41 research outputs found

    Executive function assessment in children with ASD through ENFEN : Guidance for teachers

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    During the recent years there are an increasing number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the schools. Some studies have shown that IQ is a good indicator of their social behaviour, but it cannot give a total explanation. Other researches considered executive functions have an important role both in the social and cognitive deficits in children diagnosed with ASD. Ten children with ASD were assessed through ENFEN and WISC-IV at three schools into a competitive research (I+D+i 2010:19478). The aim is to evaluate the performance of ENFEN as a tool to determine these executive functions (planning, inhibition response, working memory and mental flexibility) more related to the diagnosis with ASD. The results suggest children with ASD show lower performance in executive function, mainly planning and mental flexibility. Besides, a relation between ENFEN, IQ and ADI-R exists whereby children with fewer difficulties in ENFEN performance get a higher IQ and simultaneously lower scores on the ADI-R. Some educational strategies for children with ASD were suggested in order to improve their executive functions in the classroom

    Tutoring students with disabilities : survey of the initiatives at Spanish and European universities

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    Las universidades europeas están poniendo en marcha iniciativas para implantar planes de acción tutorial que proporcionen orientación y apoyo a los estudiantes mientras cursan estudios universitarios, si bien estos planes de acción tutoriales a menudo no contemplan acciones específicas para los estudiantes con discapacidad. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una relación de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo por 10 universidades españolas y 12 europeas, las cuales disponen de un servicio específico de atención al estudiante con discapacidad. El análisis ha tenido en cuenta aquellas dimensiones más importantes en un plan de acción tutorial: promoción, acogida, permanencia y egreso. Según los resultados las universidades españolas y europeas dedican un mayor esfuerzo a buscar mecanismos de inclusión para los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad durante su permanencia en la universidad, especialmente en la orientación sobre los estudios y la adaptación curricular. Asimismo, las universidades europeas tienen más desarrolladas las actuaciones en el momento del egreso y disponen de programas de orientación para la inserción laboral.European universities have begun to launch initiatives to implement tutorial action plans that provide guidance and support for students as they earn their university degrees. However, these plans seldom include specific actions for students with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to present a list of the actions offered by 40 Spanish and 12 European universities which have a specific service catering to students with disabilities. The analysis bore in mind the most important dimensions to be implemented in any tutorial action plan, namely promotion, orientation, retention and graduation. From the results we can glean that both Spanish and European universities devote most efforts to seeking mechanisms to include disabled university students during their stay at the university, especially guidance on academic programmes and curricular adaptations. Likewise, European universities, unlike their Spanish counterparts, implement more actions at graduation and offer job insertion guidance programmes

    Tutorial action for disabled university students

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    Se presenta la experiencia que ha permitido diseñar una guía de recomendaciones para la elaboración de planes de acción tutorial para estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad. La metodología ha contemplado el análisis de las acciones tutoriales realizadas por los Servicios de Atención al estudiante con discapacidad de 40 universidades españolas y 12 europeas, la entrevista a 10 responsables institucionales y la elaboración y validación de una guía de actuación específica. La guía presenta principios de actuación, desarrolla los elementos de un plan de acción tutorial y concreta orientaciones específicas para los gestores y profesorado, con fichas de actuación según la discapacidad considerada

    Perceived quality of automotive interior components

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    [EN] Biomechanics Institute of Valencia (IBV) and Faurecia Interior Systems, have worked together to develop a ¿virtual¿ protocol to assess the perceived quality of automotive interior components. For this purpose, the differences between the real product evaluation and the image have been analyzed, identifying what kind of adaptations are required by the perceived quality protocols.[ES] El Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) y FAURECIA Interior Systems, han trabajado de la mano para desarrollar un protocolo de evaluación "virtual" de la calidad percibida de componentes de interior de automóvil. Para ello, se han analizado las diferencias entre la evaluación del producto real y una imagen, identificando qué tipo de adaptaciones requieren los protocolos de evaluación de calidad percibida.Soler Valero, A.; Mateo Martínez, B.; Diaz Pineda, JA.; Sancho Mollá, M.; Solaz Sanahuja, JS.; Signes Pérez, E.; Martín Pérez, J.... (2013). Calidad percibida en el interior de vehículos. Revista de biomecánica. 59:9-12. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38697S9125

