33 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Kolam Pelabuhan Pondok Dayung Fasharkan Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara

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    Ports of Pondok Dayung is one of the special port designation refers to as one of the supporting facilities and infrastructure facilities NKRI defense, such as privatization TNI navy military has its have means to sea port don't depend on other agencies. Planning a pool port of Pondok Dayung Fasharkan design covering breakwaters, design port dock, grooves cruise design, as well as design lap pool port. Functionally, this port will be used as a berthing dock and military vessels, as well as a repair ships for the Navy in particular regional western Indonesia and the surrounding region. Planning begins with the data include wind speed data processing for generation forecasting waves in the sea area. The result shows the significant wave height (Ho = 1.53 m) and significant wave period (To = 9.585 sec) to reset wave when the plan for 50 years. Data processing tidal sea water as well as map data is used as reference planning bathimetry high elevation breakwater and dock buildings, from the calculation of the value obtained tidal sea level plan HHWL = + 51.4 cm, MSL = ± 0.0 cm, and LLWL = -34.6 cm. The data is used as reference fleet planning calculations obtained wide shipping channel groove width 216 m (two lines), and the great depth of the draft plan of the port pool D = ± 12.25 m from the sea bet. Geotek the data used to determine the characteristics of the soil used as reference planning building type breakwater, pier foundation and structure planning. Planning generated breakwater building type hypotenuse (1: 1.5) with a total length of 1292 m, the number of tier 2 Secondary layer 1 m thick layer of heavy stones to 168-200 kg layer Core layer in grain weight 16-20 kg, and design mercu elevation ± 3.79 m of MSL. Plan a total of 252 m long quay with a plan elevation of +1.07 m MSL, plan structure 20 cm thick floor slabs, pile foundation structure Spun Pile Ø 50 cm with concrete quality K 500. dock Fender ie type V (400H 1000L) the impact energy capacity of 160 kN, as well as the type fastening Bollard pull capacity of 35 tons

    Perencanaan Kolam Pelabuhan Pondok Dayung Fasarkan Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara

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    Ports of Pondok Dayung is one of the special port designation refers to as one of the supporting facilities and infrastructure facilities NKRI defense, such as privatization TNI navy military has its have means to sea port don't depend on other agencies. Planning a pool port of Pondok Dayung Fasarkan design covering breakwaters, design port dock, grooves cruise design, as well as design lap pool port. Functionally, this port will be used as a berthing dock and military vessels, as well as a repair ships for the Navy in particular regional western Indonesia and the surrounding region. Data processing in the planning include wind speed data processing used for forecasting wave generation in the area of the deep, significant wave height values obtained (Ho = 1.53 m) and significant wave period (To = 9.585 sec) using wave probabilias according Gumbel distribution (Fisher method type 1) when repeated waves during the 50-year plan. Data processing tidal water of the sea as well as the face of map data bathimetry high elevation used as reference breakwater planning and building a dock, from the calculation of the value obtained tidal water of sea level plan HHWL = + 51.4 cm, MSL = ± 0.0 cm, and LLWL = -34.6 cm. A fleet of data used as reference calculation wide planning a groove cruise obtained wide a groove 216 m (two paths) , and large the depth of the draft of the port plan the pool D=± 12.25 m from the sea bet. Data geotek worn to find out the characteristics of the ground used as reference planning breakwater type of the building , and planning foundation structure a wharf. Planning breakwater building used type of sloping side (1: 1.5) planned a total length L = 1292 m, the number of layers n = 2 Secondary layers thick layer t = 1 m heavy pieces of stone W = 168-200 kg for layers in the core layer of heavy point W = 16-20 kg, and the design elevation mercu of breakwater ± 3.79 m from MSL. Plan a wharf a total length of 252 m with elevation plan + 1,07 m of msl, plan a structure of plates thick the floor 20 cm, foundation structure piles spun pile Ø 50 cm with concrete quality K 500. Dock facilities that Fender type V (400H 1000L) with a impact energy capacity of 160 kN, as well as the type fastening a Bollard with pull capacity of 35 tons. During the planning there are several aspects of which suggested to examined more detail particularly on the big problem the value of sedimentation tranport large and shallow , with such a large value of sediment transport and sedimentation occurred in the port basin can be calculated and minimized optimally

