1,527 research outputs found

    Kit receptor tyrosine kinase dysregulations in feline splenic mast cell tumours

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    This study investigated Ki t receptor dysregulations (cytoplasmic immunohistochemical expression and/or c-KIT mutations) in cats a\ufb00ected with splenic mast cell tumours. Twenty-two cats were included. Median survival time was 780 days (range: 1\u20131219). An exclusive splenic involvement was signi\ufb01cantly (P = 0.042) associated with longer survival (807 versus 120 days). Eighteen tumours (85.7%) showed Kit cytoplasmic expression (Kit pattern 2, 3). Mutation analysis was successful in 20 cases. Fourteen missense mutations were detected in 13 out of 20 tumours (65%). Eleven (78.6%) were located in exon 8, and three (21.6%) in exon 9. No mutations were detected in exons 11 and 17. Seven mutations corresponded to the same internal tandem duplication in exon 8 (c.1245_1256dup). Although the association between Kit cytoplasmic expression and mutations was signi\ufb01cant, immunohistochemistry cannot be considered a surrogate marker for mutation analysis. No correlation was observed between c-Kit mutations and tumour di\ufb00erentiation, mitotic activity or survival

    Sophocles’ Electra lines 1050-1057

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    Este trabajo pretende tomar posición sobre la atribución de los vv. 1050-1051 de Electra de Sófocles a la obra fragmentaria Fedra, teniendo en cuenta la presencia y función teatrales del verbo ἄπειμι en la tragedia griega antigua. De esta manera, sostendremos que existen motivos convincentes, aunque no suficientes, para atribuir los vv. 1050-1057 a Electra y no a Fedra.This paper seeks to take a position on the attribution of Sophocles’ Electra 1050-1051 to the fragmentary play Phaedra, taking into consideration the theatrical presence and function of the verb ἄπειμι in ancient Greek tragedy. Thus, we will claim that there are convincing –though not sufficient– reasons to attribute lines 1050-1057 to Electraand not to Phaedra.Fil: Sabattini, Luciano Adrián. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Totoralia, a new conical-shaped mollusk from the Middle Cambrian of western Argentina

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    The new genus Totoralia from the Late Middle Cambrian of El Totoral (Mendoza Province, western Argentina) is described herein. It is a delicate, high, bilaterally symmetrical cone with a sub-central apex and five to seven prominent comarginal corrugations. In addition, its surface shows numerous fine comarginal lines, as well as thin, closely spaced radial lirae. Totoralia gen. nov., in most respects, resembles the Cambrian helcionellids Scenella BILLINGS and Palaeacmaea HALL and Whitfield. Although Scenella has been considered as a chondrophorine cnidarian by some authors in the past, now the predominant view is that it is a mollusk. Likewise, several aspects of Totoralia gen. nov. morphology indicate closer affinities with mollusks. The specimens studied constitute elevated cones that are rather consistent in height, implying that they were not flexible structures like those of the chondrophorines. The presence of a short concave slope immediately in front of the apex can also be interpreted as a mollusk feature. In addition, the numerous comarginal lines of the cone are uniform in prominence and constant in spacing, and are only represented on the dorsal surface of the shell; thus, they are most similar to the incremental growth lines of shells of mollusks. The morphology of Totoralia gen. nov. is regarded as primitive in the Helcionelloida because the ancestor of the class is likely to have had a minute, untorted limpet-shaped shell. Although the new genus herein described seems to be endemic to Argentina, the Cambrian occurrences of related scenellid genera suggest affinities with Laurentia

    Distributed Control of a Limited Angular Field-of-View Multi-Robot System in Communication-Denied Scenarios: A Probabilistic Approach

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    Multi-robot systems are gaining popularity over single-agent systems for their advantages. Although they have been studied in agriculture, search and rescue, surveillance, and environmental exploration, real-world implementation is limited due to agent coordination complexities caused by communication and sensor limitations. In this work, we propose a probabilistic approach to allow coordination among robots in communication-denied scenarios, where agents can only rely on visual information from a camera with a limited angular field-of-view. Our solution utilizes a particle filter to analyze uncertainty in the location of neighbors, together with Control Barrier Functions to address the exploration-exploitation dilemma that arises when robots must balance the mission goal with seeking information on undetected neighbors. This technique was tested with virtual robots required to complete a coverage mission, analyzing how the number of deployed robots affects performances and making a comparison with the ideal case of isotropic sensors and communication. Despite an increase in the amount of time required to fulfill the task, results have shown to be comparable to the ideal scenario in terms of final configuration achieved by the system

    Confirmation of the current occurrence of Bothrops diporus (Cope, 1862) in argentinian mesopotamian

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    Bothrops diporus es una especie de serpiente endémica en Sudamérica y está mencionada su presencia para el noroeste de Argentina en ambientes naturales típicos del hábitat del Chaco. Para la región Mesopotámica existen registros históricos, pero son escasos desconociendo las causas. En la actualidad los sitios web que almacenan los registros no han evidenciado su presencia en esta área. En esta comunicación se reporta la presencia de un individuo de Bothrops diporus en el centro sur de la región, particularmente en la provincia de Entre Ríos a través de observación directa y registro fotográfico. El espécimen se encontró en una zona ecotonal entre el bosque nativo semixerófilo y un área de chacras con destino agrícola dentro de un Área Natural Protegida. Este registro permitió afirmar su presencia en la región y se propone ampliar la distribución.Fil: Sabattini, Julian Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Hermann, Daniel Ignacio Jesus. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; ArgentinaFil: Sabattini, Ivan Alberto. Area Natural Protegida la Esmeralda; ArgentinaFil: Muzzachiodi, Norberto. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos; Argentin

    Confirmation of the current occurrence of Bothrops diporus (Cope, 1862) in argentinian mesopotamian

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    Bothrops diporus es una especie de serpiente endémica en Sudamérica y está mencionada su presencia para el noroeste de Argentina en ambientes naturales típicos del hábitat del Chaco. Para la región Mesopotámica existen registros históricos, pero son escasos desconociendo las causas. En la actualidad los sitios web que almacenan los registros no han evidenciado su presencia en esta área. En esta comunicación se reporta la presencia de un individuo de Bothrops diporus en el centro sur de la región, particularmente en la provincia de Entre Ríos a través de observación directa y registro fotográfico. El espécimen se encontró en una zona ecotonal entre el bosque nativo semixerófilo y un área de chacras con destino agrícola dentro de un Área Natural Protegida. Este registro permitió afirmar su presencia en la región y se propone ampliar la distribución.Fil: Sabattini, Julian Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Hermann, Daniel Ignacio Jesus. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; ArgentinaFil: Sabattini, Ivan Alberto. Area Natural Protegida la Esmeralda; ArgentinaFil: Muzzachiodi, Norberto. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos; Argentin