13 research outputs found

    Helicobacter pylori eradication: survey conducted by the Colombian association of gastroenterology

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    El objetivo de este estudio es presentar los resultados de una encuesta enviada por Internet para conocer cuáles son las estrategias y esquemas utilizados por los miembros de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología (ACG) para la erradicación y diagnóstico de la infección por Helicobacter pylori a la luz del Consenso de Maastricht IV. Se tomó información de manera prospectiva entre diciembre de 2013 y mayo de 2014, teniendo como herramienta de recolección un cuestionario virtual disponible en la página ofi cial de Internet de la ACG.La encuesta fue respondida por 114 médicos, de los cuales 60 (52%) fueron internistas y gastroenterólogos ubicados en las principales ciudades del país. Los resultados mostraron una adherencia del 61% (n = 71) de los encuestados a las recomendaciones de Maastricht para el esquema de erradicación de primera línea, y para la segunda línea la adherencia es del 66% (n = 76). Otro aspecto de la encuesta para destacar, y que está en contraste con las recomendaciones de Maastricht, es el hallazgo de que la prueba diagnóstica predilecta de los encuestados para evaluar la erradicación (antígenos fecales monoclonales o test de urea en aliento) fue la endoscopia digestiva alta más biopsia (Giemsa), siendo la escogida por el 63% (n = 72) probablemente por su disponibilidad y costo en nuestro país.Los resultados de la encuesta muestran cuáles son los esquemas de tratamiento preferidos, por los pro-fesionales que contestaron la misma, para la erradicación del Helicobacter pylori; esto permitió evaluar la aceptación y adherencia de las recomendaciones sobre los esquemas de tratamiento del Consenso, aunque llama la atención, en contraste, cómo el seguimiento de la erradicación se realiza mediante endoscopiaThe aim of this study is to present the results of an online survey about strategies and schemes used by mem-bers of the Colombian Association of Gastroenterology (ACG - Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología) to diagnose and eradicate Helicobacter pylori infections in light of the Maastricht IV/ Florence Consensus Report. Information was prospectively collected between December 2013 and May 2014 through a virtual questionnaire on the official website of the Colombian Association of Gastroenterology (ACG).The survey was answered by 114 physicians, of whom 60 (52%) were internists and gastroenterologists located in major cities. The results show that 61% (n = 71) of respondents adhere to the recommendations of Maastricht for the first line eradication scheme and 66% (n = 76) adhere to the consensus’ recommendations for the second line scheme. Another aspect of the survey that should be highlighted is that, in contrast to the recommendations of Maastricht that monoclonal fecal antigens or the urea breath test be used for assessment of eradication, the diagnostic test favored by 63% (n = 72) of respondents was upper endoscopy plus a biopsy with Giemsa staining. This is probably because of availability and costs in our country.The results of the survey show treatment schemes for eradication of Helicobacter preferred by the profes-sionals who responded, and allow us to evaluate the acceptability of, and adherence to, the recommendations on treatment regimens of the consensus. This includes contrasts such as following up eradication treatment by endoscopy rather than the methods recommended by the consensu

    The utility of endoscopic ultrasound for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis and the importance of early diagnosis

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    El ultrasonido endoscópico (USE) constituye hoy en día la prueba más sensible para el diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica temprana. El hecho de diagnosticar precozmente esta patología es de fundamental relevancia a la hora de intervenir oportunamente sobre los posibles factores etiológicos, en el intento de limitar la respuesta inflamatoria, tratando de frenar y en algunos casos evitar la progresión a pancreatitis crónica avanzada y debilitante. La agudeza diagnóstica del USE en pancreatitis crónica (PC) se ha visto favorecida con la utilización de criterios estrictos y con la creación de sistemas de puntuación, que evolucionaron hasta el nacimiento de la clasificación de Rosemont, que de todas, es la más restrictiva, teniendo como objetivo estandarizar estos criterios y asignar diferentes valores a los hallazgos endosonográficos encontrados en la pancreatitis crónica en fase temprana o tardía. Siendo esta patología de difícil diagnóstico utilizando los métodos convencionales, en especial en las fases tempranas, el USE emerge como una excelente alternativa diagnóstica y terapéutica para el estudio de este grupo de pacientes.Today endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is the most sensitive test for early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Early diagnosis of this disease is of fundamental importance for timely intervention to limit the infl ammatory responses to possible etiological factors and to slow or prevent progression to advanced and debilitating chronic pancreatitis. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS for chronic pancreatitis (CP) has been enhanced with the use of strict criteria and the creation of scoring systems which have evolved into the Rosemont classifi cation. This is the most restrictive classifi cation system of all: it aims at standardizing criteria and assigning values to endoscopic ultrasound fi ndings of chronic pancreatitis found in early or late phases. Since this disease is diffi cult to diagnose using conventional methods, especially in its early stages, EUS has emerged as an excellent diagnostic and therapeutic alternative for the study of this group of patients.Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Clinical practice guideline for the use of endoscopic ultrasound in chronic pancreatitis, solid and cystic lesions of pancreas in adults

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    Objetivo: brindar una guía de práctica clínica con la evidencia más reciente para el uso de ultrasonido endoscópico en pancreatitis crónica y lesiones quísticas y sólidas en adultos, la cual está dirigida a pacientes, personal asistencial, administrativo y entes gubernamentales de los servicios de atención en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: esta guía fue desarrollada por un equipo multidisciplinario con apoyo de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología, el Grupo Cochrane ITS y el Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se desarrollaron preguntas clínicas relevantes y se realizó la búsqueda de guías nacionales e internacionales en bases de datos especializadas. Las guías existentes fueron evaluadas en términos de calidad y aplicabilidad; ninguna de ellas cumplió con el criterio de adaptación, por lo que se decidió construir una guía de novo. El Grupo Cochrane realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Las tablas de evidencia y recomendaciones fueron realizadas con base en la metodología GRADE. Las recomendaciones de la guía fueron socializadas en una reunión de expertos con entes gubernamentales y pacientes. Resultados: se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia para el uso del ultrasonido endoscópico en pancreatitis crónica y lesiones quísticas y sólidas en adultos en Colombia, con recomendaciones específicas para la utilización de USE. Conclusiones: el adecuado uso del ultrasonido endoscópico permitirá el diagnóstico oportuno de lesiones del páncreas en pacientes colombianos, lo que llevará a mejorar su pronóstico.Q4Objective: To provide an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the use of endoscopic ultrasound in chronic pancreatitis, solid and cystic lesions of pancreas in adults which can be used by patients, caregivers, administrative and government bodies at all levels of care in Colombia. Materials and Methods: This guide was developed by a multidisciplinary team with the support of the Colombian Association of Gastroenterology, Cochrane STI Group and Clinical Research Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Relevant clinical questions were developed and the search for national and international guidelines in databases was performed. Existing guidelines were evaluated for quality and applicability. None of the guidelines met the criteria for adaptation, so the group decided to develop a de novo guideline. Systematic literature searches were conducted by the Cochrane Group. The tables of evidence and recommendations were made based on the GRADE methodology. The recommendations of the guide were socialized in a meeting of experts with government agencies and patients. Results: An evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the screening of colorectal cancer was developed for the Colombian context.Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Prevalence of gastro-esophageal reflux symptoms and associated factors : a population survey in the principal cities of Colombia

