24 research outputs found

    Assessment of knee flexion in young children with prosthetic knee components using dynamic time warping

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    Introduction: Analysis of human locomotion is challenged by limitations in traditional numerical and statistical methods as applied to continuous timeseries data. This challenge particularly affects understanding of how close limb prostheses are to mimicking anatomical motion. This study was the first to apply a technique called Dynamic Time Warping to measure the biomimesis of prosthetic knee motion in young children and addressed the following research questions: Is a combined dynamic time warping/root mean square analysis feasible for analyzing pediatric lower limb kinematics? When provided at an earlier age than traditional protocols dictate, can children with limb loss utilize an articulating prosthetic knee in a biomimetic manner? Methods: Warp costs and amplitude differences were generated for knee flexion curves in a sample of ten children five years of age and younger: five with unilateral limb loss and five age-matched typically developing children. Separate comparisons were made for stance phase flexion and swing phase flexion via two-way ANOVAs between bilateral limbs in both groups, and between prosthetic knee vs. dominant anatomical knee in age-matched pairs between groups. Greater warp costs indicated greater temporal dissimilarities, and a follow-up root mean square assessed remaining amplitude dissimilarities. Bilateral results were assessed by age using linear regression. Results: The technique was successfully applied in this population. Young children with limb loss used a prosthetic knee biomimetically in both stance and swing, with mean warp costs of 12.7 and 3.3, respectively. In the typically developing group, knee motion became more symmetrical with age, but there was no correlation in the limb loss group. In all comparisons, warp costs were significantly greater for stance phase than swing phase. Analyses were limited by the small sample size. Discussion: This study has established that dynamic time warping with root mean square analysis can be used to compare the entirety of time-series curves generated in gait analysis. The study also provided clinically relevant insights on the development of mature knee flexion patterns during typical development, and the role of a pediatric prosthetic knee

    The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Urban Supply Chain Governance in Ahvaz City

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    Abstract- This paper reports a study of the effect of transformational leadership style on urban supply chain governance in Ahvaz city. We adopted a qualitativequantitative approach to conduct interviews. Two survey questionnaires (for transformational leadership style and urban supply chain governance indicators) were used to collect data from managers and employees working in 8 municipal regions in Ahvaz city, Iran. In order to collect data for this study, our research sample are (N=205) working managers and employees. Our results suggest that transformational leadership style has a significant positive and direct effect on urban supply chain governance. Our findings also show a strong impact between transformational leadership style and participation as urban supply chain governance index. This study offers that extending leadership styles and their applications and influences in urban studies could have great importance, especially urban management and governance. Key word- transformational leadership, urban supply chain governance, participation, effectiveness, Ahva

    Future Research of the Housing Supply System in Iran's Metropolises: A Case Study of Ahvaz Metropolis

