellar object jet models: From theory to synthetic observations

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    Astronomical observations, analytical solutions and numerical simulations have provided the building blocks to formulate the current theory of young stellar object jets. Although each approach has made great progress independently, it is only during the last decade that significant efforts are being made to bring the separate pieces together. Building on previous work that combined analytical solutions and numerical simulations, we apply a sophisticated cooling function to incorporate optically thin energy losses in the dynamics. On the one hand, this allows a self-consistent treatment of the jet evolution and on the other, it provides the necessary data to generate synthetic emission maps. Firstly, analytical disk and stellar outflow solutions are properly combined to initialize numerical two-component jet models inside the computational box. Secondly, magneto-hydrodynamical simulations are performed in 2.5D, following properly the ionization and recombination of a maximum of 2929 ions. Finally, the outputs are post-processed to produce artificial observational data. The first two-component jet simulations, based on analytical models, that include ionization and optically thin radiation losses demonstrate promising results for modeling specific young stellar object outflows. The generation of synthetic emission maps provides the link to observations, as well as the necessary feedback for the further improvement of the available models.Comment: accepted for publication A&A, 20 pages, 11 figure

    Two-component jet simulations: I. Topological stability of analytical MHD outflow solutions

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    Observations of collimated outflows in young stellar objects indicate that several features of the jets can be understood by adopting the picture of a two-component outflow, wherein a central stellar component around the jet axis is surrounded by an extended disk-wind. The precise contribution of each component may depend on the intrinsic physical properties of the YSO-disk system as well as its evolutionary stage. In this context, the present article starts a systematic investigation of two-component jet models via time-dependent simulations of two prototypical and complementary analytical solutions, each closely related to the properties of stellar-outflows and disk-winds. These models describe a meridionally and a radially self-similar exact solution of the steady-state, ideal hydromagnetic equations, respectively. By using the PLUTO code to carry out the simulations, the study focuses on the topological stability of each of the two analytical solutions, which are successfully extended to all space by removing their singularities. In addition, their behavior and robustness over several physical and numerical modifications is extensively examined. It is found that radially self-similar solutions (disk-winds) always reach a final steady-state while maintaining all their well-defined properties. The different ways to replace the singular part of the solution around the symmetry axis, being a first approximation towards a two-component outflow, lead to the appearance of a shock at the super-fast domain corresponding to the fast magnetosonic separatrix surface. Conversely, the asymptotic configuration and the stability of meridionally self-similar models (stellar-winds) is related to the heating processes at the base of the wind.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A Compendium of Far-Infrared Line and Continuum Emission for 227 Galaxies Observed by the Infrared Space Observatory

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    Far-infrared line and continuum fluxes are presented for a sample of 227 galaxies observed with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer on the Infrared Space Observatory. The galaxy sample includes normal star-forming systems, starbursts, and active galactic nuclei covering a wide range of colors and morphologies. The dataset spans some 1300 line fluxes, 600 line upper limits, and 800 continuum fluxes. Several fine structure emission lines are detected that arise in either photodissociation or HII regions: [OIII]52um, [NIII]57um, [OI]63um, [OIII]88um, [NII]122um, [OI]145um, and [CII]158um. Molecular lines such as OH at 53um, 79um, 84um, 119um, and 163um, and H2O at 58um, 66um, 75um, 101um, and 108um are also detected in some galaxies. In addition to those lines emitted by the target galaxies, serendipitous detections of Milky Way [CII]158um and an unidentified line near 74um in NGC1068 are also reported. Finally, continuum fluxes at 52um, 57um, 63um, 88um, 122um, 145um, 158um, and 170um are derived for a subset of galaxies in which the far-infrared emission is contained within the ~75" ISO LWS beam. The statistics of this large database of continuum and line fluxes, including trends in line ratios with the far-infrared color and infrared-to-optical ratio, are explored.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    The validity and reliability of the exposure index as a metric for estimating the radiation dose to the patient

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    Introduction With the introduction of digital radiography, the feedback between image quality and over-exposure has been partly lost which in some cases has led to a steady increase in dose. Over the years the introduction of exposure index (EI) has been used to resolve this phenomenon referred to as ‘dose creep’. Even though EI is often vendor specific it is always a related of the radiation exposure to the detector. Due to the nature of this relationship EI can also be used as a patient dose indicator, however this is not widely investigated in literature. Methods A total of 420 dose-area-product (DAP) and EI measurements were taken whilst varying kVp, mAs and body habitus on two different anthropomorphic phantoms (pelvis and chest). Using linear regression, the correlation between EI and DAP were examined. Additionally, two separate region of interest (ROI) placements/per phantom where examined in order to research any effect on EI. Results When dividing the data into subsets, a strong correlation between EI and DAP was shown with all R-squared values > 0.987. Comparison between the ROI placements showed a significant difference between EIs for both placements. Conclusion This research shows a clear relationship between EI and radiation dose which is dependent on a wide variety of factors such as ROI placement, body habitus. In addition, pathology and manufacturer specific EI’s are likely to be of influence as well. Implications for practice The combination of DAP and EI might be used as a patient dose indicator. However, the influencing factors as mentioned in the conclusion should be considered and examined before implementation

    Detectability of [CII] 158 micron emission from high-redshift galaxies: predictions for ALMA and SPICA

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    We discuss the detectability of high-redshift galaxies via [CII] 158 micron line emission by coupling an analytic model with cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations that are based on the concordance Lambda cold dark matter (CDM) model. Our analytic model describes a multiphase interstellar medium irradiated by the far ultra-violet radiation from local star-forming regions, and it calculates thermal and ionization equilibrium between cooling and heating. The model allows us to predict the mass fraction of a cold neutral medium (CNM) embedded in a warm neutral medium (WNM). Our cosmological SPH simulations include a treatment of radiative cooling/heating, star formation, and feedback effects from supernovae and galactic winds. Using our method, we make predictions for the [CII] luminosity from high-redshift galaxies which can be directly compared with upcoming observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA). We find that the number density of high-redshift galaxies detectable by ALMA and SPICA via [CII] emission depends significantly on the amount of neutral gas which is highly uncertain. Our calculations suggest that, in a CDM universe, most [CII] sources at z=3 are faint objects with \Snu < 0.01 mJy. Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) brighter than R_AB=23.5 mag are expected to have flux densities \Snu = 1-3 mJy depending on the strength of galactic wind feedback. The recommended observing strategy for ALMA and SPICA is to aim at very bright LBGs or star-forming DRG/BzK galaxies.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures, accepted to ApJ. Matched to the accepted versio