113 research outputs found

    The Green Management of Paper of the Third Age in the Region of Attica. Case Study: The Municipalities of Egaleo and Chaidari

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the determinant factors of recycling and in particular of paper recycling. The research focuses on paper recycling behavior on the part of the elderly in the Region of Attica. Primary research was based on the use of layered data. The survey data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires to senior citizens in the municipalities of Egaleo and Chaidari. The questionnaire was distributed by hand in the region’s O.C.C. (Open Care Centers) for the Elderly Staff Members during the period from November 2017 until February 2018 (11/2017-02/2018). The final sample of the survey amounted to 375 participants. Multiple logistic regressions generate useful conclusions, such as whether participants recycle paper or not appear to be linked to the educational level of the elderly. In addition, through the logistic regressions, it appears that intention to recycle affects significantly the behaviour towards, recycling, and the perceived behavioural control as well. Furthermore, including social and demographic data, it appears that the educational level, monthly family income and residential status are factors that affect whether the participants are recycling paper or not

    Foreign direct investment and environmental degradation: Further evidence from Brazil and Singapore.

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    This paper assesses empirically the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows on environmental quality, measured by CO2 emissions. The cases of Brazil and Singapore are taken as examples for our empirical investigation, on the grounds of their specific similarities and differences. The empirical analysis is carried out in a multivariate setting, using a variety of models (ARDL, FMOLS, OLS) for the early 1970s to 2010. The results indicate that FDI inflows have lead to environmental degradation in Brazil but not in Singapore. Our findings point to the importance of the sectoral composition of FDI as a determinant of its impact on environmental quality. The analysis is supplemented with an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), our results showing that the EKC hypothesis holds for the case of Singapore but its validity is marginal in Brazil

    Foreign direct investment and environmental degradation: Further evidence from Brazil and Singapore.

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    This paper assesses empirically the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows on environmental quality, measured by CO2 emissions. The cases of Brazil and Singapore are taken as examples for our empirical investigation, on the grounds of their specific similarities and differences. The empirical analysis is carried out in a multivariate setting, using a variety of models (ARDL, FMOLS, OLS) for the early 1970s to 2010. The results indicate that FDI inflows have lead to environmental degradation in Brazil but not in Singapore. Our findings point to the importance of the sectoral composition of FDI as a determinant of its impact on environmental quality. The analysis is supplemented with an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), our results showing that the EKC hypothesis holds for the case of Singapore but its validity is marginal in Brazil

    The diffusion of domestic energy efficiency policies: A spatial perspective

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    National domestic energy-efficiency policies are unlikely to be implemented in a geographically uniform manner. This paper demonstrates the importance of socioeconomic, contextual, and local policy conditions in shaping the spatially heterogeneous response to a national policy. Through an assessment of the geographical and temporal variation in domestic energy-efficiency assessments provided under the United Kingdom’s Green Deal, the factors underpinning the spatial diffusion of this policy are identified. Spatial regression models show that the presence of young families, university educated residents, detached homes, and large households positively affects the uptake of energy-efficiency assessments whereas property market activity, personal incomes, the presence of self-employed residents, and the efficiency levels of the existing housing stock has a dampening effect. National incentives for policy implementation that are distributed through selected local authorities also work to promote the uptake of energy-efficiency assessments. Overall, the analysis clearly shows the importance of local factors in determining how national policies are implemented on the ground. This has important implications for policymakers in designing and administering national policy frameworks, in trading-off targeted implementation with fairness and uniformity, and in evaluating the local effectiveness of national policies
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