1,116 research outputs found

    Autokalibration von Driftrohrkammern fuer das ATLAS-Myonspektrometer

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    Random Walks: An Analysis of Non-self-intersecting Paths

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    Mixed Micelles of Binary Mixtures of Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfate and Tween 80 Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions

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    في هذا البحث تم دراسة الصفات السطحية لمزيج ثنائي من المواد الفعالة سطحيا sodium dodecylbenzene sulfate (SDBS)  و Tween 80 (TW80) في المحلول المائي عند 293 كلفن باستخدام قياسات الشد السطحي. تم الحصول على التركيز الحرج لتكوين المايسل (cmc) لكلا المادتين الفعالة سطحيا منفردة ولمزيجهما. وكانت النتائج تدل على ان قيمة cmc للمزيج هي اقل من قيمتها للمواد الفعالة سطحيا منفردة وتقل هذه القيمة مع زيادة تركيز المادة الفعالة سطحيا TW 80 مما يدل على ان المزيج كان غير مثاليا. حسبت قيمة التاثر بين المادتين داخل المايسل  والكسر المولي للمادة الفعالة سطحيا TW 80 (X1) داخل المايسل باستخدام نموذج Rubingh وبينت النتائج ان جميع قيم  كانت سالبة ماعدا القيمة عند الكسر المولي للمادة الفعالة سطحيا TW 80 ) 0.91= α) فكانت موجبة.In the present work, the surface properties of mixed binary surfactants containing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfate (SDBS) and Tween 80 (TW80) surfactants in aqueous solutions were studied at temperature 293 K using surface tension measurements. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) magnitude for both individual surfactants and their mixtures were established the obtained results revealed  that the magnitude of cmc of the mixtures are less than the magnitude of individual surfactants and decrease with the increase in Tween 80 percent in solution which indicate the nonideal  mixing of the two surfactants. The values of molecular interaction parameters  and the mole fraction of surfactants in the micelle (X1) were calculated on the basis of Rubingh’s model and showed that the interaction parameter is always negative but at 0.9 mole fraction of TW80 surfactant (α1) is positiv

    PCR Amplification of Three Kilobase Segments of Mitochondrial DNA of Larval Drosophila melanogaster

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    Exploring OhioHealth Employer Solutions Fitness and Wellness Team

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    Goal 1 I will apply the lessons learned from my coursework by becoming an advocate of corporate fitness and wellness through my research and program creation. Goal 2 I will improve my advocacy for health and wellness in the workplace by increasing my knowledge of workplace health and wellness with research. Goal 3 I will improve my understanding of the changes the pandemic had on corporate health and wellness by learning about the effects of COVID-19 on fitness in the workplace. Goal 4 I will learn about the workplace from a team perspective by integrating myself into the fitness and wellness team. Goal 5 I will expand my creativity by integrating the fields of corporate health and wellness with the lessons learned from previous experiences


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    Potassium Carbonate Assisted Synthesis Of α, β, γ, δ-Unsaturated Ketones

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    The Cinnamylideneacetophenones derivative is shows important medicinal properties and intermediate in organic synthesis.  Several substituted α, β, γ, δ-Unsaturated Ketones were prepared in high yield and purity by direct reaction of substituted cinnamaldehyde and ketones in the presence of potassium carbonate as a base in ethanol at 50ºC. The merit of the method is short reaction times, high yield, easy work-up and purification process, inexpensive and easily available catalyst