15 research outputs found

    Ionospheric TEC from the Turkish Permanent GNSS Network (TPGN) and comparison with ARMA and IRI models

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    Abstract: The present study investigates the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) variations in the lower mid-latitude Turkish region from the Turkish permanent GNSS network (TPGN) and International GNSS Services (IGS) observations during the year 2016. The corresponding vertical TEC (VTEC) predicted by Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) and International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI-2016) models are evaluated to realize their effectiveness over the region. The spatial, diurnal and seasonal behavior of VTEC and the relative VTEC variations are modeled with Ordinary Least Square Estimator (OLSE). The spatial behavior of modeled result during March equinox and June solstice indicates an inverse relationship of VTEC with the longitude across the region. On the other hand, the VTEC variation during September equinox and December solstice including March equinox and June solstice are decreasing with increase in latitude. The GNSS observed and modeled diurnal variation of the VTEC show that the VTEC slowly increases with dawn, attains a broader duration of peak around 09.00 to 12.00 UT, and thereafter decreases gradually reaching minimum around 21.00 UT..

    A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Orbital Geometry and Signal Frequency on the Ionospheric Scintillations over a Low Latitude Indian Station: First Results from the 25th Solar Cycle

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    The equatorial post-sunset ionospheric irregularities induce rapid fluctuations in the phase and amplitude of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals which may lead to the loss of lock and can potentially degrade the position accuracy. This study presents a new analysis of L-band scintillation from a low latitude station at Guntur (Geographic 16.44°N, 80.62°E, dip 22.18°), India, for the period of 18 months from August 2021 to January 2023. The observations are categorized either in the medium Earth-orbiting (MEO) or geosynchronous orbiting (GSO) satellites (GSO is considered as a set of the geostationary and inclined geosynchronous satellites) for L1, L2, and L5 signals. The results show a higher occurrence of moderate (0.5 0.8) scintillations on different signals from the MEO compared to the GSO satellites. Statistically, the average of peak S4 values provides a higher confidence in the severity of scintillations on a given night, which is found to be in-line with the scintillation occurrences. The percentage occurrence of scintillation-affected satellites is found to be higher on L1 compared to other signals, wherein a contrasting higher percentage of affected satellites over GSO than MEO is observed. While a clear demarcation between the L2/L5 signals and L1 is found over the MEO, in the case of GSO, the CCDF over L5 is found to match mostly with the L1 signal. This could possibly originate from the space diversity gain effect known to impact the closely spaced geostationary satellite links. Another major difference of higher slopes and less scatter of S4 values corresponding to L1 versus L2/L5 from the GSO satellite is found compared to mostly non-linear highly scattered relations from the MEO. The distribution of the percentage of scintillation-affected satellites on L1 shows a close match between MEO and GSO in a total number of minutes up to ~60%. However, such a number of minutes corresponding to higher than 60% is found to be larger for GSO. Thus, the results indicate the possibility of homogeneous spatial patterns in a scintillation distribution over a low latitude site, which could originate from the closely spaced GSO links and highlight the role of the number of available satellites with the geometry of the links, being the deciding factors. This helps the ionospheric community to develop inter-GNSS (MEO and GSO) operability models for achieving highly accurate positioning solutions during adverse ionospheric weather conditions

    Delayed response of low latitudes TEC during thirty-six geomagnetic storms from 2014 to 2017

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    International audienceIonospheric response to the onset of geomagnetic storms is an important aspect for developing models towards better understanding and prediction of ionospheric parameters, particularly over the equatorial and low latitude sectors that are associated with several complexities. Our paper discusses the time response of the ionosphere (∆t iono), where ∆t iono is the time elapsed from the onset of sudden storm commencement (SSC) of a magnetic storm to the absolute maximum value of DVTEC (TEC: total electron content). Over the period 2014 to 2017, thirty-six storms are reviewed, and their ∆t iono are analyzed along with the magnetic and solar parameters. We defined a threshold value of TEC to be 8 TECU. Three storms are studied in detail as a reference for the entire range of storms (March 2015, June 2015, and September 2015). The stations used are Kourou (KOUR; 5.25°N/52.80°

    A multi-technique study of the 29–31 October 2003 geomagnetic storm effect on low latitude ionosphere over Indian region with magnetometer, ionosonde, and GPS observations

