Hanze University of Applied Sciences

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    12152 research outputs found

    An integrated business model perspective for optimalization of food hub practices in the local food supply chain

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    The Dutch food and agricultural market has been focusing on producing efficiently and effectively with the aim of cost minimization and profit maximizing. In addition to positive developments (higher efficiency and more effective production), this market system has created negative impact for nature, the environment and local economies. Collaboration is therefore necessary to set up local food supply chains that are sustainable economically, socially and environmentally.This research seeks optimization of business models in which trade and cooperation between food hubs and health care institutions, such as hospitals and residential care homes, thrive. This optimized business model can serve as a business model template and can contribute to strengthening the market position of local food hubs and affiliated farmers. Furthermore, hospitals can provide patients healthier, more regional and attractive diets. In order to develop and optimize the current business practices of food hubs the research aims to investigate business models and see if modifications of these business models would benefit current practices.<br/

    Barakat, Fatima

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    Weltevrede, Marlies

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    Vainikka, Petteri

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    Helms, Yannick B

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    Souza, Paulo C T

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    Juist nu kan een ondernemer zich tonen als groen voorbeeld

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    Nu de overheid terugtrekkende bewegingen maakt, zouden MKB-ers het voortouw moeten nemen in duurzaamhei

    Theoretisch en Methodologisch Kader voor de MOBAK App:Pedagogische Strategie voor het Gebruik van een MOBAK Applicatie in Lichamelijke Opvoeding.

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    «Hoewel Europese partners tot nu toe het MOBAK-test- en ondersteuningsconcept uitsluitend in offline school LO hebben gebruikt – zonder het gebruik van digitale hulpmiddelen centraal te stellen –, biedt het huidige kader de basis voor een implementatie in digitale vorm. Meer precies bestaat het volgende theoretische kader uit informatie over wat competentieoriëntatie in LO betekent (hoofdstuk 2), over het MOBAK-concept, de dimensies ervan en testinstrumenten (hoofdstuk 3), evenals over het algemene MOBAK-ondersteuningskader (hoofdstuk 4). Bijgevolg definieert dit kader de basis om de ontwikkeling van een pedagogische strategie te volgen, inclusief concrete leertaken en verdere ondersteuning voor later gebruik van de MOBAK App (hoofdstuk 5).» [1

    From assistive to inclusive?:A systematic review of the uses and effects of technology to support people with pervasive support needs

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    Background: Although particular technologies can enhance the quality of life (QoL) of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (we use the term pervasive support needs), their objectives and outcomes are understudied. A systematic literature review was therefore conducted to explore this topic.Method: A search of four databases yielded 64 studies. Data were extracted on their general characteristics, methods and sample characteristics as well as the technology types, QoL domains and application within ecological systems. A narrative synthesis was subsequently developed.Results: Most of the studies applied assistive technology (AT) and focused on personal development and self-determination on an individual level.Conclusions: Technology can enhance the QoL of people with pervasive supportneeds. There are indications that although MT and UD-based technology are used in practice, few studies have examined these technologies. Therefore, there is a knowledge gap regarding the kinds of technology that are used in practice


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    Hanze UAS repository is based in Netherlands
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