EJournal STIT PN (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Palapa Nusantara) Lombok NTB (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
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    1987 research outputs found

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di RA Al-Akhyar Jakarta Selatan

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    Al-Qur’an education for young children is important, especially for the development of children’s character. This research focuses on Al-Qur’an learning management at RA Al Akhyar, Cilandak, South Jakarta. The employed method is qualitative. The research data is interviewing results with the school principal as primary source data, supplemented by observations of the Al-Qur’an learning management at RA Al-Akhyar during 2022/23 academic years in March to May 2023. The research results show Al-Qur’an learning management at RA Al Akhyar is conducted systematically, involving teachers as implementers and the teacher council in policy-making. The curriculum at RA Al Akhyar is dynamic. Planning involves the modification of self-learning models through: (1) the use of storytelling methods, (2) teachers as role models to instill Al-Qur’an knowledge and values. The learning is conducted in an effective 30-minute duration and implements the planned learning model. The learning process also involves parents in activities that require guidance. Learning evaluation is conducted systematically with daily and end-of-semester records of learning. The final assessment takes into consideration not only the child's abilities but also the child's mental maturity in Quranic learning

    Implementation of Transformational Education Management Model at SMKN 1 Pantai Cermin: Challenges and Opportunities

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    In facing the dynamics of the times, the implementation of the Transformational Education Management Model at SMKN 1 Pantai Cermin requires a deep understanding of critical aspects involving educational actors. One solution that attracts attention is the implementation of the Transformational Education Management Model at the level of SMKN 1 Pantai Cermin. This model emphasizes not only on the academic aspect, but also on the development of the student's personality, social skills, and intrinsic motivation necessary for success in life. The purpose of this study is to know implementation of transformational education management model at SMKN 1 Pantai Cermin: challenges and opportunities. This research method uses Descriptive method Analysis with a type of qualitative research, which is a type of research that describes phenomena or facts on the object under study to take the essence of each phenomenon. The results of this study show that The implementation of the Transformational Education Management Model in Senior High School (SMKN 1 Pantai Cermin) has produced promising results, along with an average score of 7.4. Despite the positive achievements, the evaluation shows several areas that need further attention. Increased parental involvement, in particular, is a top priority to ensure the full support of all stakeholders in a student's educational journey. Success in stimulating teacher creativity and student learning interest is a positive point, giving an indication that this model is effective in creating a dynamic learning environment

    Pengembangan Media Game Edukasi pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS Materi Rangka, Sendi, dan Otot Kelas VI SD Negeri 40 Pontianak Utara

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    This research aims to produce a product in the form of an educational game media for the IPAS subject with material on the Skeleton, Joints, and Muscles in the sixth grade of SDN 40 Pontianak Utara that can be considered suitable for use. The research and development (R&D) method is employed, adapting the Thiagarajan 4D development model, which includes the stages of Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination. The data sources for this research come from the validation results of two expert validators, practicality questionnaires for teachers, and feedback from students. Data collection involves validators' validation questionnaires and practicality questionnaires. The results of the research indicate that during the development process of educational game media, these four stages have been successfully implemented. The validity level of educational game media in terms of media reaches an average of 4.45, categorized as highly valid, while the material aspect obtains an average of 4.6, also categorized as highly valid. The practicality of using educational game media in the IPAS subject with material on the Skeleton, Joints, and Muscles for the sixth grade by teachers achieves a score of 4.47, categorized as very practical, while by students, it reaches a score of 4.1, also categorized as very practical. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the educational game media developed for the IPAS subject with material on the Skeleton, Joints, and Muscles for the sixth grade can be considered suitable for use in the teaching and learning process

    Kecerdasan Religius Umat Islam di Desa Betteng Deata, Kec. Gandangbatu Sillanan, Kab. Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Religious intelligence is an intelligence that can be used to face and solve problems of meaning and value. It can be interpreted that this intelligence can place a person's behavior and life in a broader meaning. The diversity of Muslims is characterized by the ability of the Muslim minority community to carry out social activities with non-Muslim communities, such as the inauguration of traditional houses and other social activities in Betteng Deata village. The aim of this research is to determine religious intelligence, forms of religious intelligence and factors that influence religious intelligence in Islamic communities in Betteng Deata Village, Kec. Gandangbatu Sillanan, Kab. Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. In this research, a qualitative descriptive research method was used by selecting the problem under study, namely the religious intelligence of Muslims in Betteng Deata Village, Kec. Gandangbatu Sillanan District. Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. The results of this research found religious intelligence in the form of the ability of Muslims to provide a good example to the general public, such as in selecting village leaders, the ability to respect differences in beliefs, such as during the celebration of religious holidays, the ability to resolve problems, such as differences of opinion between groups, the ability to create religious harmony, such as in social activities. Apart from that, several forms of religious intelligence among Muslims were found, such as eradicating illiteracy in the Koran (Dirosa), opening Kindergartens/TPAs, as well as monthly recitations from house to house. As well as various factors that influence religious intelligence, namely environmental factors and congenital factors

    Analisis Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Majelis Taklim: Studi Kasus Majelis Taklim Raudhatul Jannah Cengkareng Jakarta Barat

