2,969 research outputs found

    Therapy of Canine Hyperlipidemia with Bezafibrate.

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    BackgroundBezafibrate (BZF) is effective in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia in human patients, but there are no data on its use in dogs.ObjectiveTo assess the safety of BZF in hyperlipidemic dogs and its efficacy in decreasing serum triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol (CHO) concentrations.AnimalsForty-six dogs, 26 females and 20 males, mean (±SD) age of 9 (±3) years, with TG ≥150 mg/dL (33 dogs also were hypercholesterolemic [>300 mg/dL]).MethodsProspective, uncontrolled clinical trial. Dogs were treated with bezafibrate once daily, using 200 mg tablets at a dosage of 4-10 mg/kg (depending on body weight). Serum TG and CHO concentrations and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatine kinase (CK) activity before and after 30 days of treatment were compared.ResultsSixteen dogs (34.8%) had primary hyperlipidemia, and 30 dogs (65.2%) had secondary hyperlipidemia (including spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism [41.3%, n = 19/46], chronic treatment with glucocorticoids [10.8%, n = 5/46], and hypothyroidism [15.2%, n = 7/46]). After 30 days, serum TG concentration normalized (<150 mg/dL) in 42 dogs (91.3%) and CHO concentration normalized (<270 mg/dL) in 22 of 33 dogs (66.7%). There was no difference in baseline TG concentration between the primary and secondary hyperlipidemia subgroups, but the decrease in TG concentration after treatment was greater in the primary hyperlipidemia subgroup. No adverse effects were observed, but ALT activity decreased significantly after 30 days of treatment.Conclusions and clinical importanceOver 30 days, BZF was safe and effective in treatment of primary and secondary hyperlipidemia in dogs

    Iridoids from Vitex cymosa

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    A new iridoid, named tarumal, as well as the known iridoids viteoid II and agnuside were isolated from the leaves of Vitex cymosa and identified by spectroscopic methods. Este trabalho descreve o isolamento e a identificação, a partir de folhas de Vitex cymosa, de um novo iridóide não glicosídico chamado tarumal, além dos já conhecidos viteóide II e agnusídio

    Discovering Mental Ill Health: 'Problem-Solving' in an English Magistrates' Court

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    People with problems of mental ill health are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. Community justice courts have established procedures for ‘problem-solving’ as a way of addressing these and other issues associated with pathways into crime. In this chapter Auburn et al examine problem-solving in one such court in England. The ways in which mental health issues are raised by members of the problem solving team and how signposting is implemented, is examined. Three main questioning forms are identified and the influence that these forms have on the meeting-talk trajectory is discussed. There was a continuum from eliciting ‘no problem’ responses to facilitating claims of mental ill health. Specific ‘diagnostic procedures’ are also identified as important precursors to advice delivery. The clinical relevance of these findings is considered

    Complex movement disorders in Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1: Beyond the cerebellar syndrome

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    Background: Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia (AOA1) is characterized by early-onset progressive cerebellar ataxia with peripheral neuropathy, oculomotor apraxia and hypoalbuminemia and hypercholesterolemia. Case Report: A 23-year-old previously healthy woman presented with slowly-progressive gait impairment since the age of six years. Neurological examination revealed profound areflexia, chorea, generalized dystonia and oculomotor apraxia. Brain MRI revealed mild cerebellar atrophy and needle EMG showed axonal sensorimotor neuropathy. Whole exome sequencing revealed a mutation in the aprataxin gene. Discussion: AOA1 can present with choreoathetosis mixed with dystonic features, resembling ataxia-telangiectasia. This case is instructive since mixed and complex movement disorders is not very common in AOA1. Highlights: • Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1) is characterized by early-onset ataxia and oculomotor apraxia caused by variants in the APTX gene. • Ataxia is usually not the sole movement abnormality in AOA1. • Hyperkinetic movement disorders, especially chorea and dystonia, may occur. • Mixed and complex movement disorders is not very common in AOA1. • Patients with early-onset ataxia associated with mixed movement disorders should also be investigated for AOA1

    Development of a new ‘ultrametric’ method for assessing spawning progression in female teleost serial spawners

