265 research outputs found

    Special space curves characterized by det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0

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    By using the facts that the condition det(α⁽¹⁾,α⁽²⁾,α⁽³⁾)=0 characterizes a plane curve and the condition det(α⁽²⁾,α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾)=0 characterizes a curve of constant slope, we present special space curves characterized by the condition det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0, in different approaches. It is shown that the space curve is Salkowski if and only if det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0. The approach used in our investigation can be useful in understanding the role of the curves characterized by det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0 in differential geometry.За допомогою тих фактів, що умова det(α⁽¹⁾,α⁽²⁾,α⁽³⁾)=0 характеризує плоску криву, а умова det(α⁽²⁾,α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾)=0 — криву зі сталим нахилом, наведено спеціальні просторові криві, що характеризуються умовами det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0, в різних підходах. Показано, що просторова крива є кривою Салковського тоді i тільки тоді, коли det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0. Підхід, що використовується в роботі, є корисним для розуміння ролі кривих, що характеризуються умовою det(α⁽³⁾,α⁽⁴⁾,α⁽⁵⁾)=0 в диференціальній геометрії

    Sorbent extraction of some metal ions on a gas chromatographic stationary phase prior to their flame atomic absorption determinations

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    An enrichment/separation system for atomic absorption spectrometric determinations of Cu(II), Fe(III), Ni(II) and Co(II) has been established. The procedure is based on the adsorption of the analytes as calmagite chelates on Chromosorb-102. The effects of some parameters including pH, amount of ligand, salt matrix, flow rates of sample and eluent solutions were investigated. Under optimized conditions, the relative standard deviation of the combined method of sample treatment, preconcentration and determination with FAAS (N=5) is generally lower than 5%. The limit of detection (3σ) was between 6.0-112. 9 μg/L. The results were used for preconcentration of analytes from some sodium and ammonium salt

    Extractable trace metals content of dust from vehicle air filters as determined by sequential extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometry

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    A modified four-step sequential extraction procedure developed within the Standards, Measurement, and Testing Program (formally the Community Bureau of Reference) of the European Commission was applied to determine the distribution of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Mn in air filter dust samples collected from vehicles. The four fractions were acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. These fractions have the advantage of providing better insight into the mechanism of association of metals in the dust. The determination of trace metals in dust samples was performed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results obtained after applying the sequential extraction scheme indicated that Cu was the most abundant metal in the organic and residual fractions of the dust matrix. Fe was found mainly in the residual fraction, and the major amounts of Mn and Cd were present in the acidsoluble and bound-to-carbonate fraction. The mean values of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Mn were found to be 15.58, 33.54,1625, and 180 μg/g, respectively. The results obtained are in agreement with data reported in the literature

    Concentration of apricot juice using complex membrane technology

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    In this study, pressed apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) juice was concentrated using complex membrane technology with different module combinations: UF-RO-OD, UF-RO-MD, UF-NF-OD and UF-NF-MD. In case of the best combination a cross-flow polyethylene ultrafiltration membrane (UF) was applied for clarification, after which preconcentration was done using reverse osmosis (RO) with a polyamide membrane, and the final concentration was completed by osmotic distillation (OD) using a polypropylene module. The UF-RO-OD procedure resulted in a final concentrate with a 65-70 °Brix dry solid content and an excellent quality juice with high polyphenol content and high antioxidant capacity.Nanofiltration (NF) and membrane distillation (MD) were not proper economic solutions.The influence of certain operation parameters was examined experimentally. Temperatures of UF and RO were: 25, 30, and 35 °C, and of OD 25 °C. Recycle flow rates were: UF: 1, 1.5, and 2 m3 h−1; RO: 200, 400, and 600 l h−1; OD: 20, 30 and 40 l h−1. The flow rates in the module were expressed by the Reynolds number, as well. Based on preliminary experiments, the transmembrane pressures of UF and RO filtration were 4 bar and 50 bar, respectively. Each experimental run was performed three times. The following optimal operation parameters provided the lowest total cost: UF: 35 °C, 2 m3 h−1, 4 bar; RO: 35 °C, 600 l h−1, 50 bar; OD: 20, 30 and 40 l h−1; temperature 25 °C.In addition, experiments were performed for apricot juice concentration by evaporation, which technique is widely applied in the industry using vacuum and low temperature.For description the UF filtration, a dynamic model and regression by SPSS 14.0 statistics software were applied