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    AbstractThe aim of the current research was to identify the effective factors in the future state of housing planning in Ahvaz metropolis. The research method was applied based on the purpose and descriptive-analytical based on the nature. In this regard, by applying the mutual effects analysis method in Mikmak software, the key factors affecting the housing supply system of Ahvaz City were identified. Finally, the effective factors of the housing supply system in the mentioned city were selected by using the scenario writing method in the software and the scenario wizard was executed. The findings showed that the 7 factors of migration, marginalization, weakening of the value of national currency, low ability to pay loans, increase in land prices, insignificant credit facilities, and lack of an integrated and coordinated management system in the housing sector had the most impacts and key roles in the system. They provided housing in Ahvaz City.Keywords: future research, housing, housing supply, Ahvaz metropolis IntroductionIn recent decades, the cities of Iran have experienced an increasing concentration of population; yet, the weakness of economic management, lack of comprehensive housing planning, and inadequacy of the government's economic infrastructure have caused the problem of housing shortage and inadequate housing supply. The various policies and programs of the government have not led to good results either. The issue of the land market has caused a large part of lands in the capital to be attracted and ultimately, a large number of citizens to be deprived of shelter. Ahvaz metropolis in Khuzestan Province has undergone extensive demographic and spatial changes during the last decade for 3 main reasons: 1) having provincial centrality, 2) becoming a major industrial hub in line with adopting the policy of creating a growth hub, and 3) disrupting the order of the urban network as a result of the 8-year war and destruction of the major partner cities (Abadan and Khorramshahr) in favor of the all-round development of this city. As a result of these factors, the population of this city has had an increase of 120,098 to 1184,788 people during the years of 1956-2016). In the first general census of the country in 2015, Ahvaz had a population of 120,098 people. Therefore, this rapid population growth has caused problems, such as low quality of housing in the city, lack of ownership by a group of citizens, small areas of ​​residential units, etc. Based on this, this research sought to research the future of the housing supply system in Ahvaz metropolis to respond to the current and future needs and solve the existing problems in this city. In this regard, the main goal of the current research was to identify the most important factors influencing the future state of housing planning in Ahvaz metropolis. MethodologyThe main purpose of this research was to identify the most important factors influencing the future state of housing planning in Ahvaz metropolis. Therefore, a descriptive-analytical and survey method was chosen in this research. In the first step, a list of the primary factors that played a role in the housing supply system of Ahvaz City were identified as the research variables by using documentary sources and previous researches, as well as  the Delphi questionnaire. The research variables were analyzed based on an expert questionnaire. In the research process, by using the mutual effects analysis method and Micmac software, the influences of the primary factors on each other were evaluated in the form of the expert questionnaire. Finally, by using another questionnaire, the key factors of housing supply in Ahvaz City were selected via the scenario writing method in the Scenario Wizard software. The statistical population of the research included the specialists and experts of the urban area. The size of the studied sample was determined through the theoretical saturation of 30 experts through the snowball sampling method. The validity of the research tool was evaluated by university professors and it was confirmed after fixing the problems and deficiencies. To measure the reliability of the first expert’s questionnaire (analysis of mutual effects) and the second expert’s questionnaire (scenario writing), the questionnaire was completed by 10% of the experts and then, the results obtained from the supervisor could be cited and confirmed. DiscussionThe results showed that 7 key factors played a role in the housing supply system of Ahvaz City. As shown in Figure 3, these factors include migration, marginalization, weakening of the value of national currency, low ability to pay loans, increase in land prices, insignificant credit facilities, and lack of an integrated and coordinated management system in the housing sector. Also, the results revealed that the 3rd scenario was the most optimistic and promising scenario for the housing supply system of Ahvaz City with 5 favorable conditions and a suitable percentage of 42.87%. The 1st and 2nd scenarios were intermediate. The 2nd and 4th scenarios were respectively the most critical scenarios with unfavorable situations for the housing supply system of Ahvaz City. ConclusionHousing is one of the most essential human needs after food and clothing and it is very important for the preservation and survival of the individuals and society. It is related to one of the most basic and sensitive sectors in economic and social development planning. The rapid growth of population in Ahvaz City has caused problems, such as low quality of housing in the city, lack of ownership by a group of citizens, small areas of ​​residential units, inappropriate interference of activities by residing adjacent to the functional zones of the city, especially heavy industries and administrative-service zones, placement of extensive military, industrial, and wasteland uses in the middle of the residential context (one of the main factors of disintegration of the urban structure of this city), existence of the residential formal or informal settlements, like villages outside the legal boundaries and adjacent to the city, which have their own service and infrastructure needs, illegal constructions in the river boundary and encroachment on its bed, etc. In addition, financial and economic inabilities of low-income groups on the one hand and lack of modern planning and appropriate support mechanisms on the other hand have prevented the vulnerable groups from having access to suitable housing. This lack of access has shown itself in various forms of marginalization and ugly urban landscapes and has caused all kinds of social and economic problems. All these clearly reveal the necessity of fundamental change in the planning process from the traditional method based on forecasting trends towards modern planning with a forward-looking approach. Cities need to be planned with a new approach to recognizing the future challenges so as not to be caught off guard in the face of the upcoming challenges and can take control and manage a favorable future condition. References:- Alavi, A., Benari, S., & Samadi, M. (2017). Analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing in the city of Ahvaz and forecasting the required housing until 2021. Geography and Human Relations, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 867-850.- Arvin, M (2014). Survey of urban sprawl with an emphasis on endogenous development (Case study of Ahvaz City). 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Habitat International, 56, pp. 1-10. https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.04.003 Figures and Tables- Table 1: Housing provision policies in Iran at different times- Table 1: Population of Ahvaz City during the years of 1956-2016- Fig. 1: Location of the study area (Vice President of Planning and Development of Human Capital of Ahvaz Municipality, 2022)- Table 3: Factors and components affecting the housing supply system of Ahvaz City- Table 4: Descriptive statistics of the respondents' status- Table 5: The direct and indirect effects of the factors on each other- Fig. 2: The distribution diagram of the variables in the impact-affectability axis based on the direct effects- Fig. 3: Factors affecting the housing supply system of Ahvaz City- Table 6: Key factors, situation, and possible assumptions facing the system- Table 7: Status of each of the key factors according to the compatible scenarios- Table 8: Coefficients, number, and percentage of each of the scenarios based on the 3 spectr

    The effect of rocker shoe on the ground reaction force parameters in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objectives: Foot and ankle problems are common complications in rheumatoid arthritis disease. Gait pattern such as normal foot and ankle rocker is impaired in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rocker sole as an external shoe modification is commonly prescribed in this pathology. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rocker shoe on vertical ground reaction force parameters during walking in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Sixteen female participants with rheumatoid arthritis were recruited in this study. All patients were prepared with a pair of high-top, heel-to-toe rocker shoe and were asked to wear the shoes for one month. Ground reaction force parameters including peak forces and peak force times were evaluated in the first session, and after seven days and thirty days follow up were carried on. Results: First maximal vertical force was significantly increased with rocker shoe compared to barefoot after 7 days follow up. Walking with rocker shoe reduced the minimal vertical force after 7 days. The second maximal vertical force showed to be statistically lower with rocker shoe than barefoot after 7 and 30 days. Furthermore, stance time decreased with rocker shoe after one month. Discussion: Results of this study revealed that vertical ground reaction force parameters changed in rheumatoid arthritis patients with heel-to-toe rocker shoe, both immediately and after one month follow up. This might suggest the effectiveness of rocker shoes in improving gait in rheumatoid arthritis patients

