42 research outputs found

    To make LUTI models operationnal tools for planning

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    International audienceLand Use and Transport Integrated models (LUTIs) are promising tools for urban planning. Although a large literature is dedicated to these models, little attention has been paid to them as operational tool for planners and few efforts have been made by academics to fill the gap between lab application and operational use for planning practice. We shed light on what would make them accepted and more used by planners to evaluate urban and transport policies. In addition to a literature review and reflection on our own experience, we carried out a survey of end users in France to identify their motivations and barriers to using LUTI models. Our analysis shows a need for a far more bottom-up oriented approach. Only a closer collaboration between modelers and end users, and more efforts to integrate modeling into urban planning will make LUTIs considered as relevant approaches

    Ossaria ou pile-mil : le débat n’est pas clos

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    En réponse à l’article de Y. Maligorne et al. (RAO, n°22, 2005), les deux auteurs maintiennent la qualification d’ossaria qu’ils ont toujours reconnue à ces monuments retrouvés en grand nombre dans le Morbihan. Ils insistent sur les comparaisons avec les coffres funéraires antiques retrouvés ailleurs en Gaule, sur la variété des formes de réceptacles, souvent inadaptées au décorticage du mil et sur une ornementation que ne justifierait pas la banalité d’un simple pile-mil.Ossaria or Millet crushers: the debate is not over In response to the paper by Y. Malicorne et al. (RAO, 22, 2005), the authors retain their interpretation of ossaria they always claimed for these monuments, so numerous in the Morbihan. They invoke comparisons with Antique funerary cists found elsewhere in Gaul, the varied shapes of their basins, frequently inadequate for millet hulling, and their frequent decoration, unlikely for a commonplace millet crusher

    Accelerating Sustainable Mobility with Autonomous Vehicles

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    Autonomous mobility has great potential for transforming mobility, especially towards greater sustainability. But contrary to what advocates of autonomous mobility are saying, its future is far from certain: several different scenarios could play out, both in terms of how they develop and their impacts on the transport system.Public authorities will have a key role to play in steering this technology towards the desirable scenarios and setting the conditions for the integration of autonomous mobility (planning road systems, regulating local mobility, supporting experiments and pricing services).Early on, authorities need to determine under which conditions AVs can help them to achieve their sustainable mobility goals.The private sector also needs to examine how the technological and industrial solutions it develops will be integrated into a sustainable future mobility system.This shared vision of autonomous mobility should be developed with local and national public authorities

    To make LUTI models operational tools for planning

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    Land Use and Transport Integrated models (LUTIs) are promising tools for urban planning. Although a large literature is dedicated to these models, little attention has been paid to them as operational tool for planners and few efforts have been made by academics to fill the gap between lab application and operational use for planning practice. We shed light on what would make them accepted and more used by planners to evaluate urban and transport policies. In addition to a literature review and reflection on our own experience, we carried out a survey of end users in France to identify their motivations and barriers to using LUTI models. Our analysis shows a need for a far more bottom-up oriented approach. Only a closer collaboration between modelers and end users, and more efforts to integrate modeling into urban planning will make LUTIs considered as relevant approaches

    To make LUTI models operational tools for planning

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    Land Use and Transport Integrated models (LUTIs) are promising tools for urban planning. Although a large literature is dedicated to these models, little attention has been paid to them as operational tool for planners and few efforts have been made by academics to fill the gap between lab application and operational use for planning practice. We shed light on what would make them accepted and more used by planners to evaluate urban and transport policies. In addition to a literature review and reflection on our own experience, we carried out a survey of end users in France to identify their motivations and barriers to using LUTI models. Our analysis shows a need for a far more bottom-up oriented approach. Only a closer collaboration between modelers and end users, and more efforts to integrate modeling into urban planning will make LUTIs considered as relevant approaches

    Transport poverty and fuel poverty in the UK: From analogy to comparison

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    The notion of ’fuel poverty’, referring to affordable warmth, underpins established research and policy agendas in the UK and has been extremely influential worldwide. In this context, British researchers, official policymaking bodies and NGOs have put forward the notion of ’transport poverty’, building on an implicit analogy between (recognised) fuel poverty and (neglected) transport affordability issues. However, the conceptual similarities and differences between ’fuel’ and ’transport’ poverty remain largely unaddressed in the UK. This paper systematically compares and contrasts the two concepts, examining critically the assumption of a simple equivalence between them. We illustrate similarities and differences under four headings: (i) negative consequences of lack of warmth and lack of access; (ii) drivers of fuel and transport poverty; (iii) definition and measurement; (iv) policy interventions. Our review suggests that there are important conceptual and practical differences between transport and domestic energy consumption, with crucial consequences for how affordability problems amongst households are to be conceptualised and addressed. In a context where transport and energy exhibit two parallel policy worlds, the analysis in the paper and these conclusions reinforce how and why these differences matter. As we embark on an ever closer union between our domestic energy and transport energy systems the importance of these contradictions will become increasingly evident and problematic. This work contributes to the long-term debate about how best to manage these issues in a radical energy transition that properly pays attention to issues of equity and affordability

    Chronique juridique. Le statut des vestiges archéologiques d'après la loi du 17 janvier 2001 et son décret d'application du 16 janvier 2002

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    Saujot-Besnier Colette. Chronique juridique. Le statut des vestiges archéologiques d'après la loi du 17 janvier 2001 et son décret d'application du 16 janvier 2002. In: Revue archéologique de l'ouest, tome 19, 2002. pp. 231-235

    Chronique juridique : Les vestiges terrestres immobiliers et mobiliers : qualification et propriété

