314 research outputs found

    Aquisition of basic competencies in physical education pre-service teacher training by integrating new technologies

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    This study evaluates software a computerized time management sheet created to acquire a basic competence in initial teaching training, the management of time. It is designed for the Physical Education (PE) teacher at the early stages of training when the control the students’ motor engagement time is fundamental for students to achieve motor learning in this discipline, relating it with other interdependent temporal variables. Repeated measures are used to check the development of the adaptation of the planning of time to the reality of the session, observing the change in the desired tendency in the application of the treatment.This study evaluates software a computerized time management sheet created to acquire a basic competence in initial teaching training, the management of time. It is designed for the Physical Education (PE) teacher at the early stages of training when the control the students’ motor engagement time is fundamental for students to achieve motor learning in this discipline, relating it with other interdependent temporal variables. Repeated measures are used to check the development of the adaptation of the planning of time to the reality of the session, observing the change in the desired tendency in the application of the treatment

    Aquisition of basic competencies in physical education pre-service teacher training by integrating new technologies

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    This study evaluates software a computerized time management sheet created to acquire a basic competence in initial teaching training, the management of time. It is designed for the Physical Education (PE) teacher at the early stages of training when the control the students’ motor engagement time is fundamental for students to achieve motor learning in this discipline, relating it with other interdependent temporal variables. Repeated measures are used to check the development of the adaptation of the planning of time to the reality of the session, observing the change in the desired tendency in the application of the treatment.This study evaluates software a computerized time management sheet created to acquire a basic competence in initial teaching training, the management of time. It is designed for the Physical Education (PE) teacher at the early stages of training when the control the students’ motor engagement time is fundamental for students to achieve motor learning in this discipline, relating it with other interdependent temporal variables. Repeated measures are used to check the development of the adaptation of the planning of time to the reality of the session, observing the change in the desired tendency in the application of the treatment

    Efecto de la agregación de universidades españolas en el Ranking de Shanghai (ARWU): caso de las comunidades autónomas y los campus de excelencia

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    The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) or Shanghai Ranking is a de facto standard to determine the position of universities worldwide. Improving ranking positions has become the goal of universities and governments. No wonder therefore that the aggregation of universities in Spain is nowadays suggested as a means to raise the international profile of our university system. In this context, the goal of this study was to test two potential groupings, universities belonging to the same Autonomous Community and campuses of international excellence (CEIs), to determine the ARWU placement that would result. To compute the ARWU indicators of these possible groupings, we used the methodology developed in Docampo (2012b). The results of our analysis clearly show the difficulty of improving ranking positions by calculating the sum of aggregated institutions. As a matter of fact, the only way to place a university cluster from Spain in the top 100 would be to treat all of the Catalan universities as a single institution. The next best ranking for Spain would be achieved by the Habitat 5U (universities of Comunidad Valenciana), BKC (Barcelona and Politècnica de Catalunya) and VLC/Campus (Valencia and Politécnica de Valencia), CEIs which would lie in the 150-200 range

    Use of PV plants monitoring to characterize PV arrays power

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    PV plants require a monitorization of their electrical parameters to achieve its best performance. Lately, it is more and more common that SCADA systems monitor currents and voltages even of every single string. These measurements which use to be stored instantaneously with a frequency like the one established on inverters and energy meters (usually each 10, 15, 20 or 60 minutes) are useful to detect faults. Unfortunately, it is not taken advantage of them to characterize the PV arrays. A better option would be to exploit this monitoring capability not only to detect operation failures, but also to characterize the PV strings/arrays. In order to implement this characterization it is needed to use the adequate devices to measure voltages and currents and determine which should be the optimal frequency to store data, depending on they are instantaneous or mean values. This paper presents the results of the DC monitoring of a grid-connected PV array of 5.8 kWp, installed on the headquarters of the Instituto de Energía Solar of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), located in the Campus Sur of Vallecas (Madrid), which allows characterizing the PV arrays power. To study the relation between sampling frequency and its impact in the accuracy of the power averages each 1’, 5’, 10, and 15’ have been calculated from instantaneous measurements, and they have been analysed to evaluate which is the more adequate sampling rate for instantaneous and mean values

    Diseño de un instrumento para captura de geometrías 3D con aplicación en la manufactura de productos

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    La digitalización de objetos tridimensionales se ha convertido en una de las herramientas más útiles en el desarrollo de productos debido a la creciente utilización de las técnicas de la ingeniería inversa en la manufactura de productos. La reproducción de la geometría de los productos proporciona ventajas relacionadas con la reducción de tiempos y costos con un alto grado de precisión. Este trabajo presenta el diseño y la implementación de un escáner tridimensional de superficies que permite reproducir las geometrías utilizando un instrumento de medición constituido por una cámara digital y un rayo láser posicionado por medio de un brazo robot. El trabajo comprende desde la calibración del instrumento de medición hasta la reconstrucción de la superficie del objeto en coordenadas 3D

