1,125 research outputs found

    SSA of biomedical signals: A linear invariant systems approach

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    Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is considered from a linear invariant systems perspective. In this terminology, the extracted components are considered as outputs of a linear invariant system which corresponds to finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The number of filters is determined by the embedding dimension.We propose to explicitly define the frequency response of each filter responsible for the selection of informative components. We also introduce a subspace distance measure for clustering subspace models. We illustrate the methodology by analyzing lectroencephalograms (EEG).FCT - PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/28404/2006)FCT - PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/48775/2008

    Selection of native trees for intercropping with coffee in the Atlantic Rainforest biome

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    A challenge in establishing agroforestry systems is ensuring that farmers are interested in the tree species, and are aware of how to adequately manage these species. This challenge was tackled in the Atlantic Rainforest biome (Brazil), where a participatory trial with agroforestry coffee systems was carried out, followed by a participatory systematisation of the farmers experiences. Our objective was to identify the main tree species used by farmers as well as their criteria for selecting or rejecting tree species. Furthermore, we aimed to present a specific inventory of trees of the Leguminosae family. In order to collect the data, we reviewed the bibliography of the participatory trial, visited and interviewed the farmers and organised workshops with them. The main farmers' criteria for selecting tree species were compatibility with coffee, amount of biomass, production and the labour needed for tree management. The farmers listed 85 tree species; we recorded 28 tree species of the Leguminosae family. Most trees were either native to the biome or exotic fruit trees. In order to design and manage complex agroforestry systems, family farmers need sufficient knowledge and autonomy, which can be reinforced when a participatory methodology is used for developing on-farm agroforestry systems. In the case presented, the farmers learned how to manage, reclaim and conserve their land. The diversification of production, especially with fruit, contributes to food security and to a low cost/benefit ratio of agroforestry systems. The investigated agroforestry systems showed potential to restore the degraded landscape of the Atlantic Rainforest biome

    Short-latency responses in chronic ankle instability

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    Ankle proprioceptive impairments after ankle sprain appear to be in the origin of the neuromuscular dysfunction in Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI), however the analysis of this condition has been focused on a unilateral approach. Considering that proprioceptive information have a determinant role in ipsilesional limb responses but also the contralesional ones, the present study aims to analyze the bilateral Short Latency Responses (SLR) in response to an unilateral perturbation in individuals with CAI. Two groups of athletes participated in the present study. One was composed by participants presenting CAI (CAI group, n = 16), while the other was composed by participants not presenting ankle sprain episodes (control group, n = 20). The electromyographic activity of the Peroneal Brevis and Longus (PB and PL), Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Soleus (SOL) muscles was collected during a unilateral sudden inversion perturbation in both the support and perturbed limbs. The timing of muscle activation of both limbs was used for analysis. Delayed SLR of TA (p = 0.009) and in SOL (p = 0.042) muscles were observed in the contralesional limb of the CAI group in the support position compared to the control group. In CAI group, delayed SLR of PB (p = 0.023) and SOL (p = 0.004) muscles was found in the contralesional limb in the support position compared to the ipsilesional one. The rehabilitation of individuals with CAI should also be focused on the contralesional limb while assuming a support position and also, contralesional limb should not be considered a reference for comparison between limbs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermodynamic modeling of the LiF-YF3 phase diagram

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    A thermodynamic optimization of the LiF-YF3 binary phase diagram was performed by fitting the Gibbs energy functions to experimental data that were taken from the literature, as well as from own thermoanalytic measurements (DTA and DSC) on HF-treated samples. The Gibbs energy functions for the end member compounds were taken from the literature. Excess energy terms, which describe the effect of interaction between the two fluoride compounds in the liquid phase, were expressed by the Redlich-Kister polynomial function. The calculated phase diagram and thermodynamic properties for the unique formed compound, LiYF4, are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Perceived cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy compared to matched healthy women: Evidence from a Portuguese study

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    Aim: Cognitive concerns are one of the most frequently reported symptoms by breast cancer survivors. This study aimed to evaluate perceived cognitive functioning in Portuguese women with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. Methods: A cross-sectional study enrolling 146 women (73 with breast cancer and 73 healthy) was conducted from August to October 2017, invited to participate through online dissemination. Participants completed self-reported questionnaires to collect sociodemographic and clinical data and assess perceived cognitive functioning and psychological adjustment variables (anxiety and depression). Results: Compared to healthy women, women with breast cancer showed significantly lower scores on the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognitive Function (FACT-Cog) subscales and higher levels of depression. Both groups showed significant negative correlations between perceived cognitive functioning and anxiety and depression. Health status and depression seem to better explain perceived cognitive functioning, with health status adding significantly more explained variance beyond sociodemographic and psychological adjustment variables. Conclusion: The current findings provide evidence for the existence of more cognitive complaints among Portuguese women with breast cancer, compared to healthy individuals. Anxiety, depression, age and education also explain perceived cognitive functioning. Considering that health status and psychological adjustment seem to significantly explain perceived cognitive functioning, special attention should be given by health-care professionals, including nurses, to designing clinical interventions for breast cancer patients to help manage cognitive impairment

