1,160 research outputs found

    Therapoetic efficacy of buparvaquone (Buparvon) in cattle with Theileriosis

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    annulata'nın neden oldugu sıgır theileriosisinin tedavisinde piyasaya yeni çıkan buparvaquone etken maddeli Buparvon (ALKE, stanbul)'un etkinligi arastırıldı. Çalısmada, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi ç Hastalıkları Büyük Hayvan Klinigine getirilen veya sahada T. annulata ile dogal enfekte toplam 10 sıgır kullanıldı. Theileriosisin tanısı, Giemsa ile boyanmıs kan frotilerinin mikroskobik bakısında eritrositler içersinde etkenin piroplazmik formlarının görülmesi ile konuldu. Tedavi öncesi hasta hayvanların klinik muayenelerinde; beden ısısı, nabız ve solunum sayısında artıs, istahsızlık, zayıflama, durgunluk, yüzeysel lenf yumrularında tek veya çift taraflı büyüme, kıl örtüsünün mat ve karısık oldugu, konjunktiva ve görülebilir mukozaların hiperemik oldugu belirlendi. Hastaların bazılarında konjunktivada ödem ve petesi tarzında kanamalar, sallantılı yürüyüs, seröz karakterde göz yası ve burun akıntısı, akcigerlerde ise sertlesmis veziküler sesler belirlendi. Tedavi öncesi Htc degerde ve Hb konsantrasyonunda azalma, AST, üre ve trigliserit düzeylerinde artıs, WBC, kreatinin, albumin, kalsiyum ve kolesterol düzeylerinin ise normal degerler içinde oldugu belirlendi. Tedavi öncesi theileriosisli sıgırlarda parazitemi düzeylerinin %8 ile %39 arasında oldugu belirlendi. Theileriosis tanısı konulan sıgırlara 2,5 mg/kg tek doz Buparvaquone (Buparvon, ALKE, Türkiye) kas içi yolla uygulandı. Buparvaquone uygulamasından sonraki 1., 3. ve 7. günlerde klinik ve laboratuar bulguları belirlendi. Theileriosisli sıgırların büyük bir çogunlugunda buparvaquone uygulamasından 1 gün sonra yem almaya ve su içmeye basladıgı, tedaviden sonraki 7. günde ise büyüyen lenf yumrularının küçülmeye basladıgı, kıl örtüsündeki matlık ve karısıklıgın kayboldugu, seröz göz yası ve burun akıntısının görülmedigi ve akcigerlerdeki sertlesmis veziküler seslerin normale döndügü, konjunktivada belirlenen hiperemi, ödem ve petesiel kanamaların tamamen kayboldukları belirlendi. Buparvaquone ile tedaviden sonraki 1., 3. ve 7. günlerde o beden sıcaklıgı ve solunum sayısının tedavi öncesine göre önemli (p<0.05) düzeyde azaldıgı, nabız sayısındaki azalmanın ise anlamlı olmadıgı belirlendi. Buparvaquone ile tedaviden sonraki 1., 3. ve 7. günlerde Hb, serum üre, trigliserit düzeylerinin ve AST aktivitelerinin azaldıgı, lökosit sayısının arttıgı, Htc, serum kreatinin, albumin, kalsiyum ve kolesterol konsantrasyonlarındaki degisimlerin ise anlamlı olmadıgı belirlendi. Theileriosisli sıgırların tümünde buparvaquone uygulamasından sonraki 1. günde etkenin piknotik noktalar halinde dejenere olmus piroplazm formlarına, 3. günde piknotik olan etkenlerin sayısının azaldıgı, 7 günde ise %1 civarında oldugu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, T. annulata ile dogal enfekte sıgırların tedavisinde, 2,5 mg/kg buparvaquone (Buparvon, ALKE, Türkiye)'un derin kas içi yolla tek doz uygulamasının saha kosullarında etyolojik, klinik ve laboratuar bulguları bakımından etkili oldugu, ancak ilacın etkinliginin belirlenmesinde daha fazla sayıda dogal olarak enfekte olan ve deneysel olarak belirli susla, aynı yas ve aynı ırktan olan hayvanların kullanıldıgı, kontrol grubu da bırakılarak yapılacak çalısmalara gereksinim duyulmaktadır. In this study, it was aimed to examine the efficacy of buparvaquone (Buparvon, ALKE, Istanbul) in the treatment of theileriosis in cattle ?the causative agent T. annulatawhich causes direct and indirect gross economical loose in Turkiye. Ten cattle naturally infected with T. annulata either referred to the large animal clinics, or determined in the field were used in this study. Theileriosis was microscopically diagnosed in thin blood smears staind with Giemsa stain with determining the piroplasmic forms of the causative agent in in the erythrocytes. In clinical examination of the cattle before the treatment; inappatence, weight loss, uncounsosness, uni or bilateral enlargement of lymph nodes, dullness on the skin, hyperemic mucosal membrans, fever and increase in respiratory rates and pulsation. Some of the cattle had conjunctival edema, petechie, incoordination, nasal and ocular congession and abnormal vesicular lung sounds. In laboratory examinations before the treatment, decraese in Htc, Hb levels, and increase in AST, urea and trigliserit concentrations, however, WBC, creatinine, albumin, calsium and cholesterol concentrations were all within the normal ranges. Parasitemia level before treatment determined from the thin blood smears was 8% to 39%. Buparvaquone (Buparvon, ALKE, Istanbul) was administered intramuscullary to the cattle with theileriosis at a single dose of 2,5 mg/kg. Clinical and laboratory changes had been determined 1, 3 and 7 days after buparvaquone administration. On the first day after buparvaquone administration, most of the cattle had began to eat and drink water. On the 7th day of the study, lymph nodes had begun to decrease in size, fur coat has returned to normal, nasal and ocular congession had stopped, akcigerlerdeki sertlesmis veziküler seslerin normale döndügü and edema, congession and petechie could no more be noticed in mucosal surfaces. 1, 3 and 7 days after buparvaquone administration average body temperature and respiratory rates had significantly (p<0.05) decreased and mean pulsation rates has also decreased without showing an significance. 1, 3 and 7 days after buparvaquone administration decrease in Hb, serum urea, trigliserit and AST levels and increase in WBC numbers had been determined, however Htc, serum creatinine, albumin, calcium and cholesterol concentration did not change. In all infected cattle the agent had been dejenerated to pycnotic forms on day 1 after buparvaquone administration, and their numbers had begun to decrease on day 3 and about 1 % on slides had been seen on day 7. As a result, it was concluded that a single deep intramuscullary dose of 2,5 mg/kg buparvaquone (Buparvon, ALKE, Istanbul) was found to be effective in the treatment of cattle theileriosis which are naturally infected with T. annulata, however further studies are needed with control groups of the same breed and age of definite subtype, in suitable numbers of naturraly infected and experimentally infected cattle

