219 research outputs found

    Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to a Nonlocal Equation with Monostable Nonlinearity

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    Let JC(R)J \in C(\mathbb{R}), J0J\ge 0, \int_{\tiny\mathbb{R}} J = 1 and consider the nonlocal diffusion operator M[u]=Juu\mathcal{M}[u] = J \star u - u. We study the equation Mu+f(x,u)=0\mathcal{M} u + f(x,u) = 0, u0u \ge 0, in R\mathbb{R}, where ff is a KPP-type nonlinearity, periodic in xx. We show that the principal eigenvalue of the linearization around zero is well defined and that a nontrivial solution of the nonlinear problem exists if and only if this eigenvalue is negative. We prove that if, additionally, JJ is symmetric, then the nontrivial solution is unique

    In-service teachers narrative experiences of mathematics anxiety

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    The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the issues that surround Chilean women in-service elementary teachers’ mathematics anxieties through Conversations that Matter. These conversations revolved around the participants’ mathematics experiences as students and practicing teachers. These narrative writings provide a powerful voice for the degree to which mathematics anxiety shapes teachers’ attitudes in this subject area as well as their ability to be successful in mathematics. The focused analysis for this paper was directed to impact the elementary mathematics education community with a specific focus on women who have had anxiety in learning and teaching mathematics

    Biotechnological challenges: The scope of genome editing

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    CRISPR/Cas9 can be considered as the biotechnological breakthrough of the century. Genome editing technologies have developed in a vertiginous way. While the genome editing of species, including animals, plants and bacteria has become a commonly used method, the application of CRISPR-Cas9 in human embryos has led to debates and in-terdisciplinary discussions. This brings multiple challenges for both scientists and those who must regulate the use of these techniques.Fil: Lima, Natacha Salomé. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Ramos Martínez, Gustavo Antonio. Medicina Reproductiva Fertilis, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción; Argentin

    Análisis de aceptabilidad y percepción del consumidor de aplicaciones alimentarias de subproductos de café

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    The exploitation of coffee at a global scale increases constantly due to the high demand for this beverage. This activity generates a large number of by-products that are generally discarded, producing a negative environmental impact. In this context, the aim of this study is to take advantage of these elements in different markets of the food industry. There is scarce information on the sensory acceptability and consumer perception in food applications of these by-products. The objective of this study was focused on evaluating these elements, in three conditions: blind, expectant, and informed, of beverages and cookies made with coffee by-products. The acceptability of the products was evaluated by means of a hedonic scale and the Check All That Apply (CATA) test was applied to determine the consumers’ perception, both tests in the three evaluation conditions. In general, the acceptability of the beverages was between “I slightly dislike” and “I neither like nor dislike”, according to the concentration. The 250 g/L beverage presented a significantly higher acceptability and according to the evaluation condition, the acceptability was higher in the expectant condition. As for the cookies, the acceptability categorized them as products that are slightly disliked to quite liked, there were no significant differences, so it can be deduced that the acceptability of the cookies was not influenced by the amount of by-product used nor by the evaluation condition. It could be concluded that consumer acceptability and perception of new products can be influenced by the type of product and the information the consumer has about it.La explotación cafetera a nivel global aumenta constantemente debido a la alta demanda de esta bebida. Esta actividad genera una gran cantidad de subproductos, que generalmente son desechados, produciendo impacto medioambiental negativo. En este contexto, se busca aprovechar estos elementos en distintos mercados de la industria de alimentos. Existe escasa información sobre la aceptabilidad sensorial y percepción del consumidor en aplicaciones alimentarias de estos subproductos, por lo cual, el objetivo de este estudio se centró en evaluar estos elementos, en tres condiciones: a ciegas, expectante e informada, de bebidas y galletas elaboradas con subproductos de café. Se trabajó con café de especie arábica para el desarrollo de bebidas (cáscara deshidratada) y galletas (harina de lámina plateada), la aceptabilidad de los productos se evaluó mediante escala hedónica y, para conocer la percepción de los consumidores, se aplicó la prueba Check All That Apply (CATA), ambas pruebas en las tres condiciones de evaluación. En general, la aceptabilidad de las bebidas fue entre “me disgusta ligeramente” y “no me gusta ni me disgusta”, de acuerdo con la concentración. La bebida de 250 g/L presentó una aceptabilidad significativamente mayor y, de acuerdo con la condición de evaluación, la aceptabilidad fue mayor en condición expectante. En cuanto a las galletas, la aceptabilidad las categorizó como productos que disgustan ligeramente a gustan bastante, no existieron diferencias significativas, por lo que se deduce que su aceptabilidad no se vio influenciada por la cantidad de subproducto utilizado ni por la condición de evaluación. Se pudo concluir que la aceptabilidad y percepción del consumidor frente a nuevos productos puede ser influenciada por el tipo de producto y la información que el consumidor posee sobre este

