2,266 research outputs found

    Iberian Academy Dictionaries as Lexical Resources

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    Elas e o paraguas totalizador, Helena González Fernández

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    Obra ressenyada: Helena GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Elas e o paraguas totalizador. Vigo: Edicións Xerais, 2005

    Revisión de estudios empíricos sobre el impacto de la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores

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    The purpose of this article is to review the empirical researches supporting the positive impact of religion, religiosity and spirituality as protective factors in various areas of human life. An analysis of each variable is performed individually and collectively. Among the conclusions of this work, researches show that they help people to have more self-esteem, are a source of strength and hope, are associated with greater satisfaction with life and spiritual well-being and increase the capacity for forgiveness. They provide emotional and social support, promote prosocial values, are associated with less use and abuse of drugs and less tendency to smoke. They help to have better physical and psychological health, contribute to prevention and help to speed recovery and promote tolerance to diseases. They help to decrease depression, anxiety, blood pressure and stress. They contribute to a better adaptation, help to cope with the disease and fear of death. Finally, they help to better deal with disability condition associated with chronic disease.El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar las investigaciones empíricas que sustentan el impacto favorable que tienen la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores en las diversas áreas de la vida del ser humano. Se realiza un análisis de cada variable por separado y en conjunto. Entre las conclusiones se señala que las investigaciones evidencian que contribuyen a que las personas tengan mayor autoestima, son una fuente de fortaleza y esperanza, se asocian a una mayor satisfacción con la vida y bienestar espiritual e incrementan la capacidad de perdón. Sirve de apoyo emocional y social, promueven valores prosociales, se asocian a un menor uso y abuso de drogas y menor tendencia a fumar. Contribuye a una mejor salud física y psicológica, ayudan a la prevención, aceleran la recuperación y promueven la tolerancia frente al padecimiento de enfermedades. Disminuye la depresión, la ansiedad, la presión sanguínea y el estrés. Facilitan una mayor adaptación, contribuyen al enfrentamiento de la enfermedad y temor a la muerte, por último favorece a un mejor afrontamiento de la condición de discapacidad asociada a enfermedad crónica. El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar las investigaciones empíricas que sustentan el impacto favorable que tienen la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores en las diversas áreas de la vida del ser humano. Se realiza un análisis de cada variable por separado y en conjunto. Entre las conclusiones se señala que las investigaciones evidencian que contribuyen a que las personas tengan mayor autoestima, son una fuente de fortaleza y esperanza, se asocian a una mayor satisfacción con la vida y bienestar espiritual e incrementan la capacidad de perdón. Sirve de apoyo emocional y social, promueven valores prosociales, se asocian a un menor uso y abuso de drogas y menor tendencia a fumar. Contribuye a una mejor salud física y psicológica, ayudan a la prevención, aceleran la recuperación y promueven la tolerancia frente al padecimiento de enfermedades. Disminuye la depresión, la ansiedad, la presión sanguínea y el estrés. Facilitan una mayor adaptación, contribuyen al enfrentamiento de la enfermedad y temor a la muerte, por último favorece a un mejor afrontamiento de la condición de discapacidad asociada a enfermedad crónica

    Revisión de estudios empíricos sobre el impacto de la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores

