359 research outputs found
Physiological mechanisms involved in thermoregulation of production animals
P?ginas 88-94.Recurso Electr?nicoMediante esta revisi?n se busca compilar explicativamente la forma como los animales endotermos de producci?n han desarrollado mecanismos fisiol?gicos para la percepci?n y respuesta al frio y al calor a trav?s de termorreceptores distribuidos por la piel y en menor proporci?n en cavidad abdominal, medula espinal y vasos sangu?neos. La termorregulaci?n permite conservar la temperatura corporal en las condiciones variables del ambiente. La disipaci?n del calor en estos animales es realizada a trav?s de la radiaci?n, conducci?n, convecci?n y evaporaci?n. De manera opuesta, para conservar el calor corporal estos mecanismos se reflejan en cambios comportamentales y posturales, activaci?n del sistema simp?tico alfa adren?rgico, contracciones musculares, vasoconstricci?n cut?nea, piloerecci?n, aumento del consumo de alimentos, combusti?n de grasas de reserva. Con el fin de optimizar los par?metros zoot?cnicos, el productor debe tener en cuenta que cada especie animal, incluyendo su raza tiene una zona t?rmica de confort (ZTC), mediada por la informaci?n gen?tica, la historia t?rmica y distribuci?n o procedencia geogr?fica de cada tax?n o linaje. De ah? que las variaciones medioambientales que sobrepasen esta zona termoneutral demandan mayores cambios especialmente a nivel hemodin?mico. Dichos cambios se deben a incrementos en tasa metab?lica y respiratoria, disminuci?n o aumento de la resistencia del lecho vascular perif?rico y anastomosis arterio-venosa, as? como el aumento o disminuci?n del consumo de agua o alimento y adopci?n de comportamientos apropiados con las circunstancias t?rmicas que en conjunto dan como consecuencia alteraciones en la productividad.This review tries to compile an explanation of the way endothermic production animals have developed physiological l mechanisms for the perception and response to cold and heat through thermoreceptors distributed through the skin and to a lesser extent in the abdominal cavity, spinal cord and blood vessels. Thermoregulation allows the subject to maintain body temperature under conditions of environmental variables. The heat dissipation in these animals is accomplished through means like radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation. On the other hand, to keep body heat, these mechanisms are reflected in behavioral and postural changes, activation of alpha adrenergic sympathetic nervous system, muscle contractions, skin vasoconstriction, piloerection, increased food consumption and the burning of fat reserves. In order to optimize the zootechnical parameters, the producer must take into account that each animal species, including race, has a thermal zone comfort (TZC), mediated by the genetic information, the thermal history and geographical distribution of each taxon or linage. Hence, environmental variations above this thermoneutral zone demand specially greater hemodynamic changes. These changes are based on the increases in metabolic and respiratory rate, the decrease or increase of peripheral vascular bed resistance and arterio-venous anastomosis, as well as the increase or decrease in consumption of food or water and the adoption of appropriate behavior with thermal conditions that together generate a change in productivity
Immediate and 24-h post-marathon cardiac troponin T is associated with relative exercise intensity
Purpose We aimed at exploring whether cardiopulmonary ftness, echocardiographic measures and relative exercise intensity
were associated with high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-TNT) rise and normalization following a marathon.
Methods Nighty-eight participants (83 men, 15 women; 38.72±3.63 years) were subjected to echocardiographic assessment
and a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) before the race. hs-TNT was measured before, immediately after and at 24, 48,
96, 144 and 192 h post-race. Speed and mean heart rate (HR) during the race were relativized to CPET values: peak speed
(%VVMAX), peak HR (HR%MAX), speed and HR at the second ventilatory threshold (HR%VT2 and %VVT2).
