176 research outputs found

    Aleaciones moleculares binarias en fase plástica. Estudio termodinámico global en algunos derivados del neopentano

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    Aquest treball està dedicat a l'estudi, tant des del punt de vista termodinàmic com cristal·logràfic, dels aliatges moleculars binaris en fase plàstica d'alguns derivats del neopentà.Mitjançant el tensor de dilatació tèrmica, es presenta un estudi de les interaccions intermoleculars de quatre compostos que són cristalls plàstics derivats del neopentà.Mitjançant mesures calorimètriques i difractomètriques, s'han elaborat o reelaborat un total de set diagrames de fase binaris entre components derivats del neopentà.S'ha aplicat l'anàlisi termodinàmica a un total de quinze diagrames de fase els components dels quals són cristalls plàstics, tretze dels quals són derivats del neopentà. La correlació entre les magnituds termodinàmiques pròpies dels aliatges binaris dels derivats del neopentà ha permès establir que aquests aliatges en la seva fase desordenada orientacionalment (fase ODIC), presenten, en termes de la teoria de compensació, una temperatura i una pressió de compensació el valor de les quals és de 630 K i 4200 atm., respectivament.Tanmateix, l'excel·lent correlació existent entre la compacitat d'aquests aliatges en la seva fase ODIC, a través del paràmetre de dissimilitud, i l'entalpia d'excès equimolar, permet predir, per a les fases ODIC relatives a altres sistemes binaris dintre del conjunt dels derivats del neopentà, valors d'aquesta darrera magnitud amb els quals s'obtenen diagrames de fase calculats per a l'equilibri [fase ODIC + fase líquida] en acceptable concordància amb els obtinguts experimentalment. Utilitzant com a paràmetre exotermodinàmic la diferència normalitzada en el número de grups -CH2OH per mols de substància, es constata l'existència de vàries subfamílies d'aliatges binaris ODIC entre els derivats del neopentà. Finalment, la comparació de la temperatura de compensació, Tc, per a les fases ODIC i l'existent per a les fases prèvies a la fusió en altres tipus d'aliatges binaris, en funció de la temperatura mitjana, Tm, del equilibri entres dites fases i la fase líquida, realitzada en un diagrama log Tc - log Tm, permet la ubicació de tots aquests aliatges en la regió per a la qual log Tc > log Tm (denominada regió ordinària), no havent-se trovat fins al moment cap aliatge binari que per a la seva fase prèvia a la fusió sigui log Tc En base a medidas calorimétricas y difarctométricas, se han elaborado o reelaborado un total de siete diagramas de fase binarios entre compuestos derivados del neopentano. Se ha aplicado el análisis termodinámico a un total de quince diagramas de fase binarios cuyos componentes son cristales plásticos, trece de los cuales son derivados del neopentano.La correlación entre las magnitudes termodinámicas propias de las aleaciones binarias de los derivados del neopentano, ha permitido establecer que dichas aleaciones en su fase orientacionalmente desordenada (fase ODIC), presentan, en términos de la teoría de compensación, una temperatura y una presión de compensación cuyo valor es de 630 K y 4216 atm., respectivamente. Asimismo, la excelente correlación existente entre la compacidad de estas aleaciones en su fase ODIC, a através del parámetro de disimilitud, y la entalpía de exceso equimolar, permite predecir, para las fases ODIC de otros sistemas binarios dentro del conjunto de los derivados del neopentano, valores de esta última magnitud con los cuales se obtienen diagramas de fase calculados para el equilibrio [fase ODIC + fase líquida] en aceptable concordancia con los obtenidos experimentalmente. Utilizando como parámetro exotermodinámico el número de puentes de hidrógeno por mol de sustancia, se constata la existencia de varias subfamilias de aleaciones binarias ODIC entre los derivados del neopentano. Finalmente, la comparación de la temperaura de compensación, Tc, para las fases ODIC y la existente para las fases previas a la fusión de otros tipos de aleaciones binarias, en función de la temperatura media, Tm, del equilibrio entre dichas fases y la fase líquida, realizada en un diagrama log Tc - log Tm, permite ubicar todas estas aleaciones en la región para la cual log Tc > log Tm (denominada región ordinaria), no habiéndose encontrado hasta el presente ningúna aleación binaria para la cual en su fase previa a la fusión log Tc By means of the thermal expansion tensor, a study is presented concerning the intermolecular interaction in four compounds which are neopentane derivatives plastic crystals. On the other hand, by means of thermal and diffractometric measurements, a whole of seven isobaric binary plastic-crystalline phase mixed crystals of neopentane derivatives, has been determined or newly determined.Thermodynamic analysis has been made of a set of fifteen binary phase diagrams thirteen of which are composes of neopentane derivatives. The correlation between characteristic thermodynamic magnitudes of neopentane derivatives binary mixed crystals allows coming at the conclusion that those materials, in their orientationally disordered phase, exhibit, in terms of the compensation theory, a compensation temperature Tc, and pressure, pc, of about 630 K and 4216 atm, respectively. Moreover, the excellent correlation exhibited by the so called packing parameter and the excess equimolar enthalpy of the orientationally disordered phases (ODIC) of those materials permits the values of this enthalpy for the ODIC phase of other binary mixed crystals in the same series of neopentane derivatives to be predicted in such a way that the corresponding values provide the theoretical corresponding equilibrium [ODIC phase + liquid phase] in very acceptable concordance with the experimental ones. By using the number of molar hydrogen bonds as an exothermodynamic parameter, the existence of several subfamilies of ODIC binary mixed crystals in the neopentane derivatives is confirmed. Finally, if the Tc for not only ODIC phases of the neopentane derivatives, but also for other ones previous to the liquid phase for binary mixtures of other different kinds of materials and the so called average temperature, Tm, for the equilibrium between those phases and the liquid phase are ploted in a logTc - logTm axes, it results that all the involved mixtures are placed in a region into which logTc > logTm (called "ordinary region") and, as far as the author knows, there are no binary mixtures of which occupy the region characterized by the condition logTc < logTm (called "the extraordinary region")