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    The purpose of this article is to review the empirical researches supporting the positive impact of religion, religiosity and spirituality as protective factors in various areas of human life. An analysis of each variable is performed individually and collectively. Among the conclusions of this work, researches show that they help people to have more self-esteem, are a source of strength and hope, are associated with greater satisfaction with life and spiritual well-being and increase the capacity for forgiveness. They provide emotional and social support, promote prosocial values, are associated with less use and abuse of drugs and less tendency to smoke. They help to have better physical and psychological health, contribute to prevention and help to speed recovery and promote tolerance to diseases. They help to decrease depression, anxiety, blood pressure and stress. They contribute to a better adaptation, help to cope with the disease and fear of death. Finally, they help to better deal with disability condition associated with chronic disease.El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar las investigaciones empíricas que sustentan el impacto favorable que tienen la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores en las diversas áreas de la vida del ser humano. Se realiza un análisis de cada variable por separado y en conjunto. Entre las conclusiones se señala que las investigaciones evidencian que contribuyen a que las personas tengan mayor autoestima, son una fuente de fortaleza y esperanza, se asocian a una mayor satisfacción con la vida y bienestar espiritual e incrementan la capacidad de perdón. Sirve de apoyo emocional y social, promueven valores prosociales, se asocian a un menor uso y abuso de drogas y menor tendencia a fumar. Contribuye a una mejor salud física y psicológica, ayudan a la prevención, aceleran la recuperación y promueven la tolerancia frente al padecimiento de enfermedades. Disminuye la depresión, la ansiedad, la presión sanguínea y el estrés. Facilitan una mayor adaptación, contribuyen al enfrentamiento de la enfermedad y temor a la muerte, por último favorece a un mejor afrontamiento de la condición de discapacidad asociada a enfermedad crónica. El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar las investigaciones empíricas que sustentan el impacto favorable que tienen la religión, religiosidad y espiritualidad como factores protectores en las diversas áreas de la vida del ser humano. Se realiza un análisis de cada variable por separado y en conjunto. Entre las conclusiones se señala que las investigaciones evidencian que contribuyen a que las personas tengan mayor autoestima, son una fuente de fortaleza y esperanza, se asocian a una mayor satisfacción con la vida y bienestar espiritual e incrementan la capacidad de perdón. Sirve de apoyo emocional y social, promueven valores prosociales, se asocian a un menor uso y abuso de drogas y menor tendencia a fumar. Contribuye a una mejor salud física y psicológica, ayudan a la prevención, aceleran la recuperación y promueven la tolerancia frente al padecimiento de enfermedades. Disminuye la depresión, la ansiedad, la presión sanguínea y el estrés. Facilitan una mayor adaptación, contribuyen al enfrentamiento de la enfermedad y temor a la muerte, por último favorece a un mejor afrontamiento de la condición de discapacidad asociada a enfermedad crónica

    Vivienda en San Sebastián reapropiación de un vacío urbano

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    THE DMQ continues to expand its built territory; however there are still places in the city that remain vacant. These sites are known as urban voids (uv) and are characterized for their lack of activity and for being segregated elements of the urban fabric. Despite their lack of occupation, these kinds of places have a strong hidden identity. This work aims to establish an suitable way to generate appropriation in a void from Quito. It outlines two phases which are: a theoretical research of the urban void; and an architectural project that creates appropriation of an urban void. In the first stage it is determined the meaning of the “uv” from various disciplines; it is also set its qualities and causalities. While in the second stage it is provided a particular case of study for the architecture project. The case is a lot in the historical center of Quito, in the district of “San Sebastián”. The methodology to appropriate of the "vu" has two strategies: Identify a right activity for the place, and the rediscovery the site´s identity.EL DMQ continúa expandiendo su mancha urbana, sin embargo aún existen lugares dentro de la ciudad que permanecen vacantes. Estos sitios son conocidos como vacíos urbanos (vu) y se caracterizan por ser elementos segregados del tejido urbano y faltos de actividad. Sin embargo son espacios cargados de una identidad que permanece oculta por su falta de ocupación. Este trabajo pretende establecer una manera apropiada de generar apropiación en un vacío de la ciudad de Quito. Se exponen dos fases que son: investigación teórica sobre el vacío urbano y proyecto arquitectónico que genere la apropiación de un “vu”. En la primera etapa se determina el significado del “vu” desde varias disciplinas, también se establecen sus cualidades y causalidades. Mientras que en la segunda etapa se establece un caso en particular de estudio para realizar el proyecto arquitectónico. El caso de estudio es un lote en el Centro histórico de Quito, en el barrio de San Sebastián. La metodología a seguir para generar apropiación del “vu” se genera mediante dos estrategias: la determinación de un uso adecuado para el sector y el redescubrimiento de la identidad del sitio

    The impacts of the employer branding experience on affective commitment: A multiple case-study

