6,485 research outputs found

    Hydrogeological model of Mijas mountain aquifers under different climate conditions (Málaga, Spain)

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    Carbonate aquifers represent an important source of freshwater, both for urban and agricultural uses. This is particularly true in semiarid regions, where intensive pumping has often led to aquifer overexploitation. One example is the Mijas mountain carbonate diffuse flow system (80 km2), located to the SW of the city of Malaga, Spain. From a geolo-gical standpoint, this area consists of Triassic dolomitic and calcareous rocks, which overlay Palaeozoic metapelites. The geological structure is formed by ESE-WNW folds and the me-tapelites anticlinal cores have divided the study area into four aquifer systems. The recharge of Mijas mountain aquifers comes from direct infiltration of rainfall, while pumping is the main discharge. To improve the knowledge of geological and hydrodynamic parameters, and therefore to improve water resources management, a hydrogeological model has been developed with Processing Modflow 8.0.42. Piezometric level and spring flows have been modelled, under steady and transient-flow conditions for a 35-year period. Five future scenarios were simulated for different rainfall and pumping conditions. Outcomes confirm that the water level evolution is determined by the quantity and distribution of rainfall during the hydrological year, with the same pumping rate. The results also suggest that current trends are likely to raise sustainability issues in the future.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Als viatgers parlo vinguen d'on vinguen

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    Terminología y propedéutica de un modelo para evaluar el nivel de alfabetización digital de los alumnos universitarios.

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridSe decide utilizar como mal menor el marbete alfabetización digital para designar los procesos de aprendizaje y conocimiento mediante computadoras electrónicas u ordenadores y máquinas similares. Se debate el empleo de algunos de los términos utilizados. Se establecen pautas para elaborar un modelo de evaluación de las capacidades o competencias de los estudiantes universitarios en el uso de estas herramientas con el fin de conocer su nivel de preparación al comienzo de las actividades académicas. Se eligen, entre otros, los indicadores siguientes: conocimientos básicos sobre hardware y software (sistemas operativos, dominio de navegadores,…), familiarización con plataformas educativas, aprendizaje en colaboración (foros de discusión,…), uso de recursos para necesidades domésticas (prensa, banca, ocio,…), y académicas: enciclopedias, repositorios, consultas en bases de datos, utilización de sindicadores de contenidos y participación en redes sociales. Se pretende detectar la preparación previa de los alumnos con el fin de planificar las materias educativas de la mejor manera posible y desarrollar una labor docente acorde con los actuales medios de comunicación a través de Internet

    Avances en artrosis

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    Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent chronic joint disease. The pathogenesis is complex and not only related to age and wearing away. Pain and loss of function are the main clinical features, but usually appear late in the disease. There are no current interventions proven to restore cartilage or reduce the disease process. Last decade search has focused on improving cartilage biomarkers and knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms to identify patients at risk of clinically meaningful progression with the hope that true disease-modifying drugs will emerge in the near future.La artrosis es la enfermedad articular crónica más prevalente. La patogenia es compleja y no solo relacionada con la edad y con el desgaste. El dolor y la pérdida de funcionalidad son las manifestaciones clínicas principales, pero habitualmente aparecen tardíamente en la enfermedad. En la actualidad no existen tratamientos que hayan demostrado capacidad para reparar el cartílago o para detener la enfermedad. La investigación de la última década se ha centrado en mejorar los marcadores del cartílago y el conocimiento de los mecanismos patogénicos para identificar a los pacientes con riesgo de progresión significativa con la esperanza de que en un futuro próximo aparezcan fármacos con capacidad real para modificar la enfermedad

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La iniciativa expone la adaptación y el cambio de temario de la asignatura Contaminación Atmosférica de quinto curso de la licenciatura de Ciencias Ambientales al tercer curso del grado del mismo nombre, siguiendo los criterios del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superio

    Validation and self-shading enhancement for SoL: A photovoltaic estimation model

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    The estimation of electrical power generation in photovoltaic (PV) grid-connected systems based on meteorological data is a nontrivial, highly useful task, for instance to achieve accurate energy assessment. Widely used PV generation simulators are PV Systems (PVsyst), System Advisor Model (SAM) and PVLib. These simulators are characterized by presenting numerous features and providing complete results, however the PV estimation model SoL is an example of a new approach to PV generation estimation. SoL is characterized by its simplicity and computational efficiency. The objective of this paper is validating the recently published SoL model using real data from two PV locations for several years and facilities and comparing the results with those of three other PV simulators, namely PVsyst (in Spain), SAM (in Denver) and PVLib (both). It has been found that SoL estimates power production accurately for both locations and its estimations are more precise than those given by PVsyst, SAM and PVLib. It proves to be more computationally efficient than PVsyst, it can work with higher resolutions than SAM and PVsyst and requires fewer inputs than PVLib, SAM or PVsyst. Finally, a self-shading model is proposed as an enhancement for the SoL model. The number of inputs required is minimal, and it is an approximate yet efficient model. The estimation when using the self-shading enhancement is even more accurate than the previous estimation for SoL in locations where self-shading is evident. SoL proves to be an appropriate model for power estimation, and its results are enhanced when using the self-shading model proposed in this paper.Publicad

    GFC-Robust Risk Management Under the Basel Accord Using Extreme Value Methodologies

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    In McAleer et al. (2010b), a robust risk management strategy to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was proposed under the Basel II Accord by selecting a Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecast that combines the forecasts of different VaR models. The robust forecast was based on the median of the point VaR forecasts of a set of conditional volatility models. In this paper we provide further evidence on the suitability of the median as a GFC-robust strategy by using an additional set of new extreme value forecasting models and by extending the sample period for comparison. These extreme value models include DPOT and Conditional EVT. Such models might be expected to be useful in explaining financial data, especially in the presence of extreme shocks that arise during a GFC. Our empirical results confirm that the median remains GFC-robust even in the presence of these new extreme value models. This is illustrated by using the S&P500 index before, during and after the 2008-09 GFC. We investigate the performance of a variety of single and combined VaR forecasts in terms of daily capital requirements and violation penalties under the Basel II Accord, as well as other criteria, including several tests for independence of the violations. The strategy based on the median, or more generally, on combined forecasts of single models, is straightforward to incorporate into existing computer software packages that are used by banks and other financial institutions.Value-at-Risk (VaR), DPOT, daily capital charges, robust forecasts, violation penalties, optimizing strategy, aggressive risk management, conservative risk management, Basel, global financial crisis.