Results Hs-TNT increased from pre- to post-race (5.74±5.29 vs. 50.4±57.04 ng/L; p<0.001), seeing values above the
Upper Reference Limit (URL) in 95% of the participants. At 24 h post-race, 39% of the runners still exceeded the URL
(High hs-TNT group). hs-TNT rise was correlated with marathon speed %VVT2 (r=0.22; p=0.042), mean HR%VT2 (r=0.30;
p=0.007), and mean HR%MAX (r=0.32; p=0.004). Moreover, the High hs-TNT group performed the marathon at a higher
Speed %VVT2 (88.21±6.53 vs. 83.49±6.54%; p=0.002) and Speed %VVMAX (72±4.25 vs. 69.40±5.53%; p=0.009). hsTNT showed no signifcant associations with cardiopulmonary ftness and echocardiographic measures, except for a slight
correlation with left ventricular end systolic diameter (r=0.26; p=0.018).
Conclusion Post-race hs-TNT was above the URL in barely all runners. Magnitude of hs-TNT rise was correlated with
exercise mean HR; whereas, its normalization kept relationship with marathon relative speed
Genotipificación de variantes del virus de bronquitis infecciosa aviar en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia
Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los diferentes genotipos del virus de bronquitis infecciosa (VBI) presente en granjas avícolas comerciales de diferentes localidades del departamento de Tolima, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron 105 muestras de hisopados traqueales provenientes de aves de 21 granjas. Las aves habían sido vacunadas contra el VBI. Se realizó un “screen” para identificar muestras positivas y posteriormente la secuenciación de la región parcial de la subunidad S1 y el análisis filogenético de los aislamientos con las cepas de referencia, incluidas las vacunas utilizadas actualmente en el país. Resultados. Aves de todas las granjas tenían signos respiratorios, pero sólo cuatro granjas confirmaron la enfermedad. Las muestras positivas de VBI (HT6,HT9, HT10 y HT11) fueron patogénicas para embriones de 9 días de edad. La muestra HT6 se agrupó en el mismo clúster que las cepas de la vacuna Massachusetts. Las muestras HT9 y HT11 mostraron 99% de similitud y agrupan genéticamente distantes de las cepas de referencia y de los aislados. El HT10 mostró baja similitud con aislamientos y cepas de referencia, agrupándose separadamente en otro clúster. Conclusiones. Nuevos genotipos circulan en el departamento del Tolima, donde hay un riesgo de recombinación genética. Se estima que las vacunas utilizadas no están ofreciendo una protección cruzada contra los nuevos genotipos
Patterns of brain structural connectivity differentiate normal weight from overweight subjects
AbstractBackgroundAlterations in the hedonic component of ingestive behaviors have been implicated as a possible risk factor in the pathophysiology of overweight and obese individuals. Neuroimaging evidence from individuals with increasing body mass index suggests structural, functional, and neurochemical alterations in the extended reward network and associated networks.AimTo apply a multivariate pattern analysis to distinguish normal weight and overweight subjects based on gray and white-matter measurements.MethodsStructural images (N = 120, overweight N = 63) and diffusion tensor images (DTI) (N = 60, overweight N = 30) were obtained from healthy control subjects. For the total sample the mean age for the overweight group (females = 32, males = 31) was 28.77 years (SD = 9.76) and for the normal weight group (females = 32, males = 25) was 27.13 years (SD = 9.62). Regional segmentation and parcellation of the brain images was performed using Freesurfer. Deterministic tractography was performed to measure the normalized fiber density between regions. A multivariate pattern analysis approach was used to examine whether brain measures can distinguish overweight from normal weight individuals.Results1. White-matter classification: The classification algorithm, based on 2 signatures with 17 regional connections, achieved 97% accuracy in discriminating overweight individuals from normal weight individuals. For both brain signatures, greater connectivity as indexed by increased fiber density was observed in overweight compared to normal weight between the reward network regions and regions of the executive control, emotional arousal, and somatosensory networks. In contrast, the opposite pattern (decreased fiber density) was found between ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the anterior insula, and between thalamus and executive control network regions. 