    Broadcast formulas and television debates consumption in Spain in the 2019 parliamentary election

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    [Resumen] Los debates electorales televisivos son uno de los acontecimientos más relevantes en período electoral por su elevada audiencia y centrar la agenda mediática. Esta investigación examina la transmisión de este formato ante la multiplicación de pantallas, la difusión en redes sociales, la introducción de los servicios on demand y el consumo en movilidad junto con la aparición de nuevos actores televisivos. Este estudio de tipo cuantitativo analiza los debates emitidos en las elecciones legislativas de España, celebradas el 28 de abril de 2019, para conocer su expansión más allá del consumo tradicional televisivo y el engagement alcanzado. El método de trabajo combina la monitorización de distintas plataformas. Las conclusiones indican que la emisión de estos debates se produce a través de nuevas ventanas de distribución, originando un elevado índice de seguimiento en Twitter. Las estrategias de emisión de los grupos televisivos difieren.[Abstract] Television electoral debates are considered one of the most relevant events during the election period due to their high audience and also because of the power they generate to direct the media agendas. The present research examines the transmission of this format in front the proliferation of screens, diffusion on the social networks, introduction of on demand services, and on the go consumption together with the emergence of new television performers. This quantitative study analyses the debates issued during the parliamentary elections in Spain, which took place on the 28th of April 2019, in order to learn about their impact further than traditional television consumption and the engagement achieved. The methodology employed combined the monitoring of different platforms. The conclusions obtained support that the emission of this kind of debates takes place through new distribution channels, generating a high tracking rate on Twitter. The broadcasting strategies of the television chains differ.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CSO2017-84472-

    Politainment on Twitter: Engagement in the Spanish Legislative Elections of April 2019

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    The mediatisation of politics is based on the logic of spectacle. Politainment defines the phenomenon in which political information is trivialised by the hybrid narratives in which it is included and its anecdotal tone, with the aim of reaching an audience that seeks entertainment rather than information. This phenomenon has reached the digital sphere; the media, political parties, and prosumers are interested in using the new communicative context to expand their audience or become producers of new narrative formulas that act as a loudspeaker for online infotainment policies or discourses. This research examines the engagement obtained by politainment producers on Twitter, a network where debates about television content are concentrated. The article examines the tweets issued by Spanish television programmes that carry out politainment. The research focuses on the Spanish general elections held in April 2019 to establish whether this social network acted as a sounding board for television broadcasts and how it contributed to fixing ideas and content. The researchers conducted a content analysis on a sample of 7,059 tweets and 2,771 comments. The results show that the production, promotion, and communication strategies of programmes on Twitter are still scarce and unoriginal. The behaviour of prosumers is not very creative, active, or interactive, preventing the creation of a debate on Twitter or the construction of a horizontal (user–user) or vertical (user–programme) interaction on the content published

