124 research outputs found

    Examining a News Discourse of a Female Politician in Indonesia: Fairclough's Model of Critical Discourse Analysis and its Implication in English Language Teaching

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    As one of the most important sites in which particular agenda are articulated and disseminated, news media play important roles in reproducing power relations and ideologies. Drawing on Fairclough’s approach of three-dimensional model within the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and of the qualitative research, this study aims to identify the ideology enacted in a news article which reports the appointment of Susi Pudjiastuti as the Indonesian minister of maritime affairs and fisheries. It does so by analysing the textual, the discursive, and the social practices of the news discourse. Underpinned by the results of the analysis, this research also investigates the integration of CDA in English classrooms in Indonesia. The results of this study reveal that the patriarchal ideology is enacted in the news through (1) the construction of language use in comparing the qualifications of Susi with Indroyono Soesilo as the coordinating minister for maritime affairs; (2) the use of direct and indirect speech constituted intertextuality; (3) the enquiry of socio-political contexts surrounding the news discourse in relation to women’s participations in politics. Based on these findings and Cot’s framework, this research also attempts to design a reading task using the news article by constructing consciousness-raising questions, so that students can enhance their critical thinking skills and their ability to reveal hidden meanings in discourse. The implications of the research both in the theoretical importance and in the English language teaching are also discussed with reference to intercultural issues.Keywords:  critical discourse analysis, news discourse, ideology, patriarch


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    Recent research developments have an increased focus on the complexity and the dynamic nature of language practices. Translanguaging views multilingual speakers as having one integrated language repertoire which they can use strategically to communicate and involve in the process of meaning-making activities. This research aims to investigate attitudes and practices of translanguaging among English department students in the Language Assessment course at Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta. A series of observations and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data to five students. The data were interpreted using a thematic analysis and critically evaluated using the sociocultural theory of mind. This research revealed that the students translanguaged not only for cognitive functions, but also for creative and critical linguistic practices. Positive attitudes were also demonstrated through the students’ active participation in using their full repertoires. Further pedagogical implications in this particular context are also discussed

    Exploring Critical Pedagogy in an Indonesian Higher Education: Possibilities and Challenges

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    The prior and recent literature on the second and foreign language education has touched upon a number of discussion regarding Critical Pedagogy (CP). CP is generally defined as an approach to teaching and curriculum that seeks to understand and the historical and socio-political context of schooling and pedagogical practices that aim not only to change the schooling, but also the wider society. This case study aimed to investigate the perspective of teachers towards CP in an Indonesian higher education in order to see the possibilities and the challenges of applying CP in this particular context. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data to five teachers, and the data was analysed using a thematic analysis. The result of this study revealed that while some of the teachers were in favour of implementing CP, the others seemed to be rather pessimistic due to some constraints they had in the classroom. Some strategies, e.g. problem posing techniques were found to be essential to engage the students in critical dialogue with the teachers. It is hoped that this research can shed new light on to what extent CP can be implemented in certain educational contexts and on possible challenges that teachers may face in the process.

    Evaluation of Materials for Grade 10 Secondary School Students

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    The use of course book has become a debatable issue, especially in the field of English Language Teaching. Its use is deemed useful as it could provide a clear organization of the lesson, a syllabus, and a guideline for teachers to select materials for students. Nevertheless, it could also be argued that the use of course book also present some issues, for example, some teachers may rely on course book without making informed decisions about how to use it appropriately. This study aimed to evaluate a course book used in a secondary high school. The evaluation focused on how the course book accommodate students’ speaking skills and learning styles. The course book was analyzed using both external and internal checklists adapted from current literature. In addition, the analysis of institution, teacher, and student needs were also conducted in order to see whether the course book fulfilled their needs. The results showed that the external evaluation did not demonstrate any issues. However, the internal evaluation revealed that the tasks did not cater most students’ learning styles as well as communicative activities. This study recommends further material adaptation and supplementation for this course book to better suit the teaching context

    Tantangan Digitalisasi Pendidikan bagi Orang Tua dan Anak Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Bendanpete

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk, tantangan serta dampak digitalisasi pendidikan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Bendanpete. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 6-12 tahun dan anak usia 6-12 di Desa Bendanpete. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian didapati bentuk dari digitalisasi pendidikan ditengah pandemi Covid-19 secara asynchronous learning (pembelajaran tidak sinkron). Adapun tantangan digitalisasi pendidikan bagi orang tua adalah ketersediaan paket data, manajemen waktu serta perubahan pola belajar. Tantangan digitalisasi pendidikan bagi anak adalah anak gagap teknologi. Sedangkan dampak positif digitalisasi pendidikan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 bagi orang tua adalah orang tua dapat memantau aktivitas belajar anak di rumah. Dampak negatifnya adalah orang tua kesulitan memahami materi anak dan pengeluaran membengkak akibat pemenuhan fasilitas pembelajaran daring anak. Sedangkan dampak positif digitalisasi pendidikan bagi anak adalah tersedianya media massa untuk mencari informasi serta waktu belajar menjadi fleksibel. Dampak negatif dari digitalisasi pendidikan bagi anak adalah anak tidak paham materi pelajaran, munculnya sikap malas belajar, penyalahgunaan teknologi selama pembelajaran daring, serta munculnya sikap acuh anak