    Perencanaan Bangunan Pengendali Sedimen Kali Putih Km 16,7 YOGYAKARTA

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    Mount Merapi (2980) meters above sea level, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, located in Central Java Province. Mt. Merapi last erupted in 2012, producing a large number of volcanic materials which has highly destructive force. This flow happened on almost all of the rivers in Mt. Merapi hillside, such as Kali Putih for example. Kali Putih has a big potential of damage because of its location, near rural areas. Reffering to the above mentioned, the preventive effort of disasterous effect need to be done to decrease the damages by building Sabo Dam. The data we need to design it are hydrological data such as annual daily rainfalls data and Kali Putih catchment area map, soil investigation data, a topographic map and geometric river map. Those data will be processed and used as the basis for designing the Main Sabo Dam, Sub Sabo Dam, Apron and etc. After the process of designing is completed, the results are: total height of Main Dam is 8,55 meters, total height of Sub Sabo Dam is 2,79 meters, length of Apron is 6,1 meters, sediment storage capacity is 8.100 m3, the total cost is Rp.1.470.615.000,00 (including VAT) and the construction period is 14 weeks. The construction of Sabo Dam will be more optimal if it is accompanied by a good maintenance system done by the related agencies, so that the percentage of the damaged covering areas will decrease significantly

    Perencanaan Sabo Dam Kali Putih (Km 16,7) Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah

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    Mount Merapi (2980) meters above sea level), one of the most active volcanoes in the world, located in Central Java Province. Mt. Merapi last erupted in 2012, producing a large number of volcanic materials which has highly destructive force. This flow happened on almost all of the rivers in Mt. Merapi hillside, such as Kali Putih for example. Kali Putih has a big potential of damage because of its location, near rural areas. Reffering to the above mentioned, the preventive effort of disasterous effect need to be done to decrease the damages by using Sabo Dam. The data we need to design it are hydrological data such as annual daily rainfalls data and Kali Putih catchment area map, soil investigation data, a topographic map and geometric river map. Those data will be processed and used as the basis for designing the Main Sabo Dam, Sub Sabo Dam, Apron and etc. The results of Sabo Dam design are: total height of Main Dam is 8,55 meters, total height of Sub Sabo Dam is 2,79 meters, length of Apron is 6,1 meters, sediment storage capacity is 8.100 m3, the total cost is Rp.1.470.615.000,00 (including VAT) and the construction phase is 14 weeks. The construction of Sabo Dam will be more optimal if it is accompanied by a good maintenance system done by the related agencies, so that the percentage of the damaged covering areas will decrease significantly

    Polypharmacy Among Home-Dwelling Older Adults: The Urgent Need for an Evidence-Based Medication Management Model.

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    Ageing populations with multiple chronic conditions challenge low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Older adults frequently depend on complex medication regimens and polypharmacy, both of which can lead to potentially devastating and debilitating medication-related problems and to subsequent far-reaching public health, social, and economic effects. This perspectives article provides an overview of the current state of medication management, reflects on its relevance among polymedicated home-dwelling older adults living with multiple chronic conditions, and proposes patient-centered approaches for optimizing medication management and preventing medication-related problems

    Ocena strategii ochrony lasów pod kątem przywracania różnorodności biologicznej i zrównoważonego rozwoju: globalna analiza porównawcza

