2,774 research outputs found

    Plan to improve the classroom atmosphere through a program of Emotional Intelligence

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    El trabajo que ocupa este estudio trata de la elaboración e implementación de un programa de Inteligencia Emocional con el fin de mejorar los problemas de conducta que tienen lugar en de 2º de ESO en un centro de Educación Secundaria específico. En dicho trabajo, tras la conceptualización y revisión sobre el problema citado y su posible solución, conductas disruptivas e Inteligencia Emocional, se detalla el programa que se ha llevado a cabo con uno de los dos grupos seleccionados de 2º de ESO, todo ello para comparar los datos obtenidos en ambos grupos. En último lugar, se presenta la discusión de los resultados donde queda comprobada la efectividad del programa, finalizando pues con las conclusiones y propuestas de mejora de dicho programa.The purpose of this research is to implement and elaborate an emotional intelligence program to improve behavioral problems that are taking place in 2nd of ESO course un an specific educational center. In this work, after the conceptualization and review about the cited issue and its possible solutions, disruptive conducts and Emotional Intelligence, it’s being detailed the program that has being executed in one of two chosen groups of 2nd of ESO, all of that to compare the information obtained from both groups. In last place, is the discussion of outcomes where it’s proven the effectiveness of the program, ending it with the conclusions and proposals for improvement of the program

    Galois representations and Galois groups over Q

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    In this paper we generalize results of P. Le Duff to genus n hyperelliptic curves. More precisely, let C/Q be a hyperelliptic genus n curve and let J(C) be the associated Jacobian variety. Assume that there exists a prime p such that J(C) has semistable reduction with toric dimension 1 at p. We provide an algorithm to compute a list of primes l (if they exist) such that the Galois representation attached to the l-torsion of J(C) is surjective onto the group GSp(2n, l). In particular we realize GSp(6, l) as a Galois group over Q for all primes l in [11, 500000].Comment: Minor changes. 13 pages. This paper contains results of the collaboration started at the conference Women in numbers - Europe, (October 2013), by the working group "Galois representations and Galois groups over Q

    overall survival according to type of surgery in young 40 years early breast cancer patients a systematic meta analysis comparing breast conserving surgery versus mastectomy

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    Abstract Objectives Young age is an independent risk factor for local recurrence after breast conserving surgery (BCS) and whole breast radiotherapy (WBRT) for breast cancer. The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic meta-analysis to address the issue as to whether type of surgery might have an impact on overall survival (OS) of young patients with early breast cancer. Material and Methods We summarized six studies comparing OS between BCS + WBRT vs. mastectomy in young patients (≤40 years) with T1-T2 N0–N + M0 breast cancer. Primary endpoint was OS or distant metastasis free survival (DMFS). Only studies with fully adjusted Hazard Ratios (HR) were analyzed. Summary HRs were calculated through random effects models. We investigated publication bias and heterogeneity by means of sensitivity analyses and meta-regression models. Results Five population-based studies and a pooled study of two clinical trials, for a total of 22598 patients 40 years old or younger, were considered: 10898 patients underwent BCS and 11700 underwent mastectomy. After all the adjustments, including nodal status and tumor size, no difference in risk of death was found between the two groups (10% not sgnificant risk reduction in patients who underwent BCS compared to mastectomy; summary HR = 0·90; 95%CI: 0·81 to 1·00). Between-study heterogeneity was not statistically significant (I 2 = 34% and Chi-square P = 0·15). Heterogeneity investigation did not find any variable influencing results. No indication for publication bias was found (P-value = 0·37). Excluding the only study presenting DMFS the results did not change (HR = 0·88; 95%CI: 0·78 to 1·01). Conclusion Considering all the limitations, from the present meta-analysis carried out on 22598 patients it appears unlikely that mastectomy provides better OS compared to BCS + WBRT in early breast cancer patients aged 40 years or younger

    Tame Galois realizations of GSp4 (Fℓ) over Q

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    In this paper we obtain realizations of the 4-dimensional general symplectic group over a prime field of characteristic ℓ > 3 as the Galois group of a tamely ramified Galois extension of Q. The strategy is to consider the Galois representation ρℓ attached to the Tate module at ℓ of a suitable abelian surface. We need to choose the abelian varieties carefully in order to ensure that the image of ρℓ is large and simultaneously maintain a control on the ramification of the corresponding Galois extension. We obtain an explicit family of curves of genus 2 such that the Galois representation attached to the ℓ-torsion points of their Jacobian varieties provide tame Galois realizations of the desired symplectic groups.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Análisis de señales biomédicas para la detección del nivel de estrés/relajación de conductores

