31 research outputs found

    Analisis kimia dasar kelas X semester 2

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    Penyajian buku teks untuk disusun dengan tujuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan proses pencarian pengetahuan berkenaan dengan materi pelajaran melalui berbagai aktivitas para ilmuwan dalam melakukan eksperimen, dengan demikian peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai fakta, membangun konsep, dan nilai-nilai baru secara mandir

    The Quality of Transparent Soap from Farmer's Crude Calophyllum Seed Oil

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    Calophyllum inophyllum plants is one of the potential non-edible vegetable oil in Indonesia. Currently, the utilization of C. inophyllum seed oils directed for biofuels such as biodiesel feedstock. The oleochemical product diversification of C. inophyllum seed oil into transparent soap products is prospective to be developed, considering its utilization that does not compete with edible oil.  The purpose of this research is to obtain the best conditions for the production process of C. inophyllum seed oil transparent soap. The research process is conducted in two phases. The first is the determination of the basic formula of transparent soap from C. inophyllum seed oil, and the second is the improvement of the organoleptic quality of the Calophyllum transparent soap.  The research design used is the completely randomized factorial design with two treatments, i.e. the addition of olive oil and ethanol.  The determination of the best formula for Calophyllum transparent soap is based on the weighting method on a number of physicochemical and organoleptic criteria. The results of the research show that the addition of olive oil and ethanol has a significant effect on the amount of Calophyllum transparent soap suds (P<0,05).  The quality improvement of Calophyllum transparent soap is conducted with the addition of honey, fragrance, and coloring agent. The addition of honey has a significant effect on the transparency and color of Calophyllum transparent soap (P<0,05). The addition of fragrance types has a significant effect on transparency, color and aroma (P<0,05), but does not have a significant effect on the hedonic test on texture and impression after use (P>0,06).  Based on the composite weighting method, the most preferred formula for Calophyllum transparent soap according to the panelists is the use of olive oil 5%, ethanol 15%, honey 0,3%, and floral fragrance 1%. This  best condition for Calophyllum transparent soap are able to meet the standards of the Saudi Arabian Standard Organization (SASO) for the water content and evaporating substances, as well as free alkali

    Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge deck life-cycle cost analysis

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    A model was developed to compare the life cycle cost (LCC) of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge decks with steel reinforced concrete (SRC) bridge decks. The objective was to analyze the viability of FRP for certain bridge deck projects.;Current LCC models of FRP bridge decks versus SRC bridge decks consider only manufacturing and erection costs in the cost calculations. They do not consider one of the most important advantages of FRP for construction, which is its light weight. The proposed model includes the cost savings in support structures when FRP is chosen as opposed to SRC, as well as the user costs occurring during bridge installation, maintenance, repair, and disposal processes. A computer program, FRP Bridge Deck LCC Analyzer, was developed for conducting the comparison analysis. The program incorporates the service life estimation of the FRP deck based on the Factor Method. An LCC comparison between FRP bridge deck and SRC bridge deck was developed for a Base Case.;Three case studies of bridges in West Virginia were performed using the program. Sensitivity of certain parameters including FRP manufacturing cost and average daily traffic (ADT) were studied. The results suggest that FRP bridge deck was economically viable to replace concrete bridge decks for Goat Farm, Katy Truss, and La Chein bridge deck projects

    Gayo Lues as Da'i: An analysis of the challenges of communication strategy in the success of the Thousand Hafiz Programme

