296 research outputs found

    Development of Healthy Protein-Rich Crackers Using Tenebrio molitor Flour

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    Entomophagy is still a widespread practice in Africa and Asia, although it is declining due to the westernization of diets. Today, the issue of its rehabilitation is underway; indeed, the nutritional economic and ecological stakes of this consumption are strategic. It can be considered an important way to face the scarcity of natural resources, environmental pressures due to the increasing world population, and demand for protein. Tenebrio molitor larvae flour was recently approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a novel food. The aim of the present work was to create protein-rich healthy cracker from insect flour, achieving the claim “source of protein” with a target market focused on the healthy products for consumption on the go. Contents of T. molitor flour from 2 to 20% (%w/w) were tested, using a previously optimized formulation and the comparison in terms of nutritional, physical, and sensory properties with a standard formulation was performed. T. molitor incorporation allowed an improvement in the nutritional profile of snacks, through an increase of 15% in protein content and an enrichment in minerals (namely potassium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc). The crackers containing a 6% of insect flour were the most appreciated by the panelists. The incorporation of T. molitor induced a reduction in firmness and an increase in crispness, resulting from the impact of the protein on the structure. This aspect has a positive impact with respect of the acceptance of snacks—70% of the panelists consider the possibility to buy the crackers with 6% enrichment. A darkening of the samples with the increase in the incorporation of T. molitor flour was also observed, accompanied by a reduction of about 20% of the L* values. Globally, insect protein can play an important role in redesigning food diets, making them more sustainable, with less environmental impact and equally balancedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-Loading of Ascorbic Acid and Tocopherol in Eudragit-Nutriosomes to Counteract Intestinal Oxidative Stress

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    The present study aimed at developing a new vesicular formulation capable of promoting the protective effect of ascorbic acid and tocopherol against intestinal oxidative stress damage, and their efficacy in intestinal wound healing upon oral administration. A pH-dependent copolymer (Eudragit® L100), a water-soluble prebiotic fibre (Nutriose® FM06), a phospholipid mixture (Lipoid S75), and two natural antioxidants (ascorbic acid and tocopherol) were combined to fabricate eudragit-nutriosomes by a simple, solvent-free procedure. The vesicles were spherical and oligolamellar, with some multicompartment structures in Eudragit-nutriosomes, small in size (~100 nm), with highly negative zeta potential. The effect of Eudragit® and Nutriose® on the stability on storage and in simulated gastrointestinal fluids were confirmed by the Turbiscan® technology and in vitro studies, respectively. Eudragit-nutriosomes exhibited a protective effect against H2O2-induced oxidative stress, and a proliferative effect in Caco-2 cells, as they provided the closure of the scratched area after 96 h of incubation. Keywords: Eudragit, Nutriose, phospholipid vesicles, antioxidant, intestinal wound healin

    Innovative strategies to treat skin wounds with mangiferin: fabrication of transferosomes modified with glycols and mucin

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    im: The moisturizing properties of glycerol, the penetration enhancing capability of propylene glycol and the bioadhesive properties of mucin were combined to improve the carrier capabilities of transfersomes and the efficacy of mangiferin in the treatment of skin lesions. Materials & methods: Mangiferin was incorporated in transfersomes and glycoltransfersomes, which were also modified with mucin. The physico-chemical features were assessed, along with the efficacy against oxidative stress and skin wounds in vitro and in vivo. Results: Glycoltransfersomes promoted the deposition of mangiferin in epidermis and dermis, protected fibroblasts from oxidative stress and stimulated their proliferation. The wound healing and anti-inflammatory efficacy of glycoltransfersomes were confirmed in vivo. Conclusion: Results confirmed the potential of glycoltransfersomes in preventing/treating of skin lesions