    Compilation of scenarios and providing effective strategies for future social resilience (Case study: Ahwaz metropolis)

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    Objective: The present study, with a futuristic approach, will elaborate effective scenarios in the future of social resilience and provide effective strategies in this field.  This research is applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of a combination of documentary and Methods: survey methods and in terms of its nature, based on the new method of futuristic, analytic and exploratory science that has been carried out using a combination of quantitative and qualitative models. The statistical population of this research for the urban resilience Future Studies is of 45 urban experts who have been questioned and the results of their review have been used to identify the key factors for shaping social resilience in the future. Deployed forces are characterized by a Delphi method, and then these factors are prioritized and the most crucial determinants are determined by importance and uncertainty, and for future scenarios, the Micmac software has been used. Results:The results show in the resilience scatter diagram status variable and unstable social system prevailing Ahwaz social resilience. Finally, out of the 54 factors mentioned above, after examining the extent and which these factors affect each other and on the future status of these settlements in the output of Micmac software. Conclusion:Theten key factors with the highest direct and indirect impact on the future of Ahwaz's social resilience were identified: Income status, boycott, poverty, urban management weakness, increased migration, financial incentives, unemployment, reduced oil exports, worn out texture, weak institutions that play the most role in the future of social resilience in the Ahwaz metropolitan

    Design and preliminary evaluation of a new ankle foot orthosis on kinetics and kinematics parameters for multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background: The damage of the central nervous system due to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) leads to many walking disorders in this population. However, current ankle-foot orthoses prescribed for improving walking disorders for these patients are not clinically cost-efficient. Objective: This study aimed to design and fabricate a dynamic ankle foot orthosis and a new spring-damper joint mechanism that could adapt the walking problems of MS patients and evaluate the immediate effect of the new orthosis on the speed, range of motion, moment, total work and ground reaction force during walking. Material and Methods: In this case-series study, after the design and fabrication of a new orthosis, the kinetics and kinematics of walking of four patients with MS were assessed in a case series study. Results: Walking speed improved with the new orthosis in two participants. The sagittal range of motion (ROM) increased for most of the participants. The sagittal moments increased for hip, knee and ankle joints in most of the measurements. The total joint work showed noticeable difference in the ankle joint. The increased values of vertical component of the ground reaction force (VGRF) were negligible and the increase in the impulse of VGRF was noticeable for only one participant. Conclusion: The new orthosis had positive effects kinetic and kinematic parameters of walking such as the increased velocity by two subjects and also a more normal sagittal ROM, moment and work, suggesting the potential usefulness of the new orthotic device for MS population. © 2020, Shriaz University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Speed-related energy flow and joint function change during human walking

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    During human walking, mechanical energy transfers between segments via joints. Joint mechanics of the human body are coordinated with each other to adapt to speed change. The aim of this study is to analyze the functional behaviors of major joints during walking, and how joints and segments alter walking speed during different periods (collision, rebound, preload, and push-off) of stance phase. In this study, gait experiment was performed with three different self-selected speeds. Mechanical works of joints and segments were determined with collected data. Joint function indices were calculated based on net joint work. The results show that the primary functional behaviors of joints would not change with altering walking speed, but the function indices might be changed slightly (e.g., strut functions decrease with increasing walking speed). Waist acts as strut during stance phase and contributes to keep stability during collision when walking faster. Knee of stance leg does not contribute to altering walking speed. Hip and ankle absorb more mechanical energy to buffer the strike during collision with increasing walking speed. What is more, hip and ankle generate more energy during push-off with greater motion to push distal segments forward with increasing walking speed. Ankle also produces more mechanical energy during push-off to compensate the increased heel-strike collision of contralateral leg during faster walking. Thus, human may utilize the cooperation of hip and ankle during collision and push-off to alter walking speed. These findings indicate that speed change in walking leads to fundamental changes to joint mechanics

    Pediatric Prosthetic Knee Angle Dataset for Dynamic Time Warping

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    Non-time-normalized knee joint angles from children with unilateral lower limb loss requiring a prosthetic knee joint (LL) and age-matched controls (C), in stance (first column per side) and swing (second column per side). Collected at the Biomechanics Laboratory at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA

    Immediate effect of silicon insole on plantar pressure distribution in subjects with heel spur

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    Background and Objective: Heel spur is a common rearfoot syndrome in more than 45 aged people which accompanied with pain. This study was done to assess the effect of silicon insole on plantar pressure distribution in subjects with heel spur. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 12 female and 3 male with heel spur were recruited. Plantar pressure in five areas of foot was measured by Pedar-X insole when wearing standard shoe only; shoe with foot orthosisimmediately after 9 meter walking. Results: Silicon insole reduced pressure in medial forefoot (P0.05). Silicon insole increased force (P<0.05), contact area (P<0.05) and pressure time integral (PTI) (P<0.05) in medial midfoot and reduced PTI in medial forefoot (P<0.05). Conclusion: Silicon insole reduced mean peak pressure in medial forefoot and mean peak pressure in five area of foot