3,918 research outputs found

    Robustness: a new SLIP model based criterion for gait transitions in bipedal locomotion

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    Bipedal locomotion is a phenomenon that still eludes a fundamental and concise mathematical understanding. Conceptual models that capture some relevant aspects of the process exist but their full explanatory power is not yet exhausted. In the current study, we introduce the robustness criterion which defines the conditions for stable locomotion when steps are taken with imprecise angle of attack. Intuitively, the necessity of a higher precision indicates the difficulty to continue moving with a given gait. We show that the spring-loaded inverted pendulum model, under the robustness criterion, is consistent with previously reported findings on attentional demand during human locomotion. This criterion allows transitions between running and walking, many of which conserve forward speed. Simulations of transitions predict Froude numbers below the ones observed in humans, nevertheless the model satisfactorily reproduces several biomechanical indicators such as hip excursion, gait duty factor and vertical ground reaction force profiles. Furthermore, we identify reversible robust walk-run transitions, which allow the system to execute a robust version of the hopping gait. These findings foster the spring-loaded inverted pendulum model as the unifying framework for the understanding of bipedal locomotion.Comment: unpublished, in preparatio

    Can Ecological Interactions be Inferred from Spatial Data?

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    The characterisation and quantication of ecological interactions, and the construction of species distributions and their associated ecological niches, is of fundamental theoretical and practical importance. In this paper we give an overview of a Bayesian inference framework, developed over the last 10 years, which, using spatial data, offers a general formalism within which ecological interactions may be characterised and quantied. Interactions are identied through deviations of the spatial distribution of co-occurrences of spatial variables relative to a benchmark for the non-interacting system, and based on a statistical ensemble of spatial cells. The formalism allows for the integration of both biotic and abiotic factors of arbitrary resolution. We concentrate on the conceptual and mathematical underpinnings of the formalism, showing how, using the Naive Bayes approximation, it can be used to not only compare and contrast the relative contribution from each variable, but also to construct species distributions and niches based on arbitrary variable type. We show how the formalism can be used to quantify confounding and therefore help disentangle the complex causal chains that are present in ecosystems. We also show species distributions and their associated niches can be used to infer standard "micro" ecological interactions, such as predation and parasitism. We present several representative use cases that validate our framework, both in terms of being consistent with present knowledge of a set of known interactions, as well as making and validating predictions about new, previously unknown interactions in the case of zoonoses

    María Eugenia Dengo Obregón: mujer de lectura, educación y cultura...

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    El artículo es una semblanza de la Licenciada María Eugenia Dengo Obregón viuda de Vargas que recorre la vida y las obras de esta dama en su faceta personal, profesional, pública y más recien-temente, como exponente de la cultura costarricense. Este documento es un sentido homenaje a la figura de esta incansable mujer, que con su lectura y escritura ha logrado dejar un legado en la educación costarri-cense, como profesora, decana, vicerrectora, ministra y ex ministra de educación pública. La Licda. Dengo Obregón fue galardonada con el premio nacional de Cultura Magón 2007 otorgado por el Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de la República de Costa Rica a sus 82 años de edad. Honor al que honor merece

    Application of the Geochemical Fractionation of Metals in Sediments for Environmental Analysis of a Water Reservoir. Case Riogrande Ii (Antioquia - Colombia)

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    The geochemical fractionation of metals in soils and sediments corresponds to a technique to evaluate the levels of contamination and their probability of transfer to bodies of water and biota. For environmental studies in water reservoirs, the results of geochemical fractionation added to physicochemical analysis of water, can define the environmental conditions of metal release. This chapter briefly presents the concept and some fractionation techniques, with emphasis on the BCR methodology, in conjunction with other analyzes of water from the bottom of the reservoir to evaluate the dynamics of Mn mobilization in the Riogrande reservoir in Colombia, as example of practical application of Geochemical Fractionation. The highest proportions of Mn in the sediments of the Riogrande II reservoir were found in the exchangeable fraction and associated with carbonates, however the diffraction analysis did not find carbonated phases. It was concluded that the Mn in the water of the bottom of the Riogrande II reservoir originated especially by processes of desorption of Mn, in addition to reductive dissolution of oxyhydroxides

    The Risk of Extrapolation in Neuroanatomy: The Case of the Mammalian Vomeronasal System†

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    The sense of smell plays a crucial role in mammalian social and sexual behaviour, identification of food, and detection of predators. Nevertheless, mammals vary in their olfactory ability. One reason for this concerns the degree of development of their pars basalis rhinencephali, an anatomical feature that has been considered in classifying this group of animals as macrosmatic, microsmatic or anosmatic. In mammals, different structures are involved in detecting odours: the main olfactory system, the vomeronasal system (VNS), and two subsystems, namely the ganglion of Grüneberg and the septal organ. Here, we review and summarise some aspects of the comparative anatomy of the VNS and its putative relationship to other olfactory structures. Even in the macrosmatic group, morphological diversity is an important characteristic of the VNS, specifically of the vomeronasal organ and the accessory olfactory bulb. We conclude that it is a big mistake to extrapolate anatomical data of the VNS from species to species, even in the case of relatively close evolutionary proximity between them. We propose to study other mammalian VNS than those of rodents in depth as a way to clarify its exact role in olfaction. Our experience in this field leads us to hypothesise that the VNS, considered for all mammalian species, could be a system undergoing involution or regression, and could serve as one more integrated olfactory subsystem

    Competencias Transversales en los planes de estudio de las titulaciones de grado: los esfuerzos de Bolonia en calidad universitaria

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    El presente texto de reflexión expone una investigación en desarrollo, respecto a los cambios curriculares que ha conllevado la implementación del marco de cualificaciones comparables en las titulaciones de grado, con relación a los descriptores genéricos, denominados competencias transversales, a aplicar en las titulaciones de la Universidad de Barcelona. El nuevo proceso de enseñanza que se ha diseñado desde la conformación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), está profundamente vinculado a las transformaciones de la sociedad respecto al advenimiento de la sociedad del conocimiento y la sociedad de la información. En el plano económico de las relaciones de producción, así como la productividad vinculada a la innovación, exigen que la enseñanza universitaria se adecue a las redefiniciones del mundo del trabajo. En el plano social, se asiste a la pluralización de la sociedad, generando el término de los supuestos incuestionables del proyecto de modernidad, así como la relativización de la hegemonía de las instituciones sociales y sus valores universales asociados

    La Formación virtual y la construcción de ciudadanía en el marco de la sociedad de la información: análisis en sociedades periféricas latinoamericanas y sociedades desarrolladas

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    La transformación en la construcción del conocimiento en las sociedades occidentales ha consolidado en la 'sociedad de la información' la formación virtual (Elearning) en el ámbito de la educación superior. En el artículo se realiza un análisis reflexivo respecto a sus formas de implementación con relación a la construcción de ciudadanía en el contexto del pluralismo moderno y las disociaciones entre sociedades desarrolladas y sociedades periféricas. A la vez, se analiza el devenir de esta modalidad de formación en el marco de los nuevos desafíos de la educación superior

    Desarrollo de una Peletizadora en caliente

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    Workflows and service discovery: a mobile device approach

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    Bioinformatics has moved from command-line standalone programs to web-service based environments. Such trend has resulted in an enormous amount of online resources which can be hard to find and identify, let alone execute and exploit. Furthermore, these resources are aimed -in general- to solve specific tasks. Usually, this tasks need to be combined in order to achieve the desired results. In this line, finding the appropriate set of tools to build up a workflow to solve a problem with the services available in a repository is itself a complex exercise. Issues such as services discovering, composition and representation appear. On the technological side, mobile devices have experienced an incredible growth in the number of users and technical capabilities. Starting from this reality, in the present paper, we propose a solution for service discovering and workflow generation while distinct approaches of representing workflows in a mobile environment are reviewed and discussed. As a proof of concept, a specific use case has been developed: we have embedded an expanded version of our Magallanes search engine into mORCA, our mobile client for bioinformatics. Such composition delivers a powerful and ubiquitous solution that provides the user with a handy tool for not only generate and represent workflows, but also services, data types, operations and service types discoveryUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analyzing the differences between reads and contigs when performing a taxonomic assignment comparison in metagenomics

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    Metagenomics is an inherently complex field in which one of the primary goals is to determine the compositional organisms present in an environmental sample. Thereby, diverse tools have been developed that are based on the similarity search results obtained from comparing a set of sequences against a database. However, to achieve this goal there still are affairs to solve such as dealing with genomic variants and detecting repeated sequences that could belong to different species in a mixture of uneven and unknown representation of organisms in a sample. Hence, the question of whether analyzing a sample with reads provides further understanding of the metagenome than with contigs arises. The assembly yields larger genomic fragments but bears the risk of producing chimeric contigs. On the other hand, reads are shorter and therefore their statistical significance is harder to asses, but there is a larger number of them. Consequently, we have developed a workflow to assess and compare the quality of each of these alternatives. Synthetic read datasets beloging to previously identified organisms are generated in order to validate the results. Afterwards, we assemble these into a set of contigs and perform a taxonomic analysis on both datasets. The tools we have developed demonstrate that analyzing with reads provide a more trustworthy representation of the species in a sample than contigs especially in cases that present a high genomic variability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech