772 research outputs found

    Obres d'Homer [pròleg i traducció]

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    Pròleg i traducció de Carles Salvado

    Identificació d'intercreixements submicrosòpics de pigeonita de baixa temperatura en salita

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    Pigeonitic submicroscogic laminar (100) intergrowths, less than l um thin, in a salite of composition En 34, Wo 48, Fe 18, have been identified by electron microscopy and electron diffraction techniques. The parametres of the pigeonitic intergrowth were obtained from calibrated electron diffraction patterns, by wmparing the X-ray refined parameters of salite with those given by the electron diffraction patterns. We discuss the nucleation and growth mechanism of pigeonitic lamellae, and the thermal history of the whole rock, on the basis of these data and the images obtained by electron microscopy

    On the application of CMA-ES to biped walk

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    Technical ReportThis project studies the applicability of Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategies to enable a biped robot to walk with no previous knowledge. While most work on the subject is based on Genetic Algorithms, we believe that CMA-ES shows indeed great potential. Our work focuses on the Darwin robot, although it can be easily extrapolated to other humanoids. The evaluation of the solutions' goodness is performed via simulation to keep the real robot away from potential harm.Postprint (published version

    Benassal : recull bibliogràfic de textos

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    A la portada: 750 aniversari de la Carta de Poblaci

    RVOS: end-to-end recurrent network for video object segmentation

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    Multiple object video object segmentation is a challenging task, specially for the zero-shot case, when no object mask is given at the initial frame and the model has to find the objects to be segmented along the sequence. In our work, we propose a Recurrent network for multiple object Video Object Segmentation (RVOS) that is fully end-to-end trainable. Our model incorporates recurrence on two different domains: (i) the spatial, which allows to discover the different object instances within a frame, and (ii) the temporal, which allows to keep the coherence of the segmented objects along time. We train RVOS for zero-shot video object segmentation and are the first ones to report quantitative results for DAVIS-2017 and YouTube-VOS benchmarks. Further, we adapt RVOS for one-shot video object segmentation by using the masks obtained in previous time steps as inputs to be processed by the recurrent module. Our model reaches comparable results to state-of-the-art techniques in YouTube-VOS benchmark and outperforms all previous video object segmentation methods not using online learning in the DAVIS-2017 benchmark. Moreover, our model achieves faster inference runtimes than previous methods, reaching 44ms/frame on a P100 GPU.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Avaluació continuada amb moodle : experiència en l'assignatura de fonaments d'electromagnetisme d'enginyeria tècnica industrial

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    MOODLE és un sistema de gestió de cursos basat en codi lliure dissenyat per recolzar l'aprenentatge mitjançant la utilització de suport virtual. En aquesta contribució presentem l'experiència a l'EUSS [a] en l'aplicació d'aquesta eina pels "Fonaments d'Electromagnetisme" (FoELEC), una assignatura troncal de 1er curs d'Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial, amb més de 270 alumnes matriculats. Des d'anys enrere aquesta assignatura presenta alts índexs d'abandonament i fracàs, deguts entre d'altres, a la falta d'hàbit de treball continuat de l'alumnat de primer. Enguany hem plantejat un curs basat en l'avaluació continua, seguint les recomanacions de l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior, possibilitat per l'eina MOODLE. Vàrem crear un entorn virtual de suport al curs presencial, on els alumnes tenien disponible tot el material de l'assignatura (apunts, transparències, fulls de problemes, calendari etc.). A través de MOODLE, els alumnes van lliurar quinzenalment un full de problemes, la resolució del qual es va oferir en el curs virtual. Els fulls es van corregir on-line, i cada alumne va rebre automàticament la seva nota per e-mail. A més, es van recollir electrònicament els informes de dues pràctiques. Es va concedir un 50% de la nota total al treball lliurat durant al curs, i un 50% a l'examen final, de carácter validatiu. MOODLE ha estat l'eina clau que ha permès gestionar de forma ràpida i eficaç tot aquest gran nombre de fitxers i notes (aproximadament 10 000 !). Qualitativament, els alumnes valoren positivament la metodologia; també el professorat opina que el nivell assolit enguany ha millorat. Quantitativament, l'abandonament al llarg del curs ha disminuït respecte a altres anys. Considerem que la taxa d'èxit dels estudiants que varen seguir la metodologia (63 %) ha estat molt positiva. En canvi, observem un elevat nombre d'alumnes (42 %) que deixen des del principi l'assignatura, suposem que davant l'alt volum de treball que se'ls planteja.MOODLE is an open-source based course manager system, designed to assist the learning process through the use of virtual support. In this contribution we present our experience at the EUSS [a] in the application of this tool to the teaching of the "Electromagnetism basics", a common, first year subject of the Technical Industrial Engineering degree with more than 270 students. In the past years, this subject presented high give-up and failure rates attributed, among other reasons, to the lack of continuous work training of first year students. This year we proposed a continuous evaluation methodology, following the recommendations of the European Higher Education Space, enabled by the tool MOODLE. We created a virtual space, supporting class lectures, where all learning material (notes, sheets, exercises etc...) was available. Every two weeks, the students had to deliver via MOODLE a list of exercises, whose resolution was later available on the virtual course. All exercises were corrected on-line, and every student received automatically the mark by e-mail. In addition, the reports of two practices were electronically handled in. We gave a 50 % weight of the mark to work delivered during the course, and the other 50% to the final, merely validating exam. MOODLE has been the key tool that has enabled the quick and effective management of such a huge number of files and marks (approximately 10 000 !). Qualitatively, students and teachers are very positively satisfied with the new methodology. Quantitatively, the number of students that gave up the subject during the course has diminished with respect to previous years. We consider that the rat of success of students who followed the methodology (63 %) is quite positive. However, we observed that a large percentage of students (42 %) gave up the subject from the very beginning, we suppose face to the large amount of proposed work

    A sample design proposal for the analysis of Twitter in political communication

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    Based on an analysis of several sampled political discussions on Twitter, a new methodology is proposed that allows researchers to obtain a significant, replicable, and manageable data sample from a universe of Twitter metadata. The proposal is a new model called Top discussion indicator (TDI). The aim of TDI is to assist researchers in obtaining a representative set of text from Twitter that includes the minimum amount of information needed to generalize the results

    El proceso de descentralización regional en España y el fenómeno de no innovación ni mejora de las nuevas instituciones administrativas

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    Un elemento esencial para entender los resultados de los procesos de descentralización del Estado es la configuración de los sistemas administrativos de los gobiernos subestatales. Pero este ámbito suele relegarse en la agenda política y con ello se favorece la reproducción de una serie de inercias asociadas a la tradición administrativa que posteriormente constreñirán las posibilidades de gestión de los nuevos entes descentralizados. El análisis del caso español, a partir de la creación y desarrollo de las administraciones públicas de las Comunidades Autónomas, ofrece evidencia empírica de las dinámicas de isomorfismo institucional y de path dependence y de las dificultades para transformar los sistemas administrativos.&nbsp

    Design and implementation of a scene-dependent dynamically selfadaptable wavefront coding imaging system

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    A computational imaging system based on wavefront coding is presented. Wavefront coding provides an extension of the depth-of-field at the expense of a slight reduction of image quality. This trade-off results from the amount of coding used. By using spatial light modulators, a flexible coding is achieved which permits it to be increased or decreased as needed. In this paper a computational method is proposed for evaluating the output of a wavefront coding imaging system equipped with a spatial light modulator, with the aim of thus making it possible to implement the most suitable coding strength for a given scene. This is achieved in an unsupervised manner, thus the whole system acts as a dynamically selfadaptable imaging system. The program presented here controls the spatial light modulator and the camera, and also processes the images in a synchronised way in order to implement the dynamic system in real time. A prototype of the system was implemented in the laboratory and illustrative examples of the performance are reported in this paper

    The general factor of personality : history of an interdisciplinary venture

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    The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is a new psychological approach of the study of the human personality that is based on the idea that, as in the case of General Intelligence, there is a personality super-factor that agglutinates and represents all the other aspects of personality. Therefore, it can be considered as a system of personality subsystems, or a global and integrated system of all the different components from the personality