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    Majelis taklim is a non-formal institution recognized by the government. The existence of majelis taklim serves as one of the pillars in the development of Islamic education in society. The crucial role of majelis taklim certainly requires good management of its implementation. Therefore, this research aims to determine the management of Islamic education implementation in majelis taklim. This research uses majelis taklim Raudhatul Jannah in Kapuk, West Jakarta as its subject. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research instruments used are interviews and observations. The main respondent is the administrator of majelis taklim Raudhatul Jannah, with observation conducted for two months. The analysis conducted using the interactive model bya Miles and Huberman. The results show that the majelis taklim has fulfilled the elements and provisions stipulated in the Ministry of Religion Affairs Regulation number 29 of 2019. The management of administration uses on operational model. The teacher possesses adequate competencies in sufficient numbers. Activities take place not only mosque but also in classrooms and the homes of administrators and mentors. The teaching material focuses on learning the Qur’an with tajwid, recitation, and interpretation methods. Meanwhile, other materials use lectures, question and answer sessions, and practice with exercises for specific topic. This research finds that, in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the management of majelis taklim implementation can be categorized as well-managed

    Inisiatif Pendidikan Unggul: Program Muhadatsah Bahasa Arab di MA Unggulan K.H. ABD Wahab Hasbulloh

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    The research investigates the effectiveness of the Arabic Language Muhadatsah Program at the Leading Islamic High School (Madrasah Aliyah) KH. ABD. Wahab Hasbulloh as a prominent educational initiative. The research method involves a comprehensive analysis of participants and the evaluation of the learning tools utilized in the program. By integrating innovative teaching methods, such as Arabic language dialogue simulations and enhancing speaking skills, the study focuses on measuring the improvement of students' Arabic language skills. The research findings highlight a significant enhancement in Arabic language learning, particularly in the muhadatsah or speaking skills aspect. These results provide important contributions to understanding the effectiveness of the prominent Arabic language learning program at educational institutions, specifically at MA Unggulan K.H. ABD Wahab Hasbulloh, Leading Islamic High School, offering evidence and recommendations for ongoing curriculum development and teaching quality enhancement efforts. This abstract underscores the crucial value of skill-focused programs and a focus on foreign educational excellence

    تعليم اللغة العربية بإستخدام طريقة لعبة البطاقة فى المدرسة الإبتدائية نور الجديد كروجيل مدينة بروبولنجو

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    This research explores the implementation of the Matching Card card game method in teaching Arabic at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Jadid, Krucil, Probolinggo Regency, with the aim of improving students' Arabic language skills through an interactive and fun approach. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection in the form of observations and interviews regarding the Arabic language learning process in class 3. Researchers use Matching Cards containing pictures of vocabulary, phrases or sentences in Arabic, and their translations in Indonesian, in class. The results of the research show that the Matching Card card game method is effective in increasing students' understanding of Arabic vocabulary and structure. Students demonstrated high engagement and significant improvement in the ability to use Arabic in communicative situations. This method also increases students' learning motivation, creates a fun learning environment, and strengthens social interaction between students in the classroom

    Implementasi Metode Ummi dalam Program Tahfidzul Qur’an di SD 02 Pucung Lor

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    The skills of reading and memorizing the Quran are skills that are commonly emphasized in Islamic Education institutions. The methods used also vary. One method that can be implemented is the Ummi method as has been implemented at SD 02 Pucung Lor. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the Ummi method in the Tahfidzul Qur'an program at SD 02 Pucung Lor. This research is a qualitative research with the type of case study. The results showed that the implementation of the Ummi method in the Tahfidzul Qur'an program at SD 02 Pucung Lor was carried out by tahfidz teachers who already had the Ummi method teacher certification. Learning is carried out after teaching and learning activities are completed with different targets for each class. The learning process is carried out in a classical way (all students) and one-on-one (one by one facing the teacher) and combined with games and tones. This makes learning fun. The implication of the implementation of the Ummi method at SD 02 Pucung Lor is to maximize the results of the Quran tahfidzul program

    Strategi Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di SD Islam Terpadu Al-Abqari Kota Subulussalam Provinsi Aceh

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    The aim of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is not just to fill students' minds with knowledge and subject matter, but to cleanse their souls which must be filled with good morals and values. This is in accordance with the aim of multicultural education, namely to create a harmonious life in a pluralistic society. The aim of this research is to determine multicultural education strategies in learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at the AL-ABQARI Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Subulussalam City, Aceh Province. This research method is a qualitative approach. The research subjects (informants) were school principals, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers and students. Data collection techniques for this research are observation and interviews. The results of this research are that multicultural education strategies in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning are: 1) Teachers teach with teaching and learning activities by creating heterogeneous groups based on the division of groups of students of different genders, having different cultures; 2) Relationships between students in one group communicate with each other, work together and collaborate positively (human relations); 3) Single group studies, where the teacher explains in detail things that promote pluralism but does not emphasize social stratification in schools; 4) Teaching and learning activities use curriculum and learning materials that emphasize differences. Teachers empower the culture of students brought to school who come from different groups; 5) Teachers make a lot of effort to help students develop positive attitudes about group differences. The conclusion of this research is that Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning at the AL-ABQARI Integrated Islamic Elementary School is carried out using a multicultural education strategy

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dalam Pembelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah Ibtida’iyah

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    The purpose of this study is to examine developing critical thinking skills in learning fiqh of MIN 7 Boyolali, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data reduction, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that developing critical thinking skills in fiqh learning at MIN 7 Boyolali has been carried out quite well. This shows that the fiqh teacher at MIN 7 Boyolali has a good understanding of critical thinking skills and how to apply them in fiqh learning. In addition, teachers have also used various learning methods that can develop critical thinking skills. However, there are still some things that can be improved in developing critical thinking skills in fiqh learning at MIN 7 Boyolali, namely teachers need to provide more opportunities for students to practice critical thinking, and the fiqh curriculum and syllabus need to be reviewed to place more emphasis on developing critical thinking skills. The contribution of this research is to provide an overview of the development of critical thinking skills in fiqh learning at MIN 7 Boyolali and provide recommendations to improve the development of critical thinking skills


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