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    Purpose - This study aims to discover the challenges or obstacles of the Gayo Lues Regency government's communication strategy in the success of the Thousand Hafiz Quran program.Method - This research is field research, the source of data from documents in the form of regulations of the regent of Gayo Lues Regency, the results of interviews with the regent, deputy regent, and employees of the Islamic Sharia Office of Gayo Lues Regency as the implementing agency of the thousand hafiz Quran program. The research data was analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques.Result - The results showed that the obstacles or barriers of the Gayo Lues Regency government in the success of the thousand hafiz Quran program were miscommunication between the Islamic Sharia Office and the person in charge of the budget about budget cuts due to the Covid-19 pandemic that the funding for tahfiz teachers and also the cost of food and other needs for tahfiz students was insufficient.Implication - The results of this study provide information on the obstacles of the Tahfiz program so that it becomes a basis for consideration for the government to find solutions so that the Thousand Hafiz program can run again as planned.Originality - This is the first study to examine the obstacles of the Quran memorization program in the Gayo Lues Regency so that it can be used as a basis for policy-making.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tantangan atau hambatan strategi komunikasi pemerintah Kabupaten Gayo Lues dalam menyukseskan program Seribu Hafiz Quran.Metode - Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan sumber data dari dokumen berupa peraturan bupati Kabupaten Gayo Lues, hasil wawancara dengan bupati, wakil bupati, dan pegawai Dinas Syariat Islam Kabupaten Gayo Lues sebagai pelaksana program seribu hafiz Quran. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala atau hambatan pemerintah Kabupaten Gayo Lues dalam menyukseskan program seribu hafiz Quran adalah adanya miskomunikasi antara Dinas Syariat Islam dengan penanggung jawab anggaran tentang adanya pemotongan anggaran akibat pandemi Covid-19 sehingga dana untuk para pengajar tahfiz dan juga biaya makan dan kebutuhan lainnya untuk para santri tahfiz tidak mencukupi.Implikasi - Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi mengenai hambatan program tahfiz sehingga menjadi dasar pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mencari solusi agar program Seribu Hafiz dapat berjalan kembali sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan.Orisinalitas - Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pertama yang meneliti tentang tantangan komunikasi program tahfiz di Kabupaten Gayo Lues sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan kebijakan

    Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Biji Nyamplung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan biodiesel dengan bahan baku minyak nyamplung (Callophyllum inophyllum Linn) yang kualitasnya sesuai dengan persyaratan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Biji nyamplung umumnya berkualitas rendah karena kadar asam lemak bebasnya (FFA) tinggi, yaitu mencapai 29%. Pada proses transesterifikasi FFA akan diubah menjadi sabun/gel yang bisa mengurangi rendemen biodiesel sampai 30%. Oleh karena itu, salah satu tahapan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah menurunkan kadar FFA dari minyak nyamplung sampai sekitar 2% agar proses transesterifikasi dapat berlangsung dengan baik.Penelitian ini meliputi perlakuan pendahuluan dengan proses degumming, proses esterifikasi dan proses transesterifikasi. Optimasi proses esterifikasi dilakukan dengan mencari kondisi optimum penggunaan rasio mol metanol-FFA, persen asam klorida sebagai katalis dan suhu esterifikasi. Suhu esterifikasi yang digunakan adalah 40, 50, 60 dan 800C, rasio mol metanol yang digunakan adalah 0 : 1 sampai 50 : 1 yang terbagi menjadi 11 taraf percobaan dan konsentrasi katalis HCl teknis yang digunakan adalah 0 - 18% yang terbagi menjadi 7 taraf percobaan. Optimasi proses esterifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode permukaan respon (Montgomery, 1991 dan Box, 1978) .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses esterifikasi minyak nyamplung yang optimum diperoleh pada suhu 600C, asam klorida 6% dan rasio mol metanol-FFA 20 : 1, lama reaksi 1 jam dengan kecepatan pengadukan 400 rpm. Pada kondisi tersebut dapat menurunkan kandungan asam lemak bebas dari 28,7% menjadi 4,7%. Biodiesel yang dihasilkan mempunyai kualitas yang belum stabil dengan bilangan asam berkisar antara 0,6172 - 1,8403 mg KOH/gram dan viskositas pada suhu 400C adalah 8,1 - 8,4 cp (8,67 - 8,99 cSt). Komposisi metil ester biodiesel tersebut adalah metil palmitat 17,29%, metil stearat 23,55%, metil oleat 36,67% dan metil linoleat 22,49%.Optimasi dengan metode respon permukaan menghasilkan model persamaan reaksi = Kadar FFA pada akhir esterifikasi adalah (Y) = 14,6349 - 0,36339R - 0,309218K - 0,195846T + 0,00847999R2 + 0,0279677K2 + 0,00194431T2 - 0,00352917RK - 6,19167E-04RT + 0,00224167KS

    The Urgency of the Relationship of Ulama and Government in the Development of Religious Diversity in Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a large country that has residents with various religious and religious backgrounds. As a country with a society of various religions, of course the state will not be able to protect and fulfill all the dynamic needs of its people if there is no support or relationships from elements of the people themselves. So, this is where the government needs relations or partners who can work side by side in realizing peace in religion. In this case, the ulama are one of the government's working partners, so it is necessary to study the urgency of the relationship between the ulama and the government in realizing the development of religious diversity in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative research methods with a schematic sociology approach. The data sources come from various literature, which is then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the research conclude: 1) The relationship between ulama and the Indonesian government in realizing peace is very necessary because society in general is close to ulama so that when ulama unite with the government then the government's call is the ulama's call, what is ordered by the government will be more easily obeyed by the community both in terms of tolerance in religion and in other matters. 2) The development of religious diversity in Indonesia has experienced positive developments, because every religious adherent in Indonesia has provided tolerance for each community, both for the community itself and towards communities of other religions


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    Tofu is famous as an alternate protein source. Comparing to Beef and Chicken based products; Tofu is indeed one of those promising foods which using less energy. Nevertheless it takes a lot of energy to turn fresh soy beans into tofu. It includes energy used for draining, grinding, cooking, extracting the soymilk, pressing the curd, cutting and wrapping the final products. To increase the love of tofu, consumers in the era full with environment awareness need to be convinced that switching from others to bean curd does help cutting back greenhouse gas emissions. The question is: how significant are those numbers? Is it possible to reduce energy usage in tofu production without interfering its quality? This research, conducted in one of tofu central productions in Indonesia, attempts to answer those questions. Kalisari village, Banyumas is also known as tofu village, since producing tofu in traditional ways is the main occupation of its residents. The objectives of the study are: (1) to investigate the overall energy consumption and emission produced by tofu production process in Kalisari village, Banyumas, Indonesia, (2) to compare those numbers with other soybean products as well as other protein sources and (3) to come up with process improvements to reduce the tofu carbon footprint. Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA) – a method commonly used to identify and calculate energy usage, natural resources usage and amount of emissions to the environment - is applied to reach those objectives. This paper depicts preliminary results of this on-going research

    Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Antibakteri Hasil Purifikasi Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L.)

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    Tingginya fraksi padat pada minyak biji nyamplung menyebabkan biodiesel nyamplung yang dihasilkan memilikiviskositas tinggi, bilangan asam tinggi, titik kabut tinggi, dan pengaruh buruk lainnya sehingga sulit memenuhi standar biodiesel SNI 04-7182-2006. Hal ini mendasari perlunya peningkatan nilai tambah fraksi padat minyak biji nyamplung. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan purifikasi, fraksinasi, dan karakterisasi minyak biji nyamplung. Karakterisasi dilakukan terhadap komponen asam lemak serta uji pengenalan bioantibakteri dan bioantioksidan minyak biji nyamplung untuk aplikasi sabun kesehatan. Rancangan yang digunakan pada proses purifikasi nyamplung adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan tiga faktor yaitu konsentrasi asam fosfat 20%, suhu, dan lama pemanasan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, perlakuan terbaik purifikasi diperoleh pada penggunaan H3PO4 20% sebanyak 0,2% pada suhu 80 oC selama 15 menit. Komponen asam lemak utama pada minyak nyamplung hasil purifikasi adalah asam palmitat, asam stearat, asam oleat dan asam linoleat dengan total asam lemak mencapai 98,19 persen dari total asam lemak penyusun minyak nyamplung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak nyamplung mengandung komponen steroid, flavonoid, saponin, dan triterpenoid serta memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus namun sebaliknya bagi Escheria coli