2,845 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de endocarditis mitral y aórtica en un perro

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    Perro mestizo cruce de Spaniel bretón de 2 años de edad y 18 Kg de peso es referido al servicio de cardiología del Complejo Veterinario Aznalcóllar para la evaluación de un soplo cardíaco. El paciente presentaba una ligera apatía desde hacía varios días. El examen físico realizado reveló una temperatura de 40.1ºC, color de mucosas normales y frecuencia cardíaca de 168 1. P.m. Bajo auscultación, se puso de manifiesto un soplo sistólico grado IV/VI ambos audibles sobre la base cardíaca izquierda. El pulso arterial femoral era hipercinético. Debido a la sospecha de un proceso cardíaco se procedió a realizar un examen ecocardiográfico

    Pitch production during the Roman period: an intensive mountain industry for a globalised economy?

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    The authors’ research project in the Pyrenees mountains has located and excavated Roman kilns for producing pitch from pine resin. Their investigations reveal a whole sustainable industry, integrated into the local environmental cycle, supplying pitch to the Roman network and charcoal as a spin-off to the local iron extractors. The paper makes a strong case for applying combined archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigations in upland areas, showing mountain industries to have been not so much marginal and pastoral as key players in the economy of the Roman period and beyond it into the seventh century AD

    Identificación de sospechosos: mucho más que memoria

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    Las ruedas de identificación forman parte de un procedimiento de validación de la fiabilidad de un determinado testigo visual. Para ello se les pide a los testigos que, en una rueda de identificación compuesta por personas semejantes al sospechoso, lo identifiquen. La tarea presupone que los testigos están, en principio, libres de todo sesgo. Solo afectaría a su reconocimiento, la información previamente memorizada Nosotros nos planteamos que las elecciones de los testigos podrían estar segadas de partida en contra del sospechoso y dos de las variables que modularía tal elección serían el estereotipo y la conducta no verbal que mantenga el sospecho durante la rueda de identificación. Será, así, el impacto de estas dos variables, en que analizaremos en nuestro trabajo.Lineups conform a procedure for the validation of the testimony given by the eyewitnesses. In those, the eyewitnesses are asked for an identification of the suspect in a line composed for foils and the suspect. It is presumed that they have been able to identify, among a number of other people who share similar physical characteristics, the suspect as the person who has committed the crime in a task absolutely free of bias previous to the election. Thus, This study will analyze how stereotypes or nonverbal behavior of the suspect may skew the correct identifiacion

    Procedencia de los alimentos utilizados en las explotaciones de vacuno lechero del Principado de Asturias

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Producción de leche. Ponencia nº 2

    Structural properties of various sodium thiogermanate glasses through DFT-based molecular dynamics simulations

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    We present a study of the structural properties of (x)Na2_2S-(1-x)GeS2_2 glasses through DFT-based molecular dynamics simulations, at different sodium concentrations (0<x<0.50<x<0.5). We computed the radial pair correlation functions as well as the total and partial structure factors. We also analyzed the evolution of the corner- and edge-sharing intertetrahedral links with the sodium concentration and show that the sodium ions exclusively destroy the former. With the increase of the sodium concentration the ``standard'' FSDP disappears and a new pre-peak appears in the structure factor which can be traced back in the Na-Na partial structure factor. This self organization of the sodium ions is coherent with Na-rich zones that we find at high modifier concentration.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Maximum likelihood inference for a class of discrete-time Markov-switching time series models with multiple delays

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    Autoregressive Markov switching (ARMS) time series models are used to represent real-world signals whose dynamics may change over time. They have found application in many areas of the natural and social sciences, as well as in engineering. In general, inference in this kind of systems involves two problems: (a) detecting the number of distinct dynamical models that the signal may adopt and (b) estimating any unknown parameters in these models. In this paper, we introduce a class of ARMS time series models that includes many systems resulting from the discretisation of stochastic delay differential equations (DDEs). Remarkably, this class includes cases in which the discretisation time grid is not necessarily aligned with the delays of the DDE, resulting in discrete-time ARMS models with real (non-integer) delays. We describe methods for the maximum likelihood detection of the number of dynamical modes and the estimation of unknown parameters (including the possibly non-integer delays) and illustrate their application with an ARMS model of El Ni\~no--southern oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon

    Calidad de vida, estado emocional, anemia y astenia en pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con cirugía