2. Gray-matter classification: The classification algorithm, based on 2 signatures with 42 morphological features, achieved 69% accuracy in discriminating overweight from normal weight. In both brain signatures regions of the reward, salience, executive control and emotional arousal networks were associated with lower morphological values in overweight individuals compared to normal weight individuals, while the opposite pattern was seen for regions of the somatosensory network.Conclusions1. An increased BMI (i.e., overweight subjects) is associated with distinct changes in gray-matter and fiber density of the brain. 2. Classification algorithms based on white-matter connectivity involving regions of the reward and associated networks can identify specific targets for mechanistic studies and future drug development aimed at abnormal ingestive behavior and in overweight/obesity
Characterization of a new molecule capable of inhibiting several steps of the amyloid cascade in Alzheimer's disease
Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder in elderly people. Existent therapies are directed at alleviating some symptoms, but are not effective in altering the course of the disease. Methods: Based on our previous study that showed that an Fiji-interacting small peptide protected against the toxic effects of amyloid-beta peptide (A beta), we carried out an array of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo assays to identify a molecule having neuroprotective properties. Results: In silico studies showed that the molecule, referred to as M30 (2-Octahydroisoquinolin-2(1H)-ylethanamine), was able to interact with the A beta peptide. Additionally, in vitro assays showed that M30 blocked A beta aggregation, association to the plasma membrane, synaptotoxicity, intracellular calcium, and cellular toxicity, while in vivo experiments demonstrated that M30 induced a neuroprotective effect by decreasing the toxicity of A beta in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and improving the alteration in spatial memory in behavior assays. Discussion Therefore, we propose that this new small molecule could be a useful candidate for the additional development of a treatment against AD since it appears to block multiple steps in the amyloid cascade. Overall, since there are no drugs that effectively block the progression of AD, this approach represents an innovative strategy. Significance: Currently, there is no effective treatment for AD and the expectations to develop an effective therapy are low. Using in silico, in vitro, and in vivo experiments, we identified a new compound that is able to inhibit A beta-induced neurotoxicity, specifically aggregation, association to neurons, synaptic toxicity, calcium dyshomeostasis and memory impairment induced by A beta. Because A beta toxicity is central to AD progression, the inhibition mediated by this new molecule might be useful as a therapeutic tool
Distinct tumor necrosis factor alpha receptors dictate stem cell fitness versus lineage output in Dnmt3a-mutant clonal hematopoiesis
UNLABELLED: Clonal hematopoiesis resulting from the enhanced fitness of mutant hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) associates with both favorable and unfavorable health outcomes related to the types of mature mutant blood cells produced, but how this lineage output is regulated is unclear. Using a mouse model of a clonal hematopoiesis-associated mutation, DNMT3AR882/+ (Dnmt3aR878H/+), we found that aging-induced TNFα signaling promoted the selective advantage of mutant HSCs and stimulated the production of mutant B lymphoid cells. The genetic loss of the TNFα receptor TNFR1 ablated the selective advantage of mutant HSCs without altering their lineage output, whereas the loss of TNFR2 resulted in the overproduction of mutant myeloid cells without altering HSC fitness. These results nominate TNFR1 as a target to reduce clonal hematopoiesis and the risk of associated diseases and support a model in which clone size and mature blood lineage production can be independently controlled to modulate favorable and unfavorable clonal hematopoiesis outcomes.
