8 research outputs found

    Role of Te in the low dimensional multiferroic material FeTe2O5Br

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    Using first principles density functional calculations, we study the electronic structure of the low-dimensional multiferroic compound FeTe2O5Br to investigate the origin of the magnetoelectric (ME) effect and the role of Te ions in this system. We find that without magnetism even in the presence of Te-5s lone pairs, the system remains centrosymmetric due to the antipolar orientation of the lone pairs. Our study shows that the exchange striction within the Fe tetramers as well as between them is responsible for the ME effect in FeTe2O5Br. We also find that the Te^4+ ions play an important role in the inter-tetramer exchange striction as well as contribute to the electric polarization in FeTe2O5Br, once the polarization is triggered by the magnetic ordering.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Journal version: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.09440


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    In this paper we have focused on an efficient feature selection method in classification of audio files. The main objective is feature selection and extraction. We have selected a set of features for further analysis, which represents the elements in feature vector. By extraction method we can compute a numerical representation that can be used to characterize the audio using the existing toolbox. In this study Gain Ratio (GR) is used as a feature selection measure. GR is used to select splitting attribute which will separate the tuples into different classes. The pulse clarity is considered as a subjective measure and it is used to calculate the gain of features of audio files. The splitting criterion is employed in the application to identify the class or the music genre of a specific audio file from testing database. Experimental results indicate that by using GR the application can produce a satisfactory result for music genre classification. After dimensionality reduction best three features have been selected out of various features of audio file and in this technique we will get more than 90 % successful classification result

    An Ensemble of Condition Based Classifiers for Device Independent Detailed Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones

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    Human activity recognition is increasingly used for medical, surveillance and entertainment applications. For better monitoring, these applications require identification of detailed activity like sitting on chair/floor, brisk/slow walking, running, etc. This paper proposes a ubiquitous solution to detailed activity recognition through the use of smartphone sensors. Use of smartphones for activity recognition poses challenges such as device independence and various usage behavior in terms of where the smartphone is kept. Only a few works address one or more of these challenges. Consequently, in this paper, we present a detailed activity recognition framework for identifying both static and dynamic activities addressing the above-mentioned challenges. The framework supports cases where (i) dataset contains data from accelerometer; and the (ii) dataset contains data from both accelerometer and gyroscope sensor of smartphones. The framework forms an ensemble of the condition based classifiers to address the variance due to different hardware configuration and usage behavior in terms of where the smartphone is kept (right pants pocket, shirt pockets or right hand). The framework is implemented and tested on real data set collected from 10 users with five different device configurations. It is observed that, with our proposed approach, 94% recognition accuracy can be achieved

    Porous Silicon Hydrogen Sensor at Room Temperature: The Effect of Surface Modification and Noble Metal Contacts

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    Porous silicon (PS) was fabricated by anodization of p-type crystalline silicon of resistivity 2-5 Ω cm. After formation, the PS surface was modified by the solution containing noble metal like Pd. Pd-Ag catalytic contact electrodes were deposited on porous silicon and on p-Silicon to fabricate Pd-Ag/PS/p-Si/Pd-Ag sensor structure to carry out the hydrogen sensing experiments. The Sensor was exposed to 1% hydrogen in nitrogen as carrier gas at room temperature (270C). Pd modified sensor showed minimum fluctuations and consistent performance with 86% response, response time and recovery time of 24 sec and 264 sec respectively. The stability experiments were studied for both unmodified and Pd modified sensor structures for a period of about 24 hours and the modified sensors showed excellent durability with no drift in response behavior