43 research outputs found

    A multi-temporal landsat satellite imagery analysis

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    The Central Region of Mozambique (Sofala Province) bordering on the active cyclone area of the southwestern Indian Ocean has been particularly affected by climate hazards. The Cyclone Idai, which hit the region in March 2019 with strong winds causing extensive flooding and a massive loss of life, was the strongest recorded tropical cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere. The aim of this study was to use pre-and post-cyclone Idai Landsat satellite images to analyze temporal changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) across the Sofala Province. Specifically, we aimed—(i) to quantify and map the changes in LULC between 2012 and 2019; (ii) to investigate the correlation between the distance to Idai’s trajectory and the degree of vegetation damage, and (iii) to determine the damage caused by Idai on different LULC. We used Landsat 7 and 8 images (with 30 m resolution) taken during the month of April for the 8-year period. The April Average Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over the aforementioned period (2012–2018, pre-cyclone) was compared with the values of April 2019 (post-cyclone). The results showed a decreasing trend of the productivity (NDVI 0.5 to 0.8) and an abrupt decrease after the cyclone. The most devastated land use classes were dense vegetation (decreased by 59%), followed by wetland vegetation (−57%) and shrub land (−56%). The least damaged areas were barren land (−23%), barren vegetation (−27%), and grassland and dambos (−27%). The Northeastern, Central and Southern regions of Sofala were the most devastated areas. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the relative vegetation change activity after Idai (NDVI%) and the distance to Idai’s trajectory was 0.95 (R-square 0.91), suggesting a strong positive linear correlation. Our study also indicated that the LULC type (vegetation physiognomy) might have influenced the degree of LULC damage. This study provides new insights for the management and conservation of natural habitats threatened by climate hazards and human factors and might accelerate ongoing recovery processes in the Sofala Province.publishersversionpublishe

    Food security and nutrition in Mozambique: comparative study with bean species commercialised in informal markets

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    In Mozambique (South-eastern Africa), Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna spp. are important staple foods and a major source of dietary protein for local populations, particularly for people living in rural areas who lack the financial capacity to include meat in their daily dietary options. This study focuses on the potential for improving diets with locally produced nutritious legumes whilst increasing food security and income generation among smallholder farmers. Using bean species and varieties commercialised as dry legumes in the country, it sets out to characterize and compare the chemical properties of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna spp. among the most commercialised dry legume groups in Mozambique. The principal component analysis showed a clear separation between Phaseolus and Vigna species in terms of proximate composition, whereas protein content was quite uniform in both groups. It concludes that the introduction of improved cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna species maize–legume intercropping benefits yield, diets and increases household income with limited and low-cost inputs while enhancing the resilience of smallholder farmers in vulnerable production systems affected by recurrent drought and the supply of legumes to urban informal marketsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A question of standards: adapting carbon and other PES markets to work for community seagrass conservation  

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    Seagrass meadows deliver multiple ecosystem services that are of particular importance to resource-poor coastal communities, yet they are rapidly declining globally. The Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) approach has been used to fund the protection of other ‘Blue Carbon’ Ecosystems (BCE), yet seagrass has been incorporated in just one PES project worldwide. Some of the ecosystem services delivered by seagrass have the potential for inclusion under a PES framework but multiple challenges currently make this difficult, particularly under community-based management. PES programmes typically focus on carbon as the tradable service, but scientific uncertainties regarding seagrass carbon are likely to remain significant barriers to using carbon as the sole commodity under current carbon trading standards and market conditions. It is recommended here that project developers demonstrate the multiple ecosystem services delivered by seagrass meadows, along with their importance to coastal communities, in the planning and marketing of seagrass PES projects. Moreover, they should consider approaches that incorporate seagrass meadows into other blue carbon certified projects. The capacities of the communities that rely most heavily on seagrass are generally very limited. Consequently, demanding high levels of scientific certainty over carbon stocks and flows will exclude most of these communities. Standards, buyers and policy makers should consider building community capacity in the technical and marketing requirements of voluntary carbon standards. The voluntary carbon market has the flexibility to pioneer certified seagrass carbon, potentially leading to the inclusion of seagrass carbon in formal policy instruments, such as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

    Exploring physicochemical and cytogenomic diversity of African cowpea and common bean

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, grain legumes (pulses) are essential food sources and play an important role in sustainable agriculture. Among the major pulse crops, the native cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and introduced common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) stand out. This paper has two main goals. First, we provide a comprehensive view of the available genetic resources of these genera in Africa, including data on germplasm collections and mapping biodiversity-rich areas. Second, we investigate patterns of physicochemical and cytogenomic variation across Africa to explore the geographical structuring of variation between native and introduced beans. Our results revealed that 73 Vigna and 5 Phaseolus species occur in tropical regions of Africa, with 8 countries accounting for more than 20 native species. Conversely, germplasm collections are poorly represented when compared to the worldwide collections. Regarding the nuclear DNA content, on average, V. unguiculata presents significantly higher values than P. vulgaris. Also, V. unguiculata is enriched in B, Mg, S, and Zn, while P. vulgaris has more Fe, Ca, and Cu. Overall, our study suggests that the physicochemical and cytogenomic diversity of native Vigna species is higher than previously thought, representing valuable food resources to reduce food insecurity and hunger, particularly of people living in African developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stories in social-ecological knowledge cocreation

