603 research outputs found

    Incommensurate Phase in Λ-cobalt (III) Sepulchrate Trinitrate Governed by Highly Competitive N−H⋅⋅⋅O and C−H⋅⋅⋅O Hydrogen Bond Networks

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    The intermediate incommensurate modulated structure of Λ-cobalt (III) sepulchrate trinitrate is ordered yet retains amplitude of molecular rotations common to high temperature disordered as well as low temperature high Z′ structure. Contributions from bifurcated N−H⋅⋅⋅O bonds as well as very short H⋅⋅⋅H contacts in addition to C−H⋅⋅⋅O bonds leads to severe frustrations in crystal packing than that in the lock-in phase

    Hvordan redusere energiforbruket til Grødem Kirke?

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    Denne oppgaven har en teoretisk vinkling på problemstillingen `hvordan redusere energiforbruket til Grødem kirke`. Oppgaven setter ut til å finne løsninger på hvordan det er mulig å senke energiforbruket. Dermed har det først blitt utført energiberegninger i programmet Simien av det aktuelle bygget for å identifisere det faktiske energiforbruket til bygningen. Videre er det vurdert ulike tiltak som det også er utført energiberegninger av for å verifisere effekten. Resultatene viser at det er teoretisk mulig å redusere bygningens energibehov drastisk ved å benytte en rekke tiltak som berører bygningskroppen, ventilasjonssystemet og oppvarmingssystemet. Videre er det også simulert ulike tiltak kombinert i scenarioer for å vise effekten og besparelsene til ulike tiltak sett opp mot hverandre. Tiltakene er realistiske og er fullt mulig å utføre med produkter/løsninger som finnes på markedet i dag. Videre vil valg av tiltak være et økonomisk spørsmål, der investeringskostnad og reduksjon i energibehov må veies opp mot hverandre.This thesis has a theoretical approach on the problem ``how to reduce the energy consumption of Grødem church''. The task sets out to find solutions for how it is possible to lower the energy consumption. Thus, energy calculations have first been carried out in the program Simien of the relevant building in order to identify the actual energy consumption of the building. Furthermore, various measures have been considered, of which energy calculations have also been carried out to verify the effect. The results show that it is theoretically possible to drastically reduce the building's energy needs by using a number of measures that affect the building body, the ventilation system and the heating system. Furthermore, different measures combined in scenarios have also been simulated to show the effect and savings of different measures compared to each other. The measures are realistic and are entirely possible to carry out with products/solutions available on the market today. Furthermore, the choice of measures will be an economic issue, where investment cost and reduction in energy needs to be weighed against each other

    Hvordan redusere energiforbruket til Grødem kirke?

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    Denne oppgaven har en teoretisk vinkling på problemstillingen `hvordan redusere energiforbruket til Grødem kirke`. Oppgaven setter ut til å finne løsninger på hvordan det er mulig å senke energiforbruket. Dermed har det først blitt utført energiberegninger i programmet Simien av det aktuelle bygget for å identifisere det faktiske energiforbruket til bygningen. Videre er det vurdert ulike tiltak som det også er utført energiberegninger av for å verifisere effekten. Resultatene viser at det er teoretisk mulig å redusere bygningens energibehov drastisk ved å benytte en rekke tiltak som berører bygningskroppen, ventilasjonssystemet og oppvarmingssystemet. Videre er det også simulert ulike tiltak kombinert i scenarioer for å vise effekten og besparelsene til ulike tiltak sett opp mot hverandre. Tiltakene er realistiske og er fullt mulig å utføre med produkter/løsninger som finnes på markedet i dag. Videre vil valg av tiltak være et økonomisk spørsmål, der investeringskostnad og reduksjon i energibehov må veies opp mot hverandre.This thesis has a theoretical approach on the problem ``how to reduce the energy consumption of Grødem church''. The task sets out to find solutions for how it is possible to lower the energy consumption. Thus, energy calculations have first been carried out in the program Simien of the relevant building in order to identify the actual energy consumption of the building. Furthermore, various measures have been considered, of which energy calculations have also been carried out to verify the effect. The results show that it is theoretically possible to drastically reduce the building's energy needs by using a number of measures that affect the building body, the ventilation system and the heating system. Furthermore, different measures combined in scenarios have also been simulated to show the effect and savings of different measures compared to each other. The measures are realistic and are entirely possible to carry out with products/solutions available on the market today. Furthermore, the choice of measures will be an economic issue, where investment cost and reduction in energy needs to be weighed against each other

    Contrasting changes in hydrological processes of the Volta River basin under global warming

