682 research outputs found

    Kinesio Taping vs. técnica de Mulligan na reabilitação da instabilidade crónica da articulação tibiotársica em atletas de andebol: estudo randomizado

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: A entorse do tornozelo é o tipo de lesão mais comum em atletas, e pode progredir para instabilidade crónica do tornozelo (ICT). Objetivo: Analisar o efeito da aplicação de Kinesio Taping (KT) e do conceito de Mulligan na amplitude de movimento, no equilíbrio dinâmico, na potência muscular. Metodologia: Um total de 30 atletas de andebol com ICT foi dividido em 3 grupos neste estudo simples-cego randomizado. Aos participantes foram aplicadas técnicas de KT, Mulligan ou placebo durante dois dias. A amplitude de movimento, o equilíbrio dinâmico, e a potência muscular foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção, através do weight-bearing lunge test, Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) e salto vertical. Resultados: Os défices de amplitude articular foram reduzidos com a aplicação de KT e com a técnica de Mulligan (p=0,010 e p=0,002). No SEBT, o grupo com KT teve um aumento significativo no alcance anterior (p=0,045) e o grupo com aplicação de Mulligan obteve ganhos nas distâncias póstero-mediais e póstero-laterais (p=0,020 e p=0,010). A potência muscular durante o salto vertical melhorou significativamente com a aplicação das duas técnicas em estudo (p=0,001 e p=0,0021). Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que os métodos em análise demonstram melhorias em todos os parâmetros de estudo quando comparados com o grupo placebo.Introduction: Ankle sprain is the most common type of injury in athletes, and may progress to chronic ankle instability (CAI). Objective: To analyze the effect of the application of Kinesio Taping (KT) and the Mulligan concept on range of motion, dynamic balance and muscle power. Methods: A total of 30 handball athletes with CAI were divided into three groups in this randomized single-blind study. Participants were given KT, Mulligan or placebo techniques for two days. Range of motion, dynamic balance, and muscle power were assessed before and after the intervention, through the weight-bearing lunge test, Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) and vertical jump. Results: The articular range deficits were reduced with the application of KT and with the Mulligan technique (p = 0.010 and p = 0.002). In SEBT, the group with KT had a significant increase in the anterior range (p = 0.045) and the group with Mulligan application obtained gains in the postero-medial and posterolateral distances (p = 0.020 and p = 0.010). The muscular power during the vertical jump significantly improved with the application of the two techniques under study (p = 0.001 and p = 0.0021). Conclusion: The results indicate that the methods under analysis demonstrate improvements in all the study parameters when compared with the placebo group.N/

    The relationship between the introduction of new technologies in the industry and the burnout syndrome: a systematic literature review

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    Digitization - the process of changing from analog to digital format - is transforming workplaces, as well as the way work is organized and managed. Currently, new technologies are found in all sectors within our society and economy, bringing new challenges from the point of view of Safety and Health at Work. For example, robots will become part of the work environment of workers, as they will be able to perform physical and autonomously. The use of these robots will allow withdraw workers from risk situations, to improve quality in the workplace. However, workers can feel a high level of pressure due to the speed and level of a robot. This situation can have a negative impact in workers in relation to their mental health. Thus, psychosocial risks at work, such as Burnout.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os sistemas de avaliação de desempenho – aplicação a uma empresa do setor segurador

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições FinanceirasA presente dissertação aborda o tema das práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos no setor segurador, tendo como objetivo analisar e caracterizar a avaliação de desempenho de uma companhia de seguros. Os recursos humanos são cada vez mais importantes nas organizações, influenciando o sucesso da organização. Assim é relevante existir uma avaliação e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento dos colaboradores, de forma a compreender o desempenho organizacional. A avaliação de desempenho possibilita esta avaliação e acompanhamento, permitindo compreender se os objetivos estabelecidos estão a ser alcançados, delinear novas metas de forma a manter os colaboradores empenhados e possibilita fazer um balanço do trabalho dos colaboradores. Em termos metodológicos irá ser aplicado um inquérito por questionário aos trabalhadores de uma empresa do setor segurador, que é uma das principais seguradoras a operar em Portugal, comercializando produtos de todos os ramos de seguros, bem como a realização de uma análise documental. A amostra do estudo é composta por 56 profissionais da empresa seguradora e os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a maior parte dos colaboradores inquiridos estão satisfeitos com a avaliação de desempenho efetuada na empresa, mas o grau de satisfação varia de acordo com a idade, habilitações literárias e tipologia de vínculo laboral.This dissertation addresses the theme of Human Resource Management practices in the insurance sector, with the objective of analyzing and characterizing the performance evaluation of an insurance company. Human resources are increasingly important in organizations, influencing the organization's success. Thus, it is relevant to have an assessment and monitoring of the development of employees, in order to understand organizational performance. The performance evaluation grants this evaluation and monitoring, allowing to understand if the established objectives are being reached, to outline new goals in order to keep the employees engaged and allows to take stock of the work of the employees. In methodological terms, a questionnaire survey will be applied to employees of a company in the insurance sector, which is one of the main insurers operating in Portugal, selling products from all branches of insurance, as well as conducting a document analysis. The study sample is made up of 56 professionals from the insurance company and the results obtained allowed us to conclude that most of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the performance evaluation carried out in the company, but the degree of satisfaction varies according to age, educational qualifications and type of employment relationship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A trust scale for human-robot interaction: translation, adaptation, and validation of a human computer trust scale