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    [ES] El estrés laboral es una alteración física o psíquica que afecta negativamente a la salud de las personas. Este estrés incorporado a la conducción supone un incremento en el riesgo de sufrir accidentes de tráfico. Por ello, su evaluación en conductores resulta clave para evitar estos eventos y futuros problemas de salud. Para conocer el comportamiento del organismo se han elaborado dos análisis con las señales biomédicas del electrocardiograma, electromiograma y electrodermograma. Las señales del primer análisis proceden de la base de datos PhysioNet. El protocolo de adquisición consta de tres periodos de conducción donde el nivel de estrés se va modificando: relajación, ciudad y autopista. Los parámetros que han resultado más relevantes en la diferencia entre relajación y conducción han sido la frecuencia cardiaca, la tasa de alta/baja frecuencia, media cuadrática normalizada, percentil 90 y media de la amplitud. Para validar los resultados obtenidos, se ha desarrollado un experimento similar con un simulador de conducción de autobús. Los resultados indican que la conducción en zonas metropolitanas supone un incremento en el nivel de estrés del sujeto. Para registrar la evolución temporal del estrés se ha desarrollado una métrica de estrés formada por los parámetros más significativos. La evaluación de ésta se ha realizado sobre las dos bases de datos. En general, se reflejan incrementos puntuales y diferenciados de las zonas de conducción frente a la etapa de relajación. La incorporación de esta métrica de estrés en el seguimiento de los trabajadores podría ser una herramienta capaz de proporcionar información en tiempo real de la situación de éstos. Con ello, situaciones peligrosas activarían un aviso sonoro o visual para informar tanto a las empresas como a los empleados del riesgo presente.[CA] L'estrès laboral és una alteració física o psíquica que afecta negativament la salut de les persones. Aquest estrès incorporat a la conducció suposa un increment en el risc de patir accidents de trànsit. Per això, la seua avaluació en conductors resulta clau per evitar aquests esdeveniments i futurs problemes de salut. Per conèixer el comportament de l'organisme s'han elaborat dues anàlisis amb els senyals biomèdiques de l'electrocardiograma, electromiograma i electrodermograma. Els senyals de la primera anàlisi procedeixen de la base de dades PhysioNet. El protocol d'adquisició consta de tres períodes de conducció on el nivell d'estrès es va modificant: relaxació, ciutat i autopista. Els paràmetres que han resultat més rellevants en la diferència entre relaxació i conducció han sigut la freqüència cardíaca, la taxa d'alta / baixa freqüència, mitjana quadràtica, percentil 90 i la mitjana de l'amplitud. Per validar els resultats obtinguts, s'ha desenvolupat un experiment similar amb un simulador de conducció d'autobús. Els resultats indiquen que la conducció en zones metropolitanes suposa un increment en el nivell d'estrès del subjecte. Per registrar l'evolució temporal de l'estrès s'ha desenvolupat una mètrica formada pels paràmetres més significatius. L'avaluació d'aquesta s'ha realitzat sobre les dues bases de dades. En general, es reflecteixen increments puntuals i diferenciats de les zones de conducció enfront de l'etapa de relaxació La incorporació de la mètrica d'estrès en el seguiment dels treballadors podria ser una eina capaç de proporcionar informació en temps real de la situació d'aquests. Amb això, situacions perilloses activarien un avís sonor o visual per informar tant a les empreses com als treballadors del risc present.[EN] Work stress is a physical or mental alteration that adversely affects the health of people. This stress in driving represents an increase in the risk of traffics accidents. Therefore, its assessment is very important to avoid these events and future health problems. To understand the behaviour of the organism two analyses have been developed using electrocardiogram, electromiograma and electrodermal activity. The signals of the first analysis come from PhysioNet, a databank. The acquisition protocol consists of three periodos of driving where the stress level is modified: relaxation, city and highway. The parameters that have been the most important in the difference between relaxation and driving have been heart rate, the rate of high / low frequency, root mean square, 90th percentile and the mean of the amplitude. To validate the results, it has developed a similar experiment with a bus driving simulator. The results indicate that in metropolitan areas driving an increase in the stress level of the subject. To record the evolution of stress, a metric has been developed using the most significant parameters. This assessment has been done abou both databases. In general, specific and differentiated increases are reflected between areas of driving and relaxation phase. Incorporating stress metrics in monitoring of workers could be a tool capable of providing real time information about them. Dangerous situations would trigger an audible or visual warning to inform both companies and employees about the present riskGuardiola Vila, S. (2016). Análisis de señales biomédicas para la detección del nivel de estrés/relajación de conductores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/67550.TFG

    Fernando Rivière de Caralt (1904-1992), passió pel col·leccionisme

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    Increased seismic hazard in Barcelona (Spain) due to soil-building resonance effects

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    In this study, previous microzonation studies in Barcelona (Spain) were revisited, and available data on the predominant periods of soils in the city were compiled to develop an updated microzonation map of the city. In addition, the building database was updated and used to create a map of building fundamental periods. The crossing of soil predominant period and building fundamental period maps led to the detection of areas in which resonance phenomena and, indeed, increased amplification of the structural response are expected. Thus, zones of Barcelona were identified in which the seismic hazard is probably greater due to resonance effects. The improved microzonation maps and the detection of soil-building resonance areas contribute significantly to enhanced precision and awareness of seismic hazard and risk in Barcelona.We thank Lucille Banham for her assistance in the preparation of the English manuscript. This research was partially funded by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) through the project referenced as CGL2015-65913-P (MINECO/ ERDF, EU). The first author is supported by a Ph.D. scholarship grant from the Government of Panama’s Institute for the Training and Development of Human Resources (IFARHU) and the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENACYT).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft