362 research outputs found

    Dispersal and extrapolation on the accuracy of temporal predictions from distribution models for the Darwin's frog

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Climate change is a major threat to biodiversity; the development of models that reliably predict its effects on species distributions is a priority for conservation biogeography. Two of the main issues for accurate temporal predictions from Species Distribution Models (SDM) are model extrapolation and unrealistic dispersal scenarios. We assessed the consequences of these issues on the accuracy of climate-driven SDM predictions for the dispersal-limited Darwin's frog Rhinoderma darwinii in South America. We calibrated models using historical data (1950-1975) and projected them across 40 yr to predict distribution under current climatic conditions, assessing predictive accuracy through the area under the ROC curve (AUC) and True Skill Statistics (TSS), contrasting binary model predictions against temporal-independent validation data set (i.e., current presences/absences). To assess the effects of incorporating dispersal processes we compared the predictive accuracy of dispersal constrained models with no dispersal limited SDMs; and to assess the effects of model extrapolation on the predictive accuracy of SDMs, we compared this between extrapolated and no extrapolated areas. The incorporation of dispersal processes enhanced predictive accuracy, mainly due to a decrease in the false presence rate of model predictions, which is consistent with discrimination of suitable but inaccessible habitat. This also had consequences on range size changes over time, which is the most used proxy for extinction risk from climate change. The area of current climatic conditions that was absent in the baseline conditions (i.e., extrapolated areas) represents 39% of the study area, leading to a significant decrease in predictive accuracy of model predictions for those areas. Our results highlight (1) incorporating dispersal processes can improve predictive accuracy of temporal transference of SDMs and reduce uncertainties of extinction risk assessments from global change; (2) as geographical areas subjected to novel climates are expected to arise, they must be reported as they show less accurate predictions under future climate scenarios. Consequently, environmental extrapolation and dispersal processes should be explicitly incorporated to report and reduce uncertainties in temporal predictions of SDMs, respectively. Doing so, we expect to improve the reliability of the information we provide for conservation decision makers under future climate change scenarios.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/eap.1556/abstract;jsessionid=1E2084FF99600D0EEC9FA358A3DBC2A3.f02t0

    An agent-based model of the emergence and evolution of a language system for boolean coordination

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    This paper presents an agent-based model of the emergence and evolution of a language system for Boolean coordination. The model assumes the agents have cognitive capacities for invention, adoption, abstraction, repair and adaptation, a common lexicon for basic concepts, and the ability to construct complex concepts using recursive combinations of basic concepts and logical operations such as negation, conjunction or disjunction. It also supposes the agents initially have neither a lexicon for logical operations nor the ability to express logical combinations of basic concepts through language. The results of the experiments we have performed show that a language system for Boolean coordination emerges as a result of a process of self-organisation of the agents' linguistic interactions when these agents adapt their preferences for vocabulary, syntactic categories and word order to those they observe are used more often by other agents. Such a language system allows the unambiguous communication of higher-order logic terms representing logical combinations of basic properties with non-trivial recursive structure, and it can be reliably transmitted across generations according to the results of our experiments. Furthermore, the conceptual and linguistic systems, and simplification and repair operations of the agent-based model proposed are more general than those defined in previous works, because they not only allow the simulation of the emergence and evolution of a language system for the Boolean coordination of basic properties, but also for the Boolean coordination of higher-order logic terms of any Boolean type which can represent the meaning of nouns, sentences, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, prepositional phrases and subexpressions not traditionally analysed as forming constituents, using linguistic devices such as syntactic categories, word order and function words.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Rawls y el republicanismo: sobre la cuestión del carácter liberal del proyecto político rawlsiano

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    La interpretación que cuestiona el carácter efectivamente “liberal” del pensamiento de Rawls se sostendrá en la tesis que considera que, en el presumible “giro político” de Political Liberalism, al abordar la cuestión de la estabilidad, el filósofo recurriría a algunos elementos centrales del Neorepublicanismo. Esta lectura, no obstante, contrastará con la identificación de algunos de estos conceptos ya en los primeros bosquejos de su teoría de la justicia, presencia que, desde una lectura genérica, aparecerá como una constante del rawlsismo, originada básicamente por la relación que el autor establece con las diversas fuentes filosóficas presentes en el desarrollo de su propuesta

    Control PD de Robots: Dinámica de Actuadores y Nueva Sintonía

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    ResumenEn el presente trabajo se estudia el control PD con compensación deseada de gravedad de robots rígidos. Se introduce un nuevo criterio, menos conservador, para seleccionar las ganancias proporcionales. Se demuestra estabilidad asintótica global cuando se toma en consideración durante el diseño la dinámica eléctrica de los motores de CD con escobillas usados como actuadores. Este resultado no requiere que la dinámica eléctrica de los actuadores sea rápida comparada con la dinámica de la parte mecánica. Se presenta un estudio formal de la técnica de control conocida como control de par la cual es ampliamente utilizada en la práctica industrial

    Frequency-dependent attenuation and elasticity in unconsolidated earth materials: effect of damping

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    We use the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to understand the underlying attenuation mechanism in granular media, with special applicability to the measurements of the so-called effective mass developed earlier. We consider that the particles interact via Hertz-Mindlin elastic contact forces and that the damping is describable as a force proportional to the velocity difference of contacting grains. We determine the behavior of the complex-valued normal mode frequencies using 1) DEM, 2) direct diagonalization of the relevant matrix, and 3) a numerical search for the zeros of the relevant determinant. All three methods are in strong agreement with each other. The real and the imaginary parts of each normal mode frequency characterize the elastic and the dissipative properties, respectively, of the granular medium. We demonstrate that, as the interparticle damping, ξ\xi, increases, the normal modes exhibit nearly circular trajectories in the complex frequency plane and that for a given value of ξ\xi they all lie on or near a circle of radius RR centered on the point iR-iR in the complex plane, where R1/ξR\propto 1/\xi. We show that each normal mode becomes critically damped at a value of the damping parameter ξ1/ωn0\xi \approx 1/\omega_n^0, where ωn0\omega_n^0 is the (real-valued) frequency when there is no damping. The strong indication is that these conclusions carry over to the properties of real granular media whose dissipation is dominated by the relative motion of contacting grains. For example, compressional or shear waves in unconsolidated dry sediments can be expected to become overdamped beyond a critical frequency, depending upon the strength of the intergranular damping constant.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Geoffroea decorticans

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    A multi-agent experiment on the acquisition of a language system of logical constructions

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    This paper analyses an experiment which studies the acquisition of the linguistic competence required to communicate logical combinations of categories from the wisdom of the crowds perspective. The acquisition of such competence encompasses both the construction of a set of logical categories by each individual agent and of a shared language by the population. The processes of conceptualisation and language acquisition in each individual agent are based on general purpose cognitive capacities such as discrimination, invention, adoption and induction. The construction of a shared language by the population is achieved using a particular type of linguistic interaction, known as the evaluation game, which gives rise to a shared language system of logical constructions as a result of a process of self-organisation of the individual agents’ interactions, when these agents adapt their languages to the expressions they observe are used more often by other agents.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft