141 research outputs found

    Text Retrieval with Multi-Stage Re-Ranking Models

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    The text retrieval is the task of retrieving similar documents to a search query, and it is important to improve retrieval accuracy while maintaining a certain level of retrieval speed. Existing studies have reported accuracy improvements using language models, but many of these do not take into account the reduction in search speed that comes with increased performance. In this study, we propose three-stage re-ranking model using model ensembles or larger language models to improve search accuracy while minimizing the search delay. We ranked the documents by BM25 and language models, and then re-ranks by a model ensemble or a larger language model for documents with high similarity to the query. In our experiments, we train the MiniLM language model on the MS-MARCO dataset and evaluate it in a zero-shot setting. Our proposed method achieves higher retrieval accuracy while reducing the retrieval speed decay

    Controlling keywords and their positions in text generation

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    One of the challenges in text generation is to control generation as intended by a user. Previous studies have proposed to specify the keywords that should be included in the generated text. However, this is insufficient to generate text which reflect the user intent. For example, placing the important keyword beginning of the text would helps attract the reader's attention, but existing methods do not enable such flexible control. In this paper, we tackle a novel task of controlling not only keywords but also the position of each keyword in the text generation. To this end, we show that a method using special tokens can control the relative position of keywords. Experimental results on summarization and story generation tasks show that the proposed method can control keywords and their positions. We also demonstrate that controlling the keyword positions can generate summary texts that are closer to the user's intent than baseline. We release our code

    Myxedema coma in a patient with type 1 neurofibromatosis: rare association

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    Myxedema coma, a rare but fatal emergency, is an extreme expression of hypothyroidism. We describe a 51-year-old male patient who has discontinued hypothyroidism treatment 10 months earlier and developed lethargy, edema, and cold intolerance symptoms. He also had a previous diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. After admission, he progressed to respiratory insufficiency and coma. The prompt recognition of the condition, thyroid hormone replacement, and management of the complications (hypoventilation, cardiogenic shock associated with swinging heart, adrenal and renal insufficiency and sepsis), resulted in a favorable evolution.O coma mixedematoso (CM) é uma emergência endocrinológica rara, porém letal e consiste na expressão extrema do hipotireoidismo. Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 51 anos, que abandonou tratamento do hipotireoidismo por 10 meses e evoluiu com sintomas de letargia, edema e intolerância ao frio que culminaram em insuficiência respiratória e coma. Apresentava também diagnóstico prévio de neurofibromatose. O diagnóstico precoce do coma mixedematoso aliado à instituição imediata do tratamento com levotiroxina e ao manejo adequado de complicações, como insuficiência respiratória, choque cardiogênico associado a swinging heart, insuficiências adrenal e renal agudas e sepse, permitiu a evolução favorável do quadro.74374

    Determination of topological structure of ARL6ip1 in cells: Identification of the essential binding region of ARL6ip1 for conophylline

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    AbstractConophylline (CNP) has various biological activities, such as insulin production. A recent study identified ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6-interacting protein 1 (ARL6ip1) as a direct target protein of CNP. In this study, we revealed that ARL6ip1 is a three-spanning transmembrane protein and determined the CNP-binding domain of ARL6ip1 by deletion mutation analysis of ARL6ip1 with biotinyl-amino-CNP. These results suggest that CNP is expected to be useful for future investigation of ARL6ip1 function in cells. Because of the anti-apoptotic function of ARL6ip1, CNP may be an effective therapeutic drug and/or a novel chemosensitizer for human cancers and other diseases

    C-mannosylation supports folding and enhances stability of thrombospondin repeats.

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    Previous studies demonstrated importance of C-mannosylation for efficient protein secretion. To study its impact on protein folding and stability, we analyzed both C-mannosylated and non-C-mannosylated thrombospondin type 1 repeats (TSRs) of netrin receptor UNC-5. In absence of C-mannosylation, UNC-5 TSRs could only be obtained at low temperature and a significant proportion displayed incorrect intermolecular disulfide bridging, which was hardly observed when C-mannosylated. Glycosylated TSRs exhibited higher resistance to thermal and reductive denaturation processes, and the presence of C-mannoses promoted the oxidative folding of a reduced and denatured TSR in vitro. Molecular dynamics simulations supported the experimental studies and showed that C-mannoses can be involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding and limit the flexibility of the TSR tryptophan-arginine ladder. We propose that in the endoplasmic reticulum folding process, C-mannoses orient the underlying tryptophan residues and facilitate the formation of the tryptophan-arginine ladder, thereby influencing the positioning of cysteines and disulfide bridging


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    目的:A村の特定健康診査受診者の非肥満者を対象とした健診結果の実態及び血糖と生活習慣の関連を明らかにする. 方法:A村の平成29年度特定健康診査受診者のうち,血圧や血糖等の服薬をしていない非肥満者533人を研究対象者とした.非肥満者533人を高血糖の有無による2群に分け,生活習慣との関連を分析した. 結果:健診結果では,非肥満者は,LDLコレステロールの平均値が特定健診受診者全体よりも高かった. 生活習慣では,非肥満者において高血糖群の方が定期的な運動をしている割合及び遅い時間の夕食をとっていない割合が有意に高く,生活習慣が良好な割合が高かった. 結論:非肥満者のうち高血糖の住民は,生活習慣には留意していると考えられた.今後は,詳細な生活習慣を確認し,その結果とともに健診結果に基づく指導が重要である.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual conditions of specific health checkups for non-obese individuals in A Village and the relationship between blood glucose and lifestyle habits. Method: The research participants were the 533 non-obese people who were not taking medication among of the all people who received a specific health checkup in A Village in 2017. We divided the 533 participants into two groups based on the presence or absence of hyperglycemia, and the relationship between blood glucose and lifestyle habits was analyzed. Results: Average LDL cholesterol was higher in the participants than in the recipients of specific health checkups overall. In terms of lifestyle habits, the proportion of participants in the hyperglycemic group who exercised regularly and those who did not eat dinner late at night was significantly higher than the non-hyperglycemic group, and the proportion of favorable lifestyle habits was higher. Conclusion: Non-obese people with hyperglycemia were considered to be aware of healthy lifestyle habits. It will be important for medical professional to ask more detailed questions about lifestyle during health checkups and to provide health guidance based on the results of blood test data.原