    Understanding the twist-bend nematic phase: the characterisation of 1-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-6-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'--yl)hexane (CB6OCB) and comparison with CB7CB

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    The synthesis and characterisation of the nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimer, 1-(4-cyanobiphenyl-40-yloxy)-6- (4-cyanobiphenyl-40-yl)hexane (CB6OCB) is reported. An enantiotropic nematic (N)–twist-bend nematic (NTB) phase transition is observed at 109 1C and a nematic–isotropic phase transition at 153 1C. The NTB phase assignment has been confirmed using polarised light microscopy, freeze fracture transmission electron microscopy (FFTEM), 2H-NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The effective molecular length in both the NTB and N phases indicates a locally intercalated arrangement of the molecules, and the helicoidal pitch length in the NTB phase is estimated to be 8.9 nm. The surface anchoring properties of CB6OCB on a number of aligning layers is reported. A Landau model is applied to describe high-resolution heat capacity measurements in the vicinity of the NTB–N phase transition. Both the theory and heat capacity measurements agree with a very weak first-order phase transition. A complementary extended molecular field theory was found to be in suggestive accord with the 2H-NMR studies of CB6OCB-d2, and those already known for CB7CB-d4. These include the reduced transition temperature, TNTBN/TNI, the order parameter of the mesogenic arms in the N phase close to the NTB–N transition, and the order parameter with respect to the helix axis which is related to the conical angle for the NTB phase.Postprint (published version

    Assessing spatial and temporal distributions of marine litter: 11-year dataset of coastal floating marine debris in the Balearic Islands

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    The present work constitutes a preliminary assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of floating marine debris along the Balearic Islands’ coastline during the months of May - October from 2005 to 2015. This long-term dataset indicates marine debris was found in 42.46% of all monitoring surveys, with plastic marine debris being found in 93.41% of the marine debris surveyed. Elevated accumulation zones were present in the southern regions and plastic was consistently the most abundant for both nearshore and offshore coastal areas. This study provides insight into the magnitude of marine debris surrounding the Balearic Islands highlighting the need for action and awareness to address its increasing pressures on marine and coastal ecosystems

    Mecànica newtoniana per a l'enginyeria

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    Descripció del recurs: 7 juliol 2019Premis IDP Sant Jordi 2021. Col·lecció UPCGrau. Novetat de la col·lecció UPCGrau més consultada l’any 2020, publicada entre els anys 2019 i 2020Premis IDP Sant Jordi 2021. Llibre en català. Novetat en català més consultada l’any 2020, publicada entre els anys 2019 i 2020Aquest llibre està adreçat a un primer curs de mecànica per a l’enginyeria. S’estudia la mecànica newtoniana. Una mecànica clàssica no relativista i, per tant, aplicada a objectes no extremadament petits ni excessivament ràpids. Això abraça una bona part del món que ens envolta. Expressat d’una altra forma, és la mecànica del món quotidià. El llibre inclou els conceptes bàsics de la mecànica sense defugir cap de les demostracions teòriques. També hi trobareu qüestions i problemes, alguns resolts. Per facilitar-ne la comprensió, el text va acompanyat d’una gran quantitat de gràfiques, figures i esquemes. S’estudien principalment els fonaments de la mecànica, però també hi trobareu una introducció als fenòmens ondulatoris i una petita incursió a la mecànica analítica.Award-winningPrimera edici