    Identification and Analysis of the Active Phytochemicals from the Anti-Cancer Botanical Extract Bezielle

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    Bezielle is a botanical extract that has selective anti-tumor activity, and has shown a promising efficacy in the early phases of clinical testing. Bezielle inhibits mitochondrial respiration and induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria of tumor cells but not in non-transformed cells. The generation of high ROS in tumor cells leads to heavy DNA damage and hyper-activation of PARP, followed by the inhibition of glycolysis. Bezielle therefore belongs to a group of drugs that target tumor cell mitochondria, but its cytotoxicity involves inhibition of both cellular energy producing pathways. We found that the cytotoxic activity of the Bezielle extract in vitro co-purified with a defined fraction containing multiple flavonoids. We have isolated several of these Bezielle flavonoids, and examined their possible roles in the selective anti-tumor cytotoxicity of Bezielle. Our results support the hypothesis that a major Scutellaria flavonoid, scutellarein, possesses many if not all of the biologically relevant properties of the total extract. Like Bezielle, scutellarein induced increasing levels of ROS of mitochondrial origin, progressive DNA damage, protein oxidation, depletion of reduced glutathione and ATP, and suppression of both OXPHOS and glycolysis. Like Bezielle, scutellarein was selectively cytotoxic towards cancer cells. Carthamidin, a flavonone found in Bezielle, also induced DNA damage and oxidative cell death. Two well known plant flavonoids, apigenin and luteolin, had limited and not selective cytotoxicity that did not depend on their pro-oxidant activities. We also provide evidence that the cytotoxicity of scutellarein was increased when other Bezielle flavonoids, not necessarily highly cytotoxic or selective on their own, were present. This indicates that the activity of total Bezielle extract might depend on a combination of several different compounds present within it

    COST292 experimental framework for TRECVID 2008

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    In this paper, we give an overview of the four tasks submitted to TRECVID 2008 by COST292. The high-level feature extraction framework comprises four systems. The first system transforms a set of low-level descriptors into the semantic space using Latent Semantic Analysis and utilises neural networks for feature detection. The second system uses a multi-modal classifier based on SVMs and several descriptors. The third system uses three image classifiers based on ant colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation and a multi-objective learning algorithm. The fourth system uses a Gaussian model for singing detection and a person detection algorithm. The search task is based on an interactive retrieval application combining retrieval functionalities in various modalities with a user interface supporting automatic and interactive search over all queries submitted. The rushes task submission is based on a spectral clustering approach for removing similar scenes based on eigenvalues of frame similarity matrix and and a redundancy removal strategy which depends on semantic features extraction such as camera motion and faces. Finally, the submission to the copy detection task is conducted by two different systems. The first system consists of a video module and an audio module. The second system is based on mid-level features that are related to the temporal structure of videos

    COST292 experimental framework for TRECVID 2006

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    In this paper we give an overview of the four TRECVID tasks submitted by COST292, European network of institutions in the area of semantic multimodal analysis and retrieval of digital video media. Initially, we present shot boundary evaluation method based on results merged using a confidence measure. The two SB detectors user here are presented, one of the Technical University of Delft and one of the LaBRI, University of Bordeaux 1, followed by the description of the merging algorithm. The high-level feature extraction task comprises three separate systems. The first system, developed by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) utilises a set of MPEG-7 low-level descriptors and Latent Semantic Analysis to detect the features. The second system, developed by Bilkent University, uses a Bayesian classifier trained with a "bag of subregions" for each keyframe. The third system by the Middle East Technical University (METU) exploits textual information in the video using character recognition methodology. The system submitted to the search task is an interactive retrieval application developed by Queen Mary, University of London, University of Zilina and ITI from Thessaloniki, combining basic retrieval functionalities in various modalities (i.e. visual, audio, textual) with a user interface supporting the submission of queries using any combination of the available retrieval tools and the accumulation of relevant retrieval results over all queries submitted by a single user during a specified time interval. Finally, the rushes task submission comprises a video summarisation and browsing system specifically designed to intuitively and efficiently presents rushes material in video production environment. This system is a result of joint work of University of Bristol, Technical University of Delft and LaBRI, University of Bordeaux 1