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    In an ever more competitive, interconnected and transparent business environment, brands must offer memorable experiences to their employees, if they wish to differentiate themselves and build a solid competitive position. Therefore, recognising the importance of employees’ commitment to their employer brand, as well as providing an environment in which they choose to stay, through the development of positive work experiences, is crucial. In this sense, the present study focuses, in one hand, on comprehending the way in which internal employer branding initiatives are being currently developed, implemented and evaluated in five of the most recognised companies in Portugal. On the other hand, it aims to validate an employer brand experience model, where the employee experience is conceptualized according to sensory, intellectual and emotional dimensions. In this sense, the model stresses the employer branding experience as an antecedent of the felt level of employees’ affective commitment towards their employer brand. The main results achieved allow to conclude that, for the first part of the study, the five companies under analysis recognize the importance of using an internal employer branding strategy, even though this strategy is mainly diluted within their people engagement practices. Although being a common practice in these companies, they do not have a concrete way to evaluate the impact of employer branding on employees’ level of commitment. As for the validation of the employer branding experience model, the main results show that it was partially validated for the sample composing the studied companies. The affective commitment to the employer brand was found to be explained by simultaneously the sensory, intellectual and emotional experiences in only one of the studied organizations, while on the other four this construct was explained by only two of the three experience dimensions. Furthermore, the sensory experience was found to be an explicative dimension of the affective commitment towards the employer brand across the five considered companies.Num ambiente empresarial cada vez mais competitivo, interconectado e transparente, as marcas devem oferecer experiências memoráveis aos seus trabalhadores, caso queiram diferenciar-se e construir uma posição competitiva sólida. Neste sentido, reconhecer a importância do compromisso dos trabalhadores para com a sua marca empregadora, bem como fornecer um ambiente no qual os mesmos optam por ficar, através do desenvolvimento de experiências de trabalho mais positivas, é crucial. Desta forma, o presente estudo centra-se, por um lado, em compreender a forma como as iniciativas internas relacionadas com a gestão da marca do empregador estão a ser desenvolvidas, implementadas e avaliadas em cinco das empresas mais reconhecidas em Portugal. Por outro lado, visa validar um modelo de experiência com a marca do empregador, onde a experiência do trabalhador é conceptualizada de acordo com as dimensões sensorial, intelectual e emocional. Nesse sentido, o modelo enfatiza a experiência com a marca do empregador como antecedente do nível sentido de compromisso afetivo dos trabalhadores em relação à sua marca empregadora. Os principais resultados alcançados permitem concluir que, para a primeira parte do estudo, as cinco empresas em análise reconhecem a importância de utilizar uma estratégia interna relacionada com a marca do empregador, ainda que esta seja maioritariamente diluída nas práticas de envolvimento das suas pessoas. Para além disso, embora seja uma prática comum nestas empresas, em geral, as organizações não possuem uma forma concreta de avaliar o impacto da marca do empregador no nível de compromisso dos trabalhadores. Quanto à validação do modelo de experiência com a marca empregadora, os principais resultados mostram que este foi parcialmente validado para a amostra que compõe as empresas estudadas. O compromisso afetivo para com a marca empregadora foi explicado simultaneamente pelas experiências sensorial, intelectual e emocional em apenas uma das organizações estudadas, enquanto nas outras quatro esse construto foi explicado por apenas duas das três dimensões da experiência. Além disso, a experiência sensorial foi considerada uma dimensão explicativa do compromisso afetivo para com a marca empregadora nas cinco empresas analisadas

    football terms encoded in TEI Lex-0

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020Terms are a significant part of lexicographical nomenclatures in general language dictionaries. In this paper, we focus on how football terms are treated in three Academy Dictionaries – Portuguese, French, and Spanish – and draw some conclusions about the lexicographical decisions taken in the three languages. After identifying every position football players can have on the field, we verify whether the dictionaries above include these terms. We propose the TEI encoding of the term “defesa” (defence), which designates a position occupied by football players on the field. Bearing in mind concepts such as reusability and interoperability, we intend to present: 1) a comparison of football terms in the three dictionaries; 2) TEI Lex-0 dictionary encoding, a streamlined standard to facilitate interoperability; 3) a consistent TEI modelling and description of the microstructural elements of lexicographical entries. In the end, we draw some conclusions.publishersversionpublishe

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    Simulation of an absorption based solar cooling facility using a geothermal sink for heat rejection

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    An important issue of solar cooling facilities based on absorption cycles and sometimes not given the necessary attention is the recooling process of the absorber and condenser. This is critical in the overall behaviour of the facility because the condensation and absorption temperatures will affect the COP and cooling capacity of the chiller. Most of the time the recooling process is made by using a wet cooling tower in a closed loop through the absorber and condenser. The use of a wet cooling tower gives good results in terms of cooling capacity and COP, but presents some health risk, like legionella, and its use is restricted to the industrial sector and places where water scarcity is not present. This paper presents the modification of the already validated TRNSYS simulation of a solar cooling facility, implementing a geothermal heat sink instead of the wet cooling tower in order to dissipate the heat generated internally in the absorption chiller. Simulation results shows that a geothermal heat sink composed of 6 boreholes of 100 meters of depth should be sufficient in order to substitute the wet cooling tower, for a typical Spanish single family dwelling.Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - ITEA Research GroupPublicad

    How do novel engineering students describe their time management?

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    Regarding higher education in Europe, the quality and effectiveness of learning are the main goals. Researchers, teachers, higher education institutions and governmental entities seek to understand the underlying factors of the teaching-learning process, especially during freshman year, whose experiences are so determinant in the academic outcome. Previous studies suggest a positive relationship between time management and academic and professional performance, resorting to quantitative methodologies. It’s also important to comprehend the academic experience of the novel student in direct speech.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio