1,495 research outputs found

    Everything in moderation: new Polis research project on online journalism (guest blog)

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    Sanna Trygg is a Swedish journalist who is coming to Polis for a Jornalistfonden fellowship in November to investigate policies in online newspapers both in Sweden and the UK. She will use these policies concerning moderation of comment fields to make a wider analyze of the power relation between readers and journalists. The report will also discuss the concept of freedom of speech in modern media ( especially in Sweden and the UK). Details of Sanna and her project at the end of this article where she explains her investigation

    Is comment free? Ethical, editorial and political problems of moderating online news

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    Polis visiting research fellow Sanna Trygg explores why we moderate public comment and the effects of different moderation policies

    Why do we moderate news websites? (new LSE research project)

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    Why do we moderate websites? We held a research seminar on Chatham House rules with a great group of website editors from across the news media spectrum as well as some other academics and analysts. This report is by Sanna Trygg, a visiting research fellow who is heading up this project

    Fisheries Intelligence Report

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    This report has been jointly produced by Global Fishing Watch and Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT) on request of Somalia.

    Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games

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    Narrative design combines game design and game writing. It uses the mechanics of game design to create a dramatically compelling story to the game player. In a broader sense, narrative design is a unity of carefully selected game mechanics that would adhere the story elements in either textual or symbolic/visual form with the aim to fulfil the desired gaming experience for the players. Narrative design can be textual, visual, or aural. It is usually a tight bond of all these mediums telling the story directly through players’ senses in a form of gaming experience that was set by the game designer.</p

    Transhipment and the FCWC Region: Case Studies

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    This collection of case studies aims to highlight the diverse and complex role that transhipment plays. They illustrate different types of operations and, unless specific non-compliance is mentioned, are not intended to imply non-compliance. The cases provide indications as to which features and factors can be taken into consideration to determine the IUU risk associated with specific operations. Trygg Mat Trackin

    Vems är våldet?: Idéanalys av amerikanens rätt att bära vapen i förhållande till våldsmonopolet

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    This essay analyses the ideas of the second amendment of the U. S. Constitution, giving the right to the people to keep and bear arms, and its compatibility with the monopoly of violence, hence also sovereignty. As an introduction to the subject the essay attempts to briefly explain the historical background, interpretations and original purpose of the amendment and to analyse the concept of sovereignty and the monopoly of violence. In the analysis of sovereignty and the monopoly of violence the essay refers to the theorists Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes. As for the compatibility of the both ideas the essay will argue that the second amendment is not compatible with the monopoly of violence nor the sovereignty as it is described by Bodin and Hobbes. But this conclusion is not definitive due to the possibility to reinterpret the second amendment. Furthermore, there are theorists who argues that the development in the world will alter the meaning of sovereignty in a way that seems to look like a new middle ages. This might spoil the current concept of sovereignty, also known as the Westphalian system

    Alteration in Business Models of Electricity Distribution Companies - A Case of Smart Metering

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    Smart metering is currently implemented in many countries. The change from traditional metering is significant and impacts many of the Distribution system operator´s (DSO’s) activities. This dissertation aims to provide a structured model for analysing the impacts of Smart metering on a DSO´s business. Research was conducted by gathering a theoretical framework for understanding how the business operates. The concept of business model has been presented. It is used as a framework of metering business. Detailed studies on specific parts of the business model have been carried out. These concentrate on finding a theoretical background of what Smart metering can provide. Cost analyses were conducted to better understand resources required by Smart metering. Problems related to ICT resources have also been studied based on the DSO´s experiences. Partner network was studied based on DSO´s experiences related to service purchasing and finally experiences in working with IT services provided to the DSOs has been presented. This dissertation presents a development trend that has taken place regarding Smart metering in implementation and operation. Results are presented in a business model framework to provide a more structured view on issues related to Smart metering. Also non-technical issues should be analysed to fully understand the extent of the changes taking place when implementing Smart metering. The information presented can be utilized when significant change factors to the DSO´s business models can be recognized

    New Geographies of Work: A Case Study from Sweden

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    Abstract This paper describes and analyses the geography of work, i.e., the spatial patterns in where paid work is done. The geography of work may diverge from the geography of employment when paid work is done at the premises of client organizations, during commuting, on business trips, on external meetings, at home or at other places. The particular patterns in the geography of work depend on a number of factors, possibilities and constraints. The paper takes its point of departure from the debate about how structural economic changes resulting from evolving service industries and the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) entail new forms for the organization of paid work. Flexibility, reflexivity, flows and places are key concepts. The paper presents a case study from Stockholm that takes a workplace perspective and looks at knowledge-intensive work in a public sector organization. The empirical study analyses data from interviews, time diaries and a questionnaire. We analyse how the geography of work is the result of negotiations between different parties and in different arenas, and how this spatial pattern is the result of the character of work tasks and accessibility of ICT support. The discussion illustrates a complex picture of the coexistence of spatial fix and spatial flexibility, and how this may cause tensions but also convenient solutions for organizing and conducting paid work

    The introduction of the Last Planner method to the site managers of the target company

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitä ongelmia ja hyötyjä Last Planner -tuotannonohjausmenetelmään liittyy kohdeyrityksen työmailla. Tutkimuksessa pyritään lisäksi selvittämään työmaiden viikkotehtävien viiveiden suurimpia syitä sekä kohdeyrityksen työntekijöiden tuntemusta Last Planner -menetelmästä. Tutkimuksen loppuun kootaan lyhyt Last Planner -menetelmän ohjeistus, joka on tarkoitus jakaa kohdeyrityksen työmaahenkilöstölle. Tutkimus on kaksiosainen. Ensimmäinen osa koostuu kirjallisuusselvityksestä, jossa tutkitaan mitä elementtejä työmaan aikatauluhallintaan liittyy sekä perehdytään Lean-rakentamiseen ja Last Planner -tuotannonohjausmenetelmään. Toinen osa koostuu em-piirisestä tutkimuksesta. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää vastaukset tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkimuksen aineistoa kerätään lähettämällä kyselylomake koh-deyrityksen työnjohtajille sekä suorittamalla teemahaastatteluja yrityksen toimihenki-löille. Lisäksi tehdään toimintatutkimusta kahdella työmaalla, joissa Last Planner -menetelmä on otettu koekäyttöön. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että Last Planner -menetelmällä on mahdollista saavuttaa merkittäviä hyötyjä työmaan aikataulunhallinnassa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin Last Planner -menetelmän mahdollisesti parantavan aliurakoitsijoiden sitoutumista yhteisiin aikatauluihin sekä lisäävän urakoitsijoiden välistä yhteistyötä. Lisäksi havaittiin, että Last Planner -menetelmän mukaisella toiminnalla saatiin työnjohtajat paremmin varmistamaan työtehtäviensä suoritusedellytykset. Kohdeyrityksen henkilöstön tietämys Last Planner -menetelmästä on keskimäärin vähäistä ja Last Planner -menetelmän on aktiivisessa käytössä vain harvalla työmaalla. Kohdeyrityksen henkilöstössä kui-tenkin uskottiin, että menetelmässä on paljon potentiaalia ja sen käyttöönottoa tulisi yrityksessä jatkaa. Työmaan viikkotehtävien viiveiden keskeisimpiä syitä olivat suunnitelmien puuttumi-nen, edeltävien töiden keskeneräisyys sekä omien tai aliurakoitsijoiden riittävien resurssien puuttuminen