244 research outputs found

    Identification of the vulnerabilities of food fraud in companies that manufacture food packaging

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    La seguridad alimentaria como tendencia mundial tiene la finalidad de contribuir al aseguramiento y control de peligros significativos para la inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos en toda la cadena de suministro. A través del tiempo se han incluido nuevos requisitos en la Norma FSSC 22000 los cuales las empresas deben identificar peligros y controlar situaciones que pueden contribuir a las fallas en la inocuidad de los alimentos; este sistema está diseñado para prevenir o minimizar la posible ocurrencia de riesgos que puedan afectar la salud del consumidor. El objetivo de este trabajo tiene como finalidad sugerir metodologías que ayuden a la identificación y evaluación de las vulnerabilidades en las cuales los productos puedan ser susceptibles a posibles actos de fraude con el fin de obtener un beneficio económico y que pueden tener consecuencias en la salud de los consumidores, de tal manera que las medidas de control tomadas minimicen la vulnerabilidad del fraude alimentario al reducir las oportunidades para los estafadores.Food safety as a global trend has the purpose of contributing to the assurance and control of significant hazards for the safety and quality of food throughout the supply chain. Over time, new requirements have been included in the FSSC 22000 Standard, which companies must identify hazards and control situations that may contribute to food safety failures; This system is designed to prevent or minimize the possible occurrence of risks that may affect the health of the consumer. The purpose of this paper is to suggest methodologies that help identify and assess vulnerabilities in which products may be susceptible to possible acts of fraud in order to obtain an economic benefit and that may have health consequences. consumers, in such a way that the control measures taken minimize the vulnerability of food fraud by reducing opportunities for scammers

    An infantocentric view of subjective well-being in childhood in schools

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    La aprobación de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño en 1989 ha favorecido que desde la investigación científica y el contexto político se incremente el interés por dar voz a la infancia. Este escenario permite avanzar en investigaciones “con niños” además de estudios “sobre niños” otorgando validez científica a la información proporcionada por ellos. Este trabajo expone una experiencia en materia de bienestar subjetivo en la infancia, desde la percepción de los propios niños y niñas, desarrollada en centros de educación infantil de Chile. Se recomienda a los centros educativos ir incorporando instancias que permitan a su alumnado contribuir en las propuestas de mejora para su bienestar personal y su experiencia escolarThe approval of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in 1989, has favored that from the scientific research and the political context the interest to give voice to the childhood increases. This scenario allows to advance in research "with children" as well as studies "about children" granting scientific validity to the information provided by them. This work exposes an experience in the matter of subjective wellbeing in childhood, from the perception of children, developed in a center for early childhood education in Chile. It is recommended that schools include instances that allow their students to contribute to improvement proposals for their personal well-being and their school experienc


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    El presente artículo es resultado de la investigación Estrategia dinámico-participativa para potenciar el estilo comunicativo flexible en jóvenes de primer año de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, que responde a la Maestría en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario; asimismo, constituye un resultado del proyecto de investigación Perfeccionamiento de la comunicación y sus estilos desde el proceso formativo. Tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de formación sociocultural como directriz de trabajo del sistema educacional cubano, con énfasis en la Educación Superior. Para ello, los autores establecen tres etapas en las que se concreta el vínculo indisoluble que a lo largo de la historia del sistema revolucionario existió entre sociedad y cultura, y cómo se refleja en el sistema educacional. Se toma como punto de partida para el análisis, que el proceso de formación sociocultural se sustenta en la manera en que los sujetos interpretan la cultura y conforman sus concepciones al respecto, en estrecho vínculo con los hechos sociales, lo que, en el contexto educacional se traduce en la enseñanza de una visión de la sociedad desde la cultura y viceversa, en función de alcanzar el desarrollo integral del sujeto al que aspira la nación

    Diseño del programa de salud ocupacional Flexco S.A. 2003

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    La Salud Ocupacional representa una de las herramientas de gestión mas importante para mejorar la calidad de vida laboral de las empresas y con ellas su competitividad, esto es posible siempre y cuando la empresa promueva y estimule en todo momento la creación de una cultura en seguridad y salud que debe estar sincronizada con los planes de calidad como mejoramiento en los procesos y puestos de trabajo, productividad, desarrollo del recurso humano y la reducción de los costos operacionales.Introducción 1Justificación 41. Objetivos 6PregradoProfesional en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj

    An evaluation of the genetic connectivity and temporal stability of the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus: a case study of spawning females’ grounds in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    The blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus has been intensively exploited by trawling fishery in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Implementation of an adequate management plan needs complete genetic data of the non-spawning and spawning grounds of the species. During the reproductive period, the species forms spawning aggregations in the middle slope, mainly constituted of mature females carrying spermatophores. Seven spawning females’ grounds in the Western Mediterranean Sea from Gulf of Lions (France) to Cabo de Palos (Spain) were sampled during two consecutive years, 2016 and 2017. This study assessed for the first time the levels of genetic diversity within spawning grounds, the genetic divergence among them and estimated the degree of temporal genetic stability using multilocus genotyping. Our results showed a high connectivity of the spawning females’ grounds that remains stable during the two analysed years, explained by passive larval dispersal, together with juveniles and adults’ migration. We advise that a future management plan for A. antennatus fishery should consider the Mediterranean Subarea GSA6 as a single unit, but it should be combined with local monitoring in order to ensure the sustainable exploitation of the populations.This work was supported by a grant from Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTM2014-54648-C2-2-R) to MIR. LP and MA benefited from predoctoral fellowship from the Universitat de Girona (BR2014 and IFUdG2018, respectively). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.S

