770 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir diserahkan kepada Panitia Komisi Ujian untuk mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemen pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Syiah Kuala PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, MOTIVASI, IKLIM ORGANISASI DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP KINERJA GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI DI KOTA BANDA ACEHOleh IBNU SALDANIM : 1509200020029Konsentrasi : Manajemen UmumPembimbing Pertama : Dr. Faisal SE, M.Si. MAPembimbing Kedua : Dr. M. Shabri Abd. Majid, M.EcUntuk mengetahui: keadaan kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan kinerja guru, pengaruh kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, terhadap kepuasan kerja guru, pengaruh kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, terhadap kinerja guru kemudian pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru serta pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, terhadap kinerja guru melalui kepuasan kerja. Hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, memiliki pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kepuasan kerja guru serta kompetensi, motivasi, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi, juga memiliki pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri di Kota Banda Aceh. Kata Kunci: Kompetensi, Motivasi, Iklim Organisasi, Budaya Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Guru. ABSTRACTAbstract of Thesis Submitted to The Examination Committee in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management on Economic and Business Faculty of Syiah Kuala UniversityTHE EFFECT OF COMPETENCE, MOTIVATION, ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON WORK SATISFACTION AND THEIR IMPACTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE BANDA ACEH CITYByIBNU SALDAS/N : 1509200020029Specialization : General ManagementSupervisor : Dr. Faisal SE, M.Si. MACo-Supervisor : Dr. M. Shabri Abd. Majid, M.EcThis studi measure and analysis competence, motivation, organizational climate, organizational culture, job satisfaction and teacher performance, influence of competency, motivation, organizational climate, and organizational culture on teachers job satisfaction, influence of competence, motivation, organizational climate and organizational culture on teacher performance effect of job satisfaction on teacher performance and the indirect efects of competence, motivation, organizational climate, and organizational culture on teacher performance through job satisfaction. The results also found that competence, motivation, organizational climate, and organizational culture, have an influence on teachers job satisfaction as well as their competence, motivation, organizational climate, organizational culture, have an influence in improving teacher performance at State Senior High Schools in the Banda Aceh City.Keywords : Competence, Motivation, Organizational Climate, Work Culture, Job Satisfaction and Teacher Performanc

    Expression of platelet-derived growth factor-beta receptor and bovine papillomavirus E5 and E7 oncoproteins in equine sarcoid.

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    Equine sarcoids are benign fibroblastic skin tumours that are recognized throughout the world. Infection with bovine papillomavirus (BPV) types 1 and 2 has been implicated as a major factor in disease development; however, the cellular mechanisms underlying fibroblast transformation remain poorly defined. The present study further characterizes aspects of the association with BPV in 15 equine sarcoids. BPV DNA was demonstrated in 12/15 tumours collected from different areas of Italy. Nine of these 12 tumours expressed the BPV oncoproteins E5 and E7, but these oncoproteins were not expressed by normal equine cells. The BPV E5 protein is known to bind to the platelet-derived growth factor-b receptor (PDGF-bR) and this molecule was expressed by 11 of the 12 sarcoids in which E5 was demonstrated. These findings add further weight to the theory that BPV and the PDGF-bR may have a role in the pathogenesis of this disease

    Perseteruan Voltaire terhadap Islam dan Nabi Muhammad

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    Islam in Western thought has a very bad brand image and relative image. One western figure named Voltaire included an orientalist who insulted the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam. The study aimed to find out specifically about Voltaire's understanding of the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam, factors that influenced Voltaire in committing insults. The approach of the method chosen in this study is qualitative method, while the data used is sourced from literature review in the form of works written by Voltaire himself and the works of others on the work and thoughts of Voltaire. The results of the study said Voltaire initially hated Islam by mentioning the nascent religion and also called the Prophet Muhammad as a perverted many marrying women, girls and widows. Voltaire's reason for doing so was that he wanted to criticize the church's inappropriate policies through the issue of insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. At the end of his history Voltaire upheld the tolerance of Islam and did not exist in Protestantism that is, Caliph Umar allowed Jews and Christians full freedom of conscience after the conquest of Jerusalem.AbstrakAgama Islam dalam pemikiran Barat mempunyai brand image dan citra relatif yang sangat buruk. Salah satu tokoh Barat yang bernama Voltaire termasuk seorang orientalis yang menghina Nabi Muhammad dan agama Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara khusus tentang pemahaman Voltaire terhadap Nabi Muhammad dan agama Islam dan faktor yang mempengaruhi Voltaire dalam melakukan penghinaan. Pendekatan metode yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Adapun data yang digunakan bersumber dari telaah kepustakaan berupa karya-karya yang ditulis sendiri oleh Voltaire dan karya-karya orang lain terhadap karya dan pemikiran Voltaire. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan Voltaire pada awalnya membenci Islam dengan menyebut agama yang baru lahir dan Nabi Muhammad sebagai seorang yang mesum dan menikah dengan  banyak perempuan, baik gadis maupun janda. Alasan Voltaire berpendapat demikian karena dia ingin mengkritik kebijakan-kebijakan gereja yang tidak sesuai, menurutnya melalui isu menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad. Pada akhir hidupnya, Voltaire menjunjung tinggi toleransi yang ada pada agama Islam dan tidak ada pada agama Protestan seperti Khalifah Umar mengizinkan kebebasan dalam pelaksanaan agamanya bagi orang beragama Yahudi dan orang beragama Kristen, hal ini terjadi setelah penaklukkan Yerusalem

    Prediction of hydraulic conductivity loss from relative water loss: new insights into water storage of tree stems and branches

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    More frequently occurring, drought waves call for a deeper understanding of tree hydraulics and fast and easily applicable methods to measure drought stress. The aim of this study was to establish empirical relationships between the percent loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC) and the relative water loss (RWL) in woody stem axes with different P50, i.e. the water potential (Ψ) that causes 50% conductivity loss. Branches and saplings of temperate conifer (Picea abies, Larix decidua) and angiosperm species (Acer campestre, Fagus sylvatica, Populus x canescens, Populus tremula, Sorbus torminalis) and trunk wood of mature P. abies trees were analyzed. P50 was calculated from hydraulic measurements following bench top dehydration or air injection. RWL and PLC were fitted by linear, quadratic or cubic equations. Speciesor age-specific RWLs at P50 varied between 10 and 25% and P88, the Ψ that causes 88% conductivity loss, between 18 and 44%. P50 was predicted from the relationship between Ψ and the RWL. The predictive quality for P50 across species was almost 1:1 (r2 =0.99). The approach presented allows thus reliable and fast prediction of PLC from RWL. Branches and saplings with high hydraulic vulnerability tended to have lower RWLs at P50 and at P88. The results are discussed with regard to the different water storage capacities in sapwood and survival strategies under drought stress. Potential applications are screening trees for drought sensitivity and a fast interpretation of diurnal, seasonal or drought induced changes in xylem water content upon their impact on conductivity loss.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Rosner, Sabine. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Institute of Botany; AustriaFil: Heinzeb, Berthold. Austrian Research Centre for Forest. Department of Forest Genetics; AustriaFil: Savia, Tadeja. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences; AustriaFil: Dalla Salda, Guillermina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Área Sistemas Forestales. Grupo de Ecología Forestal; Argentin

    Heat shock protein 90 is associated with hyperplasia and neoplastic transformation of canine prostatic epithelial cells

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    Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a molecular chaperone that regulates critical signalling proteins of cancer development and progression. Abnormal levels of HSP90 have been observed in human prostatic carcinoma (PC), with prognostic and therapeutic implications. Since spontaneously arising canine PC is a valuable model for the human disease, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of HSP90 in two normal canine prostates, 17 canine prostates with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and five canine prostates with PC. HSP90 was expressed in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in all samples, with a significant increase in labelled cells in PCs. Nuclear labelling was observed occasionally in normal tissue, but was increased in BPH and PC. HSP90 immunoreactivity in preneoplastic lesions (proliferative inflammatory atrophy and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia) was similar to that in PCs. Increased HSP90 expression in canine PCs suggests the involvement of this molecule in carcinogenesis and tumour progression, supporting HSP90 as a potential target for therapeutic intervention


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    Training and development have an important role to improve employee performance to improve higher quality human resources . The purpose of this study is to find out the role of training and development on the performance of analysis consultant employees on environmental impacts (AMDAL) . Hypothesis training and pegembangan are significantly affecting AMDAL consultant employee performance. The population in the study this is all the employees who have followed the training and development ka ryawan as many as 35 people. Mechanical taking samples in research this is purposive sampling The method that is used in research this is the collection of data through questionnaires, the study literature, and observation. The technique used to analyze simple linear regression data and examine hypotheses simultaneously and partially. The result is that training and development significantly influence employee performance simultaneously

    Heat shock protein expression in canine malignant mammary tumours.