    Pay-per-use from the car

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    [EN] Cities evolution, and in particular the struggle against pollution and congestion, has led in recent years to develop new pay per use models. These models are using as tools for the implementation of new models of mobility. The ¿Pay-per-use SIM¿ project proposes a solution that enables real-time interaction between vehicle and infrastructure and, especially, with the user, in order to give space for new services such as smart parking or congestion charges.[ES] La evolución de las ciudades y en particular la lucha contra la contaminación y la saturación del tráfico, ha llevado en los últimos años a diseñar nuevos modelos de pago por uso que están siendo utilizados como herramientas para la puesta en marcha de nuevos modelos de movilidad. El proyecto ¿Pay-per-use SIM¿ propone una solución que permite la interacción en tiempo real de la infraestructura con el vehículo y especialmente con el usuario, para dar cabida a nuevos servicios como el aparcamiento inteligente o los peajes urbanos.El proyecto Pay-Per-Use SIM está cofinanciado, dentro del programa de Unidades Estratégicas de Cooperación, por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad empresarial (IVACE) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunidad Valenciana 2007-2013.Soler Valero, A.; Castellanos Hernández, WE.; Vivas Vivas, JA.; Solaz Sanahuja, JS.; Signes Pérez, E.; Moliner Fernandez, C.; Solves Camallonga, C.... (2013). Pagar desde el automóvil. Revista de biomecánica. 60:7-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38686S7106

    Cysteamine (Cystagon®) adherence in patients with cystinosis in Spain: successful in children and a challenge in adolescents and adults.

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    Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't;BACKGROUND Cysteamine has improved survival and prognosis in cystinosis. Increasing numbers of patients reach adulthood and face new challenges such as compliance that wanes over time. The aim of this study was to evaluate adherence to cysteamine treatment in a group of cystinotic patients in Spain in an attempt to identify potential therapy pitfalls and improve the overall care of affected individuals. Despite the impact of cysteamine on prognosis, there is a paucity of data regarding adherence. METHOD Thirty-four cystinotic patients (21 male) 38% ≥18 years were enrolled in a voluntary, anonymous survey. Replies were obtained from patients (15/34), mothers (11/34), fathers (4/34) and both parents (4/34). RESULTS Patient age (median and interquartile range) at diagnosis was 1 year (0.57-1), and patient age at Cystagon® initiation was also 1 year (0.8-1.8). Sixteen (47%) were kidney transplant (KTx) recipients; six were retransplanted. Age at first KTx 10 years (8.7-13.7). Patient understanding of multiorgan involvement in cystinosis: 4.1 organs reported; eye 97% and kidney 91%. Cysteamine was given by mother (100%) and father (83%) in <11 year olds, or self-administered (94%) in ≥11 year olds. Four daily doses in 89% versus 56% in <11 year olds or ≥11 year olds, with fixed schedule in 94% versus 50% in <11 or ≥11 year olds and progressive loss of reminders over time. Furthermore, 44% complained of unpleasant smell. Motivation for treatment compliance was 100% versus 40% in <11 versus ≥11 year olds, respectively. Disease impact in patients <18 years is as follows: school (29%), social (14%), 'feeling different' (10%); in patients ≥18 years: 'feeling different' (62%), professional (39%) and job absenteeism (31%). Referring physician: paediatric nephrologist (94%) and nephrologist (63%) in <11 versus ≥11 year olds. Ophthalmological follow-up: 83% versus 38% in <11 versus ≥11 year olds. Patient opinion of physician expertise: paediatric nephrologist (94%) and nephrologist (44%). New treatment options (65%) and better information (42%) were demanded to improve adherence. CONCLUSION Treatment with Cystagon is effective in young patients. However, adherence diminishes over time in adolescents and adults despite disease impact. Strategies such as better information on the disease, patient self-care promotion and facilitated transition to adult healthcare services are required to improve compliance and the clinical management of cystinosis.This study has been supported by A.C. Nielsen Company S.L.and Orphan Europe S.L.UYe

    Ahora / Ara

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    La cinquena edició del microrelatari per l’eradicació de la violència contra les dones de l’Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere «Purificación Escribano» de la Universitat Jaume I vol ser una declaració d’esperança. Aquest és el moment en el qual les dones (i els homes) hem de fer un pas endavant i eliminar la violència sistèmica contra les dones. Ara és el moment de denunciar el masclisme i els micromasclismes començant a construir una societat més igualitària. Cadascun dels relats del llibre és una denúncia i una declaració que ens encamina cap a un món millor

    Executive function assessment in children with ASD through ENFEN : Guidance for teachers

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    During the recent years there are an increasing number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the schools. Some studies have shown that IQ is a good indicator of their social behaviour, but it cannot give a total explanation. Other researches considered executive functions have an important role both in the social and cognitive deficits in children diagnosed with ASD. Ten children with ASD were assessed through ENFEN and WISC-IV at three schools into a competitive research (I+D+i 2010:19478). The aim is to evaluate the performance of ENFEN as a tool to determine these executive functions (planning, inhibition response, working memory and mental flexibility) more related to the diagnosis with ASD. The results suggest children with ASD show lower performance in executive function, mainly planning and mental flexibility. Besides, a relation between ENFEN, IQ and ADI-R exists whereby children with fewer difficulties in ENFEN performance get a higher IQ and simultaneously lower scores on the ADI-R. Some educational strategies for children with ASD were suggested in order to improve their executive functions in the classroom