    Bioavailability of two oral formulas of secnidazole in healthy volunteers

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    Secnidazole is an antimicrobial agent used primarily in the treatment of amoebiasis. For this bioequivalence study of secnidazole, twenty-eight healthy female volunteers were enrolled in a randomized crossover study. Each volunteer was given a single oral dose of secnidazole test preparation and then the reference preparation, or vice versa, with a wash out interval of two weeks. The plasma concentrations of secnidazole were determined by HPLC, and the samples were extracted with tert-butyl-methyl-ether: dicloromethane (60:40, v/v). Secnidazole and its parent compound metronidazole were separated on a C18 column with water:acetonitrile (85:15, v/v) as the mobile phase, and monitored at 310 nm. The ratio of mean Cmax, AUC0-t and AUC0-∞ values for the test and reference products were within the predetermined range established by ANVISA, demonstrating that the two formulations are bioequivalent in rate and extent of absorption.Secnidazol é um agente antimicrobiano utilizado principalmente no tratamento da amebíase. Para este estudo de bioequivalência de secnidazol em voluntários saudáveis, foram incluídos vinte e oito voluntárias mulheres no estudo randomizado cruzado. Cada voluntária recebeu uma única dose oral de secnidazol do produto teste e referência para comparação, com um intervalo de wash-out de duas semanas. As concentrações plasmáticas de secnidazol foram determinados por CLAE, as amostras foram extraídas com terc-butil-metil-éter: dicloromethano (60:40, v/v). O secnidazol e seu padrão interno metronidazol foram separados em uma coluna (C18 ) com fase móvel água ultra-pura:acetonitrila (85:15, v/v) e monitorado em 310 nm. As razões entre as médias geométricas de Cmáx, ASC0-t e ASC0-∞, encontraram-se dentro do estabelecido pela ANVISA, demonstrando que as formulações são bioequivalentes quanto à taxa e extensão de absorçã

    Arms Racing, Military Build-Ups and Dispute Intensity: Evidence from the Greek-Turkish Rivalry, 1985-2020

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    Arms races are linked in the public conscience to potential violence. Following gas discoveries in eastern Mediterranean, Greece and Turkey nearly came to blows in August 2020 and both states have enacted military expansion plans, further risking escalation. We present a novel approach to study the effect of military build-ups on dispute intensity, using monthly data on Turkish incursions into Greek-claimed airspace. Because airspace claims feature strongly in the dispute, these contestations represent an appropriate measure of the intensity with which Turkey pursues the conflict. Theoretically, we suggest that bilateral factors drive this intensity. We argue that increased Greek military capabilities deter incursions whereas increased Turkish military capabilities fuel them. Results from time-series models support the second expectation. Consequently, the study provides a novel methodological approach to studying interstate conflict intensity and shines new light on escalation dynamics in the Greek-Turkish dispute

    Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction Childhood cancer is a leading cause of death. It is unclear whether the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted childhood cancer mortality. In this study, we aimed to establish all-cause mortality rates for childhood cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine the factors associated with mortality. Methods Prospective cohort study in 109 institutions in 41 countries. Inclusion criteria: children <18 years who were newly diagnosed with or undergoing active treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, retinoblastoma, Wilms tumour, glioma, osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma. Of 2327 cases, 2118 patients were included in the study. The primary outcome measure was all-cause mortality at 30 days, 90 days and 12 months. Results All-cause mortality was 3.4% (n=71/2084) at 30-day follow-up, 5.7% (n=113/1969) at 90-day follow-up and 13.0% (n=206/1581) at 12-month follow-up. The median time from diagnosis to multidisciplinary team (MDT) plan was longest in low-income countries (7 days, IQR 3-11). Multivariable analysis revealed several factors associated with 12-month mortality, including low-income (OR 6.99 (95% CI 2.49 to 19.68); p<0.001), lower middle income (OR 3.32 (95% CI 1.96 to 5.61); p<0.001) and upper middle income (OR 3.49 (95% CI 2.02 to 6.03); p<0.001) country status and chemotherapy (OR 0.55 (95% CI 0.36 to 0.86); p=0.008) and immunotherapy (OR 0.27 (95% CI 0.08 to 0.91); p=0.035) within 30 days from MDT plan. Multivariable analysis revealed laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (OR 5.33 (95% CI 1.19 to 23.84); p=0.029) was associated with 30-day mortality. Conclusions Children with cancer are more likely to die within 30 days if infected with SARS-CoV-2. However, timely treatment reduced odds of death. This report provides crucial information to balance the benefits of providing anticancer therapy against the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children with cancer