    Prejudices on Concerning Human Rights Vis-a-Vis Islam

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    In the history of thought, defending human rights and freedom, positivist and materialist views are critical of religion in general and Islam in particular. Islam as a divine religion with its theoretical and practical dimensions has been the guarantor of human rights. Positivist and materialist views on every occasion ready to blame and identify the Islamic concept of servitude (to God) with slavery. But if we examine Islam in-depth with a philosophical mind, we can see that the Islamic concept of devotional servitude accommodates genuine freedom which intends to protect the health of both the body and the soul. Positivist and materialist minds consider the issue of human rights as their own, and religious sides approach this issue reluctantly due to the rhetoric of human rights devoid of religious rhetoric. Finding reasonable answers to the questions of what the source of human honor is and what makes human being meaningful will bring closer to each other the positivist/materialist views and religious views

    Industrial Heritage and their Legacies: “Memento non mori: Remember you shall not die”

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    This paper will explore the possibilities of reactivating the disused site of Coryton Oil Refinery in Thurrock, UK as a cultural heritage site through analysis of its relationship with landscape, people and their interrelated processes. The Oil Refinery was closed in 2012, leaving behind an impressive 586 acres of industrial as well as cultural history. The tangible and intangible effected by the industrial sites, as well as people's perceptions and awareness towards industrial heritage as places of production, collective and personal memory, and place identity will be investigated in this research paper

    Close-To-Nature Heuristic Design Principles for Future Urban Green Infrastructure

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    The global nature-climate crisis along with a fundamental shift in world population towards cities and towns has sharpened the focus on the role of urban green infrastructure. Green infrastructure has the potential to deliver cost-effective, nature-based solutions to help mitigate problems of climate change as well as provide improved human well-being through the ecosystem services inherent in landscapes rich in biodiversity. The absence of under-pinning science, specifically complex systems science and ecosystem theory in the design and planning of urban green infrastructure, has limited the capacity of these landscapes to deliver ecosystem services and to effectively demonstrate natural resilience to the impacts of climate change. To meet future challenges of environmental uncertainty and social change, the design of urban green space should embrace an adaptive ecosystem-based approach that includes fully integrated participatory planning and implementation strategies founded on principles of close to nature science. Our article offers two models to inform green space planning: urban green space framework and sustainable urban community network. Both concepts provide the foundation for six ecosystem-based design principles. In a case study on Essex green infrastructure, UK, recommendations made by the Essex Climate Action Commission to transform land management practices are presented as examples of adopting principles of the ecosystem approach and nature-based science. Our article concludes by emphasising the importance of reconnecting society with nature in cities through close-to-nature design of urban green space to secure essential ecosystem services and to build resilience to the impacts of climate change

    Kemijski sastav i antimikrobno djelovanje eteričnih ulja dobivenih iz dijelova biljke Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb.

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    This study was conducted to determine the chemical content, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of essential oil obtained from the parts of the plant called Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. In this study, essential oils of cone, needle, and twig of J. excelsa plant, which is a naturally grown plant in G&uuml;m&uuml;şhane province, were obtained by hydrodistillation method in a Clevenger type device. Chemical composition of essential oils was determined thanks to the analysis conducted with GC-MS/FID device. Besides, antimicrobial activity tests of essential oils were decided in contrast to 23 different microorganisms with the disc diffusion method. As a result of the essential oil analysis of J. excelsa, the percentage of essential oil yield in cones, needles, and twigs was found as 5.88 %, 2.00 %, and 0.62 %, respectively. &alpha;-pinene was confirmed to be the most abundant main compound found in the essential oils of cones, needles, and twigs. As a result of the essential oil analysis of the cone, needle, and twig of J. excelsa species, it was revealed that monoterpenes were the most abundant chemical class in terms of percentage. In the antimicrobial activity test performed on the essential oils of J. excelsa plant parts, it was found that cones, needles, and twigs have a strong antimicrobial effect against Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Penicillum expansum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae bacteria, yeast, and molds.Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se utvrdio kemijski sastav te antibakterijska i antifungalna svojstva eteričnog ulja dobivenoga iz dijelova biljke Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. Za potrebe ove studije eterična ulja češera, iglica i grančica biljke J. excelsa, koja je prirodno uzgojena u pokrajini Gümüşhane, dobivena su metodom hidrodestilacije u uređaju tipa Clevenger. Kemijski sastav eteričnih ulja određen je analizom na uređaju GC-MS/FID. Osim toga, disk-difuzijskom metodom ispitano je antimikrobno djelovanje eteričnih ulja na 23 različita mikroorganizma. Analizom eteričnog ulja biljke J. excelsa utvrđeno je da je postotak prinosa eteričnog ulja u češerima, iglicama i grančicama bio (redom) 5,88 % 2,00 % i 0,62 %. Najzastupljeniji glavni spoj pronađen u eteričnim uljima češera, iglica i grančica jest α-pinen. Rezultat analize eteričnih ulja češera, iglica i grančica biljke J. excelsa pokazao je da su postotno najzastupljenija kemijska klasa monoterpeni. U ispitivanju antimikrobne aktivnosti provedenome na eteričnim uljima dijelova biljke J. excelsa ustanovljeno je da češeri, iglice i grančice imaju snažno antimikrobno djelovanje na bakterije, kvasce i plijesni Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Penicillum expansum i Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Exogenous low-dose hydrogen peroxide enhances drought tolerance of soybean (Glycine max L.) through inducing antioxidant system