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    Saujot-Besnier Colette. Chronique juridique : Les vestiges terrestres immobiliers et mobiliers : qualification et propriété. In: Revue archéologique de l'ouest, tome 15, 1998. pp. 208-219

    Economic analysis and prospective modelling to plan low carbon cities : The case of Grenoble using TRANUS+ model

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    La planification urbaine stratégique en France se voit chargée de manière croissante des questions environnementale et climatique. Mais est-elle réellement capable d'infléchir les dynamiques d'étalement ainsi que de former un cadre efficace pour la réduction des émissions des transports ? Et que peuvent apporter l'analyse économique et la simulation prospective à la démarche de planification ? Pour y répondre nous avons replacé notre analyse de l'apport des outils économiques à la planification urbaine dans la perspective d'ensemble de réforme politique et administrative du contexte français. Cela a pris la forme d'une analyse critique de la pratique actuelle de la planification, des évolutions à l'œuvre et des conditions d'une meilleure intégration de l'analyse économique dans la démarche et les méthodes de planification. Nous avons construit et utilisé sur le cas de Grenoble, des outils d'analyse économique permettant de traiter la question des politiques climatiques locales dans la planification, d'une manière prospective et systémique. Il s'agit de la 1ère application du modèle de simulation urbanisme-transport TRANUS en France, et de son utilisation dans le cadre d'une méthodologie économique pour produire des courbes de coût d'abattement intégrant le caractère systémique de la ville pour le secteur des transports. Le modèle et la méthodologie économique qui lui est adossée constituent ce que nous appelons l'outil TRANUS+. Nous avons également réinterrogé plusieurs points à partir du cadre de la planification urbaine : la question du choix des outils de modélisation ainsi que celle des modalités du calcul économique, la question de la vulnérabilité énergétique liée à la mobilité, celle enfin du déploiement des véhicules électriques. Cela nous permet d'avoir une vision d'ensemble des apports de la planification et des voies pour la renforcer.Strategic spatial planning in France is currently given a rising importance for environmental and climate issues. But is this tool really able to reduce urban sprawl and to produce a efficient framework for reducing transport emissions? And what can be the potential contributions to planning of economic analysis and prospective modelling? To answer this, we developed our study on the contribution of economic tools to planning into the global political and administrative reforms of France. We then produced a critical analysis of current planning practices and recent evolutions, and try to define the conditions for a better integration of economic analysis into planning processes and methods. For our case study (Grenoble urban area) we built and used economic tools able to inform local climate policies in the framework of urban planning. It is the first implementation of the land -use transport interaction model TRANUS in France, which was linked to an original economic methodology in order to produce marginal abatment cost curves useful at the urban level. This model and the methodology can take into account the systemic nature of cities and then help to define better transport policies: we call this tool TRANUS+. To have a more complete view of the urban planning question and the way to improve it, we investigated several issues from the perspective of planning: the choice of modelling tool and the role of cost-benefit analysis, energy poverty in the transport sector, electric vehicle deployement

    Analyse économique et simulation prospective dans la planification de la ville sobre en carbone : Application à Grenoble du modèle TRANUS+

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    Strategic spatial planning in France is currently given a rising importance for environmental and climate issues. But is this tool really able to reduce urban sprawl and to produce a efficient framework for reducing transport emissions? And what can be the potential contributions to planning of economic analysis and prospective modelling? To answer this, we developed our study on the contribution of economic tools to planning into the global political and administrative reforms of France. We then produced a critical analysis of current planning practices and recent evolutions, and try to define the conditions for a better integration of economic analysis into planning processes and methods. For our case study (Grenoble urban area) we built and used economic tools able to inform local climate policies in the framework of urban planning. It is the first implementation of the land -use transport interaction model TRANUS in France, which was linked to an original economic methodology in order to produce marginal abatment cost curves useful at the urban level. This model and the methodology can take into account the systemic nature of cities and then help to define better transport policies: we call this tool TRANUS+. To have a more complete view of the urban planning question and the way to improve it, we investigated several issues from the perspective of planning: the choice of modelling tool and the role of cost-benefit analysis, energy poverty in the transport sector, electric vehicle deployement.La planification urbaine stratégique en France se voit chargée de manière croissante des questions environnementale et climatique. Mais est-elle réellement capable d'infléchir les dynamiques d'étalement ainsi que de former un cadre efficace pour la réduction des émissions des transports ? Et que peuvent apporter l'analyse économique et la simulation prospective à la démarche de planification ? Pour y répondre nous avons replacé notre analyse de l'apport des outils économiques à la planification urbaine dans la perspective d'ensemble de réforme politique et administrative du contexte français. Cela a pris la forme d'une analyse critique de la pratique actuelle de la planification, des évolutions à l'œuvre et des conditions d'une meilleure intégration de l'analyse économique dans la démarche et les méthodes de planification. Nous avons construit et utilisé sur le cas de Grenoble, des outils d'analyse économique permettant de traiter la question des politiques climatiques locales dans la planification, d'une manière prospective et systémique. Il s'agit de la 1ère application du modèle de simulation urbanisme-transport TRANUS en France, et de son utilisation dans le cadre d'une méthodologie économique pour produire des courbes de coût d'abattement intégrant le caractère systémique de la ville pour le secteur des transports. Le modèle et la méthodologie économique qui lui est adossée constituent ce que nous appelons l'outil TRANUS+. Nous avons également réinterrogé plusieurs points à partir du cadre de la planification urbaine : la question du choix des outils de modélisation ainsi que celle des modalités du calcul économique, la question de la vulnérabilité énergétique liée à la mobilité, celle enfin du déploiement des véhicules électriques. Cela nous permet d'avoir une vision d'ensemble des apports de la planification et des voies pour la renforcer