1,280 research outputs found

    Inovasi Pembelajaran PAI Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pasca Sistem Belajar Daring

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    Tujuan dibalik penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemajuan pembelajaran selama pandemi Covid -19 hingga pasca Covid- 19. Teknik dalam penelitian ini memanfaatkan strategi ujian tulis (library research) dengan mengambil contoh dari pelajaran di masa pandemi virus corona. Pengumpulan data berasal dari artikel buku harian logis, berita dari pemerintah daerah, hasil penelitian dari teori dan buku. Hasil penelitian Pembelajaran daring ini memunculkan inovasi baru bagi dunia pendidikan, sehingga para guru mengetahui bahwa pembelajaran bisa dilakukan walaupun jarak jauh dengan bantuan teknologi modern. Akan tetapi pembelajaran daring memiliki beberapa kendala dalam proses belajar seperti materi pembelajaran yang berbasis pratikum (whudu, solat, zikir), materi tersebut tidak efektif jika dilakukan dengan secara daring (online) sehingga perlu pengulangan ketika pembelajaran dilakukan secra tatap muka (New Normal) selain itu kendala lain seperti anak yang tidak mempunyai handphone maka dia tidak bisa mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga guru setiap sekali seminggu mengunjungi rumah peserta didik. Pembelajaran pada masa pasca covid-19 belum bisa dikatakan kembali pulih dari masa pandemi, siswa yang kebiasaan belajar menggunakan teknologi seperti handphone. Saat itulah inovasi-inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran digunakan agar siswa kembali normal belajar seperti sebelum pandemic


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    TK Darul Hikam II yang memiliki program pembelajaran dengan menggunakan alat praga setiap pembelajaran, membuat penyampaian materi pengenalan hewan kurang praktis. Dibangunnya Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Mengenai Hewan sebagai solusi kepraktisan penyampaian materi, dengan terdapatnya materi dan evaluasi mengenai hewan. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi ini adalah metode ADDIE. Akhir pada pembangunan aplikasi ini dilakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan metode Black-box dan User Acceptance Test (UAT). Dari hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi bisa mengatasi masalah kepraktisan dalam penyampaian materi mengenai pengenalan binatang. Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, Pengenalan hewan, TK Darul Hikam II

    Analisis Keberadaan Kampus Dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan UMKM Dan Hasil Penjualan Pada UMKM Sekitar Kampus UBP Karawang

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    This study aims to analyze the existence of a campus on the growth performance of micro, small and medium enterprises on sales results around the campus. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis research. The technique used in this sampling is random sampling, research data collection is carried out by means of the results of interviews and observation techniques on MSME business actors. The number of respondents was 20 MSME business actors. The results of this study indicate that the existence of UBP has prospects in developing a business, increasing business turnover, and generating interest in entrepreneurship around campus. Where there are many types of businesses that can be opened to develop MSME businesses. Business actors only need the latest innovations to make UBP students interested in coming to good places of business. Keywords: Existence of Buana Perjuangan University Campus, Economic growth, UMK

    The Suitability of Distance Education for Students With Mental Health Issues and Economically Disadvantaged Students in East Java

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    Distance learning is not the only effective way to achieve the goals of education in the post-pandemic era, and it is not suitable for some students, in part because of the implications on mental health of following distance learning implementation. This research used qualitative methods together with a case study approach and it took place in East Java. The results showed that distance learning was not as effective with the students with mental health issues who were studied in this research. This was due in part to the lack of internet access in certain facilities. Students also experienced stress due to distance learning, especially sociology students. Most assignments which students were asked to do via distance learning were categorized as projects. Such projects forced students to think critically, while distance learning conditions rendered critical thinking more difficult. Another case study showed that economically disadvantaged students were not favored through distance learning. Many students were disturbed by the fact that their parents had become unemployed, and many students’ needs could not be fulfilled by their parents because of this economic problem. Keywords: remote learning, mental health student


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    Abstract : Mathematics is a branch of science that play a pivotal role in human life . In the process of learning mathematics, many aspects must be considered so that the goal of learning can be achieved.  Learning paradigm that just makes students memorize many do not understand mathematical concepts. While understanding the concept is a very important factor in the learning of mathematics and basic things that should be owned by the students. Students who have a good understanding of the concepts that will have an impact on its ability to resolve problems and tasks given in the study of mathematics, this is indicated by the learning outcomes in the form of test scores. The success of achieving standards that have been defined. To achieve this, there are various strategies that can be used, one strategy is through cooperative learning of Jigsaw. Jigsaw type of cooperative learning characterized by spesialias assignment (team of experts). The study describes the students' understanding on the concept of inverse function through cooperative learning jigsaw. This research is a classroom action research using a qualitative approach, the instrument used (1) a test sheet, (2) observation sheets teacher activity and student activities, and (3) sheet autorefleksi. Based on the research, test data that 90, 63% of students to retrieve a value of more than or equal to 75 in accordance with the chief engineer, the data of teacher activity observation 98% category very well and observation data of student activity 90% very good category, as well as data auto reflection students feel happy with the model of learning is done. So meet the success criteria of the study

    Difficulties and strategies of learning English reading skills in large classes: a systematic literature review