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    Problema: el reflujo gastroesofágico es un proceso fisiológico que en algunas personas puede tornarse pato-lógico y que produce molestias y lesiones esofágicas y extraesofágicas que afectan la calidad de vida de los individuos que lo presentan. Actualmente no se cuenta con estadísticas sobre la frecuencia de esta condición en Colombia. Objetivo: cuantificar la prevalencia de síntomas de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) en los adultos de cuatro ciudades principales de Colombia utilizando el cuestionario GERDQ, y explorar la asociación de variables sociodemográficas y antropométricas con esta enfermedad. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal de base poblacional. Se incluyeron 6842 personas, mayores de 18 años y menores de 80 años de edad, residentes en Bogotá, Cali, Medellín y Barranquilla. La muestra fue seleccionada por muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Se aplicó una encuesta telefónica que incluía el cues-tionario GERDQ para la identificación de síntomas de reflujo en la última semana. Se calculó la prevalencia de reflujo por estratos teniendo en cuenta el punto de corte de la encuesta (8 o más puntos) y se realizaron comparaciones entre ellos utilizando la prueba de x2. Se exploró la asociación de variables sociodemográfi-cas y antropométricas mediante análisis bivariados y modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: se obtuvieron 6842 encuestas. La prevalencia estimada de síntomas de reflujo en general fue del 11,98% (IC 95%: 11,05-12,97). En el análisis por ciudades, Barranquilla presentó la frecuencia más alta (16,22%; IC 95%: 14,58-18,01) y Bogotá, la más baja (10,75; IC 95%: 9,30-12,38). Para los síntomas evaluados con el cuestionario GERDQ, la prevalencia estimada fue: pirosis, 13,6% (IC 95%: 12,50-14,60); regurgitación, 16,9% (IC 95%: 15,74-17,99); epigastralgia, 16,67% (IC 95%: 15,54-17,80): náuseas, 11,4% (IC 95%: 10,46-12,35); dificultad para dormir por presentar pirosis o regurgitación, 8,17% (IC 95%: 7,36-8,97); y consumo de medicamentos adicionales a los formulados por el médico, 6,68% (IC 95%: 6,01-7,35). El sexo femenino, el vivir en Barranquilla o Medellín y el presentar una comorbilidad se asociaron estadísticamente con la presencia de reflujo. Conclusión: la prevalencia de síntomas de reflujo en cuatro ciudades capitales de Colombia, medida con el cuestionario GERDQ, de 11,98% (IC 95%: 11,05-12,97), es similar a la reportada en otros países de Latinoamérica, siendo las comorbilidades (particularmente hipertensión arterial [HTA]) el factor que más se asoció con esta condición en todos los estratos del estudio.Q4Problem: Gastroesophageal reflux is a physiological process that can become pathological in some people. It can cause discomfort and esophageal and extra-esophageal injuries and can affect the quality of life of anyone affected by it. Currently there are no statistics on the frequency of this condition in Colombia. Objective: The objective of this study was to use the GerdQ questionnaire to quantify the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms in adults in four major cities of Colombia and to explore the association of sociodemographic and anthropometric variables with this disease. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional population-based study of 6,842 people between the ages of 18 years and 80 in Bogotá, Cali, Medellín and Barranquilla. The sample was selected by stratified random sampling. A telephone survey was conducted that included the GERD Q questionnaire for the identification of reflux symptoms within the week prior to an interview. The prevalence of reflux by socioeconomic strata was calculated using a cut-off point of 8 or more points. Comparisons were made among strata using the χ2 test. Associations of sociodemographic and anthropometric variables were explored through bivariate analysis and logistic regression models. Results: We obtained 6,842 surveys. The overall estimated prevalence of reflux symptoms was 11.98% (95% CI = 11.05%-12.97%). The city of Barranquilla presented the highest frequency of 16.22% (95% CI = 14.58%-18.01%) while Bogotá had the lowest of 10.75% (95% CI = 9.30%-12.38%). For symptoms evaluated with GERD-Q, the estimated prevalences were: heartburn 13.6% (95% CI = 12.50% - 14.60%), regurgitation 16.9% (95% CI = 15, 74% - 17.99%), epigastralgia 16.67% (95% CI = 15.54% -17.80%), nausea 11.4% (95% CI = 10.46% - 12.35%), difficulty sleeping due to heartburn or regurgitation 8.17% (95% CI = 7.36% -8.97%) and consumption of medications additional to those formulated by the physician 6.68% (95% CI = 6, 01% - 7.35%). Women living in Barranquilla or Medellín, had statistically significant levels of comorbidities associated with reflux. Conclusion: The prevalence of reflux symptoms in four important Colombian cities measured with the GerdQ questionnaire was 11.98% (95% CI = 11.05-12.97) which is similar to prevalences reported in other Latin American countries. Comorbidities (particularly hypertension) are the factor that was most frequently associated with this condition in all strata of the study.Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Adult Patients with Functional Chronic Constipation