    Melanoma maligno cutáneo : estudio de características morfológicas e inmunohistoquímicas del tumor primario predictivas de metástasis en ganglio centinela /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa incidencia del melanoma cutáneo va en aumento en un gran número de países. El diagnóstico precoz es muy importante, ya que el tratamiento más eficaz para el melanoma es la escisión tumoral. La biopsia del ganglio centinela (BGC) es una técnica bien establecida y una herramienta útil para el estadiaje y manejo de pacientes con melanoma maligno cutáneo. La BGC, introducida por Morton y colaboradores, es un procedimiento implantado en múltiples centros, permitiendo el estadiaje anatomopatológico de los ganglios linfáticos regionales. El ganglio centinela (GC) presenta metástasis de melanoma en el 20% de los pacientes con esta patología. En nuestro estudio, la biopsia de ganglio centinela fue positiva en catorce pacientes (28%). Sin embargo, la selección de pacientes para la realización de la biopsia de ganglio centinela y la linfadenectomía selectiva en caso de BGC positiva son temas controvertidos. Recientemente, el Comité Americano sobre Cáncer (AJCC) ha modificado los criterios de estadiaje de los pacientes con melanoma y recomienda la biopsia de ganglio centinela en la mayoría, dado que las metástasis ganglionares microscópicas representan el principal factor predictivo de la supervivencia. Por este motivo, en esta tesis se han recogido las diferentes variables que se han ido identificando en la literatura como predictivas de la supervivencia y de la afectación metastásica de los ganglios linfáticos regionales de esta neoplasia, en un intento de conocer su capacidad de predecir la afectación metastásica en el ganglio centinela. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar un modelo pronóstico, basado en datos clínicos del paciente y en características histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas del melanoma primario para evaluar la probabilidad de micrometástasis en GC en estos pacientes. Para ello, esta tesis incluye 50 pacientes sometidos a biopsia de ganglio centinela entre Enero de 1.999 y Agosto de 2.005. Las variables clínicas analizadas han sido la edad, el sexo y la localización del melanoma primario. La evaluación histológica del tumor primario ha incluido características histopatológicas como: Índice de Breslow, nivel de invasión de Clark, fase de crecimiento, tipo de melanoma, índice mitósico, ulceración, invasión vascular angiolinfática, inflamación linfocitaria peritumoral, signos de regresión, neurotropismo, microsatelitosis, afectación anexial y restos de nevus. La expresión de marcadores de diferenciación melanocítica (HMB45, Melan A) y de marcadores de progresión (ki67, p53, p16) se han determinado por técnicas inmunohistoquímicas. El examen histológico del ganglio centinela se ha realizado tras tinción de hematoxilina-eosina e inmunohistoquímica (HMB45). El análisis estadístico ha demostrado que el Índice de Breslow (P=0,019), el índice mitósico (P=0,033) y el porcentaje de ki67 (P=0,022) son factores predictivos independientes de la presencia de metástasis en ganglio centinela. Nuestros datos apoyan la relevancia conocida del espesor de Breslow como el principal factor a considerar en la selección de los pacientes para la realización de la BGC. La utilización de la BGC en pacientes con melanomas delgados (Índice de Breslow ? 1,0 mm) no se realiza de manera rutinaria. Aunque en el presente trabajo ninguna variable estudiada ayuda a predecir la presencia de metástasis de melanoma en GC en el subgrupo de melanomas delgados, consideramos que se han de continuar investigando diferentes factores de riesgo que puedan predecir la positividad del ganglio centinela en este grupo. Si bien nuestro estudio no ha demostrado una asociación de las otras variables analizadas con el resultado de la biopsia de ganglio centinela, el reducido tamaño muestral de este trabajo puede contribuir a que alguna asociación detectada no haya alcanzado la significación estadística, requiriéndose de la replicación del mismo con mayor número de casos.Melanoma incidence is rising worlwide. Early diagnosis is very important, as the most effective treatment for melanoma still consists of excision of the tumor before onset of the metastatic phase. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a well-established technique and a precise tool for staging and managing patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. Introduced by Morton and colleagues, the sentinel lymph node biopsy procedure is now widely available, and marked enhances our ability to pathologically stage the regional nodes. The sentinel node is the site of metastatic melanoma in approximately 20% of melanoma patients. In our study, sentinel node biopsy was positive for tumor in fourteen patients (28%). It is customary to perform a complete dissection of the regional lymph nodes if tumor is present in the sentinel node. But, the selection of patients for sentinel lymph node biopsy and selective lymphadenectomy for histologically positive sentinel lymph nodes are areas of debate. The American Joint Committee on Cancer has recently modified staging criteria for primary melanoma patients and recommends sentinel lymph node biopsy in many, because microscopic nodal metastasis represents the most important factor predicting survival. Because sentinel node status is the most important prognostic factor for melanoma, this analysis was performed to determine if sentinel lymph node dissection status can be predicted using other prognostic factors. The objective of this study is to develop a prognostic model, based on clinical and primary tumor histological and immunohistochemical characteristics, to estimate the probability of micrometastasis in the sentinel lymph node in patients with malignant melanoma. To correlated pathological features in melanoma with sentinel node metastasis this study includes and reviews patients submitted to sentinel node biopsy between January 1999 and August 2005. A total of 50 patients are evaluated in the statistical analysis. Reported clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features are assessed for predictive value by univariate and multivariate logistic regression. Clinical attributes recorded include age, sex and location of the primary melanoma. Histological evaluation of the primary tumor include histopathologic characteristics, some of then are historically been associated with an increased risk of recurrence and mortality like: Breslow thickness, Clark's level of invasion, growth phase, type of melanoma, mitotic rate, ulceration, angiolymphatic invasion, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, regression, neurotropism, microsatellites, anexial involvement and pre-existing nevus. Expression of melanocytic differentiation markers (HMB45, Melan A), and melanoma progression markers (ki67, p53, p16) were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Histological examination of sentinel node consisted of hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical staining (HMB45). Statistical analysis shows that Breslow thickness (P=0,019), mitotic rate (P=0,033) and ki67 (P=0,022) are found to be independently predictive of the presence of sentinel node metastasis. Our data supports the known relevance of Breslow thickness as the main factor considered in the selection of patients to be submitted to SLN biopsy. Although the use of this technique (sentinel node biopsy) in patients with thin melanomas (Breslow thickness ? 1,0 mm) is not rutine, risk factors that may predict sentinel lymph node positivity in this patient population are under investigation. Although the present study is unable to identify predictors of metastatic involvement in patients with thin melanoma, efforts to identify predictors of SN tumor involvement should continue. The published data are not sufficient to demonstrate a correlation between the other indicators included and a positive sentinel lymph node biopsy, but the cohort size (small sample size) may lack the statistical power to demonstrate subtle associations. So, the predictive value of some variables for positivity needs to be validated in other populations of melanoma patients

    Luminescent Thermochromism of 2D Coordination Polymers Based on Copper(I) Halides with 4-Hydroxythiophenol

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Troyano, J., Perles, J., Amo‐Ochoa, P., Martínez, J. I., Concepción Gimeno, M., Fernández‐Moreira, V., ... & Delgado, S. (2016). Luminescent Thermochromism of 2D Coordination Polymers Based on Copper (I) Halides with 4‐Hydroxythiophenol. Chemistry–A European Journal, 22(50), 18027-18035., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201603675. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley-VCH Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingSolvothermal reactions between copper(I) halides and 4-mercaptophenol give rise to the formation of three coordination polymers with general formula [Cu3X(HT)2]n(X=Cl, 1; Br, 2; and I, 3). The structures of these coordination polymers have been determined by X-ray diffraction at both room- and low temperature (110 K), showing a general shortening in Cu−S, Cu−X and Cu−Cu bond lengths at low temperatures. 1 and 2 are isostructural, consisting of layers in which the halogen ligands act as μ3-bridges joining two Cu1 and one Cu2 atoms whereas in 3 the iodine ligands is as μ4-mode but the layers are quasi-isostructural with 1 or 2. These compounds show a reversible thermochromic luminescence, with strong orange emission for 1 and 2, but weaker for 3 at room temperature, whereas upon cooling at 77 K 1 and 2 show stronger yellow emission, and 3 displays stronger green emission. DFT calculations have been used to rationalize these observations. These results suggest a high potential for this novel and promising stimuli-responsive materialsThis work was supported by MICINN (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P). JIM acknowledges funding from the ERC-Synergy Program (Grant ERC-2013-SYG-610256 NANOCOSMOS) and computing resources from CTI-CSIC

    Abandoned frozen embryos in argentina: A committee opinion

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    Argentina, like many other countries in the region, faces the dilemma of what to do with the increasing accumulation of frozen embryos, which are often abandoned. This report aims to address the issue of abandoned frozen embryos, following the main concerns: 1) when is an embryo considered abandoned, according to regulatory documents; 2) how can the number of cryopreserved abandoned embryos be decreased; and 3) what are the current available options for discarding these abandoned embryos. Issues concerning the fate of abandoned embryos call for a revision of the technical aspects, as well as the symbolic aspects associated with the embryos and their options for discarding. Embryo disposal is a complex and intimate decision, which depends not only, on the quality of the cryopreserved embryo, but also on the social, cultural, economic, labor and health insurance aspects. In the absence of a formal regulatory framework for such decisions in Argentina, current practices and standard procedures face significant developmental hurdles. Among future actions to be developed in the short, medium and long term by this committee are building interdisciplinary teams, fostering patient-awareness, devising guidelines, and enforcing policies regarding embryo abandonment.Fil: Lima, Natacha Salomé. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Botti, Gustavo. Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva.; ArgentinaFil: Lancuba, Stella. Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva.; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Gustavo A.. Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva.; Argentin