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    The escalating rate of deforestation presents significant challenges to the global economy, including the loss of habitats for endangered species and a decline in biocapacity reserves. This situation also raises concerns about overcrowding and excessive production, which can undermine conservation efforts. Addressing this issue, Sustainable Development Goal 15 of the United Nations emphasizes managing forest resources, preventing habitat loss, combatting desertification, and expanding biodiversity reserves. Its contributions have played a pivotal role in wildlife conservation, mitigating rural-urban migration and preserving land resources. Given the relevance of this problem, this study examines the consequences of ongoing tropical deforestation on the loss of endangered species habitats while controlling for biocapacity reserves, urbanization, economic growth, and industrialization across a large sample of 159 nations, further categorized into low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The findings from cross-sectional and quantile regression analyses reveal that higher deforestation rates, increased rural-urban migration, and greater industrialization threaten endangered species habitats. Conversely, increased biocapacity reserves and economic growth contribute to wildlife restoration. Granger causality estimations highlight unidirectional relationships between deforestation and biodiversity loss (as well as biocapacity reserves), while deforestation and industrialization exhibit bidirectional causality. The results further indicate that sustained economic growth leads to deforestation, biocapacity reserves, and urbanization, while urbanization contributes to deforestation. This underscores the role of deforestation as the primary driver of habitat loss for endangered species and the depletion of biocapacity, thereby fostering mass production. Urbanization and economic growth are shown to be causally linked to deforestation across countries. The study underscores the urgent need to safeguard forest reserves against large-scale land conversion for infrastructure development, industrialization, and settlement of overpopulated urban areas, as these factors contribute to habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. Conserving, restoring, and promoting sustainable utilization of ecosystems are essential measures to address natural uncertainties and advance Sustainable development goals.Rosnące tempo wylesiania stwarza poważne wyzwania dla gospodarki światowej, w tym groźbę utraty siedlisk zagrożonych gatunków i spadek rezerw pojemności biologicznej przyrody. Sytuacja ta budzi również obawy związane z przeludnieniem i nadmierną produkcją, co może zniweczyć wysiłki na rzecz ochrony przyrody. Odnosząc się do tej kwestii, Cel Zrównoważonego Rozwoju nr 15 Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych kładzie nacisk na zarządzanie zasobami leśnymi, zapobieganie utracie siedlisk, zwalczanie pustynnienia i poszerzanie rezerwatów różnorodności biologicznej. Jego realizacja odgrywa kluczową rolę w ochronie dzikiej przyrody, łagodzeniu migracji ze wsi do miast i ochronie zasobów gruntów. Biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie tego problemu, w niniejszym badaniu zbadano wpływ ciągłego wylesiania tropikalnego na utratę siedlisk zagrożonych gatunków, przy jednoczesnym kontrolowaniu rezerw pojemności biologicznego, urbanizacji, wzrostu gospodarczego i industrializacji na dużej próbie 159 krajów, podzielonych dalej na kategorie o niskim, krajach o średnich i wysokich dochodach. Wyniki analiz przekrojowych i regresji kwantylowej pokazują, że wyższe wskaźniki wylesiania, wzmożona migracja ze wsi do miast i większa industrializacja zagrażają siedliskom zagrożonych gatunków. I odwrotnie, zwiększone rezerwy pojemności biologicznej i wzrost gospodarczy przyczyniają się do odbudowy dzikiej fauny i flory. Szacunki przyczynowości Grangera uwydatniają jednokierunkowe związki między wylesianiem a utratą różnorodności biologicznej (a także rezerwami pojemności biologicznej), podczas gdy wylesianie i industrializacja wykazują dwukierunkową przyczynowość. Wyniki wskazują ponadto, że trwały wzrost gospodarczy prowadzi do wylesiania, rezerw pojemności biologicznych i urbanizacji, podczas gdy urbanizacja przyczynia się do wylesiania. Podkreśla to rolę wylesiania jako głównego czynnika powodującego utratę siedlisk zagrożonych gatunków i wyczerpywanie się pojemności biologicznej, co sprzyja masowej produkcji. Wykazano, że urbanizacja i wzrost gospodarczy są powiązane przyczynowo z wylesianiem w różnych krajach. Badanie podkreśla pilną potrzebę zabezpieczenia rezerwatów leśnych przed przekształcaniem gruntów na dużą skalę w celu rozwoju infrastruktury, industrializacji i zasiedlania przeludnionych obszarów miejskich, ponieważ czynniki te przyczyniają się do degradacji siedlisk i utraty różnorodności biologicznej. Ochrona, przywracanie i promowanie zrównoważonego wykorzystania ekosystemów to podstawowe środki pozwalające zaradzić naturalnym niepewnościom i osiągać zrównoważony rozwój

    Sanitation, water, energy use, and traffic volume affect environmental quality: Go-for-green developmental policies