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    Recent research has shown a paradigm shift towards the rise of translanguaging pedagogy as opposed to the so-called monolingual principles. Translanguaging pedagogy in educational contexts refers to the utilisation of all the linguistic and semiotic resources of students to foster learning. This crosslinguistic approach, thus, challenges language separation and softens the boundaries between languages. Translanguaging is also seen as a transformative pedagogy as it empowers multilinguals to embrace their whole repertoires. This present study involved the pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in an Indonesian private university taking the English language teaching programme designed to prepare them to be future English teachers. This research aimed to investigate their perceptions of translanguaging pedagogy in order to promote reflections in pre-service English teachers regarding their own views of English language teaching. Six pre-service English teachers were invited to participate in a group interview to shed light on future teachers’ reflective stance regarding the potential use of translanguaging pedagogy. The research results demonstrated that the participants held the maximal position, which put a strong emphasis on maximising the use of English. They, however, expressed their interests in the implementation of translanguaging pedagogy in their own classrooms, but solely for a scaffold to learn rather than seeing it as opportunities to create a safe space for students to legitimate their multilingual dynamic practices

    Pengaruh Penambahan Glukosa-Leusin, Glukosa-Threonin terhadap Aroma Cokelat setelah Penyangraian Mikrowave = Pie Effect of Glucose-Leucin, Glucose-Threonin Addition to the Chocolate Aroma Following Microwave Roasting

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    Dried bulk cocoa was dehulled, disintegrated to get ground nib. The nib was alkalized, added with glucose-leucin or glucose-threonin. The addition of glucose-amino acids was adjusted to get ratio of 1:121 and 1:2based on the fact of the ratio of glucose-amino\u27acids in fine cocoa was 2:1. The mixture was roasted using microwave oven at 500 Watt for 12 minutes. The roasted cocoa was characterized for moisture content, pH, decrease in glukose and amino acids contents, objective colour, and sensory properties. The results indicated that the best result was obtained by addition of glucose-leucin at ratio 2:1 wich was preferred by panelist compare to the similary processed fine cocoa with contained moisture 3.98%, pH at 7.45, with the high decrease in glucose and amino acids while the colour was in between. Keywords: microwave oven - alkalization - reaction of acid amino-sugar reduction

    Hybrid Support Vector Machine to Preterm Birth Prediction

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    Preterm birth is one of the major contributors to perinatal and neonatal mortality. This issue became important in health research area especially human reproduction both in developed and developing country. In 2015 Indonesia rank fifth as the country with the highest number of premature babies in the world. The ability to reduce the number of preterm birth is to reduce risk factors associated with it. This research will be made the prediction model of preterm birth using hybrid multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). MARS used to select the attributes which suspected to affect premature babies. The result of this research is prediction model based on hybrid MARS-SVM obtains better performance than the other model

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Teacher Performance Through Organizational Commitment As A Mediation Variable

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    A good education is obtained from the quality of good teachers. And the success of education is largely determined by the performance of teachers, both teacher performance in learning planning, teacher performance in the implementation of learning, teacher performance in learning evaluation, teacher performance in the task discipline, as well as the activeness of teachers in teaching in the classroom. Research methods using data collection techniques used in this study is a questionnaire or questionnaire method. The population in the study were teachers , which amounted to 75 people. The results of this study have 7 conclusions. First, transformational leadership directly affects teacher performance. Second, Transformational Leadership directly affects organizational commitment. Third, competence directly affects organizational commitment. Fourth, competence has no direct effect on Teacher Performance. Fifth, organizational commitment has no direct effect on Teacher Performance. Sixth, Transformational Leadership directly affects the performance of teachers without going through organizational commitment as mediation. Seventh, compensation directly affects the performance of teachers through organizational commitment as mediation

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Tepung Ampas Kelapa Sebagai Campuran Pakan Untuk Ikan Lele Dumbo, Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

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    Coconut waste is one of the industrial waste or household waste that potentially can be mixed in feed, because it contains of 5,7% protein, 16,3% fat, 38,1% carbohydrate, 31,6% rough fiber, 5,5% water, and 2,6% ash. The aim of this study was to learn the effectivity of adding shredded coconut waste as fish feed ingredients for dumbo catfish fry. This research was carried out in 60 days in Aquaculture laboratorium, Fisheries and Marine, Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung. This research used completety randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. Treatment A (0% of coconut waste flour), treatment B (10% of coconut waste flour), treatment C (20% of coconut waste flour), and treatment D (30% of coconut waste flour). The parameters in this research were growth rate, daily growth rate, and feed conversion ration and protein retention and water quality. The result showed that the use of coconut waste flour in feed gave no effect to the growth rate, daily growth rate, and feed conversion ratio for the dumbo catfish
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