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    Recently there has been an increasing demand for technologies (automated and intelligent machines) that brings benefits to organizations and society. Similar to the widespread use of personal computers in the past, today’s needs are towards facilitating human-machine technology appropriation, especially in highly risky and regulated industries like robotics, manufacturing, automation, military, finance, or healthcare. In this context, trust can be used as a critical element to instruct how human-machine interaction should occur. Considering the context-dependency and multidimensional trust, this study seeks to find a way to measure the effects of perceived trust in a collaborative robot (cobot), regardless of its literal credibility as a real person. This article aims at translating, adapting, and validating a Human-Computer Trust Scale (HCTM) in human robot interaction (HRI) context and its application to cobots. The Human-Robot Interaction Trust Scale (HRITS) involved 239 participants and included eleven items. The 2nd order CFA with a general factor called “trust” have proven to be empirically robust (CFI = :94; TLI = :93; SRMR = :04; and RMSEA = :05) [CR = :84; AVE = :58, and MaxRðHÞ = :92]; results indicated a good measurement of the general factor trust, and the model satisfied the criteria for measure trust. An analysis of the differences in perceptions of trust by gender was conducted using a t-test. This analysis showed that statistical differences by gender exist (p = :04). This study’s results allowed for a better understanding of trust in HRI, specifically regarding cobots. The validation of a Portuguese scale for trust assessment in HRI can give a valuable contribution to designing collaborative environments between humans and robots.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Frentes marítimas urbanas. Caso de estudo da frente mar do Funchal

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    Mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULA presente dissertação procura caracterizar as frentes urbanas sendo o mar o elemento chave de planeamento. Para tal serão levados a cabo temas de grande interesse no contexto das frentes marítimas urbanas, nomeadamente ao nível do funcionamento do litoral em ambientes urbanos, com o intuito de perceber o que torna as torna tão distintas. Um pouco por todo o mundo, as frentes marítimas urbanas seguiram um padrão típico com várias fases de desenvolvimento, a que hoje corresponde a regeneração. No âmbito da regeneração de frentes marítimas urbanas é fundamental que as cidades portuárias, o espaço público e o mar formem uma “simbiose”, visando um desenvolvimento sustentável em termos ambientais, sociais, culturais, económicos. Neste contexto, a suscetibilidade do litoral e a questão das alterações climáticas não podem ser menosprezadas, principalmente quando estão em jogo pessoas e bens, e os prejuízos podem ser significativos. Por este motivo, como contributo para esta temática, este trabalho irá incluir uma proposta na Frente Mar do Funchal, que embora tenha sido recentemente alvo de uma intervenção bastante significativa, ainda carece de tratamento em certos locais, sendo esta uma condição verificável mundialmente, nas mais variadas frentes marítimas urbana

    Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada realizada na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia em Évora : outubro 2009-junho 2010

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    O presente relatório tem por objectivo principal efectuar um balanço crítico da nossa experiência em Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), realizada entre Outubro de 2009 e Junho de 2010 na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Filosofia no Ensino Secundário da Universidade de Évora. Divide-se em três partes fundamentais. Na primeira parte é apresentada a resposta à questão, "Porquê ensinar Filosofia?". Posteriormente é feita uma descrição pormenorizada dos diferentes aspectos da nossa Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e na terceira e última parte realizamos uma breve reflexão sobre essa mesma prática. – ABSTRACT: The main objective of this report is to make a general critic of our experience in Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (P ES), developed between October 2009 and June 2010 at André de Gouveia High School, related to the Master's Degree in High School Philosophy Teaching from the University of Évora. It has three fundamental parts. The answer to the question "Why teaching Philosophy?" is answered in the first part. Further down, a detailed description of the different aspects of our Practice of Supervised Teaching is made and in the third and last part a brief reflection about that same teaching practice is presented