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    Carbon emissions are primarily the result of human activity in urban areas. Inadequate sanitary facilities, contaminated drinking water, nonrenewable energy, and high traffic congestion have all impacted the natural ecosystem. Using data from 1975 to 2019, the study assessed the impact of the aforementioned variables on Pakistan’s carbon emissions in light of this crucial fact. The ARDL cointegration method was used to estimate the short- and long-run parameter estimates. Urban sanitation challenges and energy consumption increase carbon emissions, which affects the natural environment by raising a country’s carbon intensity. Economic expansion confirmed the inverted U-shaped relationship between carbon emissions and economic growth to verify the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis in the long run. In contrast, the monotonically rising function of carbon emissions provides evidence of the nation’s economic development in the short run. Access to clean drinking water improves population health and encourages the purchase of eco-friendly products. The government must improve sanitation services and use renewable energy sources to enhance air quality. © 2022 Khalil et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Gender differentials in the evolution of cigarette smoking habits in a general European adult population from 1993–2003

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    BACKGROUND: Describe the recent evolution of cigarette smoking habits by gender in Geneva, where incidence rates of lung cancer have been declining in men but increasing in women. METHODS: Continuous cross-sectional surveillance of the general adult (35–74 yrs) population of Geneva, Switzerland for 11 years (1993–2003) using a locally-validated smoking questionnaire, yielding a representative random sample of 12,271 individuals (6,164 men, 6,107 women). RESULTS: In both genders, prevalence of current cigarette smoking was stable over the 11-year period, at about one third of men and one quarter of women, even though smoking began at an earlier age in more recent years. Older men were more likely to be former smokers than older women. Younger men, but not women, tended to quit smoking at an earlier age. CONCLUSION: This continuous (1993–2003) risk factor surveillance system, unique in Europe, shows stable prevalence of smoking in both genders. However, sharp contrasts in age-specific prevalence of never and former smoking and of ages at smoking initiation indicate that smoking continues a long-term decline in men but has still not reached its peak in women

    Planare Zellpolarität in humanen respiratorischen Epithelzellen

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    Die Zilienschlagrichtung auf der apikalen Membran humaner respiratorischer Epithelzellen (hRECs) ist durch planare Zellpolarität (PCP) über Zellgrenzen hinweg gewebeweit orientiert. PCP-Proteine sind asymmetrisch an der distalen und proximalen Membran lokalisiert und interagieren interzellulär. Die PCP-Protein-Crescents richten die ziliären Basalkörper über Verbindung mit dem Zytoskelett aus. Relevante PCP-Proteine wurden in hRECs von Gesundkontrollen aus Air-Liquid-Interface-Kulturen (ALI) mit indirekter Immunfluoreszenzfärbung in den Zellen lokalisiert: Die Crescent-Proteine VANGL1, FZD6, DVL2 und PK2 wurden an der subapikalen lateralen Membran lokalisiert, ohne, dass eine spezifische Membranseite bestimmbar ist. Die Proteine der Zilie und ihrer akzessorischen Strukturen Basalkörper, CETN2, CROCC, TUBG1, CEP164 und ODF2 wurde an der Zilienbasis lokalisiert. Eine gemeinsame Orientierung der Basalfüße (TUBG1) in Bezug auf die jeweiligen Transitionsfasern (CEP164) ist zu erkennen

    Implementasi Pendidikan Multukultural di SMA Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat kaya dengan keanekaragaman budaya yang dimiliki. Di satu sisi, kekayaan budaya merupakan potensi yang sangat mebanggakan, namun apabila potensi tersebut tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka bisa menimbulkan potensi konflik yang berkepanjangan. Pentingnya pemahaman terhadap keberagaman budaya perlu ditanamkan kepada siapapun termasuk kepada generasi muda. Isi buku ini merupakan hasil pengkajian pola penanaman nilai-nilai multikultural dan peran sekolah. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yang dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pengamatan, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Upaya penanaman nilai-nilai multikulturl dilaksanakan oleh para guru dengan suasana sekolah yang mendukung. Penanaman nilai-nilai multikultural juga dilaksanakan melalui berbagai aktivitas organisasi kesiswaan dan kegiatan keagamaan yang panitianya bersifat gabungan lintas agama