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    Objective: Cancer and its treatments can alter the patient’s adaptation to their daily lives. This work aims to investigate the impact of colon cancer and surgery treatment in quality of life, emotional state, fatigue and anemia in a sample of 77 patients.Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study assessing quality of live (QLQ-C30), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), fatigue (Brief Fatigue Inventory), anemia (hemoglobin &lt; 12 g/dl. for women and &lt; 13 g/dl. for men).Results: Mean scores for anxiety and depression were within the normal range, 6.5% obtained a score of anxiety within the clinical range, and 7.8% a depression score within the clinical range. On average, the group of women is 11.9 g / dl. blood hemoglobin, men are 12.65 g / dl. The average fatigue score of 1.35 out of 10 points and fatigue interference with daily life of 0.85 out of 10. Regarding the European data of patients with local colorectal cancer, the overall quality of life of the individuals was high (69.26, Dt 24.45), satisfactory functional areas, three above the reference value (physical, social and role), and dyspnea and pain symptoms are lower than these levels.Conclusions: Only a small percent of colon cancer patients have some impairment in biological, psychological and social areas explored. The scores in quality of life of cancer patients In Spain is very similar to European reference values and even better in some functional areas and symptoms.Objetivo. El cáncer y sus tratamientos pueden alterar la adaptación del paciente a su vida cotidiana. Este trabajo pretende indagar el impacto del cáncer de colon y su tratamiento con cirugía en la calidad de vida, el estado de ánimo, astenia y anemia en una muestra de 77 participantes.Método: estudio descriptivo transversal con evaluación de calidad de vida (QLQ-C30), ansiedad y depresión (Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión Hospitalaria), astenia (Breve Inventario de Fatiga), anemia (hemoglobina &lt; 12 g/dl. en mujeres y &lt; 13 g/dl. en hombres).Resultados: el 6,5% obtiene una puntuación de ansiedad dentro del rango clínico, el 7,8% una puntuación en depresión dentro del rango clínico. Como promedio, el grupo de mujeres tiene 11,9 g/dl. de hemoglobina en sangre, los hombres tienen 12,65 g/dl. La puntuación en astenia media es de 1,35 sobre 10 puntos y en interferencia de la astenia con la vida diaria de 0,85 sobre 10. Respecto a los datos europeos de pacientes de cáncer de colon local, la calidad de vida global de los evaluados es buena (69,26; Dt 24,45), las áreas funcionales satisfactorias, tres de ellas superiores al valor de referencia (física, rol y social), y los síntomas disnea y dolor son inferiores a dichos valores.Conclusiones: la alteración de aspectos bio-psico-sociales en pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con cirugía se limita a un porcentaje reducido. La calidad de vida del paciente oncológico español es muy similar al baremo europeo propuesto e incluso mejor en algunas áreas funcionales y síntomas

    Handel’s Musical Borrowings. Historiography of a controversy and present research status

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    La reutilización por Handel de músicas de otros autores en sus obras era ya conocida en vida del compositor. Con el paso del tiempo se constató que esta técnica, conocida como préstamo, era más habitual en él de lo que inicialmente se sabía. Esto generó gran cantidad de estudios, críticas y polémicas, especialmente a medida que se abandonaba el uso de la imitación en las artes y se primaba la originalidad. Cada época y cada autor han tenido su punto de vista particular. El análisis de la historiografía handeliana sobre esta cuestión tiene interés, no sólo por lo que aporta acerca de las técnicas compositivas del autor, sino también como aproximación a los críticos de cada época y a la evolución de la propia musicología. Tras un repaso historiográfico así planteado, se estudian los usos musicales en el siglo XVIII, que ayudan a una comprensión de la música de Handel desde su momento vital. La principal conclusión es que el uso del préstamo musical era una de sus técnicas compositivas a un nivel similar a lo que lo eran el resto de parámetros musicales como la armonía, la melodía o el ritmo. El uso de préstamos, de hecho, era habitual e incluso deseable en el siglo XVIII, no sólo en la composición musical, sino en todas las artes, como en el caso de los partimenti en la escuela napolitana de música o las polyantheas en el terreno literario. Por último, se analizan las nuevas vías abiertas en los estudios musicológicos de los préstamos de Handel. A partir de la comprensión contextualizada de la técnica, la musicología actual ha comenzado a recorrer otros caminos, intentando dar respuesta no sólo a qué tomó prestado Handel y dónde lo utilizó, sino a las preguntas de por qué elegía una música y no otra, cómo decidía con qué técnicas transformarla y, finalmente, cómo se adaptaba a su música, con un resultado tan original como si las ideas musicales fueran propias.The reuse by Handel of other author’s music in his own works was well known in his time. This compositional technique, known as borrowing, was found, as time and investigations advanced, to be more usual than suspected. This fact generated a great amount of scholar studies, critics and controversy, mainly as imitation was being substituted by originality as sign of artistry. Each author and period had their own point of view. The analysis of Handel’s historiography about this question has an interest in both unveiling his compositional techniques and letting us approach musical critics and the evolution of musicology along three hundred years. After a historiographical review, a study of the musical uses in the XVIIIth century is done, aiming at a better understanding of Handel from the point of view of his time. The main conclusion is the fact that musical borrowing was a compositional technique that defines Handel style as much as harmony, melody and rhythm do. In fact, the use of borrowings was not only usual, but also desirable in eighteenth century and not just in music composition, but also in other arts. We find similarities such as the use of partimenti in the Neapolitan musical school, or polyantheas in the literary field. Finally, we analyze the new paths opened in the musicology regarding the use of borrowings by Handel. Starting from this contextualized understanding of the borrowing technique, nowadays musicology is researching in other directions, trying to answer not only what and where Handel borrowed, but also why he chose to borrow a certain music, which techniques he used to modify it and how he adapted the borrowed material to fit in his works and still look as original as if it had been his own musical ideas.Depto. de MusicologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEsubmitte

    Reality and causality in quantum gravity modified electrodynamics

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    We present a general description of the propagation properties of quantum gravity modified electrodynamics characterized by constitutive relations up to second order in the correction parameter. The effective description corresponds to an electrodynamics in a dispersive and absorptive non-local medium, where the Green functions and the refraction indices can be explicitly calculated. The reality of the electromagnetic field together with the requirement of causal propagation in a given referrence frame leads to restrictions in the form of such refraction indices. In particular, absorption must be present in all cases and, contrary to the usual assumption, it is the dominant aspect in those effective models which exhibit linear effects in the correction parameter not related to birefringence. In such a situation absorption is linear while propagation is quadratical in the correction parameter.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex, minor changes to clarify some points, version accepted for publicatio