58 research outputs found

    Détection des marnières de Haute Normandie par sismique haute résolution

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    National audienceThis paper presents examples of application of the high resolution reflection seismics for the detection and localisation of underground voids which are old explorations of marl and chalk in Upper Normandy region in France. The voids occur at depths of 35-40 m. The survey is conducted using the classical impulsive down-hole source and the new portable high résolution P wave vibrator. The results show that detection is possible, reliable and precise.Ce papier présente des exemples d'application de la sismique haute résolution à la détection et localisation des cavités souterraines qui résultent d'exploitation de marne et craie dans la région de Haute Normandie. Les vides se trouvent à profondeurs 35 - 40 m. L'investigation est réalisée avec des sources classiques (impulsionnelles) ainsi qu'avec un nouveau mini-vibrateur de haute résolution à ondes P. Les résultats démontrent que la détection est possible, fiable et précise

    Detection of underground Marlpit mine using high resolution seismic

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    International audienceThis paper presents examples of application of high resolution reflection seismic for the detection and location of underground marlpit quarries in the region of haute-Normandie (north-west France) . Since some of these voids are unknown they represent a real danger both for population and building activities. The experiments are carried out at three sites with similar geological setting but differing in depth of voids (30-45 m), and in ground absorption (inelastic attenuation). For each site an explosive source is used. An additional survey is performed using new portable high resolution P wave vibrator, over one of the profiles. This provides an interesting comparison concerning the choice of the source type. In spite of high ground absorption and natural irregularities of the geological structure, the results show that the detection of marlpit underground quarries, often considered as unresolved, is possible

    Exploring the capacity for anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and naphthenic acids by microbes from oil-sands-process-affected waters

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    Both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and naphthenic acids (NAs) are natural components of fossil fuels, but they are also widespread toxic and environmentally persistent pollutants. They are the major cause of environmental toxicity in oil-sands-process waters (OSPW). This study aimed to investigate the anaerobic biodegradation of the PAHs pyrene and 2-methylnaphthalene, and the NAs adamantane-1-carboxylic acid and a "natural" NA mixture (i.e., acid-extractable NAs from OSPW) under sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions by a microbial community derived from an oil sands tailings pond. Using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), the rate of biodegradation was measured in relation to changes in bacterial community composition. Only 2-methylnaphthalene was significantly degraded after 260 days, with significantly more degradation under sulfate-reducing (40%) than methanogenic conditions (25%). During 2-methylnaphthalene biodegradation, a major metabolite was produced and tentatively identified as 2-naphthoic acid. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) demonstrated an increase in intensity of bands during the anaerobic biodegradation of 2-methylnaphalene, which derived from species of the genera Fusibacter, Alkaliphilus, Desulfobacterium, Variovorax, Thaurea, and Hydrogenophaga. Despite the biodegradation of 2-methylnaphthalene, this study demonstrates that, under anaerobic conditions, NAs and high-molecular-weight PAHs are the predominant molecules likely to persist in OSPW. Therefore alternative remediation strategies are required

    Bacterial Degradation of Aromatic Compounds

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    Aromatic compounds are among the most prevalent and persistent pollutants in the environment. Petroleum-contaminated soil and sediment commonly contain a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic aromatics. Aromatics derived from industrial activities often have functional groups such as alkyls, halogens and nitro groups. Biodegradation is a major mechanism of removal of organic pollutants from a contaminated site. This review focuses on bacterial degradation pathways of selected aromatic compounds. Catabolic pathways of naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo[a]pyrene are described in detail. Bacterial catabolism of the heterocycles dibenzofuran, carbazole, dibenzothiophene, and dibenzodioxin is discussed. Bacterial catabolism of alkylated PAHs is summarized, followed by a brief discussion of proteomics and metabolomics as powerful tools for elucidation of biodegradation mechanisms

    Anaerober Bioabbau polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe

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    Aromatic hydrocarbons belong to the most important ground water contaminants. Especially in the absence of molecular oxygen their degradation proceeds very slowly, leading to the formation of long contaminant plumes and pollutant transport over long distances. Such processes endanger the drinking water supply in many areas. The objective of this work was the examination of microbial degradation pathways and enrichment of new cultures. Based on laboratory results, conclusions should be drawn about potential natural attenuation in contaminated ground water. The sulphate-reducing culture N47 can utilise naphthalene or 2-mnethylnaphthalene as the sole carbon source and electron donor. Anaerobic degradation of 2-methylnaphthalene is initiated by an addition of fumarate to the methyl group producing the first intermediate, naphthyl-2-methyl-succinate. In a subsequent b-oxidation of the original methyl atom, the central metabolite 2-naphthoic acid is generated. In the following pathway, the aromatic ring system is reduced, cleaved, and finally oxidized to CO2. The activities of two enzymes involved in the upper degradation pathway of 2-methylnaphthalene, succinyl-CoA:naphthyl-2-methyl-succinate CoA-transferase and naphthyl-2-methyl-succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase, were measured in crude cell extracts. Succinyl-CoA:naphthyl-2-methyl-succinate CoA-transferase was not inhibited by sodium borohydride or hydroxylamine indicating that this enzyme belongs to the family III of CoA-transferases similar to the corresponding enzyme in the anaerobic toluene degradation pathway. The enzymatic activity of naphthyl-2-methyl-succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase could only be detected using phenazine methosulphate (PMS) as electron acceptor. No activity was observed with natural electron acceptors such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) or flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Also the activation mechanism of naphthalene was investigated. Contrary to previous reports postulating a carboxylation, it could be demonstrated that the initial reaction in the anaerobic degradation of naphthalene is methylation to 2-methylnaphthalene. Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinate and naphthyl-2-methylene-succinate, specific metabolites occurring exclusively during anaerobic degradation of 2-methylnaphthalene were detected during growth on naphthalene. Additionally, enzymes of the anaerobic 2-methylnaphthalene degradation pathway could be detected in naphthalene-grown cells with similar activities. When the cells were transferred from 2-methylnaphthalene to naphthalene, the lag-phase lasted for almost 100 days indicating that additional catabolic enzymes have to be activated in this case. In the opposite case, after the transfer from naphthalene to 2-methylnaphthalene, the cells grew immediately demonstrating that no new enzymes had to be induced. As contaminant plumes in ground water contain normally mixtures of numerous substances, the influence of diverse polycyclic and heterocyclic compounds on growth on naphthalene or on 2-methylnaphthalene was investigated. Cometabolic transformation of the majority of the offered cosubstrates was observed, whereas they were converted to the corresponding carboxylic acids, frequently to several isomers. Some compounds were methylated and transformed to the corresponding methyl-succinic acids. In few cases, a partial or total inhibition of growth was detected. As one of the principal obstacles in the investigation of anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds is the lack of appropriate cultures, new enrichments with different substrates and electron donors were prepared. Amongst others, a novel sulphate-reducing biphenyl degrading enrichment culture was obtained. 4-biphenylic acid was detected in culture supernatants as a putative metabolite. The culture was also able to convert cometabolically 4-fluorobiphenyl to 4-flourobiphenyl-carboxylic acid. The data obtained during this work contribute significantly to a better understanding of anaerobic degradation of polycyclic aromatic compounds.Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe gehören zu den häufigsten Schadstoffen im Grundwasser. Besonders in Abwesenheit vom molekularen Sauerstoff werden sie extrem langsam abgebaut, was zur Ausbildung langer Schadstofffahnen und ihrem Transport über lange Distanzen führt. So gefährden sie die Trinkwasserversorgung in vielen Gebieten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung mikrobieller Abbauwege und Anreicherung neuer Kulturen. Auf Grundlage der Laborergebnisse sollten Aussagen über den potentiellen Schadstoffabbau im kontaminiertem Grundwasser getroffen werden. Die sulfatreduzierende Kultur N47 kann mit Naphthalin oder 2-Methylnaphthalin als einziger Kohlenstoffquelle und Elektronendonor wachsen. Der anaerobe Abbau von 2-Methylnaphthalin beginnt mit der Addition von Fumarat an die Methylgruppe, wodurch das erste Intermediat, Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinat, entsteht. Bei der folgenden b-Oxidation am ursprünglichen Methyl-Atom entsteht der zentrale Metabolit, 2-Naphthoesäure. Während des weiteren Abbaus wird das aromatische Ringsystem reduziert, gespalten und dann zu CO2 oxidiert. Die Aktivitäten zweier Enzyme des oberen Abbauweges von 2-Methylnaphthalin, succinyl-CoA:naphthyl-2-methyl-succinat CoA-Transferase und Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinyl-CoA Dehydrogenase, wurden in Zellextrakten gemessen. Succinyl-CoA:naphthyl-2-methyl-succinate CoA-Transferase wurde nicht durch Natrium Borhydrid oder durch Hydroxylamin inhibiert, was ein Hinweis auf die Zugehörigkeit dieses Enzyms zur Familie III der CoA-Transferasen ist, zu der auch das analoge Enzym des anaeroben Abbauweges von Toluol gehört. Die Aktivität der Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinyl-CoA Dehydrogenase konnte nur mit dem künstlichen Elektronenakzeptor Phenazinmethosulfat (PMS) gemessen werden. Keine Enzymaktivität war mit natürlichen Elektronenakzeptoren wie Nikotinamid-Adenindinukleotid (NAD+) oder Flavinadenin-Dinukleotid (FAD) messbar. Es wurde auch der Aktivierungsmechanismus von Naphthalin untersucht. Entgegen früheren Berichten, die eine Carboxylierung postulierten, konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit nachgewiesen werden, dass die Initialreaktion im anaeroben Naphthalinabbau eine Methylierung zu 2-Methylnaphthalin ist. Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinat und Naphthyl-2-methylen-succinat, zwei spezifische Metabolite, die ausschließlich während des anaeroben Abbaus von 2-Methylnaphthalin entstehen, wurden während des Wachstums auf Naphthalin in Kulturüberständen nachgewiesen. Zusätzlich konnten die Enzyme des anaeroben Abbauweges von 2-Methylnaphthalin während des Wachstums auf Naphthalin mit ähnlichen Aktivitäten nachgewiesen werden. Nachdem die Zellen von 2-Methylnaphthalin auf Naphthalin übertragen worden waren, dauerte die Lag-Phase nahezu 100 Tage, was darauf hindeutete, dass zusätzliche Enzyme aktiviert werden müssen. Im umgekehrten Fall, nach der Übertragung von Naphthalin auf 2-Methylnaphthalin, setzte das Wachstum sofort ein, wobei offensichtlich keine neuen Enzyme induziert werden mussten. Da die Schadstofffahnen im Grundwasser normalerweise Gemische zahlreicher Substanzen enthalten, wurde der Einfluss verschiedener polyzyklischer und heterozyklischer Substanzen auf das Wachstum auf Naphthalin oder 2-Methylnaphthalin untersucht. Es konnte kometabolische Umsetzung der meisten eingesetzten Substanzen beobachtet werden, wobei die Kosubstrate zu den entsprechenden Carboxylsäuren umgewandelt wurden, oft zu mehreren Isomeren. Manche Substanzen wurden methyliert und zu den entsprechenden Methylsuccinaten verstoffwechselt. In einigen Fällen konnte eine partielle oder völlige Inhibierung des Wachstums beobachtet werden. Da bei der Untersuchung des anaeroben Abbaus aromatischer Substanzen der Mangel an entsprechenden Kulturen eines der Haupthindernisse ist, wurden Anreicherungen mit verschiedenen Substraten und Elektronenakzeptoren durchgeführt. Unter anderen konnte eine neue sulfatreduzierende, biphenyl-abbauende Kultur angereichert werden. 4-Biphenylsäure wurde als potentieller Metabolit in den Kulturüberständen entdeckt. Die Kultur konnte ebenfalls 4-Fluorobiphenyl zu 4-Flourobiphenyl-Carboxylsäure kometabolisch umwandeln. Die während der vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Daten tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis des anaeroben Abbaus polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe bei

    Diagnostic ultrasonore de la dégradation mécanique et structurale du béton

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    The present work concerns the development of tools for non-destructive and non-contact diagnostic of state (degradation) of construction materials, mainly concrete. Attention is focused on two complementary techniques using the propagation of ultrasonic waves, i.e. the study of surface waves propagation and the analysis of reflection coefficients as a function of incidence angle (reflectometry). The theoretical part of the thesis shows the foundations of modelling the considered phenomena, as well as the implementation of the described models in solving the inverse problems. Software developed for this work uses optimization algorithms for identification of model parameters based on the measurement data. The chapters concerning the experimental work shows the construction of two measurement systems developed according to assumptions, including their possible use in both laboratory and field conditions. Applications of the developed diagnostic tools are discussed based on the examples of the results obtained in the laboratory and for the real objects. They allow to specify the parameters such as the depth of degradation, velocity of surface and S-waves as functions of the depth for the tested material and surface permeability, porosity and tortuosity of tested material.Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire concerne le développement d'outils pour le diagnostic non-destructif et sans contact de l’état (dégradation) des matériaux de construction, principalement du béton. La thèse est focalisée sur deux techniques d’évaluation utilisant la propagation des ondes ultra-sonores : l'étude de la propagation des ondes de surface et l'analyse des coefficients de réflexion en fonction de l'angle d'incidence (réflectométrie). La partie théorique du travail présente les bases de la modélisation des phénomènes considérés, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre des modèles décrits dans la résolution des problèmes inverses. Un logiciel utilisant des algorithmes d'optimisation pour l'identification des paramètres du modèle sur la base des données de mesure est développé dans le cadre ce travail. La partie expérimentale présente le développement de deux systèmes de mesures ainsi que leur utilisation en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Le but de cette partie est non seulement de développer des outils expérimentaux mais aussi de les rendre opérationnels pour une utilisation courante. Les applications des outils développés pour le diagnostic sont discutées sur la base d'exemples de résultats obtenus en laboratoire et in situ. Ils permettent de spécifier les paramètres tels que la profondeur de la dégradation, la vitesse des ondes de surface et des ondes transversales en fonction de la profondeur pour le matériau testé ainsi que la perméabilité de surface, la porosité et la tortuosité du matériau testé

    Ultrasonic diagnostics of mechanical and structural degradation of concrete

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    Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire concerne le développement d'outils pour le diagnostic non-destructif et sans contact de l’état (dégradation) des matériaux de construction, principalement du béton. La thèse est focalisée sur deux techniques d’évaluation utilisant la propagation des ondes ultra-sonores : l'étude de la propagation des ondes de surface et l'analyse des coefficients de réflexion en fonction de l'angle d'incidence (réflectométrie). La partie théorique du travail présente les bases de la modélisation des phénomènes considérés, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre des modèles décrits dans la résolution des problèmes inverses. Un logiciel utilisant des algorithmes d'optimisation pour l'identification des paramètres du modèle sur la base des données de mesure est développé dans le cadre ce travail. La partie expérimentale présente le développement de deux systèmes de mesures ainsi que leur utilisation en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Le but de cette partie est non seulement de développer des outils expérimentaux mais aussi de les rendre opérationnels pour une utilisation courante. Les applications des outils développés pour le diagnostic sont discutées sur la base d'exemples de résultats obtenus en laboratoire et in situ. Ils permettent de spécifier les paramètres tels que la profondeur de la dégradation, la vitesse des ondes de surface et des ondes transversales en fonction de la profondeur pour le matériau testé ainsi que la perméabilité de surface, la porosité et la tortuosité du matériau testé.The present work concerns the development of tools for non-destructive and non-contact diagnostic of state (degradation) of construction materials, mainly concrete. Attention is focused on two complementary techniques using the propagation of ultrasonic waves, i.e. the study of surface waves propagation and the analysis of reflection coefficients as a function of incidence angle (reflectometry). The theoretical part of the thesis shows the foundations of modelling the considered phenomena, as well as the implementation of the described models in solving the inverse problems. Software developed for this work uses optimization algorithms for identification of model parameters based on the measurement data. The chapters concerning the experimental work shows the construction of two measurement systems developed according to assumptions, including their possible use in both laboratory and field conditions. Applications of the developed diagnostic tools are discussed based on the examples of the results obtained in the laboratory and for the real objects. They allow to specify the parameters such as the depth of degradation, velocity of surface and S-waves as functions of the depth for the tested material and surface permeability, porosity and tortuosity of tested material
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