    La eficiencia en Educación Secundaria y el entorno social del alumnado. Un estudio frontera a nivel de centro

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de una investigación realizada con el objetivo general de analizar la eficiencia de la educación secundaria en Andalucía. Se efectúa, asimismo, una aproximación a algunos aspectos relacionados con el entorno social del alumnado correspondiente, que a su vez se relacionan con dicha eficiencia, sobre la base de la relación existente entre ambos. Aplicando métodos no paramétricos de estimación de función frontera, que incorporan variables de entorno, aplicando un método en tres etapas, se estima una eficiencia técnica media del 78%, con una posibilidad media de mejora de resultados en torno al 40%. Las nuevas tecnologías resultan no asociadas con el nivel de eficiencia con lo que las pautas de medidas a tomar deben de ir en relación a las variables encontradas como incidentes en la productividad. En base a esto, podemos concluir que los esfuerzos a realizar por parte de la Administración Publica, deben de ir encaminados a mejorar tanto la actitud del alumnado ante el estudio, como su nivel de bienestar socia

    Analysis of comparative content of the first level curricular of physical education in secondary

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    El estudio trata de comparar, a través de un análisis de contenido de frecuencias de categorías temáticas extraídas de manera inductiva, los currículos de primer nivel de la LOGSE y la nueva LOE en la etapa de Secundaria. Analizamos los objetivos generales del área de Educación Física y los principales centros de interés sobre los que se centra el currículo de primer nivel, deduciendo los cambios principales ocurridos a nivel social, y político-educativo. Se pretenden clarificar los cambios legislativos en el currículo a través de esta metodología interpretativa de análisis, para orientar a los profesores hacia dónde deben encaminar su docencia y hacerles reflexionar críticamente sobre estos cambios.This study compares, through a frequency of categories inductive content analysis, the Secondary National Based Curriculum of LOGSE and LOE laws. We analysed the general objectives of Physical Education and the main issues were the two documents are centred. So we can deduce the main social and politicians changes occurred in this reform process. We tried to clarify these legislatives changes through this interpretative analysis methodology. Thus we will be able to guide teachers toward their teaching in Physical Education in the future and make them reflect critically about this process.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Análisis de contenido comparativo del primer nivel curricular de Educación Física en Secundaria

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    gorías temáticas extraídas de manera inductiva, los currículos de primer nivel de la LOGSE y la nueva LOE en la etapa de Secundaria. Analizamos los objetivos generales del área de Educación Física y los principales centros de interés sobre los que se centra el currículo de primer nivel, deduciendo los cambios principales ocurridos a nivel social, y político-educativo. Se pretenden clarificar los cambios legislativos en el currículo a través de esta metodología interpretativa de análisis, para orientar a los profesores hacia dónde deben encaminar su docencia y hacerles reflexionar críticamente sobre estos cambios


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    Due to the popularity of Google Earth (GE), users commonly assume that it is acredible and accurate source of information. Consequently, GE’s imagery isfrequently used in scientific and others projects. However, Google states that dataavailable in their geographic products are only approximations and, therefore, theiraccuracy is not officially documented. In this paper, the horizontal positionalaccuracy of GE’s imagery is assessed by means of comparing coordinates extractedfrom a rural cadastral database against coordinates extracted from well-defined andinferred check points in GE’s imagery. The results suggest that if a large number ofwell-defined points are extracted from areas of high resolution imagery, GE’simagery over rural areas meets the horizontal accuracy requirements of the ASPRSfor the production of “Class 1” 1:20,000 maps. Nonetheless, the results also showthat georegistration and large horizontal errors occur in GE’s imagery.Consequently, despite its overall horizontal positional accuracy, coordinatesextracted from GE’s imagery should be used with caution

    The planning of physical education in it’s of initial formation. Comparative study of the teaching models of Murcia and Spain

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    En este artículo recogemos de manera comparativa la concepción que los profesores de Educación Física (EF) en formación inicial de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de Murcia y el resto de Facultades de España tienen hacia determinados aspectos de la planificación en EF. Para ello empleamos un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas (38 ítems), tipo Likert, graduado en una escala de 0 (totalmente en desacuerdo) a 100 (totalmente de acuerdo). Para el análisis de los datos empleamos el software estadístico SPSS 13.0. Los resultados indican que los profesores de Murcia valoran en mayor medida que los docentes del resto de España aspectos tales como las características de los alumnos, la concienciación de la relación EF-salud, la creación de hábitos de práctica física, la vivencia y satisfacción del alumno, el desarrollo de la condición física-salud y las cualidades motrices coordinativas; siendo significativa la diferencia en todos ellos. Al mismo tiempo, los docentes de Murcia muestran mayor intención de planificar por escrito, tienen menos dudas y están más satisfechos por la planificación realizada. La improvisación en las clases de EF por no haber planificado antes hace acto de presencia en ambos casos.Actividad Física y DeporteEducació