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    The present study demonstrates the ionospheric response to the extreme geomagnetic storms during 29-31 Oct 2003 (the Halloween storm), in the low latitude anomaly Indian region, based on multi-instrument measurements namely magnetometer, ionosonde, and GPS observations. Unlike earlier reports, we have suitably chosen the best quiet days (CQ-Days) amongst 10 international quiet days (Q-Days), on the basis of equatorial electrojet strength and pattern, that drives the distribution of plasma over the low latitude. We stress that arbitrarily selecting the Control/Q-Days may lead to erroneous interpretations and will not yield a clearer understanding of the equatorial electrodynamics. Our analysis confirms the anomalous increase in TEC at all stations on 29 Oct 2003 and suppressed TEC across anomaly crest latitudes during 30-31 Oct 2003. The sharp transition in h'F is noticed during the progressive period of the storm, though it was relatively lower at the equator. The respective foF2 remained subordinate at Trivandrum. However, we did not notice such foF2 changes at Delhi. Observations at various latitudes confirm the maximum positive deviation of TEC at mid-latitude POL2 (140 %), followed by the low latitude Jodhpur (108 %), and the rest of the stations showing relatively lower enhancements with deviations ranging between 60-90 %. However, at Ahmedabad, the lowest divergence from the mean CQ-Days, attribute the typical quiet day formation of crest at this latitude. Although the results are well agreeing with earlier reports, miniature differences is noticeable due to our way of choosing the best reference days in the analysi

    Longitudinal Variations in Equatorial Ionospheric TEC from GPS, Global Ionosphere Map and International Reference Ionosphere-2016 during the Descending and Minimum Phases of Solar Cycle 24

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    Research on longitudinal discrepancies in local ionospheric variability, especially in equatorial and low-latitude regions, is a focal point of interest for the space weather modeling community. The ionosphere over these regions is influenced by complex electrodynamics, wind, and temperature dynamics that can seriously impact dynamic technological systems such as satellite tracking and positioning, satellite radio communication, and navigation control systems. Here, we researched the longitudinal variability in the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) by analyzing observed global positioning system (GPS)-derived TEC values along with those extracted from the most reliable global ionospheric maps (GIMs) and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) model at selected stations in the vicinity of the magnetic equator along the American, African, and Asian longitude sectors. The period of study covered the descending (2016–2017) and deep solar minimum (2018–2019) years in the 24th solar cycle. Apart from the decreasing trend of the TEC from the descending to deep solar minimum period irrespective of season and longitude sector, the results showed a relatively higher magnitude of TEC in the African longitude than the other two longitude sectors. Despite evident overestimation and underestimations of TEC in both models, GIM predictions generally looked better in terms of observed variation patterns, especially in the African longitude. The study also highlights the seasonal and semiannual effects of longitudinal variations in TEC, manifesting in local time offsets and some peculiar anomalies, which seemed to be different from previously reported results, especially during the solar minimum years at the three longitude sectors. The insignificant effects of longitudinal variations on the equinoctial asymmetry are attributed to the diverse electron density distribution and ionospheric morphology at the three longitude sectors that will prompt further investigations in the future. The outcomes from this study may augment the past efforts of scientists to understand the seasonal effects of the longitudinal variations in TEC, thereby complementing the improvements of ionospheric representations in global ionosphere models and maps

    Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Scintillations from Magnetometer and GNSS Observations in the Indian Longitudes during the Space Weather Events of Early September 2017

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    International audienceScintillation due to ionospheric plasma irregularities remains a challenging task for the space science community as it can severely threaten the dynamic systems relying on space-based navigation services. In the present paper, we probe the ionospheric current and plasma irregularity characteristics from a latitudinal arrangement of magnetometers and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations from the equator to the far low latitude location over the Indian longitudes, during the severe space weather events of 6–10 September 2017 that are associated with the strongest and consecutive solar flares in the 24th solar cycle. The night-time influence of partial ring current signatures in ASYH and the daytime influence of the disturbances in the ionospheric E region electric currents (Diono) are highlighted during the event. The total electron content (TEC) from the latitudinal GNSS observables indicate a perturbed equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) condition on 7 September, due to a sequence of M-class solar flares and associated prompt penetration electric fields (PPEFs), whereas the suppressed EIA on 8 September with an inverted equatorial electrojet (EEJ) suggests the driving disturbance dynamo electric current (Ddyn) corresponding to disturbance dynamo electric fields (DDEFs) penetration in the E region and additional contributions from the plausible storm-time compositional changes (O/N2) in the F-region. The concurrent analysis of the Diono and EEJ strengths help in identifying the pre-reversal effect (PRE) condition to seed the development of equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) during the local evening sector on the storm day. The severity of ionospheric irregularities at different latitudes is revealed from the occurrence rate of the rate of change of TEC index (ROTI) variations. Further, the investigations of the hourly maximum absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of ROTI from the reference quiet days’ levels and the timestamps of ROTI peak magnitudes substantiate the severity, latitudinal time lag in the peak of irregularity, and poleward expansion of EPBs and associated scintillations. The key findings from this study strengthen the understanding of evolution and the drifting characteristics of plasma irregularities over the Indian low latitudes