    Controllable coherent backscattering of light in disordered media filled with liquid crystal

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    © 2018 [Optical Society of America]. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited.We have investigated multiple scattering of light in a disordered system based on liquid crystals for a temperature-controllable random laser. Coherent backscattering measurements at several temperatures have been well fitted by the theoretical model deduced for a random collection of spherical point scatters based on a diffusion approximation. The transport mean free path exclusively depends on the diffusivity of the liquid crystalline phase of the hybrid scattering system. It is shown how the laser threshold excitation intensity is strongly correlated with the transport mean free path.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Distinctive dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal dimers

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    We provide an overview of the effect of the molecular structure on the dielectric properties of dimers exhibiting nematic and twist-bend nematic phases with special focus on how the conformational distribution changes are reflected by the dielectric behaviour. Nematic dimers show distinctive dielectric properties which differ from those of archetypical nematic liquid crystals, as for example, unusual temperature dependence of the static permittivity or dielectric spectra characterised by two low-frequency relaxation processes with correlated strengths. The interpretation of such characteristic behaviour requires that account is taken of the effect of molecular flexibility on the energetically favoured molecular shapes. The anisotropic nematic interactions greatly influence the conformational distribution. Dielectric behaviour can be used to track those conformational changes due to dependence of the averaged molecular dipole moment on the averaged molecular shape. Results for a number of dimers are compared and analysed on the basis of the influence of details of the molecular structure, using a recently developed theory for the dielectric properties of dimers.Postprint (author's final draft

    Fundamental mechanics : newtonian mechanics for engineering

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    Traducció de: Mecànica fonamental : mecànica newtoniana per a l'enginyeriaDescripció del recurs: 31 gener 2023This book is addressed at a first course in engineering mechanics. Newtonian mechanics is studied, a non-relativistic classical mechanics and, therefore, applied to objects that are neither extremely small nor excessively fast. The newtonian mechanics affects a good part of the world around us. It is the mechanics of the everyday world. The book includes the basic concepts of mechanics with theoretical demonstrations. You will also find issues and problems, some resolved. The text includes graphs, figures, and diagrams for facilitate understanding. Mainly the foundations of mechanics are studied, but you will also find an introduction to wave phenomena and a small foray into analytical mechanics.First editio

    Two glass transitions associated to different dynamic disorders in the nematic glassy state of a non-symmetric liquid crystal dimer dopped with gamma-alumina nanoparticles

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    In the present work, the nematic glassy state of the non-symmetric LC dimer a-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-¿-(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4'-oxy) undecane is studied by means of calorimetric and dielectric measurements. The most striking result of the work is the presence of two different glass transition temperatures: one due to the freezing of the flip-flop motions of the bulkier unit of the dimer and the other, at a lower temperature, related to the freezing of the flip-flop and precessional motions of the cyanobiphenyl unit. This result shows the fact that glass transition is the consequence of the freezing of one or more coupled dynamic disorders and not of the disordered phase itself. In order to avoid crystallization when the bulk sample is cooled down, the LC dimer has been confined via the dispersion of ¿-alumina nanoparticles, in several concentrations

    Molecular dynamics of a binary mixture of twist-bend nematic liquid crystal dimers studied by dielectric spectroscopy

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    We report a comprehensive dielectric characterization of a liquid crystalline binary mixture composed of the symmetric mesogenic dimer CB7CB and the nonsymmetric mesogenic dimer FFO9OCB. In addition to the high-temperature nematic phase, such a binary mixture shows a twist-bend nematic phase at room temperature which readily vitrifies on slow cooling. Changes in the conformational distribution of the dimers are reflected in the dielectric permittivity and successfully analyzed by means of an appropriate theoretical model. It is shown that the dielectric spectra of the mixture reflect the different molecular dipole properties of the components, resembling in the present case the characteristic dielectric spectra of nonsymmetric dimers. Comparison of the nematic and twist-bend nematic phases reveals that molecular dynamics are similar despite the difference in the molecular environment.Postprint (author's final draft