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    A comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of climate change on water resources of the West Africa Volta River basin is conducted in this study, as the region is expected to be hardest hit by global warming. A large ensemble of 12 general circulation models (GCMs) from the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) that are dynamically downscaled by five regional climate models (RCMs) from the Coordinated Regional-climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-Africa is used. In total, 43 RCM–GCM combinations are considered under three representative concentration pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5). The reliability of each of the climate datasets is first evaluated with satellite and reanalysis reference datasets. Subsequently, the Rank Resampling for Distributions and Dependences (R2D2) multivariate bias correction method is applied to the climate datasets. The bias-corrected climate projections are then used as input to the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) for hydrological projections over the 21st century (1991–2100). Results reveal contrasting dynamics in the seasonality of rainfall, depending on the selected greenhouse gas emission scenarios and the future projection periods. Although air temperature and potential evaporation increase under all RCPs, an increase in the magnitude of all hydrological variables (actual evaporation, total runoff, groundwater recharge, soil moisture, and terrestrial water storage) is only projected under RCP8.5. High- and low-flow analysis suggests an increased flood risk under RCP8.5, particularly in the Black Volta, while hydrological droughts would be recurrent under RCP2.6 and RCP4.5, particularly in the White Volta. The evolutions of streamflow indicate a future delay in the date of occurrence of low flows up to 11 d under RCP8.5, while high flows could occur 6 d earlier (RCP2.6) or 5 d later (RCP8.5), as compared to the historical period. Disparities are observed in the spatial patterns of hydroclimatic variables across climatic zones, with higher warming in the Sahelian zone. Therefore, climate change would have severe implications for future water availability with concerns for rain-fed agriculture, thereby weakening the water–energy–food security nexus and amplifying the vulnerability of the local population. The variability between climate models highlights uncertainties in the projections and indicates a need to better represent complex climate features in regional models. These findings could serve as a guideline for both the scientific community to improve climate change projections and for decision-makers to elaborate adaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with the consequences of climate change and strengthen regional socioeconomic development

    Photodissociation of water in crystalline ice: a molecular dynamics study

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    Ultraviolet irradiation of ice is of great interest for understanding the chemistry in both atmospheric and astrophysical environments. In interstellar space, photodissociation of H2O molecules can be a driving force behind the chemistry on icy dust grains in dense, cold molecular clouds even though the flux of UV photons is extremely low. The mechanisms of such photoinduced processes are poorly understood, however. In this work the photodissociation dynamics of a water molecule in crystalline ice at 10 K is studied computationally using classical molecular dynamics. Photodissociation in the first bilayer leads mainly to H atoms desorbing (65%), while in the third bilayer trapping of H and OH dominates (51%). The kinetic energy distribution of the desorbing H atoms is much broader than that for the corresponding gas-phase photodissociation. The H atoms on average move 11 Angstroms before becoming trapped, while OH radicals typically move 2 Angstroms. In accordance with experiments a blueshift of the absorption spectrum is obtained relative to gas-phase water.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Clinical Characteristics, Mutation Spectrum, and Prevalence of Ã…land Eye Disease/Incomplete Congenital Stationary Night Blindness in Denmark

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    PURPOSE: To assess clinical characteristics, foveal structure, mutation spectrum, and prevalence rate of Åland eye disease (AED)/incomplete congenital stationary night blindness (iCSNB). METHODS: A retrospective survey included individuals diagnosed with AED at a national low-vision center from 1980 to 2014. A subset of affected males underwent ophthalmologic examinations including psychophysical tests, full-field electroretinography, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: Over the 34-year period, 74 individuals from 35 families were diagnosed with AED. Sixty individuals from 29 families participated in a follow-up study of whom 59 harbored a CACNA1F mutation and 1 harbored a CABP4 mutation. Among the subjects with a CACNA1F mutation, subnormal visual acuity was present in all, nystagmus was present in 63%, and foveal hypoplasia was observed in 25/43 subjects. Foveal pit volume was significantly reduced as compared to normal (P < 0.0001). Additionally, outer segment length at the fovea was measured in 46 subjects and found to be significantly reduced as compared to normal (P < 0.001). Twenty-nine CACNA1F variations were detected among 34 families in the total cohort, and a novel CABP4 variation was identified in one family. The estimated mean birth prevalence rate was 1 per 22,000 live-born males. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the viewpoint that AED, iCSNB, and X-linked cone–rod dystrophy 3 are designations that refer to a broad, continuous spectrum of clinical appearances caused in the majority by a variety of mutations in CACNA1F. We argue that the original designation AED should be used for this entity

    Beacon Signalling for Expedited Cell Search Procedures in NTN NB-IoT

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    Three cellular standards have been considered for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN): NB-IoT, eMTC and NR, each having had features introduced to accommodate the challenges of the NTN case. In Terrestrial Networks (TNs), it is reasonable to expect continuous coverage when a UE is stationary within reach of a base-station (eNB) with rare exceptions of downtime due to failures or catastrophic events. The same continuity cannot be assumed in NTN for sparse eNB constellations or during the rollout of dense eNB constellations. Therefore, a feature of the NTN IoT protocols - NTN NB-IoT & NTN eMTC - is the support of discontinuous RAN coverage. Cell search is a core task of NTN UEs serviced by non-geostationary (NGSO) constellations. Initially, when UEs are booted up, unless a recent ephemeris has been provisioned to it, the UE must first discover a valid eNB by employing repeated cell searching. UEs will have to keep doing cell search each time they wish to access a cell again after losing or dropping connectivity. Intermittent coverage gaps, which occur in dense constellations due to system failures, during rollout or inherently in sparse constellations, exaggerate the number of cell search attempts required by a UE before finding an appropriate cell to camp on. These latter cases of intermittent coverage can be mitigated by the coverage prediction features for discontinuous coverage. In this paper, a beacon signal, which can be transmitted within the white-spaces of stand-alone NB-IoT, is introduced. The beacon signal is designed to expedite the cell search procedure in NTN NB-IoT in NGSO constellations by: (1) Allowing for easy and early detection of the presence of a cell, (2) encoding preliminary information for the UE to assess whether to continue cell search at that early point and (3) providing helpful information to the synchronisation procedure. The performance of the beacon signal is simulated and evaluations show a fair improvement over utilizing legacy synchronization signals for cell detection both in terms of speed and SNR
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