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    Reading in large classes can lead to many difficulties demanding for various teaching strategies to overcome any difficulties. This research aimed to find the difficulties found in large classes of reading and analyzed the strategies used to overcome them. It used a systematic analysis method that identifies existing literature available online. The data collection was carried out through systematic literature review stages: 1) framing questions for a review, 2) identifying relevant work, 3) assessing the quality of studies, 4) summarizing the evidence, and 5) interpreting the findings. The results show that students learning English in large classes particularly in secondary schools are always constrained in making inference, finding main idea, retention of detail information, understanding vocabulary, and locating reference. Concerning the strategies, junior and senior high school students must be involved in joyful and meaningful group fun activities for reading. However, at university level, the self and autonomous learning style must be implemented. The finding implies on the need for collaborative learning method and also group fun activities for reading. It can be also helped by utilizing the technology and digital platform to make the students have more experiences in learning reading in large class


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    Infective gastrointestinal is gastrointestinal tract inflammation (GIT), which is caused by microorganisms. The symptoms include diarrhea, vomit, abdominal pain, and fever. This study aimed to determine the antibiotic drug interaction potential based on the interaction mechanisms of gastrointestinal infectious diseases of in patients in the period of January to June 2016 at IbnuSina Hospital Makassar and to determine the severity of antibiotic drug interaction using the website www.drugs.com on the gastrointestinal infectious diseases. This research is non experiments conducted by dekskriptif method retrospectively. The results showed that the drug interaction in the therapeutic use along with less potential antibiotics to interact. This was shown that pharmacokinetic interaction mechanism is 3.80% cases and pharmacodynamics interactions is 6.33% cases, while the pharmacokinetic interaction instead of antibiotics is 40.51% cases, and pharmacodynamics interactions is 7.60% cases. Based on the minor or moderate severity levels, the drug interactions between antibiotics and other drugs are 11.39% cases while the drugs which is not the antibiotics of drug interaction case is 32.91% cases

    Respons Peningkatan Perkecambahan Benih dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) terhadap Penggunaan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dan Media Tanam yang Berbeda

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    Tanaman secang dapat diperbanyak secara generatif dengan melibatkan penggunaan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) untuk memperbaiki perkecambahan dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan kecambah sebelum pembibitan. Sementara itu, media tanam yang tepat dibutuhkan pada saat pembibitan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bibit yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan perendaman ZPT auksin dan sitokinin serta media tanam yang berbeda dalam meningkatkan persentase perkecambahan benih dan pertumbuhan bibit secang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Desember 2021 di Kel. Gunung Gede, Kec. Kawalu, Kota Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat pada ketinggian 317 mdpl. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan 14 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah perendaman benih secang menggunakan larutan ZPT (tanpa perendaman, perendaman dalam aquades, indole-3 acetic acid [IAA] 1,25 ppm, naphthalene-1-acetic acid [NAA] 1,25 ppm, 6-benyl amino purine [BAP] 1,25 ppm, IAA 1,25 ppm + BAP 1,25 ppm, NAA 1,25 ppm + BAP 1,25 ppm) dan jenis media tanam (topsoil, topsoil + pukan sapi 2:1). Hasil penelitian pada fase perkecambahan menunjukkan bahwa IAA + BAP 1,25 ppm mampu memberikan persentase perkecambahan dan kecepatan berkecambah terbaik sebesar 66,5% dan 7,3% KN/etmal. Hasil penelitian fase pembibitan menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara perlakuan perendaman larutan ZPT dengan penggunaan media tanam terhadap jumlah daun dan diameter batang bibit secang pada umur 12 minggu setelah tanam (MST).  Perlakuan perendaman NAA 1,25 ppm + BAP 1,25 ppm memberikan hasil terbaik pada jumlah daun umur 6 MST dan diameter batang bibit umur 12 MST. Penggunaan media tanam topsoil mampu meningkatkan hasil jumlah daun dan bobot kering total bibit secang

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Berbasis Problem Based Learning Untuk Mahasiswa PGSD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar pendidikan lingkungan hidup berbasis problem based learning untuk mahasiswa PGSD. Hal  tersebut didasari pada pemahaman dan daya analisa materi yang cukup  rendah pada mahasiswa PGSD UMJ, sehingga diperlukan bahan ajar yang lebih interaktif. Peneliti mengembangkan E-Book sebagai bahan ajar dengan memasukkan materi pendidikan lingkungan hidup dengan isu-isu kontemporer pada saat ini, sehingga mahasiswa dapat memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupan nyata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (research and development), dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Rowntree dan dikombinasikan dengan model Martin Tessmer. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu memberikan instrumen penilaian kepada ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa, dan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa. Dalam uji one to-one memperoleh hasil 77% yang termasuk dalam kriteria efektif, small group memperoleh hasil 81% yang termasuk dalam kriteria sangat efektif, dan field test memperoleh hasil 83% yang termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat efektif.  Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari ketiga ahli dan uji coba lapangan, maka bahan ajar pendidikan lingkungan hidup berbasis problem based learning untuk mahasiswa PGSD dinyatakan sangat valid (86,73%) dan efektif (80,33%) untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan lingkungan hidup
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