347 research outputs found


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    Water is the most important natural resource as a support for life, as its utilization water management and control requires planning a clean water distribution system and drainage system. Arjamukti Kencana Raya settlement has an area of 6.7 hectares with 399 units. Based on data from the official website of the Tasikmalaya Regency Government as of May 12, 2023, the population reached 73,756 people, with an increase in the population of 21.06% very significant and very influential on the construction of public service facilities, one of which is housing. Housing development will be better if the planning of clean water distribution and drainage systems is done correctly. This planning requires data such as housing siteplans, residential topographic maps, and the highest rainfall in the region. From the housing data, it is known that clean water needs are 3.09 liters per second, water loss is 0.62 liters per second, and maximum daily clean water needs are 4.26 liters per second and peak clean water needs are 5.56 liters per second. The clean water network system in Arjamukti Kencana Raya housing has 53 nodes, 47 pipes with sizes of 3/4 inc and 1 inc, one tank and one pump with water sources originating from PDAM Tirta Sukapura. The calculation of drainage channels in Arjamukti Kencana Raya housing with a rectangular cross-section made of reinforced concrete has 3 dimensional variations with the smallest dimensions having a base width and height (30 cm x 20 cm), (40 cm x 20 cm), and (40 cm x 40 cm) with each guard height (w) of 20 cm


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    Writing of this final project aims to build a prototype system that functions to control the process of opening and closing dam’s door automatically. Making these tools also to provide information on water levels in the dam. Automatic door dam prototype based microcontroller and atmega 16 is a tool that designed specifically to simulate automatically dam doors. This tool will work in accordance with the conditions of the water level. When the water level go up, the door dam will open automatically dam the door will close when the water level drops. The method used in constructing the dam door prototype based automated ATmega 16 using the method of design that consists of several stages: (1) identification of requirements, (2) Needs Analysis, (3) design of hardware and software, (4) tool-making, (5) Testing Tool and (6) Operational Equipment. The hardware consists of (1) The minimum ATmega16 as the main controller, (2) water level sensor (water level control) as the water level detector, (3) and infrared light sensor photodiode as a detector height of the dam doors, (4) DC motors as driver door dam and (4) LCD as the viewer height and the height of the dam door. Based on the results of testing that has been done, it can be concluded that a prototype tool based automatic door ATmega 16 dams can work well in accordance with the working principles designed. The performance of the tool is observed by looking at the condition of the sensor exposed to water. If the condition of the water in the dam go up to the maximum condition, then the motor will move "open" the door dam in stages according to water conditions in the tank. If the condition of the water in the dam down to the minimum, then the motor will move "close" the door dam in stages according to water conditions in the tank and the high information and high water doors will be displayed on the LCD. There is an average percentage error of 0.15%. Keywords: Door dam, water level sensor, LCD, ATmega1

    Pendidikan Inklusif di SD Fastabiqul Khairat Kota Samarinda

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    Education is very important in influencing human development for the formation of aspects of their personality and life. Besides that, education has a dynamic influence in preparing human life in the future. Education in Indonesia, it is undeniable that education for children with special needs in Indonesia has so far not been given attention and has not been handled optimally. Children with special needs are different from other normal children in general, both physically, mentally, and thoughtfully. Inclusion school is a metamorphosis of human culture. That every human being is the same, has the same rights and the same opportunity to develop and get education for the continuation of a better life. Schools that provide inclusive education are schools that accommodate all students in the same class. This school provides a decent, quality education program tailored to the abilities and needs of each student as well as the assistance and support that teachers can provide. Children with special needs at certain times are given services in a special room, separated from normal students, and handled by special teachers or assistants with learning activities in difficult areas if they must be delivered together with normal students. This special activity is given to provide therapy according to the needs of children with special needs. The research method is qualitative with field studies using interview and observation techniques at SD Fastabiqul Khairat in Samarinda City. The results of research at SD fastabiqul Khairat there are still many obstacles in the application of learning for children with special needs and normal children, teacher difficulties in learning because there are some teachers who are not in accordance with their majors in dealing with children with special needs

    Penerapan Metode Brainstorming untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas IV SD Negeri 026 Rambah Hilir

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    Penelitan ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan metode brainstorming pada pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri 026 Rambah  Hilir. Hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA menggunakan metode brainstorming  pada siklus I pertemuan I siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 8 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 65,71, kemudian pada pertemuan II terjadi peningkatan siswa yang tuntas menjadi 13 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 73,81. Kemudian pada siklus II pertemuan I jumlah siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 16 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 80,00 sedangkan pada pertemuan II jumlah siswa yang tuntas semakin meningkat yaitu 19 siswa dari jumlah keseluruhan siswa 21 dengan nilai rata-rata 85,24. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode brainstorming dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 026 Rambah Hilir

    Aktualisasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan Tradisional sebagai Upaya Mengembangkan Iq, Eq, dan Sq Siswa dalam Mewujudkan Karakter Bangsa yang Berbudaya

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    Persoalan budaya dan karakter bangsa merupakan isu yang mengemuka di masyarakat saat ini. Korupsi, tindakan asusila, kekerasan, perkelahian massal, pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, pencurian, pembunuhan, kehidupan ekonomi yang konsumtif serta kehidupan politik yang tidak produktif. Fenomena tersebut adalah indikasi menurunnya kualitas karakter bangsa. Alternatif lain untuk mengatasi, atau minimal mengurangi masalah di atas, adalah dengan pendidikan budaya yakni melalui permainan tradisional. Upaya mengurangi berbagai masalah budaya dan karakter bangsa dengan selalu mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai budaya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, bertambah majunya IPTEK dan dengan mudahnya kebudayaan dari luar yang masuk mengkontaminasi kebudayaan yang ada di Negara kita

    Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Dalam Prespektif Filsafat Hukum

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    The Indonesian government has established various institutions as an effort to protect human rights and justice for women and children, including the National Commission on Violence Against Women, the National Commission on Human Rights, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency and the Ombudsman. Even though Indonesia has ratified the CEDAW Convention plus strengthened through various human rights institutions, violence against women and children is still massive in Indonesia. In this writing, the research method used by the author is normative juridical. The results of this study show that violence against women and children will continue to occur if the government is not really serious in making regulations and implementing the protection of women and children. Apart from that, public awareness is needed regarding the nature of being human, that all human beings are equal. Abstrak       Pemerintah indonesia telah membentuk berbagai institusi sebagai upanya perlindungan HAM dan keadilan terhadap kaum perempuan dan anak, diantaranya Komnas Perempuan, Komnas HAM, Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban dan, Ombudsman. Meski indonesia telah meratifikasi Konvensi CEDAW ditambah penguatan melalui berbagai lembaga HAM, kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak masih masif terjadi di Negara Indonesia. Dalam penulisan ini , metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah normatif yuridis. Adapun hasil penelitian ini bahwa kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak akan terus terjadi apabila pemerintah tidak benar-benar serius dalam membuat regulasi dan implementasi terhadap perlindungan perempuan dan anak, selain daripada itu dibutuhkan kesadaran masyarakat terkait hakikat menjadi manusia bahwa semua manusia itu sama kedudukannya


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    Decision-making relatewith reproductive health is not fully in the hands of women sometimes it based on husband or family especially when problems with termination of pregnancy arise. This condition can lead women to death. The aim is to explore gender equality in family planning decisions were in Palmerah in West Jakarta District Health Center in 2009. The benefits of this research is to understand gender equality in family planning decisions were expected to prevent the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy that led to the decline in maternal mortality. This research is quantitative descriptive design with cross sectional correlation. By involving 131 mothers as the respondent. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Results showed gender equality in family planning decisions were the most are those that have gender equality in family planning decisions were numbered 68 women (51.9%) and independent variables that have significant knowledge (p = 0.000), P-value attitudes (p = 0.000) P-value perception (p = 0.000) and for the characteristics of the mother and the father of P-value for Age Mr (p = 0049), P-value for Mother Works (p = 0.000), P-value for family income (p = 0021). Statistical tests can be performed because of logistic regression analysis results bivariatnya to determine the candidates all have the value p value <0.25. Of the six variables are independent variables age of the father of the P-Wald 0.016 most related to gender equality in family planning decisions were once controlled by the Income Families P-Wald 0.025. The results of this study recommends to the Head of Puskesmas Kec. Palmerah to improve the promotion of gender equality. Recommendations are also given to other researchers who intend to conduct research on gender equality to involve more variables that were assessed with different design and use instruments that have validity and reliability of raw value

    Prototype Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) on the Generator to Anticipate Blackouts

