13 research outputs found
characterisation of unsaturated zone of karst system by gravity and hydrogeological methods
Les aquifĂšres karstiques constituent l'essentiel des ressources en eau du pourtour MĂ©diterranĂ©en. Au delĂ de la zone saturĂ©e de ces systĂšmes, la zone non saturĂ©e constitue une entitĂ© importante quant au transfert et au stockage temporaire de l'eau. La structure et le fonctionnement de cette entitĂ© du karst sont complexes et mal connus Ă cause du processus de karstification qui hiĂ©rarchise la circulation hydrodynamique en son sein. Dans cette Ă©tude nous utilisons des mĂ©thodes gĂ©odĂ©siques et hydrogĂ©ologiques afin d'observer de façon directe et de quantifier les processus de transfert et de stockage de la zone non saturĂ©e. Les mesures gravimĂ©triques en surface et profondeur sur diffĂ©rents systĂšmes karstiques ont permis de quantifier les variations du stockage en eau saisonnier dans la zone non saturĂ©e. La gravimĂ©trie diffĂ©rentielle montre que ces variations sont rĂ©parties dans les quelques premiers mĂštres de la zone non saturĂ©e. Il semble, de plus, que la capacitĂ© de stockage de la zone non saturĂ©e soit fonction de la lithologie de l'encaissant (calcaire et dolomie). Enfin, des observations directes du flux d'eau en zone non saturĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es par le biais de mesures dans diffĂ©rentes cavitĂ©s. Nous montrons que certaines caractĂ©ristiques du flux d'eau en zone non saturĂ©e, comme la prĂ©sence d'un flux bipolaire lent-rapide, peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es quelques soit la profondeur de mesure et la surface d'impluvium. La modĂ©lisation de ce flux, Ă partir d'un schĂ©ma simple, a montrĂ© la complexitĂ© des processus de transfert engendrĂ©s au sein de la zone non saturĂ©e.Karst systems are the most important groundwater reservoirs in Mediterranean area. Beyond saturated zone, unsaturated zone constitute an entity where water storage and transfer play a major role in a global behavior of spring water. This structure and functioning are complex and not well known because of the high heterogeneity created and organized by groundwater flow. In this study, we used gravimetric and hydrogeologic method to directly observe and quantify water storage and transfer processes in unsaturated zone of karst system. Surface to depth gravity measurements on several karst system allow quantifying seasonal water storage changes in unsaturated zone. We show that these variations occur in the first tens meters of unsaturated zone. Furthermore, water storage capacity of unsaturated zone seems to be influenced by lithology (limestone or dolomite). Finally, direct observations of water flow in unsaturated zone are done using caves access. We show that some characteristics of unsaturated water flow such as bipolar slow-fast flow can be widespread for whatever depth of measurement and recharge area. Model of this flow, using a simple modeling scheme, show the complexity of water transfer processes in unsaturated zone of karst system
Caractérisation de la zone non saturée des karsts par la gravimétrie et l'hydrogéologie
Karst systems are the most important groundwater reservoirs in Mediterranean area. Beyond saturated zone, unsaturated zone constitute an entity where water storage and transfer play a major role in a global behavior of spring water. This structure and functioning are complex and not well known because of the high heterogeneity created and organized by groundwater flow. In this study, we used gravimetric and hydrogeologic method to directly observe and quantify water storage and transfer processes in unsaturated zone of karst system. Surface to depth gravity measurements on several karst system allow quantifying seasonal water storage changes in unsaturated zone. We show that these variations occur in the first tens meters of unsaturated zone. Furthermore, water storage capacity of unsaturated zone seems to be influenced by lithology (limestone or dolomite). Finally, direct observations of water flow in unsaturated zone are done using caves access. We show that some characteristics of unsaturated water flow such as bipolar slow-fast flow can be widespread for whatever depth of measurement and recharge area. Model of this flow, using a simple modeling scheme, show the complexity of water transfer processes in unsaturated zone of karst system.Les aquifĂšres karstiques constituent l'essentiel des ressources en eau du pourtour MĂ©diterranĂ©en. Au-delĂ de la zone saturĂ©e de ces systĂšmes, la zone non saturĂ©e constitue une entitĂ© importante quant au transfert et au stockage temporaire de l'eau. La structure et le fonctionnement de cette entitĂ© du karst sont complexes et mal connus Ă cause du processus de karstification qui hiĂ©rarchise la circulation hydrodynamique en son sein. Dans cette Ă©tude nous utilisons des mĂ©thodes gĂ©odĂ©siques et hydrogĂ©ologiques afin d'observer de façon directe et de quantifier les processus de transfert et de stockage de la zone non saturĂ©e. Les mesures gravimĂ©triques en surface et profondeur sur diffĂ©rents systĂšmes karstiques ont permis de quantifier