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    O foco de análise é a implementação e o fomento de práticas escolares, para potencializar a integração das tecnologias e a convergência entre as modalidades na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Brasil, por meio de Recursos Educacionais Abertos. Objetivamos sistematizar princípios conceituais e práticas que balizam a utilização de recursos educacionais abertos, com vistas a maximizar diálogo e produção curricular mediados por tecnologias. Os procedimentos metodológicos de pesquisa-ação (planejamento participativo, observação e questionários survey) geraram dados para análise referente à programação e à problematização de Recursos Educacionais Abertos, em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação mediados pelo Moodle institucional. Os resultados de acoplamento da pesquisa à ação didático-metodológica inovadora na UFSM evidenciam crescimento exponencial na programação semanal de recursos e atividades de estudo no Moodle. A afirmação conclusiva destaca que a disponibilização e o suporte técnico institucional de tecnologias em rede ampliam condições para integração e convergência entre as modalidades, especialmente no âmbito dos recursos educacionais abertos como hipertextos programados em html. The analysis focus is the implementation and the fomentation of school practices in order to enhance the technology integration and the convergence between the modalities at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil, through open educational resources. We aimed to systematize conceptual principles and practices that beacon the use of open educational resources, aspiring to maximize dialogue and curricular production mediated by technologies. The action research methodological procedures (participatory planning, observation and survey questionnaires) generated analysis data relative to the programming and problematization of open educational resources, in undergraduate and graduate courses mediated by the institutional Moodle. The linkage results of the research to the innovative didactic-methodological action at UFSM points out the exponential growth in the weekly programming of resources and study activities at the Moodle. The conclusive statement highlights that the availability and institutional technical support of networks technologies broadens the conditions for integration and convergence between modalities, especially in the range of open educational resources such as programmed hypertexts in html

    Aspectos epidemiológicos da mortalidade infantil em um estado do Nordeste do Brasil

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    Objective: To analyze infant mortality in the State of Piauí, during the period 2004-2014. Methods: Epidemiological, descriptive study with secondary data extracted from DATASUS, in which the population was composed of all infant deaths of mothers residing in Piauí, in the period 2004-2014. Results: Despite the fluctuations, there was a decline in the infant mortality coefficient and its components, neonatal and post-neonatal. In addition, most deaths could be minimized through actions directed at women in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and the newborn. Conclusion: It has been shown that there is a need for improvement in maternal and child health care in Piauí so that infant mortality reaches the levels of more developed world regions.Objetivo: Analizar la mortalidad infantil en el estado de Piauí, en el período 2004-2014. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo, utilizando datos secundarios extraídos de DATASUS, donde la población se compone de todos las óbitos infantiles de madres que viven en Piauí, en el período 2004-2014. Resultados: A pesar de las fluctuaciones, se produjo una disminución en la tasa de mortalidad infantil y sus componentes, neonatal y la mortalidad post-neonatal. Por otra parte, la mayoría de las muertes podrían minimizarse a través de acciones dirigidas a las mujeres durante el embarazo y el parto y el cuidado del recién nacido. Conclusión: Se ha demostrado que existe una necesidad de mejora en la atención a la salud maternoinfantil en Piauí para que la mortalidad infantil alcance niveles de las regiones del mundo más desarrolladas:Objetivo: Analisar a mortalidade infantil no Estado do Piauí, no período de 2004-2014. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, com dados secundários extraídos do DATASUS, em que a população foi composta por todos os óbitos infantis de mães residentes no Piauí, no período de 2004-2014. Resultados: Apesar das flutuações, houve declínio no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil e nos seus componentes, neonatal e pós-neonatal. Ademais, a maioria dos óbitos poderia ser minimizada através de ações voltadas à mulher no ciclo gravídico-puerperal e ao recém-nascido. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que existe a necessidade de melhoria na atenção à saúde materno-infantil no Piauí para que a mortalidade infantil atinja níveis de regiões mundiais mais desenvolvidas

    Nutriosomes: prebiotic delivery systems combining phospholipid, soluble dextrin and curcumin to counteract intestinal oxidative stress and inflammation

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    Nutriosomes, new phospholipid nanovesicles specifically designed for intestinal protection were developed by simultaneously loading a water-soluble dextrine (Nutriose® FM06) and a natural antioxidant (curcumin). Nutriosomes were easily fabricated in a one-step, organic solvent-free procedure. The stability and the delivery performances of the vesicles were improved by adding hydroxypropylmetylcellulose. All the vesicles were small in size (mean diameter ~168 nm), negatively charged (zeta potential ~-38 mV, irrespective of their composition), self-assembled predominantly in unilamellar vesicles stabilized by the presence of Nutriose® , which was located in both the inter-lamellar and inter-vesicle medium, as confirmed by cryo-TEM and SAXS investigation. The dextrin acted also as a cryo-protector, avoiding vesicle collapse during the lyophilization process, and as a protector against high ionic strength and pH changes encountered in the gastrointestinal environment. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of curcumin, nutriosomes provided an optimal protective effect against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells. Moreover, these innovative vesicles showed promising efficacy in vivo, as they improved the bioavailability and the biodistribution of both curcumin and dextrin upon oral administration, which acted synergically in reducing colonic damage chemically-induced in rats

    NIR Monitoring and Modelling of Soybean Oil Methanolysis with Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares with Correlation Constraint

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    Near infrared spectroscopy in-line monitoring and modelling of soybean oil methanolysis has been done using multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) with correlation constraint. This constraint allows for quantitation of the methyl ester formed with little calibration effort and the MCR model provides additionally a general description (qualitative and quantitative) of the rest of components in the process. Due to the complexity of this process, which shows components with severe kinetic and spectral overlap, suitably designed multiset analysis strategies were adopted to improve the recovery of concentration profiles of the methyl ester. To assess the temperature and catalyst concentration effects on the kinetic reaction, five batches with different temperatures (20, 44 and 55 °C) and catalyst concentrations (0.75 and 1 m/m%) were produced. The concentration profiles of methyl ester obtained by MCR-ALS for each batch was the starting information used to develop a simplified kinetic model and calculate the activation energy

    Epidemiological profile of 39 cases of microcephaly caused by congenital infections diagnosed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015-2017

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    Introduction: Microcephaly is a clinical finding that can arise from congenital anomalies or emerge after childbirth. Maternal infections acquired during pregnancy can result in characteristic brain damage in the newborn (NB), which may be visible even in the fetal stage. To describe the epidemiological profile of newborns with reported microcephaly and diagnosed with congenital infections in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015 and 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on data collected from the Public Health Event Registry as well as from medical records. The investigation included serologies for toxoplasmosis and rubella; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Zika virus (ZIKV) in the blood and cytomegalovirus in the urine; non-treponemal tests for syphilis; and brain imaging tests. Results: Of the 257 reported cases of microcephaly, 39 were diagnosed with congenital infections. Severe microcephaly was identified in 13 patients (33.3%) and 51.3% of the cases showed alterations in brain imaging tests. In relation to the diagnosis of congenital infections, three patients (7.7%) were diagnosed with ZIKV, nine (23.1%) with cytomegalovirus, nine (23.1%) with toxoplasmosis, and 18 (46.1%) with congenital syphilis. The three cases of ZIKV showed calcification in brain imaging tests, signs of arthrogryposis, excess occipital skin and irritability, characterizing the typical phenotype of ZIKV infection. Conclusions: Most cases of congenital infection had severe neurological lesions, particularly the cases of ZIKV, which can cause neurodevelopmental delays and sequelae in these infants throughout early childhood

    Epidemiological profile of 39 cases of microcephaly caused by congenital infections diagnosed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015-2017

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    Introduction: Microcephaly is a clinical finding that can arise from congenital anomalies or emerge after childbirth. Maternal infections acquired during pregnancy can result in characteristic brain damage in the newborn (NB), which may be visible even in the fetal stage.Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of newborns with reported microcephaly and diagnosed with congenital infections in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015 and 2017.Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out on data collected from the Public Health Event Registry as well as from medical records. The investigation included serologies for toxoplasmosis and rubella; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Zika virus (ZIKV) in the blood and cytomegalovirus in the urine; non-treponemal tests for syphilis; and brain imaging tests.Results: Of the 257 reported cases of microcephaly, 39 were diagnosed with congenital infections. Severe microcephaly was identified in 13 patients (33.3%) and 51.3% of the cases showed alterations in brain imaging tests. In relation to the diagnosis of congenital infections, three patients (7.7%) were diagnosed with ZIKV, nine (23.1%) with cytomegalovirus, nine (23.1%) with toxoplasmosis, and 18 (46.1%) with congenital syphilis. The three cases of ZIKV showed calcification in brain imaging tests, signs of arthrogryposis, excess occipital skin and irritability, characterizing the typical phenotype of ZIKV infection.Conclusion: Most cases of congenital infection had severe neurological lesions, particularly the cases of ZIKV, which can cause neurodevelopmental delays and sequelae in these infants throughout early childhood.Keywords: Microcephaly; Congenital Infection; Zika Viru