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    Transformations in social-ecological systems to overturn poverty and ecosystem degradation require approaches to knowledge synthesis that are inclusive and open to creative innovation. We draw on interviews with participants and in-depth process observation of an iterative knowledge cocreation process in Kenya and Mozambique that brought together scientists, community representatives, government representatives, and practitioners who had expertise or experience in poverty and/or coastal natural resource use and management. We analyze the communicative spaces opened by techniques of system diagrams and future scenarios, and provide a rich account of the emergent process of developing a "shared conceptual repertoire" as a basis for effective communication and knowledge synthesis. Our results highlight the difficulties of challenging dominant narratives and the creative potential that exists in reflecting on their underpinning assumptions. In our analysis, stories and lived experiences emerged as key means shaping the construction of shared concepts and ideas. We conclude by outlining the implications of designing knowledge cocreation processes that support the task of devising systemic interventions that are robust for a range of future scenarios. This includes embracing the role of stories in generating shared meanings and opening up spaces for exploration of knowledge assumptions that are embedded in intervention narratives

    The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas

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    We find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the future governance of the high seas, but the perceived remoteness of the global ocean creates a psychological barrier for people to engage with it. Given challenges of overexploitation, inequitable access and other sustainability and equity concerns, current ocean governance mechanisms are not fit-for-purpose. This decade offers opportunities for direct impact on ocean governance, however, triggering a global transformation on how we use and protect the half of our planet requires a concerted effort that is guided by shared values and principles across regions and sectors. The aim of the series of workshops outlined in this paper, was to undertake a futures thinking process that could use the Nature Futures Framework as a mechanism to bring more transformative energy into how humans conceptualise the high seas and therefore how we aim to govern the ocean. We found that engaging with the future through science fiction narratives allowed a more radical appreciation of what could be and infusing science with artistic elements can inspire audiences beyond academia. Thus, creative endeavours of co-production that promote and encourage imagination to address current challenges should be considered as important tools in the science-policy interface, also as a way to elicit empathetic responses. This workshop series was a first, and hopefully promising, step towards generating a more creative praxis in how we imagine and then act for a better future for the high seas

    O urbanismo conveniente luso-brasileiro na formação de povoações em Minas Gerais no século XVIII

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    The settlement of villages in the old colonial province of Minas Gerais obeyed certain principles of what was considered decent, convenient and adequate. Such principles were based on rules, doctrines and habits inherent to the Luso-Brazilian architecture of that time. The historical analysis of these aspects leads to a critical review of some consolidated assumptions in historiography, such as the one for which the settlements aforementioned would have appeared in a spontaneous, irregular and disordered fashion. Because they are evident in the remaining settlements and period art treatises and documents, these aspects lead to the consideration of a true art of populating, based on certain values and habits, which we call convenient Luso-Brazilian urbanism.A formação de povoações na capitania de Minas Gerais no século XVIII estava condicionada a preceitos de decoro, conveniência e adequação. Esses preceitos constituíam regras, doutrinas e costumes muito relevantes à arte luso-brasileira de edificar arquiteturas e cidades naquele tempo. A consideração histórica desses aspectos nos conduz à revisão crítica de uma série de compreensões consolidadas na historiografia, como, por exemplo, a de que essas povoações seriam espontâneas, irregulares e desordenadas. Pela importância com que se evidenciam nas povoações remanescentes, nos tratados artísticos e nos documentos coevos, tais aspectos nos levam a cogitar em uma verdadeira arte de povoar fundamentada nesses valores e costumes, arte a que denominamos urbanismo conveniente luso-brasileiro

    The mangroves of Mozambique: pathways to conservation through integrated management