les variations du stockage en eau saisonnier dans la zone non saturĂ©e. La gravimĂ©trie diffĂ©rentielle montre que ces variations sont rĂ©parties dans les quelques premiers mĂštres de la zone non saturĂ©e. Il semble, de plus, que la capacitĂ© de stockage de la zone non saturĂ©e soit fonction de la lithologie de l'encaissant (calcaire et dolomie). Enfin, des observations directes du flux d'eau en zone non saturĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es par le biais de mesures dans diffĂ©rentes cavitĂ©s. Nous montrons que certaines caractĂ©ristiques du flux d'eau en zone non saturĂ©e, comme la prĂ©sence d'un flux bipolaire lent-rapide, peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es quelque soit la profondeur de mesure et la surface d'impluvium. La modĂ©lisation de ce flux, Ă partir d'un schĂ©ma simple, a montrĂ© la complexitĂ© des processus de transfert engendrĂ©s au sein de la zone non saturĂ©e
On the impact of topography and building mask on time varying gravity due to local hydrology
International audienceWe use 3 yr of surface absolute gravity measurements at three sites on the Larzac plateau (France) to quantify the changes induced by topography and the building on gravity time-series, with respect to an idealized infinite slab approximation. Indeed, local topography and buildings housing ground-based gravity measurement have an effect on the distribution of water storage changes, therefore affecting the associated gravity signal. We first calculate the effects of surrounding topography and building dimensions on the gravity attraction for a uniform layer of water. We show that a gravimetric interpretation of water storage change using an infinite slab, the so-called Bouguer approximation, is generally not suitable. We propose to split the time varying gravity signal in two parts (1) a surface component including topographic and building effects (2) a deep component associated to underground water transfer. A reservoir modelling scheme is herein presented to remove the local site effects and to invert for the effective hydrological properties of the unsaturated zone. We show that effective time constants associated to water transfer vary greatly from site to site. We propose that our modelling scheme can be used to correct for the local site effects on gravity at any site presenting a departure from a flat topography. Depending on sites, the corrected signal can exceed measured values by 5-15 ÎŒGal, corresponding to 120-380 mm of water using the Bouguer slab formula. Our approach only requires the knowledge of daily precipitation corrected for evapotranspiration. Therefore, it can be a useful tool to correct any kind of gravimetric time-series data
Bioanthropologie des individus inhumés à Illens "A Illens" (Rossens, Fribourg)
Un diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© par le SAEF en 2013 et en 2014 suite Ă une enquĂȘte concernant l'agrandissement de l'Ă©table du rural d'Illens (commune de Rossens). L'intervention du SAEF a concernĂ© une zone situĂ©e entre le mur occidental de l'Ă©table actuelle et la route qui permet d'accĂ©der aux ruines du chĂąteau d'Illens. Cette Ă©tude concerne l'analyse bioanthropologique des quatre individus dĂ©couverts lors du diagnostic archĂ©ologique. Elle a pour objectif de rĂ©aliser un bilan de la conservation des ossements des individus mis au jour, de leur attribuer une identitĂ© biologique (sexe, Ăąge et stature) et de discuter de leur Ă©tat sanitaire (tĂ©moins dentaires et pathologies squelettiques)
Differential regulation of actin-activated nucleotidyl cyclase virulence factors by filamentous and globular actin
<div><p>Several bacterial pathogens produce nucleotidyl cyclase toxins to manipulate eukaryotic host cells. Inside host cells they are activated by endogenous cofactors to produce high levels of cyclic nucleotides (cNMPs). The ExoY toxin from <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> (PaExoY) and the ExoY-like module (VnExoY) found in the MARTX (Multifunctional-Autoprocessing Repeats-in-ToXin) toxin of <i>Vibrio nigripulchritudo</i> share modest sequence similarity (~38%) but were both recently shown to be activated by actin after their delivery to the eukaryotic host cell. Here, we further characterized the ExoY-like cyclase of <i>V</i>. <i>nigripulchritudo</i>. We show that, in contrast to PaExoY that requires polymerized actin (F-actin) for maximum activation, VnExoY is selectively activated by monomeric actin (G-actin). These two enzymes also display different nucleotide substrate and divalent cation specificities. <i>In vitro</i> in presence of the cation Mg<sup>2+</sup>, the F-actin activated PaExoY exhibits a promiscuous nucleotidyl cyclase activity with the substrate preference GTP>ATPâ„UTP>CTP, while the G-actin activated VnExoY shows a strong preference for ATP as substrate, as it is the case for the well-known calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase toxins from <i>Bordetella pertussis</i> or <i>Bacillus anthracis</i>. These results suggest that the actin-activated nucleotidyl cyclase virulence factors despite sharing a common activator may actually display a greater variability of biological effects in infected cells than initially anticipated.</p></div