    Evidence on the contribution of community gardens to promote physical and mental health and well-being of non-institutionalized individuals: a systematic review

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    Copyright: © 2021 Lampert et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Introduction: There has been growing interest in community gardens as an effective and affordable health promotion strategy. However, most available evidence is derived from qualitative studies, whereas quantitative research on this subject is limited. Objectives: To synthetize the literature about physical and mental health outcomes associated with community gardening. Two main questions were addressed: a) is there evidence, from quantitative studies, that community gardening is associated to physical and mental health and well-being of non-institutionalized individuals? b) Does community gardening provokes any discomfort in terms of physical health, i.e., bodily pain, to their beneficiaries? Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out following PRISMA guidelines by searching relevant electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science). Empirical, quantitative studies published in English with no restrictions concerning the date of publication were considered eligible. The quality of the evidence was appraised using the tool developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Results: Overall, 8 studies were considered eligible, of which seven studies were rated as having good methodological quality (one scored as fair). Community gardeners had significantly better health outcomes than their neighbours not engaged in gardening activities in terms of life satisfaction, happiness, general health, mental health, and social cohesion. Conclusion: Community gardens are associated to health gains for their users, irrespective of age, being an affordable and efficient way of promoting physical and mental health and well-being. To encourage the design, maintenance, and prospective evaluation of supportive urban environments promoting healthy and, at the same time, sustainable lifestyles, is essential to achieve public health gains and environmental sustainability.This literature review was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by the Empresa Municipal de Ambiente de Cascais through a doctoral grant to the first author of this paper (PDE/BDE/122672/2016). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multilocus phylogeny and systematics of Iberian endemic Squalius (Actinopterygii, Leuciscidae)

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    Inferring the evolutionary history of a group of species can be challenging given the many factors involved. In recent years, the increased availability of sequences of multiple genes per species has spurred the development of new methodologies to analyse multilocus data sets. Two approaches that analyse such data are concatenated supermatrix and coalescent-based species-tree analyses. In this study, we used both of these methods to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Iberian species of the genus Squalius from one mitochondrial and six nuclear genes. We found mitonuclear discordance in the phylogenetic relationships of the group. According to the mitochondrial gene analysis, all species were recovered as monophyletic except S. pyrenaicus; besides, in the concatenated supermatrix analysis of the nuclear markers, this species resolved as polyphyletic with three divergent evolutionary lineages. The coalescent-based nuclear species-tree analysis rendered a well-resolved phylogeny compared with the supermatrix analysis, which was unable to discern between S. carolitertii, S. castellanus and one of the evolutionary lineages of S. pyrenaicus. This result is likely due to the better integration of population uncertainty in the coalescent approach. Furthermore, Bayesian multilocus species delimitation analyses based on a BPP approach strongly supported the distinct nuclear lineages as different species. Nevertheless, the supermatrix analysis was able to obtain well-supported relationships in the divergent lineages with low numbers of individuals. Our study highlights the usefulness of different analytical methodologies to obtain a more complete picture of the evolutionary history of taxa, especially when discordant patterns among genes are found.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge of good nutrition, physical activity and sleeping habits in pre-schoolers

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    Children’s knowledge about food and nutrition is very important for the development of appropriate patterns of eating behaviour. Nowadays, because children’s input is becoming to get more importance in parents’ decisions about nutritional choices it is important to contribute for their knowledge development regarding not only nutrition or food but also healthy habits regarding sleeping and physical activities. The purpose of this study was to contribute for the assessment of nutrition/food preferences in pre-schoolers and the contribution of gaming for nutrition/food knowledge evaluation. It also intended to establish a relation between children’s BMI and the knowledge of nutrition/food and good sleep and physical activities habits. An observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted with 364 children’s attending preschool from a metropolitan area of the norther region of Portugal and their parents. Food preferences varied from pasta (13.4%) to meat (8.8%) or tomatoes (6.3%) and undesired foods were, among others, *sh (16.2%), soup (13.2%), tomatoes (12.6%) and onions (10.7%). Preschoolers showed high levels of knowledge regarding food categorization (92.3%), good sleeping habits (90.1%) and good physical activities habits (94.0%). Results showed signi*cant di+erences for sleeping habits knowledge with lower BMI (kg/m2) for children that gave correct answers (M = 16.35, SD = 2.04 vs. M = 17.62, SD = 2.37). Children with increased BMI showed more risk of poor knowledge regarding good sleeping habits (aOR = 1.33, 95% CI = [1.07-1.69]). Parent’s low education was found to be a risk factor for children’s poor knowledge of good sleeping habits (OR = 8.21, 95% CI = [1.85-35.55]).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio