189 research outputs found

    Análise de variáveis de aptidão física, composição corporal e capacidade funcional dos colaboradores da ESSAlcoitão

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    Introdução: As doenças não transmissíveis (DNT), também conhecidas como doenças crónicas, são a principal causa de morte em todo o mundo. A aptidão cardiorrespiratória é um forte indicador de saúde para as DNT e a expectativa de vida, estando associada a maiores números de absentismo no trabalho e a ocupações maioritariamente sedentárias, quando reduzida. Objetivos: Analisar os níveis de aptidão física dos colaboradores internos da ESSAlcoitão, docentes e não docentes. Metodologia: A amostra foi composta por 32 colaboradores internos da ESSAlcoitão. As pessoas que apresentavam contraindicações para a realização do teste de marcha foram excluídas do estudo. A recolha de dados foi realizada através da avaliação da composição corporal por antropometria; a aptidão cardiorrespiratória por análise de gases expirados durante a realização do teste de 6 minutos de marcha (6MWT); a funcionalidade pelo número de metros caminhados durante o 6MWT, a força de preensão da mão avaliada por dinamómetro Jamar® e a atividade física autorreportada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ-S). Resultados: Para 32 colaboradores, docentes (n = 16) e não docentes (n =16), com idades compreendidas entre os 31 e os 73 anos, relativamente à correlação entre variáveis, o 6MWT apresentou uma correlação de Pearson para p ≤ 0.05, significativa, negativa e moderada com o IMC (R = - 0.416; P = 0.018) e uma correlação de Pearson para p < 0.001, extremamente significativa, positiva e moderada com a força de preensão máxima do membro superior dominante (R = 0.628; P = < 0.001). A média de VO2 no último minuto do teste de marcha apresentou uma correlação de Pearson para p ≤ 0.05, significativa, positiva e moderada com os MET’s no fim do teste (R = 0.398; P = 0.036). Conclusão: Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos, ao nível da aptidão cardiorrespiratória, composição corporal e funcionalidade

    Contents & Introduction, Law Text Culture, volume 24

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    This essay introduces a large and diverse special issue on ‘The Acoustics of Justice: Law, Listening, Sound’. Until recently the acoustic dimensions of law and justice were not a major concern in the academy, either in self-consciously legal scholarship, or elsewhere. Things are changing, as indeed the size of this collection suggests. And our hope is that the work gathered here will go some way to addressing this deficit. Nevertheless, this introduction does not attempt to theorise how. Though the collection was conceived in 2019, it was mostly produced since the arrival of COVID-19. And we are tired. We have been working from home too long; or rather our homes have been ‘requisitioned’ for work. Our teaching loads have increased and the teaching itself rapidly onlined. All while separated from loved ones and attempting to school or otherwise entertain our kids at home. And we are the lucky ones. This introduction is, in a sense, an anti-introduction, or a non-introduction then: a strategic withdrawal of labour that opens the door onto the collection but offers little in the way of guidance to readers once they step through. Whether that is generous or irresponsible we leave to readers to decide

    Estimating the population and distributions trends of owls in Portugal using citizen science data from Program NOCTUA-Portugal and other sources

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    During the last eight years (2010-2017), the Working Group on Nocturnal Birds of SPEA (GTAN-SPEA) has carried out a volunteer monitoring program (NOCTUA-Portugal) to determine the population trends of seven owl species at a national scale. We used generalized estimating equations models to assess trends. In addition, we used the distribution data from breeding bird atlases, observations sent by collaborators, and data from the public online database PortugalAves/eBird to detect changes in distribution in a four-decade period (1978-2017). We defined four periods to study potential changes in distribution of owls in Portugal: 1978-1984 (1st breeding bird atlas); 1999-2005 (2nd breeding bird atlas); 2006-2014 (interval between 2nd and 3rd breeding bird atlases); and 2015-2017 (ongoing 3 rd breeding bird atlas). Three species had negative population and distribution trends: Common Barn-owl (Tyto alba), Eurasian Scops-owl (Otus scops), and Little Owl (Athene noctua). The Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) had a slightly positive population and distribution trends, while the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) was stable or slightly declined. The population trend of the Northern Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) was unknown because of large fluctuations, and due to the low number of records it was not possible to determine a population trend for the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)

    Metodologias estatísticas para análise de níveis de expressão genética

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    Mestrado em Matemática e AplicaçõesA tecnologia de microarrays de DNA permite monitorizar a expressão de milhares de genes em simultâneo, constituindo um instrumento de grande apoia a investigação de grandes questões nas áreas da Biologia Molecular, Genética, Medicina, entre outras. O uso de ferramentas estatisticas que permitam a deteção de genes diferencialmente expressos torna-se imprescindível no sentido de fornecer ao biólogo a identificação de diferenças entre as várias amostras comparadas durante a experiencia de microarrays. Nesta dissertação serão abordadas diferentes metodologias estatísticas com vista a deteção de genes que evidenciam diferenças significativas nos níveis de expressão sob duas condições distintas. Concretamente, estuda-se o procedimento estatístico de Analise de Significância de Mi- croarrays (SAM) e vários métodos de Bayes empíricos. A metodologia SAM permite estabelecer a partir do valor observado de uma estatística de teste para cada gene, usando o método das permutações e controlando a taxa de falsas descobertas, quais os genes com níveis de expressão ao significativamente diferentes. Os métodos de Bayes empíricos assumem o ajustamento dos níveis de expressão genética a um dado modelo probabilístico teórico o qual, por sua vez, depende de uma distribuição a priori para o modelo dos parâmetros, sendo que os parâmetros da distribuição a priori são estimados com base nos dados observados. No presente trabalho serão abordadas quatro metodologias inseridas nos métodos de Bayes empíricos: um modelo linear e os modelos Gamma-Gamma, Log-Normal-Normal e Log-Normal-Normal com Variância Modificada. Com o auxílio de packages do R obtidos do Bioconductor (nomeadamente, limma e EBarrays) e do package do R samr, aplicaram-se as metodologias referidas a duas bases de dados reais designadas por ApoAI e Fermentation. A ApoAI visa o estudo de ratos cujo gene ApoAI não esta funcional e a forma como a de ciência deste gene afeta o desempenho dos outros genes no fígado. A base de dados Fermentation resulta de uma experiencia de duas cores de microar- rays de DNA recentemente realizada no Laboratório de Microarrays da Universidade de Aveiro. A análise destes dados visa comparar os níveis de expressão genética de cinco leveduras vínicas e duas leveduras não vínicas e identificar genes que permitam distinguir estirpes com uma boa resistência ao stress imposto pelo processo de fermentação. Os resultados obtidos com cada uma das metodologias foram analisados e comparados obtendo-se uma lista de genes comuns identificados por todas as metodologias.The technology of DNA microarrays allows the monitoring of the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously in a single experiment. It has become a useful tool to support research in the elds of Molecular Biology, Genetics and Medicine, helping scientists to understand the patterns of gene activity in di erent cellular conditions. In the eld of Statistics, the large amount of complex data emerging from DNA microarray technologies has created new challenges and stimulated the development of new methods. In this dissertation, di erent statistical methodologies developed for the detection of di erentially expressed genes in microarray experiments were studied and applied on two experimental datasets. These methodologies were, speci cally, Signi cance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) and various procedures based on empirical Bayes methods. The SAM procedure is a permutation-based statistical technique which considers gene speci c statistical tests and measures the strength of the relationship between gene expression and condition types in order to decide whether there are statistically signi cant di erences in gene expression levels, controlling the false discovery rate. Empirical Bayes procedures are bayesian methodologies in which the prior distribution for the model parameters is estimated from the data. Herein, four different theoretical models for the expression levels were included in the empirical Bayes approach: linear model, Log-Normal-Normal model, Gamma-Gamma model and, nally, the Log-Normal-Normal with modi ed variance model. Using R packages (namely, samr and both limma and EBarrays from Bioconductor), those methodologies were applied on two real databases designated ApoAI and Fermentation. The ApoAI database has been largely studied in the specialized literature and it is aimed at identifying genes with altered expression in mice whose Apo AI gene is not functional. The Fermentation database was recently obtained at the National Facility for DNA Microarray at the University of Aveiro, and it comes from two colour DNA microarray experiment carried out to distinguish yeast strains with good resistance to stress imposed by the fermentation process. The results generated with each methodology for each database were analyzed and compared to obtain a list of di erentially expressed genes commonly identi ed by methodologies applied

    Evolution of Outcrossing in Experimental Populations of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Caenorhabditis elegans can reproduce exclusively by self-fertilization. Yet, males can be maintained in laboratory populations, a phenomenon that continues to puzzle biologists. In this study we evaluated the role of males in facilitating adaptation to novel environments. For this, we contrasted the evolution of a fitness component exclusive to outcrossing in experimental populations of different mating systems. We introgressed a modifier of outcrossing into a hybrid population derived from several wild isolates to transform the wild-type androdioecious mating system into a dioecious mating system. By genotyping 375 single-nucleotide polymorphisms we show that the two populations had similar standing genetic diversity available for adaptation, despite the occurrence of selection during their derivation. We then performed replicated experimental evolution under the two mating systems from starting conditions of either high or low levels of diversity, under defined environmental conditions of discrete non-overlapping generations, constant density at high population sizes (N = 104), no obvious spatial structure and abundant food resources. During 100 generations measurements of sex ratios and male competitive performance showed: 1) adaptation to the novel environment; 2) directional selection on male frequency under androdioecy; 3) optimal outcrossing rates of 0.5 under androdioecy; 4) the existence of initial inbreeding depression; and finally 5) that the strength of directional selection on male competitive performance does not depend on male frequencies. Taken together, these results suggest that androdioecious males are maintained at intermediate frequencies because outcrossing is adaptive

    O geoplano na resolução de tarefas envolvendo os conceitos de área e perímetro : um estudo no 2.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013O presente estudo pretende compreender como é que a utilização do geoplano contribui para o desenvolvimento da compreensão das noções de perímetro e de área em relação a figuras planas. Assim, para concretizar este propósito, pretende-se dar resposta às seguintes questões: (i) Que potencialidades e limites o geoplano evidencia na resolução de tarefas, envolvendo os conceitos de perímetro e área de figuras planas? (ii) Que estratégias e dificuldades os alunos manifestam na resolução de tarefas com o geoplano, envolvendo as noções de perímetro e área de figuras planas? Esta investigação insere-se no paradigma interpretativo, através de uma abordagem qualitativa e numa modalidade de estudo de caso, numa turma de quinto ano de escolaridade. Para a recolha de dados, foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: observação de aulas, com registo de notas de campo, vídeo gravação da realização das tarefas, produções dos alunos na realização das tarefas análise documental e entrevistas tipo clínicas. Os resultados do estudo revelam que o geoplano material permite experienciar os conceitos de área e de perímetro, de forma concreta, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão e distinção dos mesmos. No geoplano computacional, esse potencial é aumentado, criando contextos dinâmicos e possibilitadores de um maior número de experiências e mais diversificado. Sobre as dificuldades, na resolução de tarefas, ao nível dos enunciados, os resultados revelam que os alunos evidenciam dificuldades de interpretação, no que diz respeito à linguagem matemática e natural, e na interpretação de figuras; dificuldades concetuais, no que diz respeito à noção de área e de perímetro e dificuldades de argumentação, na explicação e justificação, sobretudo ao nível escrito. No que concerne às estratégias, o geoplano, associado ao tipo de tarefas propostas, potenciou o uso da contagem, da tentativa e erro, decomposição de figuras e o uso de fórmulas.The present study aims to understand how the use of the geoboard contributes to the development of the notions of perimeter and area of plane figures. Thus, in order to achieve this purpose, it is intended to answer the following questions: (i) what are the potentialities and limitations evidenced by the geoboard in tasks solving involving the perimeter and area concepts of plane figures? (ii) What are the strategies and difficulties experienced by the students in tasks solving with the geoboard, which involve the perimeter and area concepts of plane figures? This research falls within the interpretative paradigm, through a qualitative approach in the form of case study, which is focused in a 5th grade class of schooling. For data collection the following tools were used: classroom observation, productions of the students in the tasks, documental analysis, with record of field notes, video recording of the completion of tasks, and clinical-like interviews. The study results reveal that the material geoboard enables to experience, in a concrete way, the area and perimeter concepts, contributing to a better understanding and distinction between them. In computational geoboard that potential is increased, creating dynamic contexts and enabling a larger and more diverse set of experiences. Concerning the difficulties in tasks solving, at the level of their wording, the results show that students have interpretation difficulties relative to the natural and mathematical language, and in the interpretation of figures; conceptual difficulties regarding the notion of area and perimeter, and argumentation difficulties in the explanation and justification, especially in the writhing way. Regarding the strategies, the geoboard associated with the kind of proposed tasks potentiated the use of counting, trial and error, figures decomposition, and the use of formulas