De la volonté individuelle
En droit, le pouvoir crĂ©ateur de la volontĂ© n'est pas, ou n'est plus, un objet de dĂ©bat, mais une certitude. La volontĂ© individuelle, sous ses diverses formes, est au cĆur de l'activitĂ© juridique ; elle en constitue l'aiguillon dominant. Toutefois, sur ce terrain, l'intervention de l'homme doit ĂȘtre conciliĂ©e avec le respect de la norme qui l'encadre, et qui parfois l'entrave. Il appartient Ă la rĂšgle de droit de dire ce qui doit ĂȘtre ; par suite, il lui revient de fixer des bornes au pouvoir de la volontĂ©. En dĂ©pit des soupçons qui pĂšsent communĂ©ment sur lui, le droit n'est pas, pour autant, liberticide. Le couple formĂ© par la loi et la libertĂ© ne fait pas nĂ©cessairement mauvais mĂ©nage : la loi n'a pas pour vocation naturelle d'attĂ©nuer et encore moins d'Ă©liminer la libertĂ© humaine ; elle tend, au contraire, Ă la protĂ©ger et Ă la promouvoir afin d'en garantir l'efficacitĂ© technique. Dans la mesure oĂč il est admis que la volontĂ© d'un individu ou d'un groupe puisse modifier l'ordonnancement juridique, il importe que cette volontĂ© soit placĂ©e, par sa soumission au droit, Ă l'abri des critiques. C'est en quelque sorte le prix Ă payer pour la reconnaissance de sa souverainetĂ©... Fruit de la collaboration de l'Institut FĂ©dĂ©ratif de la Recherche âMutation des normes juridiquesâ et de l'Ecole Doctorale âSciences juridiques et politiquesâ, le prĂ©sent ouvrage rassemble, sous forme de âmĂ©langesâ, les textes des confĂ©rences organisĂ©es Ă Toulouse, sur le thĂšme de la volontĂ© individuelle, au cours de l'annĂ©e 2008. Il comprend Ă©galement, toujours sur la mĂȘme thĂ©matique, des contributions Ă©manant de chercheurs toulousains qui ont acceptĂ© d'apporter leur concours Ă cette exaltante entreprise de recherche collective. L'ensemble est ordonnĂ© autour de trois piliers fondateurs : le premier traite des personnes, le second des autoritĂ©s et le dernier des actes. Cette prĂ©sentation, sur la base classique d'un dĂ©roulement en triptyque, tĂ©moigne des extensions multiples du champ d'intervention de la volontĂ© individuelle. Celle-ci n'est plus circonscrite au seul droit des contrats, elle rayonne dĂ©sormais sur des terres qui lui Ă©taient naguĂšre Ă©trangĂšres et rĂ©alise chaque jour de nouvelles conquĂȘtes
Final report of the regional key comparison Euramet.M.G-K1: European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ECAG-2011
During November 2011 a EURAMET key comparison of absolute gravimeters was organized in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange, Luxemburg. The comparison assembled 22 participants coming from 16 countries and four different continents. The comparison was divided into two parts: a key comparison that included six National Metrology Institutes or Designated Institutes, and a pilot study including all participants. The global result given by the pilot study confirms that all instruments are absolutely coherent with each other. The results obtained in the key comparison confirm a good agreement between the NMI instruments. Finally, a link to ICAG-2009 shows also that the NMI gravimeters are stable in time. Main text. To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database kcdb.bipm.org/. The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA)
Final report of the regional key comparison EURAMET.M.G-K1: European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ECAG-2011
International audienceDuring November 2011 a EURAMET key comparison of absolute gravimeters was organized in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange, Luxemburg. The comparison assembled 22 participants coming from 16 countries and four different continents. The comparison was divided into two parts: a key comparison that included six National Metrology Institutes or Designated Institutes, and a pilot study including all participants. The global result given by the pilot study confirms that all instruments are absolutely coherent with each other. The results obtained in the key comparison confirm a good agreement between the NMI instruments. Finally, a link to ICAG-2009 shows also that the NMI gravimeters are stable in time
Final report of the regional key comparison EURAMET.M.G-K1: European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ECAG-2011
International audienceDuring November 2011 a EURAMET key comparison of absolute gravimeters was organized in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange, Luxemburg. The comparison assembled 22 participants coming from 16 countries and four different continents. The comparison was divided into two parts: a key comparison that included six National Metrology Institutes or Designated Institutes, and a pilot study including all participants. The global result given by the pilot study confirms that all instruments are absolutely coherent with each other. The results obtained in the key comparison confirm a good agreement between the NMI instruments. Finally, a link to ICAG-2009 shows also that the NMI gravimeters are stable in time