    Clustering evoked potential signals using subspace methods

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    This work proposes a clustering technique to analyze evoked potential signals. The proposed method uses an orthogonal subspace model to enhance the single-trial signals of a session and simultaneously a subspace measure to group the trials into clusters. The ensemble averages of the signals of the different clusters are compared with ensemble averages of visually selected trials which are free of any artifact. Preliminary results consider recordings from an occipital channel where evoked response P100 wave is most pronounced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Homicidios en la ciudad de Málaga

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    El mayor peligro de sufrir una muerte violenta e intencionada reside en uno mismo: hay ocho suicidios por cada homicidio. En segundo lugar el peligro surgirá de las personas que tengamos más cerca: marido, ex-marido, padres o hijos. En tercer lugar vienen los amigos y conocidos y en el cuarto lugar, como posibilidad ya más remota, una persona desconocida. Estas tragedias no se parecen mucho a lo que vemos en las películas. Los motivos suelen ser muy simples, el ambiente donde se desarrollan muy humilde, y el autor fácil de identificar. Los criminólogos tendrían escasas posibilidades de empleo si se dedicasen básicamente a aclarar homicidios: no hay más que ocho homicidios de promedio al año en la ciudad de Málaga. La tasa de homicidios es moderada, comparable con la media española, y confirma lo ya deducido por otros indicadores de que España es un país poco violento: Las cifras de homicidios y otros delitos violentos son más bajas que en los países de nuestro entorno, más bien al nivel de los países escandinavos

    Caracterização bioquímica e molecular de doentes com diagnóstico clínico de Dislipidemia Familiar Combinada

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    A Dislipidemia Familiar Combinada (FCHL) é uma doença poligénica caracterizada por hiperlipidemia simples ou combinada, variabilidade intra-individual e intra-familiar do perfil lipídico, ApoB elevada (> 120 mg/dL) e risco elevado de doença cardiovascular (DCV). A sua causa é desconhecida mas alterações nos genes LPL, APOAIV, APOAV, APOCIII e USF1 parecem contribuir para o seu fenótipo. O objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar bioquímica e molecularmente doentes com diagnóstico clínico de FCHL. Todos os exões e promotor dos genes LPL, APOAIV, APOAV, APOCIII e regiões do gene USF1 (s1,s2) de 41 doentes foram amplificados por PCR e sequenciados. O colesterol total (CT), c-LDL, c-HDL, sdLDL, trigliceridos (TG), apoB e apoCIII foram determinados num aparelho automatizado. Em alguns doentes as sdLDL foram também analisadas por electroforese de lipoproteínas. A ApoAIV e ApoAV foram quantificadas por ELISA. Foram encontradas alterações genéticas em 37 doentes, 3 não descritas (APOAIV Q359_E362, APOAV D332fsX336 e APOCIII 3269C>A). O índex com a alteração Q359_E362del apresentou valores normais de apo AIV (15.5 mg/dL) e o índex com a alteração D332fsX336 apresentou valores baixos de apo AV (74.5 ng/mL). Os doentes estudados apresentam valores elevados de CT (285 ± 83 mg/dL), c-LDL (189 ± 85 mg/dL), TG (310 ± 253 mg/dL), e apo CIII (15 ± 4 mg/dL) e valores reduzidos de c-HDL (45 ± 11 mg/dL), sem medicação. Os valores de apoAIV (17,5 ± 10,4 mg/dL) e apoAV (150 ± 135 ng/mL) encontram-se, na maioria dos casos, no intervalo normal assim como os valores de sdLDL (35 ± 18 mg/dL), no entanto alguns casos apresentam valores acima do cut-off para DCV (35 mg/dL). A análise de sdLDL por electroforese foi realizada em 11 doentes, 9 dos quais apresentaram um perfil aterogénico. O valor médio de ApoB destes doentes era de 94 ± 43 mg/dL, mas aproximadamente 70% dos doentes estavam medicados com terapêutica hipolimiante (estatinas e/ou fibratos). Cerca de 30% dos doentes apresentavam DCV prematura. Os resultados obtidos parecem indicar que alterações nos genes estudados influenciam o fenótipo da FCHL. Os níveis séricos de apo CIII encontram-se alterados nesta dislipidemia. Doentes com FCHL, apesar de estarem medicados, apresentam valores elevados de sdLDL, evidenciando o seu elevado risco cardiovascular. A caracterização bioquímica complementa a identificação genética e permite uma melhor avaliação do risco cardiovascular do doente bem como a escolha de uma terapêutica adequada