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    Iconografía dionisíaca en lucernas de la Hispania Romana

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    Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo la sistematización de las escenas de tipo dionisíaco documentadas en lucernas aparecidas en "Hispania". Se adjunta un repertorio de los motivos siguiendo un criterio temático (Baco, sátiros-silenos, ménades, panteras, máscaras...), realizando a continuación un estudio iconográfico de cada una de las representaciones documentadas. Se integran estos datos con los aportados por el estudio estrictamente arqueológico de las lucernas documentadas (88 piezas en total), extrayendo puntualizaciones cronológicas de interés

    Propagation of Statistical and Nuclear Data Uncertainties in Monte-Carlo Burn-up Calculations

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    Two methodologies to propagate the uncertainties on the nuclide inventory in combined Monte Carlo-spectrum and burn-up calculations are presented, based on sensitivity/uncertainty and random sampling techniques (uncertainty Monte Carlo method). Both enable the assessment of the impact of uncertainties in the nuclear data as well as uncertainties due to the statistical nature of the Monte Carlo neutron transport calculation. The methodologies are implemented in our MCNP–ACAB system, which combines the neutron transport code MCNP-4C and the inventory code ACAB. A high burn-up benchmark problem is used to test the MCNP–ACAB performance in inventory predictions, with no uncertainties. A good agreement is found with the results of other participants. This benchmark problem is also used to assess the impact of nuclear data uncertainties and statistical flux errors in high burn-up applications. A detailed calculation is performed to evaluate the effect of cross-section uncertainties in the inventory prediction, taking into account the temporal evolution of the neutron flux level and spectrum. Very large uncertainties are found at the unusually high burn-up of this exercise (800 MWd/kgHM). To compare the impact of the statistical errors in the calculated flux with respect to the cross uncertainties, a simplified problem is considered, taking a constant neutron flux level and spectrum. It is shown that, provided that the flux statistical deviations in the Monte Carlo transport calculation do not exceed a given value, the effect of the flux errors in the calculated isotopic inventory are negligible (even at very high burn-up) compared to the effect of the large cross-section uncertainties available at present in the data files

    Nuevos datos sobre la flora de la provincia de Cuenca, XXIX

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    Se comunica el hallazgo de nuevas especies de plantas vasculares en la provincia de Cuenca, que resultan de interés en dicho territorio.Some taxa of vascular plantas collected in the province of Cuenca (CE Spain) are here commented

    Detección de perturbaciones en la tensión de red con la transformada wavelet discreta. Autor:

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    Debido al uso cada vez más extendido en las últimas décadas de dispositivos electróni- cos, tanto en centros industriales como a nivel personal (moviles, ordenadores...), que demandaban una energıa electrica mas precisa, se comenzo a tratar el termino de calidad electrica. Esta hace referencias a las características que debe satisfacer el suministro de energía electrica; las cuales se plasmaron en diciembre del an˜o 2000 en el Real Decreto 1955/2000. A partir de este momento se empezaba a exigir, tanto a las compañías suministradoras como a los usuarios fi el evitar o limitar la aparicion de defectos en la red que pudieran alterar a los parametros que defi la alimentacion el´ectrica y afectar la continuadad del suministro; estos defectos reciben el nombre de perturbaciones. Sin embargo, a pesar del marco legal, de todas las regulaciones y de las inversiones por parte de compañías electricas en mejorar la calidad electrica, es inevitable la aparicion de fenomenos que la empeoran. Por ello, otro aspecto fundamental es la deteccion y analisis de pertubaciones en la tension de red. En este momento entra en juego un concepto matema´tico conocido como transformada wavelet. Desde su desarrollo en la d´ecada de 1980 hasta la actualidad, numerosos estudios han demostrado su efectividad a la hora de analizar cambios bruscos, distorsiones o cualquier tipo de anomalía en una funcion que tenga forma de onda, como la que caracteriza a la tension de la red electrica.Departamento de Ingeniería EléctricaMáster en Ingeniería Industria

    Singularities and undefinitions in the calibration functions of sonic anemometers

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    A mathematical model of the process employed by a sonic anemometer to build up the measured wind vector in a steady flow is presented to illustrate the way the geometry of these sensors as well as the characteristics of aerodynamic disturbance on the acoustic path can lead to singularities in the transformation function that relates the measured (disturbed) wind vector with the real (corrected) wind vector, impeding the application of correction/calibration functions for some wind conditions. An implicit function theorem allows for the identification of those combinations of real wind conditions and design parameters that lead to undefined correction/ calibration functions. In general, orthogonal path sensors do not show problematic combination of parameters. However, some geometric sonic sensor designs, available in the market, with paths forming smaller angles could lead to undefined correction functions for some levels of aerodynamic disturbances and for certain wind directions. The parameters studied have a strong influence on the existence and number of singularities in the correction/ calibration function as well as on the number of singularities for some combination of parameters. Some conclusions concerning good design practices are included