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) functions as a signal molecule in plants under abiotic and biotic stress. In this study, the role of exogenous H2O2 in improving drought tolerance in two soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merrill) differing in their tolerance to drought was evaluated. Plants were grown in plastic pots with normal irrigation in a phytotron. Four weeks after radicle emergence, either 1 mM H2O2 or distilled water was sprayed as foliar onto the leaves of each plant, after drought stress was applied. Leaf samples were harvested on the 4th and 7th days of the drought. Antioxidant-related enzyme activity, such as the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content was measured during the drought period. Drought stress decreased leaf water potential, relative water content and photosynthetic pigment content but enhanced lipid peroxidation and endogenous H2O2 concentration. By contrast, exogenous low dose H2O2 improved water status, pigment content and lipid peroxidation under drought stress. Endogenous H2O2 concentration was reduced by exogenous H2O2 as compared to drought treatment alone. H2O2 pre-treatment induced all the antioxidant enzyme activities, to a greater extent than the control leaves, during drought. H2O2 pretreatment further enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the tolerant cultivar compared to the sensitive cultivar. Results suggested that low dose H2O2 pre-treatment alleviated water loss and H2O2 content and increased drought stress tolerance by inducing the antioxidant system

    Effect of Oestradiol Administration on Rat Submandibular Gland after Ovariectomized Period

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    In this study, we aimed to investigate exogen estrogen on submandibulargland of adult ovariectomized rats. To this end, thirty-six virgin female WistarAlbino rats were used and were divided into three equal groups. Sham groupsreceived no treatment, all animals in the other two groups were bilaterallyovariectomized. Control groups was designated bilaterally ovariectomized andoestradiol was given application groups.Following the applications all animals were sacrified,then submandibulargland was excised and paraffin wax. Paraffin sections, obtained by routinehistologic methods, were cut at 5μm and stained with Hematoxilen-Eozin. Thestained sections were later evaluated under a light microscopy.Histological studies indicated that, after oestrogen deficiency period, theglandular parenchyma and stroma was destroyed. When oestrogen was givenexogenously, it was seen that after ovariectomy, the gland was partially improved.These data demonstrate that oestrogen deficiency play a role in rat of thesubmandibular gland. Exogenous oestrogen leads to partial improvement andoestrogen deficiency doesnt lead to changes of the gland. Exogenous oestrogendoes not completely prevent submandibular gland structur

    The effect of different replications of humic acid fertilization on yield performances of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)

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    This study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Diyarbakir, Turkey, in 2003 to 2004 and 2004 to 2005 growing seasons, in order to determine the effects of different humic acid treatments (control, soil 100%, seeds 100%, leaves 100%, soil 50% + seeds 50%, soil 50% + leaves 50%, seeds 50% + leaves 50% and seeds 33% + soil 33% + leaves 33% fertilizations) on herbage and crude protein concentration of common vetch. According to the results of this study, humic acid treatments increased the yields, and this increase was found to be significant as well as statistical. According to the two-year research, the highest value for green herbage yield (15180 kg ha-1), dry herbage yield (3045 kg ha-1) and plant height (61 cm) was obtained from soil 100% fertilizations, while the highest crude protein concentration (13.43%) was obtained from seeds 33% + soil  33% + leaves 33% fertilizations.Key words: Crude protein, fertilization, fulvic acid, humic acid and vetch

    Teacher'S Views on the Use of Smart Board in Music Classes

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    DergiPark: 881705bmsdBu araştırma, Fatih Projesi kapsamında akıllı tahta kullanan öğretmenlerin akıllı tahta hakkındaki görüş ve beklentilerini ortaya koyarak mevcut durumu saptamak, akıllı tahtanın eğitim hayatına etkisini belirlemek ve sonuçları değerlendirip bazı öneriler getirmek suretiyle izleyen araştırmalara ve kurumsal kararlara bir kaynak oluşturma amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma öğretmenlerin akıllı tahta kullanımını belirlemeye yönelik betimsel bir çalışmadır. Verilerin elde edilmesi uzman görüşlerine başvurularak oluşturulan anket aracılığı ile sağlanmıştır. Anket formunda yer alan sorular akıllı tahtaların kullanılma durumunu belirleme, akıllı tahta kullanımının öğrenci motivasyonuna etkisi ve genel olarak akıllı tahtanın eğitim-öğretime etkisini belirlemeye yönelik hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni Türkiye’de Fatih Projesi kapsamında akıllı tahta dağıtılan okulların müzik öğretmenlerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise Türkiye genelinde farklı illerde aktif olarak görev yapan 218 müzik öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem sayısı belirlemede Krejcie ve Morgan örneklem miktarı tablosundan yararlanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler olan frekans (f) ve yüzde (%) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda; Proje kapsamındaki akıllı tahtaların öğretmenler tarafından aktif olarak kullanıldığı, derse katılımın fazla olduğu, zamandan büyük tasarruf sağladığı, öğrenci ve öğretmen motivasyonunu üst düzeyde tuttuğu, derslerin görsel olarak zenginleştiği ve eğitimin daha kalıcı olmasına imkân sağladığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra internet altyapısının yetersizliği, yazılım eksiğinin olması ve hizmet içi eğitim programlarının yetersizliği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.This study is carried out to determine the current situation by revealing the opinions and expectations of teachers using interactive whiteboards within the scope of Fatih Project, to determine the effect of the interactive whiteboards on education life, and to create a resource for the following research and institutional decisions by evaluating the results and making some suggestions.The study is a descriptive study to determine teachers' use of smart boards. The data was obtained through a questionnaire created by referring to expert opinions. The questions in the questionnaire form were prepared to determine the use of interactive whiteboards, the effect of using interactive whiteboards on student motivation, and the overall effect of interactive whiteboards on education and training. The study population consists of interactive whiteboards in Turkey, Fatih Project, distributed school music teacher.The sample of the study consisted of serving as active in different provinces across Turkey 218 music teachers. The Krejcie and Morgan sample size table is used to determine the sample size. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, frequency (f) and percentage (%) values are determined.As a result of the study; It has been concluded that the interactive whiteboards within the scope of the project are actively used by teachers, participation in the lesson is high, saves a lot of time and the education is more permanent. In addition, it is concluded software is lacking, and in-service training programs are insufficient

    Electrophoresis of electrogenerated bubbles

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    The fundamental understanding of the interfacial charge on gas bubbles and the consequences of such charge are essential in understanding the behaviour of physicochemical systems involving liquid/gas and solid/liquid/gas interfaces. Such interfaces are involved in many industrial processes such as electrolytic gas evolution, particle flotation and bubble coalescence. The knowledge of such interfaces will aid mass transfer calculations. This thesis describes the application of a laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) system to the measurement of bubble electrophoretic mobilities, giving a measure of adsorbed charge. Single bubbles were electrogenerated in surfactant-free electrolytes, characterised by bubble rise rates, and their behaviour investigated in an electric field applied parallel to the direction of rise, so that, depending on the field direction, an increase or a decrease in the rise velocities was obtained. This field orientation served to decouple the hydrodynamic and field-induced charge polarisation. The velocity measurements using LDA showed a large degree of scatter despite numerous modifications to the optics and the signal processing. This culminated in the belief that a double LDA system was necessary to optimise the reliability and accuracy of the technique. Measurements using a Kodak high speed camera and recording system showed that the bubbles were negatively charged over the pH range studied (3-11), as indicated by their migration towards the anode under the influence of an applied electric field, with mobilities showing a radius and field dependence, implying that the adsorbed charge at the gas/electrolyte interface was mobile and polarisable. Large mobilities (10-60 x 10"® m2 s"^ V"^) were observed in comparison with results from previous bubble electrophoresis experiments with lateral fields. This was explained in terms of the enhanced charge polarisation occurring in the parallel electric field to the rise vector. A qualitative explanation for the decoupling of the hydrodynamic and field-induced charge polarisation has also been provided. In a separate series of experiments, under sufficient field conditions to overcome buoyancy forces, rising bubbles were stopped and held stationary. It was shown by extrapolation that bubbles possessed an iso electric point between pH 2 and 3, being positively charged below pH 2 and negatively charged above pH 3, supporting the hypothesis that the preferential adsorption of OH /H+ ions gives rise to the net charge. A laser reflection technique was investigated to measure the thickness of a liquid film formed between a bubble and the planar gas/electrolyte interface when they are in close proximity of each other. Preliminary investigations on macroscopic soap films showed the technique to be suitable for studying film thinning rates, though further refinement is necessary to study microscopic transient films. Electrophoresis measurements using a high speed camera have shown that bubbles preferentially adsorbed OH-/H+ ions from the solution in the absence of surfactants. This charge resided on a highly mobile interface and could be polarised by the actions of the hydrodynamics and the electric field. The laser Doppler anemometer system requires further development to achieve more accurate bubble velocity profiles in order to detect the small changes that occur.Open acces