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    Background Abnormal levels of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) have been observed in many human neoplasms including breast cancer and it has been demonstrated that they have both prognostic and therapeutic implications. In this study, we evaluated immunohistochemical expression of HSPs in normal and neoplastic canine mammary glands and confronted these results with overall survival (OS), in order to understand the role of HSPs in carcinogenesis and to establish their potential prognostic and/or therapeutic value. Methods Immunohistochemical expression of Hsp27, Hsp72, Hsp73 and Hsp90 was evaluated in 3 normal canine mammary glands and 30 malignant mammary tumours (10 in situ carcinomas, 10 invasive carcinomas limited to local structures without identifiable invasion of blood or lymphatic vessels, 10 carcinomas with invasion of blood or lymphatic vessels and/or metastases to regional lymph nodes). A semi-quantitative method was used for the analysis of the results. Results Widespread constitutive expression of Hsp73 and Hsp90 was detected in normal tissue, Hsp72 appeared to be focally distributed and Hsp27 showed a negative to rare weak immunostaining. In mammary tumours, a significant increase in Hsp27 (P < 0.01), Hsp72 (P < 0.05) and Hsp90 (P < 0.01) expression was observed as well as a significant reduction in Hsp73 (P < 0.01) immunoreactivity compared to normal mammary gland tissue. Hsp27 demonstrated a strong positivity in infiltrating tumour cells and metaplastic squamous elements of invasive groups. High Hsp27 expression also appeared to be significantly correlated to a shorter OS (P = 0.00087). Intense immunolabelling of Hsp72 and Hsp73 was frequently detected in infiltrative or inflammatory tumour areas. Hsp90 expression was high in all tumours and, like Hsp73, it also showed an intense positivity in lymphatic emboli. Conclusion These results suggest that Hsp27, Hsp72 and Hsp90 are involved in canine mammary gland carcinogenesis. In addition, Hsp27 appears to be implicated in tumour invasiveness and its high immunodetection in invasive tumours is indicative of a poorer clinical outcome

    Analisis Berat, Komposisi, Kepadatan, Karakteristik, dan Potensi Daur Ulang Sampah Laut Terapung Sepanjang Pantai Gajah dan Pasir Putih Tabing, Kota Padang

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    Sampah laut terapung adalah sampah yang terdapat pada permukaan laut dan melayang mencapai kedalaman 2 meter. Penelitian terkait sampah laut terapung yang dilakukan di Indonesia masih sedikit, termasuk di pantai yang ada di Kota Padang. Sampah yang ada di sekitar pantai dan lautan dapat mengganggu proses memukat yang dapat membuat jaring-jaring nelayan lebih banyak menangkap sampah dari pada ikan yang terjaring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berat, komposisi, kepadatan, karakteristik, dan potensi daur ulang sampah laut terapung (floating) di sepanjang Pantai Gajah dan Pantai Pasir Putih Tabing, Kota Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jaring atau pukat nelayan untuk memperoleh sampah laut terapung. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak dua kali, pengambilan pertama dilakukan pada hari biasa dan pengambilan selanjutnya 1 hari setelah hujan dengan masing-masing 3 titik mewakili Pantai Gajah dan Pantai Pasir Putih Tabing, Kota Padang. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu berat sampah hari biasa rata-rata sebesar 1,18 g/m2 dan setelah hujan sebesar 3,13 g/m2. Komposisi yang didapatkan yaitu plastik, kayu, karet, kain, dan sabut kelapa. Komposisi didominasi oleh plastik yaitu 90% hari biasa dan 50% setelah hujan. Pada hari biasa kepadatan plastik didapatkan sebesar 0,9 g/m2 dan setelah hujan sebesar 1,66 g/m2. Berat jenis sampah laut didapatkan sebesar 0,15 kg/liter hari biasa dan 0,36 kg/liter setelah hujan. Karakteristik kimia yang didapatkan yaitu kadar air 25,05%, kadar volatile 56,33%, kadar abu 8,53%, dan fixed carbon 9,09%. Potensi daur ulang sampah plastik sebesar 86,76%, kayu 50%, kain 79,16%, dan sabut kelapa 100%. Rekomendasi pengelolaan sampah laut terapung adalah dengan strategi 3R+1P (Reuse, Reduce,Recycle, dan Participant)


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    長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医歯薬)甲第17号 学位授与年月日:平成18年3月20