124 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Learning

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    The rapid expansion of online learning in higher education in recent years has attracted a large number of students. In this paper, the researchers examined studentsā€™ perceptions of both online and face-to-face learning by conducting a qualitative study that surveyed 313 students from an Ontario community college. The objective was to explore studentsā€™ perspectives on the issues of learner preference, interactivity, workload, performance, and challenges. An analysis between the two groups, online and F2F, showed a difference in student perceptions and experiences

    Input-to-state stability of Lurā€™e systems

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    An input-to-state stability theory, which subsumes results of circle criterion type, is developed in the context of continuous-time Lurā€™e systems. The approach developed is inspired by the complexified Aizerman conjecture.</p

    Multi-omics HeCaToS dataset of repeated dose toxicity for cardiotoxic &amp; hepatotoxic compounds

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    The data currently described was generated within the EU/FP7 HeCaToS project (Hepatic and Cardiac Toxicity Systems modeling). The project aimed to develop an in silico prediction system to contribute to drug safety assessment for humans. For this purpose, multi-omics data of repeated dose toxicity were obtained for 10 hepatotoxic and 10 cardiotoxic compounds. Most data were gained from in vitro experiments in which 3D microtissues (either hepatic or cardiac) were exposed to a therapeutic (physiologically relevant concentrations calculated through PBPK-modeling) or a toxic dosing profile (IC20 after 7 days). Exposures lasted for 14 days and samples were obtained at 7 time points (therapeutic doses: 2-8-24-72-168-240-336ā€‰h; toxic doses 0-2-8-24-72-168-240ā€‰h). Transcriptomics (RNA sequencing & microRNA sequencing), proteomics (LC-MS), epigenomics (MeDIP sequencing) and metabolomics (LC-MS & NMR) data were obtained from these samples. Furthermore, functional endpoints (ATP content, Caspase3/7 and O2 consumption) were measured in exposed microtissues. Additionally, multi-omics data from human biopsies from patients are available. This data is now being released to the scientific community through the BioStudies data repository (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/)

    Input-to-state stability of Lurā€™e systems

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    An input-to-state stability theory, which subsumes results of circle criterion type, is developed in the context of continuous-time Lurā€™e systems. The approach developed is inspired by the complexified Aizerman conjecture.</p

    Input-to-state stability of discrete-time Lur'e systems

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    An input-to-state stability theory, which subsumes results of circle criterion type, isdeveloped in the context of discrete-time Lurā€™e systems. The approach developed is inspired by the complexified Aizerman conjecture

    Stability of higher-order discrete-time Lurā€™e systems

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    We consider discrete-time Lurā€™e systems obtained by applying nonlinear feedback to a system of higher-order difference equations (ARMA models). The ARMA model relates the inputs and outputs of the linear system and does not involve any internal or state variables. A stability theory subsuming results of circle criterion type is developed, including criteria for input-to-output stability, a concept which is very much reminiscent of input-to-state stability

    PASSIM ā€“ an open source software system for managing information in biomedical studies

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    BACKGROUND: One of the crucial aspects of day-to-day laboratory information management is collection, storage and retrieval of information about research subjects and biomedical samples. An efficient link between sample data and experiment results is absolutely imperative for a successful outcome of a biomedical study. Currently available software solutions are largely limited to large-scale, expensive commercial Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). Acquiring such LIMS indeed can bring laboratory information management to a higher level, but often implies sufficient investment of time, effort and funds, which are not always available. There is a clear need for lightweight open source systems for patient and sample information management. RESULTS: We present a web-based tool for submission, management and retrieval of sample and research subject data. The system secures confidentiality by separating anonymized sample information from individuals' records. It is simple and generic, and can be customised for various biomedical studies. Information can be both entered and accessed using the same web interface. User groups and their privileges can be defined. The system is open-source and is supplied with an on-line tutorial and necessary documentation. It has proven to be successful in a large international collaborative project. CONCLUSION: The presented system closes the gap between the need and the availability of lightweight software solutions for managing information in biomedical studies involving human research subjects

    graph2tab, a library to convert experimental workflow graphs into tabular formats

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    Motivations: Spreadsheet-like tabular formats are ever more popular in the biomedical field as a mean for experimental reporting. The problem of converting the graph of an experimental workflow into a table-based representation occurs in many such formats and is not easy to solve
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