    Microencapsulation of supercritical CO2 extracted rice bran oil in pea proteins

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    Póster presentado en: 1er Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos/1º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos. 2020, 18-19 de febrero, Santiago de CompostelaRice bran oil is a source of bioactive molecules such as sterols, tocols, -oryzanols and unsaturated fatty acids [1,2]. In this work, the encapsulation of rice bran oil extracted using supercritical CO2 under the conditions optimized by Benito-Román et al. [3] has been studied. Microencapsulation processes are sequential and involve the emulsion formation and then, the emulsion drying. In a first stage, the emulsification process by high pressure homogenization was studied and optimized. High pressure homogenization, also known as microfluidization, is a high energy emulsification method affected by several parameters: pressure and number of homogenization cycles (together determine the energy input), the carrier material, the carrier to core ratio, and the solids content in the emulsion. Microfluization also exhibits an important advantage: the industrial application due to flexibility to control the emulsion droplet size (EDS) and the ability to produce emulsions from a variety of materials [4]. Among the different encapsulation materials, vegetable proteins are trendy, due to their properties and the possibility to be used in pharma, cosmetics and food industries [5]. More specifically, pea proteins present the most interesting properties such as emulsifying easiness, high nutritional value and non-allergenic characteristics [6]. For these reasons, and the wall forming properties pea proteins have, key in microencapsulation processes, they were used in this work. The effect of working pressure (60-150 MPa), composition of the carrier (mixtures of pea protein isolate (PPI) and maltodextrin (MD), (from 50 to 90% of PPI) and carrier to oil ratio (COR) (from 2 to 4) on the emulsion droplet size (EDS) was studied, using the response surface methodology. The number of passes through the homogenization chamber was previously determined and set in 7. The experimental work, revealed that in order to minimize the EDS, moderate pressures (114 MPa), a carrier composed mainly by PPI (64%) and carrier to oil ratios around 3.2 are required. Important interactions between the experimental factors were also observed. In the second stage, the emulsion obtained in the optimal conditions (EDS=189±3nm) was dried using different technologies: spray-drying (Buchi B-290 mini Spray-dryer, inlet temperature 155 ºC, outlet temperature 92-96 ºC and emulsion flow rate of 3 g/min); PGSS-drying (apparatus extensively described by Melgosa et al. [7], being the main working conditionsgas to product ratio (GPR) equal to 30 g/g temperature and pressure in the static mixer of 105 ºC and 10 MPa, respectively) and freeze drying (Labconco Freeze Dry System, 0.15 mbar for, at least, 48 h). All of them were suitable to get dry powders, spray drying provided high encapsulation efficiencies (around 73%) and monomodal powders (around 18 μm), whereas PGSS drying provided lower encapsulation efficiencies (around 52%) but perfect spheres with lower particle size (around 11 μm). Freeze drying yielded powders with almost complete encapsulation efficiencies, and higher stability when stored at 4 ºC, since spray-dried and PGSS-dried powders increased the amount of free oil after two weeks of storage.JCyL and ERDF for financial support of project BU301P18. CampofríoFood Group -SIGMA through project ref. 10/16/BU/0017, funded by ERDF of the EU and JCyL, through IC

    Image processing methods for human brain connectivity analysis from in-vivo diffusion MRI

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    In this PhD Thesis proposal, the principles of diffusion MRI (dMRI) in its application to the human brain mapping of connectivity are reviewed. The background section covers the fundamentals of dMRI, with special focus on those related to the distortions caused by susceptibility inhomogeneity across tissues. Also, a deep survey of available correction methodologies for this common artifact of dMRI is presented. Two methodological approaches to improved correction are introduced. Finally, the PhD proposal describes its objectives, the research plan, and the necessary resources

    Desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis de imágenes cerebrales multimodales

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    En la actualidad, el desarrollo de las tecnologías de adquisición y análisis de imagen médica permiten la implementación de aplicaciones con fines clínicos y de investigación que resulten en un mejor conocimiento de la fisiopatología humana y, en la práctica, un mejor tratamiento a los pacientes. Utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética nuclear y de tomografía por emisión de fotón único (SPECT), se han desarrollado los algoritmos de registro necesarios para ser integrados en dos procedimientos de uso clínico. En el primero de estos procedimientos, el objetivo es la localización del foco epileptogénico en casos de epilepsia fármacorresistente mediante el protocolo denominado SISCOM. En este contexto, se ha implementado un algoritmo de registro rígido para el corregistro de Resonancia Magnética e imagen SPECT interictal, así como un algoritmo de registro afín que ayuda a la segmentación de imágenes SPECT. Así mismo, se han validado y caracterizado ambos algoritmos y la librería sobre la que se han desarrollado. El segundo procedimiento tiene por objeto la cuantificación de neurotransmisores dopaminérgicos para el diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Parkinson. En este contexto, se ha implementado un algoritmo de registro SPECT-template necesario para realizar correctamente la cuantificación
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