    Mating structure of the blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) characterized by relatedness analysis

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    Understanding life history variation and strategies is crucial for stock assessment and fisheries management due to the direct effects on population dynamics, effective population size, sex-ratios, levels of inbreeding, and relatedness among individuals. Aristeus antennatus (En ─ Blue and red shrimp; Fr ─ Crevette rouge; Sp ─ Gamba rosada) is one of the most exploited demersal resources in the Western Mediterranean Sea. However, information regarding the mating system and mate choice preferences remains largely unknown. Advances in molecular genetic markers and methods of inferring biological relationships among individuals have facilitated new insights into the reproductive dynamics of the species in the wild. Here, we used microsatellite markers to examine the A. antennatus mating system and putative mate choice preferences. Our results provided clear evidence of polyandry and polygyny. Relatedness analyses, together with FST and DAPC values showed females exhibited a mating bias towards unrelated males. Mating males were inferred from spermatophores and suggested males were sympatric with females and were also from other spawning grounds. Our findings provided the first description of the reproductive behavior of blue and red shrimpThis work was supported by a grant from Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTM2014-54648-C2-2-R) to MIR. LP benefited from predoctoral fellowship from the Universitat de Girona (BR2014)S

    La enfermedad de Alzheimer en los materiales cinematográficos = Alzheimer's disease in the film materials

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    Resumen: El cine también se ha hecho eco de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer dada las características de la enfermedad y el aumento del número de casos en los últimos años. Objetivo: cuantificar los materiales cinematográficos que contengan en su sinopsis la palabra Alzheimer. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo longitudinal. La muestra estuvo constituida por los materiales cinematográficos de la base de datos IMDb. Resultados: los materiales en dónde más se refleja la EA son los cortometrajes  38.73%. La palabra Alzheimer aparece en la sinopsis en el 65.11% en el 45,94% se hace mención específica del personaje con EA y en el 7.20% se habla de cuidadoras femeninas. EE.UU. es el país que más material cinematográfico produce, 33.33% y el drama el género que más predomina 50.45%. Conclusiones: el cine es un gran medio de comunicación y un extraordinario medio de comunicación de masas que puede utilizarse para educar, divulgar y formar en el área sanitaria. Palabras clave: Cine, alzheimer, enfermedad de alzheimer Abstract:  The film has also been echoed Alzheimer's disease given the characteristics of the disease and the increased number of cases in recent years. Objective: To quantify the film materials containing at its word Alzheimer synapses. Methodology: This descriptive longitudinal study. The sample consisted of film base materials represent data. Results: materials where more reflected shorts Alzheimer´s disease are 38.73 %. The word appears in the synopsis Alzheimer in 65.11 % 45.94 % in the specific mention of the character is Alzheimer´s disease. In the 7.20% female caregivers talking. U.S. It is the country that produces film material, 33.33 % and the drama genre that dominates 50.45 %. Conclusions: Cinema is a great means of communication and an extraordinary means of mass communication that can be used to educate, disseminate and train in the health area. Keywords: Cinema, alzheimer, alzheimer´s diseas

    Subcellular sorting of neuregulins controls the assembly of excitatory-inhibitory cortical circuits

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    The assembly of specific neuronal circuits relies on the expression of complementary molecular programs in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. In the cerebral cortex, the tyrosine kinase receptor ErbB4 is critical for the wiring of specific populations of GABAergic interneurons, in which it paradoxically regulates both the formation of inhibitory synapses as well as the development of excitatory synapses received by these cells. Here, we found that Nrg1 and Nrg3, two members of the neuregulin family of trophic factors, regulate the inhibitory outputs and excitatory inputs of interneurons in the mouse cerebral cortex, respectively. The differential role of Nrg1 and Nrg3 in this process is not due to their receptor-binding EGF-like domain, but rather to their distinctive subcellular localization within pyramidal cells. Our study reveals a novel strategy for the assembly of cortical circuits that involves the differential subcellular sorting of family-related synaptic proteins.Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (MRC Programme Grant, MR/S010785/1) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement (AIMS-2-TRIALS, 777394) to BR and OM, and Fondation Roger de Spoelberch to OM. DE-A was supported by a ‘la Caixa’ Foundation Graduate Fellowship

    Genetic structure and population connectivity of the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus

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    The blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is a demersal marine species harvested by bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea, the adjacent Atlantic Ocean (AO) waters, and the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean (IO). As it is considered to be a priority species for sustainable fishing, identification of its genetic stocks and the connectivity between them is essential. Using 12 microsatellite loci we detected at least four genetic stocks distributed in the Western Mediterranean (WM), Eastern Mediterranean (EM), AO, and IO and signals for a possible fifth stock in the Alborán Sea. We detected no additional population structuring within the WM. Thus, although the Almería-Orán Front exerts some isolating effect, high genetic homogeneity and gene flow are present within the WM Basin. The IO stock is genetically closer to the AO stock than to the others; thus, the species dispersion route is more likely via the Atlantic Ocean than via the Red Sea. Large effective population sizes suggest population sustainability, but moderate genetic diversity values indicate to proceed with caution. Our genetic results serve as a basis for species conservation to ensure long-term sustainability of this marine resourceThis work was supported by grants to M.I.R. by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CTM2006–00785) and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTM2014-54648-C2-2-R). Additional support to S.H by PADI foundation. L.P. benefited from a predoctoral fellowship from the University of Girona (BR2014)S