SIGNIFICANCE: Through the identification and dissection of TNFα signaling as a key driver of murine Dnmt3a-mutant hematopoiesis, we report the discovery that clone size and production of specific mature blood cell types can be independently regulated. See related commentary by Niño and Pietras, p. 2724. This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 2711
The TIGR Maize Database
Maize is a staple crop of the grass family and also an excellent model for plant genetics. Owing to the large size and repetitiveness of its genome, we previously investigated two approaches to accelerate gene discovery and genome analysis in maize: methylation filtration and high C(0)t selection. These techniques allow the construction of gene-enriched genomic libraries by minimizing repeat sequences due to either their methylation status or their copy number, yielding a 7-fold enrichment in genic sequences relative to a random genomic library. Approximately 900 000 gene-enriched reads from maize were generated and clustered into Assembled Zea mays (AZM) sequences. Here we report the current AZM release, which consists of ∼298 Mb representing 243 807 sequence assemblies and singletons. In order to provide a repository of publicly available maize genomic sequences, we have created the TIGR Maize Database (). In this resource, we have assembled and annotated the AZMs and used available sequenced markers to anchor AZMs to maize chromosomes. We have constructed a maize repeat database and generated draft sequence assemblies of 287 maize bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone sequences, which we annotated along with 172 additional publicly available BAC clones. All sequences, assemblies and annotations are available at the project website via web interfaces and FTP downloads
Gene Space Dynamics During the Evolution of Aegilops tauschii, Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa, and Sorghum bicolor Genomes
Nine different regions totaling 9.7 Mb of the 4.02 Gb Aegilops tauschii genome were sequenced using the Sanger sequencing technology and compared with orthologous Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa (rice), and Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) genomic sequences. The ancestral gene content in these regions was inferred and used to estimate gene deletion and gene duplication rates along each branch of the phylogenetic tree relating the four species. The total gene number in the extant Ae. tauschii genome was estimated to be 36,371. The gene deletion and gene duplication rates and total gene numbers in the four genomes were used to estimate the total gene number in each node of the phylogenetic tree. The common ancestor of the Brachypodieae and Triticeae lineages was estimated to have had 28,558 genes, and the common ancestor of the Panicoideae, Ehrhartoideae, and Pooideae subfamilies was estimated to have had 27,152 or 28,350 genes, depending on the ancestral gene scenario. Relative to the Brachypodieae and Triticeae common ancestor, the gene number was reduced in B. distachyon by 3,026 genes and increased in Ae. tauschii by 7,813 genes. The sum of gene deletion and gene duplication rates, which reflects the rate of gene synteny loss, was correlated with the rate of structural chromosome rearrangements and was highest in the Ae. tauschii lineage and lowest in the rice lineage. The high rate of gene space evolution in the Ae. tauschii lineage accounts for the fact that, contrary to the expectations, the level of synteny between the phylogenetically more related Ae. tauschii and B. distachyon genomes is similar to the level of synteny between the Ae. tauschii genome and the genomes of the less related rice and sorghum. The ratio of gene duplication to gene deletion rates in these four grass species closely parallels both the total number of genes in a species and the overall genome size. Because the overall genome size is to a large extent a function of the repeated sequence content in a genome, we suggest that the amount and activity of repeated sequences are important factors determining the number of genes in a genome
Sensory ERP effects in auditory distraction: did we miss the main event?
Event-related potentials (ERPs) offer unique insights into processes related to involuntary attention changes triggered by rare, unpredictably occurring sensory events, that is, distraction. Contrasting ERPs elicited by distracters and frequent standard stimuli in oddball paradigms allowed the formulation of a three-stage model describing distraction-related processing: first, the distracting event is highlighted by a sensory filter. Second, attention is oriented towards the event, and finally, the task-optimal attention set is restored, or task priorities are changed. Although this model summarizes how distracting stimulus information is processed, not much is known about the cost of taking this exceptional route of processing. The present study demonstrates the impact of distraction on sensory processing. Participants performed a Go/NoGo tone-duration discrimination task, with infrequent pitch distracters. In the two parts of the experiment the duration-response mapping was reversed. Contrasts of distracter and standard ERPs revealed higher P3a- and reorienting negativity amplitudes for short than for long tones, independently from response type. To understand the cause of these asymmetries, short vs. long ERP contrasts were calculated. The ERP pattern showed that short standards elicited an attention-dependent offset response, which was abolished for short distracters. That is, the apparent P3a- and RON enhancements were caused by the removal of a task-related attentional sensory enhancement. This shows that the disruption of task-optimal attention set precedes the elicitation of the P3a, which suggests that P3a does not reflect a process driving the initial distraction-related attention change
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