    Screening of different ageing technologies of wine spirit by application of Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and volatile quantification

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    Screening of different ageing technologies of wine spirit by application of Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and volatile quantification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educational interventions to improve prescription and dispensing of antibiotics: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive and inappropriate antibiotic use contributes to growing antibiotic resistance, an important public-health problem. Strategies must be developed to improve antibiotic-prescribing. Our purpose is to review of educational programs aimed at improving antibiotic-prescribing by physicians and/or antibiotic-dispensing by pharmacists, in both primary-care and hospital settings. METHODS: We conducted a critical systematic search and review of the relevant literature on educational programs aimed at improving antibiotic prescribing and dispensing practice in primary-care and hospital settings, published in January 2001 through December 2011. RESULTS: We identified 78 studies for analysis, 47 in primary-care and 31 in hospital settings. The studies differed widely in design but mostly reported positive results. Outcomes measured in the reviewed studies were adherence to guidelines, total of antibiotics prescribed, or both, attitudes and behavior related to antibiotic prescribing and quality of pharmacy practice related to antibiotics. Twenty-nine studies (62%) in primary care and twenty-four (78%) in hospital setting reported positive results for all measured outcomes; fourteen studies (30%) in primary care and six (20%) in hospital setting reported positive results for some outcomes and results that were not statistically influenced by the intervention for others; only four studies in primary care and one study in hospital setting failed to report significant post-intervention improvements for all outcomes. Improvement in adherence to guidelines and decrease of total of antibiotics prescribed, after educational interventions, were observed, respectively, in 46% and 41% of all the reviewed studies. Changes in behaviour related to antibiotic-prescribing and improvement in quality of pharmacy practice was observed, respectively, in four studies and one study respectively. CONCLUSION: The results show that antibiotic use could be improved by educational interventions, being mostly used multifaceted interventions

    Portuguese Community Pharmacists’ Attitudes to and Knowledge of Antibiotic Misuse: Questionnaire Development and Reliability.

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    Objective: To develop and evaluate the reliability of a self-administered questionnaire designed to assess the attitudes and knowledge of community pharmacists in Portugal about microbial resistance and the antibiotic dispensing process. Methods: This study was divided into the following three stages: (1) design of the questionnaire, which included a literature review and a qualitative study with focus-group sessions; (2) assessment of face and content validity, using a panel of experts and a pre-test of community pharmacists; and, (3) pilot study and reliability analysis, which included a test-retest study covering fifty practising pharmacists based at community pharmacies in five districts situated in Northern Portugal. Questionnaire reproducibility was quantified using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC; 95% confidence interval) computed by means of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The correlation coefficients were fair to good (ICC.0.4) for all statements (scale-items) regarding knowledge of and attitudes to antibiotic resistance, and ranged from fair to good to excellent for statements about situations in which pharmacists acknowledged that antibiotics were sometimes dispensed without a medical prescription (ICC.0.8). Cronbach’s alpha for this section was 0.716. Conclusions: The questionnaire designed in this study is valid and reliable in terms of content validity, face validity and reproducibility
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