1,381 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the oxidative profile in leukocytes of jiu jtisu athletes

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    Oxidative stress is a process where there is an increase in reactive species, both oxygen and nitrogen. This can happen at both systemic and mitochondrial levels. One of the physiological conditions currently associated with oxidative stress is high-performance physical activity. In this way, it is possible to relate that this problem impacts on sports competitions, especially in Jiu-Jitsu, a growing sport in the world and which demands intense physical effort. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the level of mitochondrial and systemic oxidation in leukocytes of jiu-jitsu athletes. 20 adult men were selected for the control group and 13 athletes for the experimental group. A blood collection was performed to perform MTT and chemiluminescence assays for an analysis of mitochondrial and systemic oxidation, respectively. In addition, two reactive nitrogen species were measured: nitric oxide and peroxynitrite. The evaluation of the leukocyte reducing capacity by MTT showed that the athletes presented a greater reducing environment compared to the control. On the other hand, the chemiluminescence evaluation showed that the athletes' leukocytes showed greater systemic oxidation. There was an increase in both reactive nitrogen species in alteta leukocytes. Given this, it was possible to notice that the athletes presented greater systemic oxidative stress, but with mitochondria with better adaptive capacity to the cell's metabolic demands

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium of water +1-butanol + amino acid (glycine or DL-alanine or L-leucine)

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    Amino acid play an important role both in animal metabolism and in industrial processes. Since they are rarely found in nature in free form, they must be obtained form hydrolisis of protein-containing materials, or by fermentation. These production methods often results in aqueouse mixtures containing various solutes included several types of amino acids. As a consequence, the cost of the separation processses and concentration of biomelecules from the media can be as high as 90 per cent of their total manufacturing cost

    Yoga for Vital Capacity

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    The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of yogic exercises and pranayam on the vital capacity adolescent school going boys. In total 60 numbers of school students (boys only) were taken as subjects and were divided equally (30 each) into two groups namely Experimental and Control groups. Pre tests on Vital Capacity was conducted prior to Yogic exercises and pranayam treatment to the experimental group and post test was made after a 12 week treatment and comparisons were made between and within the groups using descriptive statistics and Factorial ANOVA. It was concluded that Yoga Training Group (Experimental Group) improves Vital Capacity of adolescent student

    Leptophis Ahaetulla (linnaeus, 1758) (serpentes, Colubridae): First Record For The State Of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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    We present the first record of Leptophis ahaetulla for the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Between November and December 2014, and February 2015, three specimens were found, respectively: one male dead on a highway at the Parque Estadual do Espinilho, a conservation unit located at the municipality of Barra do Quaraí; and two females collected in an anthropic landscape of Salso farm at the municipality of Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Meristic data and coloration enables the identification of these specimens as Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus. © 2016 Check List and Authors.12

    Effect Of Post Type And Restorative Techniques On The Strain And Fracture Resistance Of Flared Incisor Roots

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    Restoring flared endodontically treated teeth continues to be a challenge for clinicians. This study evaluated the effect of post types and restorative techniques on the strain, fracture resistance, and fracture mode of incisors with weakened roots. One hundred five endodontically treated bovine incisors roots (15 mm) were divided into 7 groups (n=15). The two control groups were (C) intact roots restored with Cpc (cast posts and core) or Gfp (glass fiber posts). The five experimental groups were (F) flared roots restored with GfpAp (Gfp associated with accessory glass fiber posts), GfpRc (anatomic Gfp, relined with composite resin), and GfpRcAp (anatomized Gfp with resin and accessory glass fiber posts). All teeth were restored with metal crowns. Mechanical fatigue was performed with 3x10 5/50 N. Specimens were loaded at 45°, and the strain values (μS) were obtained on root buccal and proximal surfaces. Following that, the fracture resistance (N) was measured. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests (α=0.05) were applied, and failure mode was checked. No significant difference in strain values among the groups was found. Cpc presented lower fracture resistance and more catastrophic failures in flared roots. Gfp associated with composite resin or accessory glass fiber posts seems to be an effective method to improve the biomechanical behavior of flared roots.223230237Coelho, C.S., Biffi, J.C., Silva, G.R., Abrahão, A., Campos, R.E., Soares, C.J., Finite element analysis of weakened roots restored with composite resin and posts (2009) Dent Mater J, 28, pp. 671-678Teixeira, C.S., Silva-Sousa, Y.T., Sousa-Neto, M.D., Bond strength of fiber posts to weakened roots after resin restoration with different light-curing times (2009) J Endod, 35, pp. 1034-1039Zogheib, L.V., Pereira, J.R., do Valle, A.L., de Oliveira, J.A., Pegoraro, L.F., Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with composite resin and glass fiber post (2008) Braz Dent J, 19, pp. 329-333Marchi, G.M., Mitsui, F.H., Cavalcanti, A.N., Effect of remaining dentine structure and thermal-mechanical aging on the fracture resistance of bovine roots with different post and core systems (2008) Int Endod J, 41, pp. 969-976da Silveira, T.C., Santos, F.M.C., Silva-Sousa, Y.T., de Sousa-Neto, M.D., Interfacial evaluation of experimentally weakened roots restored with adhesive materials and fibre posts: An SEM analysis (2008) J Dent, 36, pp. 672-682Moosavi, H., Maleknejad, F., Kimyai, S., Fracture resistance of endodontically-treated teeth restored using three root- reinforcement methods (2008) J Contemp Dent Pract, 9, pp. 30-37Bonfante, G., Kaizer, O.B., Pegoraro, L.F., do Valle, A.L., Fracture strength of teeth with flared root canals restored with glass fibre posts (2007) Int Dent J, 57, pp. 153-160Santos, A.F., Meira, J.B., Tanaka, C.B., Xavier, T.A., Ballester, R.Y., Lima, R.G., Can fiber posts increase root stresses and reduce fracture? (2010) J Dent Res, 89, pp. 587-591da Silva, N.R., Raposo, L.H., Versluis, A., Fernandes-Neto, A.J., Soares, C.J., The effect of post, core, crown type, and ferrule presence on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated bovine anterior teeth (2010) J Prosthet Dent, 104, pp. 306-317Silva, N.R., Castro, C.G., Santos-Filho, P.C., Silva, G.R., Campos, R.E., Soares, P.V., Influence of different post design and composition on stress distribution in maxillary central incisor: Finite element analysis (2009) Indian J Dent Res, 20, pp. 153-158Santos-Filho, P.C., Castro, C.G., Silva, G.R., Campos, R.E., Soares, C.J., Effects of post system and length on the strain and fracture resistance of root filled bovine teeth (2008) Int Endod J, 41, pp. 493-501Soares, C.J., Castro, C.G., Santos, F.P.C., Soares, P.V., Magalhaes, D., Martins, L.R., Two-dimensional FEA of dowels of different compositions and external surface configurations (2009) J Prosthodont, 18, pp. 36-42Macedo, V.C., de Faria, S.A.L., Martins, L.R., Effect of cement type, relining procedure, and length of cementation on pull-out bond strength of fiber posts (2010) J Endod, 36, pp. 1543-1546Leitune, V.C., Collares, F.M., Werner, S.S.M., Influence of chlorhexidine application at longitudinal push-out bond strength of fiber posts (2010) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 110, pp. 77-81Novais, V.R., Quagliatto, P.S., Bona, A.D., Correr-Sobrinho, L., Soares, C.J., Flexural modulus, flexural strength, and stiffness of fiber-reinforced posts (2009) Indian J Dent Res, 20, pp. 277-281Marchi, G.M., Paulillo, L.A., Pimenta, L.A., de Lima, F.A., Effect of different filling materials in combination with intraradicular posts on the resistance to fracture of weakened roots (2003) J Oral Rehabil, 30, pp. 623-629Soares, C.J., Pizi, E.C., Fonseca, R.B., Martins, L.R., Influence of root embedment material and periodontal ligament simulation on fracture resistance tests (2005) Braz Oral Res, 19, pp. 11-16Huysmans, M.C., Peters, M.C., van der Varst, P.G., Plasschaert, A.J., Failure behaviour of fatigue-tested post and cores (1993) Int Endod J, 26, pp. 294-300Soares, P.V., Santos-Filho, P.C., Gomide, H.A., Araujo, C.A., Martins, L.R., Soares, C.J., Influence of restorative technique on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated maxillary premolars. Part II: Strain measurement and stress distribution (2008) J Prosthet Dent, 99, pp. 114-122Kishen, A., Kumar, G.V., Chen, N.N., Stress-strain response in human dentine: Rethinking fracture predilection in post-core restored teeth (2004) Dent Traumatol, 20, pp. 90-10


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    Em ambientes de confluência, a dinâmica de transporte e deposição depende do controle exercido por cada canal. Nesse sentido o presente trabalho objetivou analisar a granulometria dos sedimentos transportados pelos rios Cabaçal e Paraguai. Para tanto se adotou trabalho de campo, laboratório e gabinete. A distribuição em seções transversais variou em areia fina e silte a exceção da foz do Cabaçal com areia média na margem direita, onde, no período de estiagem ocorre deposição em barra de pontal

    Considering discrepancy when calibrating a mechanistic electrophysiology model

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    Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a vital step in using mathematical models and simulations to take decisions. The field of cardiac simulation has begun to explore and adopt UQ methods to characterize uncertainty in model inputs and how that propagates through to outputs or predictions; examples of this can be seen in the papers of this issue. In this review and perspective piece, we draw attention to an important and under-addressed source of uncertainty in our predictions—that of uncertainty in the model structure or the equations themselves. The difference between imperfect models and reality is termed model discrepancy, and we are often uncertain as to the size and consequences of this discrepancy. Here, we provide two examples of the consequences of discrepancy when calibrating models at the ion channel and action potential scales. Furthermore, we attempt to account for this discrepancy when calibrating and validating an ion channel model using different methods, based on modelling the discrepancy using Gaussian processes and autoregressive-moving-average models, then highlight the advantages and shortcomings of each approach. Finally, suggestions and lines of enquiry for future work are provided. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Uncertainty quantification in cardiac and cardiovascular modelling and simulation’