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    Resumen Objetivo: diseñar una guía de práctica clínica para orientar el diagnóstico, y establecer la clasificación y el tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico en los pacientes adultos con estreñimiento crónico funcional en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: el grupo desarrollador de la presente guía estuvo conformado por un equipo multidisciplinario con apoyo de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología, el Grupo Cochrane ITS y el Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se desarrollaron preguntas clínicas relevantes y se realizó la búsqueda de guías nacionales e internacionales en bases de datos especializadas. Las guías existentes fueron evaluadas en términos de calidad y aplicabilidad; ninguna de ellas cumplió criterios de adaptación, por lo que se decidió desarrollar una guía de novo. El Grupo Cochrane realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Las tablas de evidencia y recomendaciones fueron realizadas usando la metodología GRADE. Resultados: se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia para el diagnóstico, clasificación y tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico de los pacientes con estreñimiento crónico funcional en Colombia. Conclusiones: se establecieron los criterios clínicos y signos de alarma, las pruebas diagnósticas y los esquemas terapéuticos que se recomiendan en la atención de los pacientes con estreñimiento crónico funcional en Colombia.Guías de práctica clínica basadas en la evidencia57-66Abstract Objective: Design a clinical practice guideline to orient the diagnosis and establishing the classification and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment in adult patients with chronic functional constipation in Colombia. Materials and Methods: This guide was developed by a multidisciplinary team with the support of the Colombian Association of Gastroenterology, Cochrane STI Group and Clinical Research Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Relevant clinical questions were developed and the search for national and international guidelines in databases was performed. Existing guidelines were evaluated for quality and applicability. None of the guidelines met the criteria for adaptation, so the group decided to develop a de novo guideline. Systematic literature searches were conducted by the Cochrane Group. The tables of evidence and recommendations were made based on the GRADE methodology. Results: A clinical practice based on evidence was developed for the diagnosis, classification and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of patients with chronic functional constipation in Colombia. Conclusions: The clinical criteria and warning signs, diagnostic tests and therapeutic regimens that are recommended in the care of patients with chronic functional constipation were established in Colombi

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    A multi-institution consensus on how to perform EUS-guided biliary drainage for malignant biliary obstruction

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    Background and Objectives: EUS-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD) was shown to be useful for malignant biliary obstruction (MBO). However, there is lack of consensus on how EUS-BD should be performed. Methods: This was a worldwide multi-institutional survey among members of the International Society of EUS conducted in February 2018. The survey consisted of 10 questions related to the practice of EUS-BD. Results: Forty-six endoscopists of them completed the survey. The majority of endoscopists felt that EUS-BD could replace percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage after failure of ERCP. Among all EUS-BD methods, the rendezvous stenting technique should be the first choice. Self-expandable metal stents (SEMSs) were recommended by most endoscopists. For EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy (HGS), superiority of partially-covered SEMS over fully-covered SEMS was not in agreement. 6-Fr cystotomes were recommended for fistula creation. During the HGS approach, longer SEMS (8 or 10 cm) was recommended. During the choledochoduodenostomy approach, 6-cm SEMS was recommended. During the intrahepatic (IH) approach, the IH segment 3 was recommended. Conclusion: This is the first worldwide survey on the practice of EUS-BD for MBO. There were wide variations in practice, and randomized studies are urgently needed to establish the best approach for the management of this condition