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    This study analyses the status and management of mangroves in Mozambique and how the management system addresses the threats to mangrove conservation. A comprehensive analysis of the country forest condition and management status was conducted based on a literature review and informal interviews with key informants. GIS and remote sensing techniques combined with groundtruthing were used to assess the impact of natural and human threats on mangroves based on changes in NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) and cover area. These studies were conducted at the Save River and Cabo Delgado province, respectively. Structural data of the mangrove forest were collected during field visits to assess changes in structural parameters and compare impacts in different forests or locations within the same forest. Finally a community-based management system in Nhangau (Sofala province) was analysed in order to assess the efficacy as a management tool to meet mangrove conservation objectives. Mozambique has an estimated mangrove cover area of 3 054 km2. In general there is a trend of decrease in cover around major human settlements, while remote areas show an increase in cover as documented in Maputo Bay (175.96 km2, decreasing within Maputo town) and Zambezi Delta (370.34 km2, increasing), respectively. Mangroves are mostly used for wood resources, salt production and fishing grounds. However, urban development, saltpans, logging and natural phenomena such as floods and cyclones are a threat to these systems. Mozambique has 27% of its mangroves protected in conservation areas. At places like the Quirimbas National Park, this protection is not effective due to illegal cutting and poor enforcement. The Mozambican institutional and legal frameworks provide protection to mangroves at all levels and prohibit all forms of degradation and unsustainable use. However law enforcement and institutional functioning is weak. There is also a need to update the legislation by adding specific aspects related to mangroves, such as regulating invertebrate collection and defining customary use. At the Save River changes in NDVI indicated that 63.42 km2 of mangrove (47.8%) were affected by cyclone Eline. Field investigations 11 years after the cyclone showed that there was substantial recovery in the protected creek forest but changes in sedimentation prevented recovery in the seaward sites that are exposed to storm surges and wind. This study highlighted the necessity for field based investigations in addition to remote sensing as results showed site specific differences. The percentage of living trees at the creek forest ranged from 71 to 97% from the outer to inner forest. Also species density was higher at the creek sites from the outer (101 ± 63 tree/ha) to inner forest (488 ± 111 trees/ha) as was the complexity index (0.09 to 0.25 respectively). At the seaward forest the percentage of living trees increased from 0 to 79% from the outer to inner forest. Seedlings (up to 40 cm height) dominated the understory throughout the forest however the outer edge of the seaward forest had no regeneration at all. This forest recovered naturally from the cyclone, however it is important to maintain low exploitation levels to ensure forest resilience in case of similar future impacts. The frequency and intensity of cyclones is expected to increase with climate change and thus the results can contribute to management strategies and climate change adaptation plans. 3 Human impacts were investigated at a peri-urban, rural and island setting in Cabo Delgado province. It was hypothesized that peri-urban forests would be more impacted. However an analysis of LandSat images showed that mangrove cover at the peri-urban site actually increased by 22.7% between 1991 and 2013; while rural forests lost 23.2% of its area during the same period. Field studies showed that there was no significant difference between average tree density for the different sites (p= 0.16) and the low complexity indices indicated young disturbed forests. At the peri-urban and rural sites, the tree diameter class 5.1-8 cm was targeted for extraction, while at the rural island all size classes were targeted. The proportion of stump:living trees was 1:11 at the peri-urban site; 1:9 at the rural site and 1:4 at the rural island. Most of the standing trees were crooked and not suitable for building purposes. The small extractive use of mangroves at the peri-urban site could be related to the fact that the dominant ethnic group has kept its essentially agricultural habits while at the rural site the people are typically fishermen and marine invertebrate collectors that rely on mangroves and marine resources for their livelihoods. Proposed management measures for these sites include raising awareness at all sites and conducting mangrove restoration at the peri-urban (abandoned saltpans and aquaculture farm) and rural sites. A community-based management system at Nhangau (Sofala province) was analysed in order to assess how this has achieved management conservation objectives. After facing several impacts due to mangrove degradation, the community of Nhangau engaged in mangrove replanting and management. The main management actions were (1) reduction of extractive uses, (2) continuous awareness and mangrove planting and (3) law enforcement. The restoration interventions started in the late 1990s by the local government in partnership with the local community and NGOs. Currently (2018), most of the activities are led by the local Natural Resources Management Committee (NRMC). Ten hectares of mangrove were planted between 1996 and 2017, and according to the local community the restored areas are already providing important ecological services such as temperature regulation. There are several challenges such as, limited functionality of the NRMC and its interaction with other stakeholders, Government representatives and local NGOs. There is also a lack of alternative livelihoods for mangrove cutters and the wider Nhangau community. Improvements to the system include better integration of local government representative structures with the civil society organizations (NGO and NRMC), law enforcement, financing of the appropriate sustainable use practices, environmental awareness and education and the promotion of appropriate NRMC functionality and representation. With these improvements this community-based management system can be effective as a management tool to meet mangrove conservation objectives and serve as a replicable model for other parts of the country. In conclusion, this research has documented both anthropogenic and climate-related impacts on mangroves in Mozambique and highlighted options for mangrove management focusing at strengthening the community –based management of mangroves in rural sites. Mangrove management would improve significantly by strengthening the legislation on specific mangrove issues combined with law enforcement and better community organization and their training and sensitization to manage mangrove resources at the local level. Such actions will increase the resilience of forests, allowing sustainable use and faster recovery in case of impacts by either anthropogenic or natural factors such as cyclones