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    The collection and presentation of accurate reproductive data from wild fish has historically been somewhat problematic, especially for serially spawning species. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to develop a novel method of assessing female spawning status that is robust to variation in oocyte dynamics between specimens. Atlantic cod (Barents Sea stock) were used to develop the new ‘ultrametric’ method, that is based on the progressive depletion of the vitellogenic oocyte pool relative to the rather constant previtellogenic oocyte (PVO) pool. Fish were subsequently partitioned into one of four categories that accurately reflected changes in their oocyte size frequency distribution characteristics and gonadosomatic index throughout spawning. The ultrametric method overcomes difficulties associated with presence of bimodal oocyte distributions, oocyte tails, lack of clear hiatus region, and presence of free ova, and can be implemented at a single sampling point. Much of the workflow is fully automated, and the technique may circumvent the need for histological analysis depending on the desired outcome. The ultrametric method differs from the traditional autodiametric method in that PVOs can be separated by ultrasonication and then enumerated, and ovarian homogeneity is not a mandatory requirement per se. The method is designed for determinate spawners but might be extended to include indeterminate spawners

    Preparedness needs research: How fundamental science and international collaboration accelerated the response to COVID-19

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    The first cluster of patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was identified on December 21, 2019, and as of July 29, 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections have been linked with 664,333 deaths and number at least 16,932,996 worldwide. Unprecedented in global societal impact, the COVID-19 pandemic has tested local, national, and international preparedness for viral outbreaks to the limits. Just as it will be vital to identify missed opportunities and improve contingency planning for future outbreaks, we must also highlight key successes and build on them. Concomitant to the emergence of a novel viral disease, there is a ‘research and development gap’ that poses a threat to the overall pace and quality of outbreak response during its most crucial early phase. Here, we outline key components of an adequate research response to novel viral outbreaks using the example of SARS-CoV-2. We highlight the exceptional recent progress made in fundamental science, resulting in the fastest scientific response to a major infectious disease outbreak or pandemic. We underline the vital role of the international research community, from the implementation of diagnostics and contact tracing procedures to the collective search for vaccines and antiviral therapies, sustained by unique information sharing efforts

    Improved Resolution of Reef-Coral Endosymbiont (Symbiodinium) Species Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution through psbA Non-Coding Region Genotyping

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    Ribosomal DNA sequence data abounds from numerous studies on the dinoflagellate endosymbionts of corals, and yet the multi-copy nature and intragenomic variability of rRNA genes and spacers confound interpretations of symbiont diversity and ecology. Making consistent sense of extensive sequence variation in a meaningful ecological and evolutionary context would benefit from the application of additional genetic markers. Sequences of the non-coding region of the plastid psbA minicircle (psbAncr) were used to independently examine symbiont genotypic and species diversity found within and between colonies of Hawaiian reef corals in the genus Montipora. A single psbAncr haplotype was recovered in most samples through direct sequencing (∼80–90%) and members of the same internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) type were phylogenetically differentiated from other ITS2 types by substantial psbAncr sequence divergence. The repeated sequencing of bacterially-cloned fragments of psbAncr from samples and clonal cultures often recovered a single numerically common haplotype accompanied by rare, highly-similar, sequence variants. When sequence artifacts of cloning and intragenomic variation are factored out, these data indicate that most colonies harbored one dominant Symbiodinium genotype. The cloning and sequencing of ITS2 DNA amplified from these same samples recovered numerically abundant variants (that are diagnostic of distinct Symbiodinium lineages), but also generated a large amount of sequences comprising PCR/cloning artifacts combined with ancestral and/or rare variants that, if incorporated into phylogenetic reconstructions, confound how small sequence differences are interpreted. Finally, psbAncr sequence data from a broad sampling of Symbiodinium diversity obtained from various corals throughout the Indo-Pacific were concordant with ITS lineage membership (defined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis screening), yet exhibited substantially greater sequence divergence and revealed strong phylogeographic structure corresponding to major biogeographic provinces. The detailed genetic resolution provided by psbAncr data brings further clarity to the ecology, evolution, and systematics of symbiotic dinoflagellates


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