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    It has been designed and built a device to transfer the load from the PLN to the generator called the Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and at the same time able to turn on the generator automatically called Automatic Main Falure (AMF). This tool is in the form of a prototype that has successfully fulfilled its function so that it can be applied for domestic or industrial purposes. This tool is also economically valuable, because the price of its production is able to compete with similar products in the market, but by having more capabilities in the form of fuel detection and lubrication. With the results of the study covering the duration of the network load outages during the process of switching the electricity grid from PLN to the generator on average 3.5 seconds, and 0 seconds (instantaneous) during the process of switching the electricity grid from the generator to PLN, the ATS-AMF that is created automatically is able to light Genset engine when PLN dies and turns off the Genset engine when PLN starts again after it goes out, and the ATS-AMF that is made automatically is able to give a warning (alert) to the engine operator when Gasoline or Oil will run out at the level of 20% of the capacity of Gasoline or Oil

    Hubungan Gotong-Royong dan Surat Al-Ashr

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    Tujuan utama dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap salah satu surat yang ada dalam Al Qur’an, yaitu surat Al-Ashr. Artikel ini menyandingkan konsep dalam surat Al-Ashr dengan konsep gotong-royong yang merupakan budaya dasar dari bangsa Indonesia. Artikel ini memperlihatkan bahwa gotong-royong sebagai budaya dasar bangsa Indonesia memiliki aplikasi yang dapat berimplikasi positif atau negatif, sementara surat Al-Ashr selalu memiliki aplikasi yang berimplikasi positif. Beberapa simpulan adalah (1) bangsa Indonesia masih memiliki budaya gotong-royong sebagai budaya dasar, bahkan manfaat (efek positifnya) masih bisa dideteksi dan dirasakan namun tidak bisa dipungkiri tentang adanya distorsi khususnya pada aplikasi dari budaya dasar ini; (2) Distorsi pada konsep gotong-royong terjadi karena perubahan rentang waktu yang berlaku bagi konsep. Semakin panjang rentang waktu yang berlaku pada konsep maka semakin konsep gotong-royong mendekati konsep awalnya. Saran untuk memperbaiki keadaan lapangan tentang penerapan konsep gotong-royong (yang cenderung menunjukkan adanya distorsi terutama pada aplikasinya) diberikan kepada masyarakat dengan kembali kepada konsep awal dari gotong-royong yang cenderung untuk selalu memiliki implikasi positif.Tujuan utama dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap salah satu surat yang ada dalam Al Qur’an, yaitu surat Al-Ashr. Artikel ini menyandingkan konsep dalam surat Al-Ashr dengan konsep gotong-royong yang merupakan budaya dasar dari bangsa Indonesia. Artikel ini memperlihatkan bahwa gotong-royong sebagai budaya dasar bangsa Indonesia memiliki aplikasi yang dapat berimplikasi positif atau negatif, sementara surat Al-Ashr selalu memiliki aplikasi yang berimplikasi positif. Beberapa simpulan adalah (1) bangsa Indonesia masih memiliki budaya gotong-royong sebagai budaya dasar, bahkan manfaat (efek positifnya) masih bisa dideteksi dan dirasakan namun tidak bisa dipungkiri tentang adanya distorsi khususnya pada aplikasi dari budaya dasar ini; (2) Distorsi pada konsep gotong-royong terjadi karena perubahan rentang waktu yang berlaku bagi konsep. Semakin panjang rentang waktu yang berlaku pada konsep maka semakin konsep gotong-royong mendekati konsep awalnya. Saran untuk memperbaiki keadaan lapangan tentang penerapan konsep gotongroyong (yang cenderung menunjukkan adanya distorsi terutama pada aplikasinya) diberikan kepada masyarakat dengan kembali kepada konsep awal dari gotong-royong yang cenderung untuk selalu memiliki implikasi positif

    Kreativitas Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Menyusun Bahan Ajar Berbasis Multimedia di SMPN 2 Pangkajene Kepulauan Kab. Pangkep

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pertama, guru PAI di SMPN 2 Pangkajene Kab. Pangkep pada dasarnya telah kreatif dalam menyusun bahan ajar berbasis multimedia. Media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran PAI di SMPN 2 Pangkajene Kab. Pangkep di antaranya adalah LCD proyektor, video, film, peta konsep, boneka peraga, dan VCD. Kedua, faktor pendukung dalam menyusun bahan ajar berbasis multimedia antara lain besarnya semangat guru dan peserta didik dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif, memberikan pengalaman lebih nyata, menarik perhatian dan minat peserta didik dalam belajar. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam menyusun bahan ajar berbasis multimedia adalah kurangnya ketersediaan LCD proyektor dan kemampuan guru menggunakan media berbasis multimedia
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